292 research outputs found

    Comparison of Gap Elements and Contact Algorithm for 3D Contact Analysis of Spiral Bevel Gears

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    Three dimensional stress analysis of spiral bevel gears in mesh using the finite element method is presented. A finite element model is generated by solving equations that identify tooth surface coordinates. Contact is simulated by the automatic generation of nonpenetration constraints. This method is compared to a finite element contact analysis conducted with gap elements

    Konseling Keluarga Pasien TB dan Pemberdayaan Pemuda Gerakan Anti-TB di Desa Naibonat Kecamatan Kupang Timur Kabupaten Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Tuberkulosis (TB) masih merupakan masalah penyakit menular di Indonesia termasuk Nusa Tenggara Timur. Desa Naibonat, Kabupaten Kupang Timur dilaporkan masih dengan angka insiden yang tinggi. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh bakteri basil yang dikenal dengan nama Mycobacerium tuberculosis. Penularan melalui udara saat pasien batuk dan mengeluarkan droplet, anggota keluarga merupakan kelompok yang sangat rentan tertular karena tidak bisa menghindari kontak secara langsung. Penyakit TBC dapat disembuhkan dengan pengobatan teratur dan tidak putus selain itu pencegahan dapat dilakukan dengan menjaga sanitasi lingkungan, peningkatan daya tahan tubuh anggota keluarga, dukungan dari anggota keluarga kepada pasien yang sedang menjalani pengobatan sampai sembuh. Konseling keluarga dan pemberdayaan pemuda untuk menurunkan angka penularan TB kami nilai sebagai salah satu strategi yang efektif. Kegiatan inilah yang kami laksanakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan fokus pada wilayah layanan Puskesmas Naibonat, wilayah gereja katolik Gereja Katolik Sto. Yohanes Maria Vianey-Naibonat dan SMAN 3 Kabupaten Kupang Timur

    Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of the Essential Oil and Extracts of Zanthoxylum alatum

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    The essential oil obtained from the fresh leaves of Zanthoxylum alatum was analysed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Fourteen components were identified, and linalool (30.58%), 2-decanone (20.85%), β-fenchol (9.43%), 2-tridecanone (8.86%), β-phellandrene (5.99%), Sabinene (4.82%), and α-pinene (4.11%) were the main components. The EO and methanolic extract of Z. alatum exhibited potent antifungal activity against Alternaria alternata, Alternaria brassicae, and Curvularia lunata. The EO also showed significant antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli. Further, antimicrobial constituents of the EO were isolated by bioautography and preparative thin layer chromatography (PTLC) and identified as β-fenchol and linalool using GC/MS analysis. In addition to this, the free radical scavenging activity and antioxidant potential of EO and methanolic extract/fractions of Z. alatum were also investigated using in vitro assays including scavenging ability against DPPH•, reducing power and chelating ability on Fe2+ ions. Our results demonstrate that Z. alatum could be used as a resource of antioxidant and antimicrobial compounds which may find applications in food and pesticide industries

    Frequency of Arrhythmias and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome in Patients With Marfan Syndrome: A Nationwide Inpatient Study.

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    Background Marfan syndrome (MFS) is an autosomal dominant connective tissue disorder affecting multiple systems, particularly the cardiovascular system. The leading causes of death in MFS are aortopathies and valvular disease. We wanted to identify the frequency of arrhythmia and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, length of hospital stay, health care-associated costs (HAC), and in-hospital mortality in patients with MFS. Methods and Results The National Inpatient Sample database from 2005 to 2014 was queried using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes for MFS and arrhythmias. Patients were classified into subgroups: supraventricular tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia (VT), atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and without any type of arrhythmia. Data about length of stay, HAC, and in-hospital mortality were also abstracted from National Inpatient Sample database. Adjusted HAC was calculated as multiplying HAC and cost-to-charge ratio; 12 079 MFS hospitalizations were identified; 1893 patients (15.7%) had an arrhythmia; and 4.9% of the patients had postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Median values of length of stay and adjusted HAC in VT group were the highest among the groups (VT: 6 days, 18975.8;supraventriculartachycardia:4days,18 975.8; supraventricular tachycardia: 4 days, 11 906.6; atrial flutter: 4 days, 11274.5;atrialfibrillation:5days,11 274.5; atrial fibrillation: 5 days, 10431.4; without any type of arrhythmia: 4 days, $8336.6; both P=0.0001). VT group had highest in-patient mortality (VT: 5.3%, atrial fibrillation: 4.1%, without any type of arrhythmia: 2.1%, atrial flutter: 1.7%, supraventricular tachycardia: 0%; P<0.0001) even after adjustment for potential confounders (without any type of arrhythmia versus VT; odds ratio [95% CI]: 3.18 [1.62-6.24], P=0.001). Conclusions Arrhythmias and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome in MFS were high and associated with increased length of stay, HAC, and in-hospital mortality especially in patients with VT

    Penalty-free feasibility boundary convergent multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for the optimization of water distribution systems

