97 research outputs found

    Thy-1 Antigen-Bearing Dendritic Cells Populate Murine Epidermis

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    Two distinct cell populations, melanocytes and Langerhans cells (LC), have been recognized previously to possess dendritic configuration in normal mammalian epidermis. Employing immunofluorescence microscopy with monoclonal antibodies against Thy-1.2 antigen to identify cells in whole mounts of murine epidermis, we have identified a third dendritic cell population which differs from both LC and melanocytes. Thy-1 antigen- bearing (Thy-1+) epidermal cells are primarily dendritic, although round and angular forms may be found. They are distributed relatively evenly across skin surfaces, although densities vary greatly from site to site and from strain to strain. Densities were highest in ear epidermis from the pigmented strain B10.A (580 cells/ mm2), a value approaching that of epidermal LC, and were lowest in ear epidermis from the albino strain BALB/c (5 cells/mm2). Thy-1+ epidermal cells possess neither Ia antigens nor substantial amounts of melanin, and their surface distributions are disparate from those of both LC and mature melanocytes. We propose that at least some of these cells are T lymphocytes whose malignant counterparts account for cutaneous T-cell lymphomas

    Naar een betere mondelinge taalvaardigheid, het belang van feedback!

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    Naar een betere mondelinge taalvaardigheid Het belang van feedback   Spreken kun je leren- maar hoe ontwikkelen leerlingen die vaardigheid nu precies tijdens de lessen Nederlands? Deze HSN-bijdrage richt zich op lopend promotieonderzoek naar de relatie tussen feedback en de ontwikkeling van mondelinge taalvaardigheid in de bovenbouw van havo en vwo. In deze bijdrage wordt stilgestaan bij de meest gebruikte lesmethodes die  docenten gebruiken op het gebied van spreekvaardigheid en de inzet  van feedback en reflectie. Ook wordt ingegaan op hoe feedback en reflectie worden ingezet bij het leren schrijven. Wat wordt wel en niet behandeld, wat zijn volgens de methodemakers belangrijke adviezen? Zijn er parallellen te vinden in aanpak of juist verschillen? Vervolgens wordt bediscussieerd hoe deze bevindingen passen bij de lespraktijk.      Teaching and Teacher Learning (ICLON

    Teacher agency within the context of formative teacher assessment:An in-depth analysis

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    Teachers' agency has an effect on their own learning process at the workplace. In this study we explored the extent to which teachers participating in a formative teacher assessment procedure developed a sense of agency. We investigated not only whether teachers participating in a such an assessment procedure experienced agency and thus felt in control of the learning process and able to pursue their learning objectives, but also whether agency was visible, by looking at decision-making in real time: did teachers take an active role in their own assessment, especially regarding the learning objectives to be pursued, during the assessment meetings? We found that teachers experienced a high level of agency while participating in the assessment procedure, but did not consistently show this during the assessment procedure

    Development and validation of the Multi-dimensional University Research Workplace Inventory (MDURWI)

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    WOS:000454839600005This study describes the development and validation of an instrument aimed toward measuring organizational features of an academic research workplace. The question pool was developed based on data from a pilot study (N = 43). The survey was deployed to academic researchers in the field of higher education research worldwide (N = 850). An exploratory factor analysis conducted on 36 questions, followed by confirmatory factor analysis, which lead to a final pool of 27 questions in five subscales, one of which divided into three lower-order factors. The final model exhibited very good fit (X2/df = 2.561; CFI = 0.972; PCFI = 0.784; RMSEA = 0.043; P[rmsea ? 0.05] < 0.001; AIC = 891.018; BCC = 987.839) and psychometric properties, in the form of factorial, convergent, and discriminant validity, as well as reliability and sensitivity. Implications of this instrument for research and policymaking are discussed, as well as future research directions.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    'Beschuldigt zijnde van iets dat niet genaamd behoorde te worden' : de sodomietenvervolging in de stad Utrecht in 1797-1798

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    In juni 1797 veroorzaakte de arrestatie van vier van sodomie verdachte mannen grote opschudding in de stad Utrecht. Hun aanhouding in de nacht was het begin van het Utrechtse aandeel in de vervolging van sodomieten in een aantal steden in de Bataafse Republiek. De gearresteerde mannen noemden tijdens hun proces namen van medeplichtigen die vervolgens ook opgepakt werden en die op hun beurt weer medeplichtigen aanwezen. Uiteindelijk veroordeelde het Utrechtse gerecht zeven mannen tot langdurige tuchthuisstraffen. Het was de laatste omvangrijke sodomietenvervolging die in Utrecht plaatsvond voordat de invoering van de Code Pénal in 1811 een einde maakte aan de strafbaarheid van sodomie. Dit artikel behandelt de achtergronden en het verloop van deze vervolging en de lotgevallen van de vervolgden na afloop van de processe


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    Author Institution: Noyes Chemical Laboratory, University of IllinoisThe molecular Zeeman effect has been studied in several linear molecules which have strong nuclear quadrupole coupling of a nucleus to the rotational motion. A least squares computer fit of the magnetic field induced frequency shifts of the microwave lines yields the following Zeeman parameters: the shielded nuclear g value of the coupled nucleus, g1(lσ)g_{1}({l}-\sigma); the molecular g value, g1g_{1}, and the magnetic susceptibility anisotropies, χ+χ\chi_+^{-}\chi. The values of the parameters for the molecules ClF, BrF, ClCN, BrCN, and ICN are listed in a table below. For ICN, we were also able to measure the anisotropy in the magnetic shielding, Δσ\Delta\sigma. From the Zeeman parameters we calculate molecular quadrupole moments, anisotropies in the charge distribution, and contributions to g1g_{1} caused by the admixture of excited electronic states. Dipole moment signs are determined for ClF and ClCN. All the elements of the susceptibility tensor are calculated for ClCN, where the bulk susceptibility is known. The observed trends in the molecular constants are discussed. “figure