11 research outputs found

    Studi In silico Potensi Anti Hipertensi dan Prediksi Profil Farmakokinetika Daun Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia. Lamk)

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    Abstract. Hypertension is a disease that is often occurred in every country, including Indonesia. Hypertension is one of the risk factors that lead to cardiovascular disease. Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk are one of the plants used empirically as antihypertensive in Indonesia, but research on the antihypertensive potential of its leaves has never been done before.The purpose of this study was to predict the potential activity and predict the pharmacokinetic of several compounds contained in Guazuma ulmifolia leaves. The Guazuma ulmifolia leaves compounds and captopril were docked to the Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme protein (PDB ID: 1O86). Mole­cular docking tests were performed using PyRx software while the visuali­zation analysis of molecular anchoring results was performed using Biovia Discovery Studio Visualizer software. Prediction of phar­macokinetic and physicochemical properties of the tested compounds was carried out using the pkCSM web page. Based on the molecular docking test, all compounds in Guazuma ulmifolia leaves have lower energy than the captopril. Kaempferitrin (-9.9 k/mol) and beta-sitosterol (-9.2 kcal/mol) had the lowest energy among other test compounds compared to captopril (-5.5 kcal/mol). Quercetin, kaempferol, and beta-caryophyllene were compounds that had similar interactions to the captopril based on the chemical interaction. All compounds had varied pharmacokinetic profiles but still had a fairly good profile


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    Latar belakang: Pulutan (Urena lobata) merupakan tanaman obat yang digunakan secara tradisional untuk pengobatan radang, infeksi dan rematik. Studi in silico menunjukkan potensi anti inflamasi dan analgetik dengan menghambat siklooksigenase-2 (COX-2) tetapi penelitian secara in vivo belum banyak dilaporkan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi analgesik infusa dan dekokta daun U.lobata pada tikus. Metode: Desain penelitian ini control group post test design menggunakan tikus wistar jantan yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Simplisia daun U. lobata dilakukan penyarian dengan metode infudasi dan dekoktasi. Dosis infusa dan dekokta U. lobata yang digunakan masing-masing 250, 500 dan 1000 mg/kg BB. Pengujian aktivitas analgesik menggunakan analgesimeter beban geser selama 4 jam. Data dianalisa menggunakan one way ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji LSD (p 0.05). Simpulan: Infusa daun U. lobata memiliki aktifitas analgesik lebih kuat dibandingkan dekokta U.lobat


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    ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Bisul (folikulitis, furunkel, dan karbunkel) adalah pioderma akibat infeksi bakterial Staphylococcus aureus yang membutuhkan pengobatan anti bakteri yang penggunaannya melalui swamedikasi. Karakteristik sosiodemografi dan pengetahuan penderita bisul mempengaruhi swamedikasi pada masyarakat. Sekarang ini belum diketahui bagaimana hubungan karakteristik sosiodemografi dan tingkat pengetahuan dengan swamedikasi penyakit bisul. Dengan demikian penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik sosiodemografi dan tingkat pengetahuan dengan swamedikasi penyakit bisul.Metode: Penelitian deskriptif analitik ini menggunakan kuesioner pada individu yang pernah (kelompok uji n=167 responden) dan belum pernah (kelompok kontrol n=128 responden) mengalami bisul. Data diambil melalui metode cross sectional. Karaktersitik swamedikasi usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, pendapatan, dan pekerjaan serta tingkat pengetahuan baik, sedang dan buruk dianalisa dengan Chi Square. Dikatakan signifikan apabila p <0.05.Hasil: Tidak terdapat hubungan jenis kelamin (p 0.466 dan 0.888), usia (p 0.336 dan 0.682), pendidikan (p 0.765 dan 0.633), pekerjaan (p 0.672 dan 0.56), dan pendapatan (p 0.782 dan 0.908) pada kelompok kontrol dan uji. Tetapi pada kelompok kontrol dan uji didapatkan perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan swamedikasi (p 0,001) dan ketepatan swamedikasi (p 0.000).Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan swamedikasi dan ketepatan antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok uji namun karakteristik sosiodemografi tidak berhubungan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan swamedikasi pada penyakit bisul masyarakat Kota MalangKata Kunci: Sosiodemografi, Swamedikasi, Tingkat pengetahuan, bisul, Kota Malang


