488 research outputs found

    Drug-interaction and formulation aspects of taxanes in the treatment of cancer

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    Peran Anak dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Keluarga pada Masyarakat Jawai Selatan, Sambas

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    ABSTRACT Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan peran anak dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga. Peran anak yang dimaksud ialah bagaimana anak berperan tidak sebagai peran anak secara umum, yang mana anak menggantikan peran orang tua dalam memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif terhadap peran anak dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga. Sample yang digunakan ialah anak-anak di Kecamatan Jawai Selatan, Sambas yang memilih tidak melanjutkan pendidikan agar bisa bekerja ke negeri tetangga demi meningkatkan taraf kesejahteraan pada keluarga. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa 1). Anak lebih memilih berhenti sekolah karena tidak adanya biaya pendidikan 2). Orang tua mendukung, selama anak baik-baik saja di negeri Jiran 3). Sebagian orang tua dan anak berpendapat, meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga tidak hanya dengan cara mempunyai pendidikan tinggi. Keyword : Peran Anak, Kesejahteraan, Keluarga

    Drug-interaction and formulation aspects of taxanes in the treatment of cancer

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    Overheidsparticipatie in sociale media

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    Het gebruik van sociale media is in korte tijd sterk gegroeid onder brede lagen van de bevolking. In de afgelopen jaren heeft de overheid al de nodige ervaring opgedaan met sociale media. De vraag die nu voorligt heeft betrekking op een actieve rol van de overheid op sociale media: Wat zijn de mogelijkheden en beperkingen van overheidsparticipatie in sociale media? Om antwoord te geven op deze vraag is het van belang inzicht te krijgen in de technologie achter sociale media, de toepassingen, strategieën en tactieken. Deze inzichten zijn verkregen uit een literatuuronderzoek en een achttal cases waarin sociale media op de een of andere manier in relatie staan tot de overheid

    Mind Matters: Influencing Key Stakeholders

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    Mind Matters is an interactive game-based learning method designed to enrich the set of assessment and training instruments. Mind Matters is a training solution regarding leadership. Mind Matters evaluates participants on their personal leadership style regarding several dimensions. Here we focus on the competence of “influence key stakeholders.” Within Mind Matters, the player assumes the role of a junior researcher in a fictional company. The player’s task is to try out a mind-steering device by temporarily “taking over” game characters and steering their behaviors. Mind Matters generates an evaluation report for integration in an overall assessment evaluation of the participant or blended training program

    Een verhuizing van Philips:onderzoek naar de verhuismotieven van Philips medewerkers van Hoogeveen naar Drachten

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    PMD80 Preferences for a New Imaging Technique to Detect Breast Cancer

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    Objectives Currently, new techniques for the detection of breast cancer are being developed that cause less patient discomfort than X-ray mammography. These techniques might increase screening attendance, and therefore increase the health gains of the population of women in the Netherlands. One of these techniques is photo acoustic mammography (PAM). However, it is still unknown how important attributes such as discomfort, risks and health gains are to its implementation in breast cancer screening. Methods The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a technique for multi-criteria analysis, was used to estimate patient and health care professionals' preferences for three scenarios of PAM. These scenarios differed in the diagnostic performance that could be achieved by PAM. Preferences for the scenarios of PAM were compared with the preferences for X-ray mammography. Criteria related to the efficiency in applying the technique, diagnostic performance, patient comfort and safety. We elicited preferences of around 30 health care professionals and 300 patients. Results Health care professionals considered the sensitivity of the imaging technique to be the criterion of utmost importance in the selection of a new imaging technique to detect breast cancer. Advantages of less discomfort have relatively less meaning according to the laboratory workers and radiologists involved. However, preferences among patients and health care providers differed. Conclusions New techniques to detect breast cancer in screening programs should at least equal the diagnostic performance of X-ray mammography. Additional advantages could slightly increase screening attendance. X-ray mammography has a relatively lower diagnostic performance for patients with dense breasts. This subpopulation of patients could be the most promising area for new detection techniques with a working principle that differs from X-ray mammograph

    E-consult 2006 : een onderzoek naar het gebruik van e-consult onder huisartsen

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    Government 2.0: key challenges to its realization

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    Government 2.0 is often presented as a means to reinforce the relation between state and citizens in an information age. The promise of Government 2.0 is impressive but its potential has not or hardly been realized yet in practice. This paper uses insights from various disciplines to understand Government 2.0 as an institutional transformation. It focuses on three key issues ‑ leadership in government, incentives for citizens and mutual trust ‑ and our analysis shows that Government 2.0 efforts are too often guided by overly optimistic and simplified ideas about these issues. Our discussion suggests that there are no easy, one‑size‑fits‑all ways to address challenges of leadership, citizen incentives and trust: a contextual approach and hard work is needed to tackle these challenges. Realizing Government 2.0 means looking beyond the technology and understanding its potential in a specific situation
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