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    This paper presents a new penalty-free multi-objective evolutionary approach (PFMOEA) for the optimization of water distribution systems (WDSs). The proposed approach utilizes pressure dependent analysis (PDA) to develop a multi-objective evolutionary search. PDA is able to simulate both normal and pressure deficient networks and provides the means to accurately and rapidly identify the feasible region of the solution space, effectively locating global or near global optimal solutions along its active constraint boundary. The significant advantage of this method over previous methods is that it eliminates the need for ad-hoc penalty functions, additional “boundary search” parameters, or special constraint handling procedures. Conceptually, the approach is downright straightforward and probably the simplest hitherto. The PFMOEA has been applied to several WDS benchmarks and its performance examined. It is demonstrated that the approach is highly robust and efficient in locating optimal solutions. Superior results in terms of the initial network construction cost and number of hydraulic simulations required were obtained. The improvements are demonstrated through comparisons with previously published solutions from the literature

    Informational entropy : a failure tolerance and reliability surrogate for water distribution networks

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    Evolutionary algorithms are used widely in optimization studies on water distribution networks. The optimization algorithms use simulation models that analyse the networks under various operating conditions. The solution process typically involves cost minimization along with reliability constraints that ensure reasonably satisfactory performance under abnormal operating conditions also. Flow entropy has been employed previously as a surrogate reliability measure. While a body of work exists for a single operating condition under steady state conditions, the effectiveness of flow entropy for systems with multiple operating conditions has received very little attention. This paper describes a multi-objective genetic algorithm that maximizes the flow entropy under multiple operating conditions for any given network. The new methodology proposed is consistent with the maximum entropy formalism that requires active consideration of all the relevant information. Furthermore, an alternative but equivalent flow entropy model that emphasizes the relative uniformity of the nodal demands is described. The flow entropy of water distribution networks under multiple operating conditions is discussed with reference to the joint entropy of multiple probability spaces, which provides the theoretical foundation for the optimization methodology proposed. Besides the rationale, results are included that show that the most robust or failure-tolerant solutions are achieved by maximizing the sum of the entropies

    Perturbation of adhesion molecule-mediated chondrocyte-matrix interactions by 4-hydroxynonenal binding: implication in osteoarthritis pathogenesis

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    ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Objectives were to investigate whether interactions between human osteoarthritic chondrocytes and 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE)-modified type II collagen (Col II) affect cell phenotype and functions and to determine the protective role of carnosine (CAR) treatment in preventing these effects. METHODS: Human Col II was treated with HNE at different molar ratios (MR) (1:20 to 1:200; Col II:HNE). Articular chondrocytes were seeded in HNE/Col II adduct-coated plates and incubated for 48 hours. Cell morphology was studied by phase-contrast and confocal microscopy. Adhesion molecules such as intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and alpha1beta1 integrin at protein and mRNA levels were quantified by Western blotting, flow cytometry and real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Cell death, caspases activity, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13), mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB) were assessed by commercial kits. Col II, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), MAPK, NF-kappaB-p65 levels were analyzed by Western blotting. The formation of alpha1beta1 integrin-focal adhesion kinase (FAK) complex was revealed by immunoprecipitation. RESULTS: Col II modification by HNE at MR approximately 1:20, strongly induced ICAM-1, alpha1beta1 integrin and MMP-13 expression as well as extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) and NF-kappaB-p65 phosphorylation without impacting cell adhesion and viability or Col II expression. However, Col II modification with HNE at MR approximately 1:200, altered chondrocyte adhesion by evoking cell death and caspase-3 activity. It inhibited alpha1beta1 integrin and Col II expression as well as ERK1/2 and NF-kappaB-p65 phosphorylation, but, in contrast, markedly elicited PGE2 release, COX-2 expression and p38 MAPK phosphorylation. Immunoprecipitation assay revealed the involvement of FAK in cell-matrix interactions through the formation of alpha1beta1 integrin-FAK complex. Moreover, the modification of Col II by HNE at a 1:20 or approximately 1:200 MR affects parameters of the cell shape. All these effects were prevented by CAR, an HNE-trapping drug. CONCLUSIONS: Our novel findings indicate that HNE-binding to Col II results in multiple abnormalities of chondrocyte phenotype and function, suggesting its contribution in osteoarthritis development. CAR was shown to be an efficient HNE-snaring agent capable of counteracting these outcomes

    DAF-16 and Δ9 Desaturase Genes Promote Cold Tolerance in Long-Lived Caenorhabditis elegans age-1 Mutants

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    In Caenorhabditis elegans, mutants of the conserved insulin/IGF-1 signalling (IIS) pathway are long-lived and stress resistant due to the altered expression of DAF-16 target genes such as those involved in cellular defence and metabolism. The three Δ9 desaturase genes, fat-5, fat-6 and fat-7, are included amongst these DAF-16 targets, and it is well established that Δ9 desaturase enzymes play an important role in survival at low temperatures. However, no assessment of cold tolerance has previously been reported for IIS mutants. We demonstrate that long-lived age-1(hx546) mutants are remarkably resilient to low temperature stress relative to wild type worms, and that this is dependent upon daf-16. We also show that cold tolerance following direct transfer to low temperatures is increased in wild type worms during the facultative, daf-16 dependent, dauer stage. Although the cold tolerant phenotype of age-1(hx546) mutants is predominantly due to the Δ9 desaturase genes, additional transcriptional targets of DAF-16 are also involved. Surprisingly, survival of wild type adults following a rapid temperature decline is not dependent upon functional daf-16, and cellular distributions of a DAF-16::GFP fusion protein indicate that DAF-16 is not activated during low temperature stress. This suggests that cold-induced physiological defences are not specifically regulated by the IIS pathway and DAF-16, but expression of DAF-16 target genes in IIS mutants and dauers is sufficient to promote cross tolerance to low temperatures in addition to other forms of stress