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    Abstrak : Osteoklas merupakan sel yang berfungsi sebagai bone-resorbing dan berperan pada penyakit kerusakan sendi progresif. Osteoklas secara tidak langsung terlibat pada proses degradasi tulang rawan pada keadaan osteoarthritis melalui resorpsi tulang. Delima (Punica granatum L.) dilaporkan memiliki potensi anti-osteoklastogenesis yang mampu menurunkan kadar osteoklas. Studi pustaka sistematis ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari potensi delima terhadap kadar osteoklas pada osteoarthritis. Bagian delima yang dipelajari adalah, minyak biji, ekstrak kulit, jus dan senyawa aktif delima ( punicalagin, ellagic acid, eriodicytol). Metode: Studi pustaka sistematis. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari Google Scholar, PubMed Central, dan Elsivier. Berdasarkan kata kunci pomegranate atau Punica granatum, osteoclast dan osteoarthritis didapatkan 327 artikel yang relevan. Screening awal pada judul dan abstrak didapatkan 20 artikel yang relevan. 10 Judul memenuhi kriteria inklusi yang ditetapkan. Hasil: Buah, minyak biji, ekstrak kulit, jus dan senyawa aktif delima (punicalagin, ellagic acid, eriodicytol) terbukti mampu menurunkan kadar osteoklas pada keadaan osteoarthritis. Ekstrak delima dan senyawa aktif delima mampu menurunkan osteoklas dengan menghambat aktivasi pensinyalan jalur RANK/RANKL dan OPG serta menurunkan regulasi jalur pensinyalan NF-kB dan MAPK/AP-1 melalui TRAF. Kesimpulan: Ekstrak biji, ekstrak kulit, jus dan senyawa aktif delima ( punicalagin, ellagic acid, eriocytol) mampu menurunkan kadar osteoklas pada osteoarthritis.Kata kunci: Delima, Osteoarthritis, Osteoklas

    Pengaruh Stadium HIV terhadap Infeksi Oportunistik, Penggunaan Antiretroviral dan Antibiotik pada Pasien HIV di Rumah Sakit X Kota Malang

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    Introduction: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus group in the family Retroviridae, a genus of lentiviruses that attack white blood cells that cause a decrease in immunity in humans.The immunity of HIV patients can be assessed based on CD4 levels and clinical symptoms which are divided into four clinical stages of HIV. Each level of HIV stage can affect the use patterns of antiretrovirals and antibiotics used by HIV patients during treatment. This study aims to determine the relationship between the effect of HIV staging on antiretroviral profiles, types of opportinistic infections that accompany, antibiotics used for opportunistic infections and the duration of antibiotic administration used by HIV patients in one hospital in Malang.Method: Non-experimental research was carried out in a Analytic Observational Cross Sectional Retrospective study using a Descriptive Analytic design, using a total sampling method by taking secondary data or medical records on HIV patients at Hospital X Malang in 2015-2018.Results: The total population are 112 medical records and data that inclusion criteria are 73 medical records obtained by the HIV stadium did not affect the use of ARVs  HIV stage did not affect the use of antiretroviral drugs (p = 0.473) (p> 0.05), opportunistic infections (p = 0.135) (p> 0.05), antibiotic use (p = 0.175) (p> 0.05) and duration of antibiotic administration (p = 0.864) (p> 0.05).Conclusion: HIV stage does not affect the pattern of ARV use, opportunistic infections that accompany patients, patterns of antibiotic use and duration of antibiotic administration of HIV patients at VCT Hospital X Malang in 2015-2018.Keywords: HIV stage, ARVs, opportunistic infections, antibiotic


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    Pendahuluan: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) adalah virus yang menyerang limfosit yang mengakibatkan turunnya kekebalan tubuh manusia. Penurunan kekebalan tubuh ini akan menyebabkan menurunnnya harapan hidup pasien HIV. Harapan hidup dapat dipengaruhi dengan kadar CD4, tingkatan stadium HIV, jenis infeksi oportunistik yang menyertai, pemberian ARV dan antibiotik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi harapan hidup pasien HIV di Rumah Sakit kota MalangMetode: Penelitian non-eksperimental dilakukan secara Analitic Observational studi Retrospektif Sampling dengan menggunakan desain Deskriptif Analitik, menggunakan data rekam medik pada pasien HIV di Rumah Sakit X Malang tahun 2015-2018 sebagai sampel dengan menggunakan metode Total Sampling. Data dianalisa menggunakan uji Chi Squre.Hasil: Total 31 sampel didapatkan harapan hidup pasien HIV tidak dipengaruhi oleh faktor jenis kelamin (p=0,121) (p>0,05), jenis infeksi (p=0,659) (p>0,05), kadar CD4 (p=invalid), stadium HIV (p=0,234) (p>0,05), dan penggunaan ARV (p=0,751) (p>0,05).Kesimpulan: Hubungan harapan hidup pasien tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan HIV terhadap jenis kelamin, jenis infeksi, CD4, stadium HIV, dan pengguanaan ARV dipengaruhi oleh jenis kelamin, jenis infeksi, CD4, stadium HIV, dan pengguanaan ARV. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan menggunakan jumlah sampel yang lebih besar.Kata Kunci: HIV, stadium HIV, Infeksi oportunistik, ARV, antibiotik, usia harapan hidu

    Pengaruh Usia, Gender, Pekerjaan, dan Pembeayaan Kesehatan terhadap Jumlah Rawat Inap dan Infeksi Sekunder pada Pasien HIV di Rumah Sakit X Kota Malang

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    Background: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is an infection that attacks the immune system, causing to secondary infections. Age and gender are internal risk factors that can influence the occurrence of secondary infections and their healing processes. It is also influenced by external factors job and health financing with the many costs needed as part of treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of age, gender, job and health financing to hospitalizations and secondary infections in HIV patients in Malang Hospital.Method: This research is a non-experimental research by Analytic Observational Retrospective Cross Sectional study with a descriptive analytic design using medical record data as a sample with Total Sampling technique. Data were analyzed using Chi Square, Kruskal-wallis, and Mann-Whitney tests.Results: The sample had 204 samples in the research. The results of the analysis found a significant difference in the effect of health financing on the number of hospitalizations and secondary infections, as well as on the effect of work on health financing. Apart from these results there were no significant differences.Conclusion: Comparison of health financing there is no significant difference in the duration of hospitalization, but there are significant differences in the number of hospitalizations and secondary infections. There is a significant difference in occupational health costs, but there is no significant difference in the number of hospitalizations and secondary infections. There was no significant difference between age and gender in the duration of hospitalization and the number of secondary infections.Keywords: health financing, age, gender, occupation, hospitalization, secondary infectio

    Factors related to rational antibiotic prescriptions in community health centers in Depok City, Indonesia

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    Summary: Irrational antibiotic prescription is common in developing countries, including in Indonesia. The aims of this study were to evaluate antibiotic prescription patterns and the factors related to the rationale for antibiotic prescriptions in community health centers in Depok City, Indonesia. The study employed a cross-sectional design in eleven primary health centers in Depok City, Indonesia. The sample consisted of 28 physicians and 788 oral antibiotic prescriptions, 392 of which were evaluated for rationality according to local guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia from October to December 2012. Data were analyzed with chi-square tests and logistic regression analysis. The most widely prescribed antibiotics were amoxicillin (73.5%) and co-trimoxazole (17.4%). The most frequent diseases were acute pharyngitis (40.2%) and non-specific respiratory infection (25.4%). Approximately 220 of the 392 prescriptions did not meet the criteria for rational antibiotic prescriptions with regard to antibiotic selection (22.7%), duration of administration (72.3%), frequency of administration (3.2%), or duration and frequency of administration (1.8%). Physicians who had attended training for rational drug use were 2.01 times more rational than physicians who had never attended training. Physicians with a short working period (i.e., 7 years). Most antibiotics were prescribed irrationally. Training for rational drug use and length of practice were factors related to the rationality of antibiotic prescriptions. Suitable interventions are urgently required to encourage the rational prescription of antibiotics in the PHCs. Keywords: Antibiotic, Rational prescribing, Indonesia community health cente

    In Silico Study of Pulutan (Urena lobata) Leaf Extract as Anti Inflammation and their ADME Prediction

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    Inflammation is the basic for the pathogenesis of several diseases both of degenerative and non-degenerative disease. Urena lobata is a medicinal plant that can be found in Indonesia and has been used traditionally to cure influenza, inflammation and fever. However, there have been few reports about their anti-inflammatory activity and their mechanism action are still unclear. The aim of study to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activities of active substances from U.lobata leaf and their pharmacokinetic property through in silico study. lobata leaf was extracted by digeration methods using ethanol solvent. Therefore, the active substances in the extract was analyzed by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectra (LC-MS). Pharmacokinetic property and physicochemical of active compounds were evaluated using pkCSM online tool. Anti-inflammatory activity of U. lobata active compound on phospholipase-A2 (PLA-2), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and lipoxygenase-5 (LOX-5) were evaluated by in silico study. Ethanolic extract of U. lobata contained five active compound, there are stigmasterol, ?-sitosterol mangiferin, gossypetin&nbsp;and chrysoeriol. Molecular docking study indicated stigmasterol and ?-sitosterol of U. lobata have a strong activity as anti-inflammatory based on the estimation of inhibition constant (Ki) value against PLA2 and COX-2. Meanwhile, mangiferin and gossypetin have a stronger anti-inflammatory effect on LOX-5 among others compound. U. lobata has anti-inflammatory activity through inhibition on COX-2 greater than on PLA2 and LOX-5