5 research outputs found

    An energy-efficient integration of a digital modulator and a Class-D amplifier

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    Energy consumption is always a key feature in devices powered by electric accumulators. The power amplifier is the most energy-demanding module in mobile devices, portable appliances, static transceivers, and even nodes used in underwater acoustic networks. These devices incorporate a modulator, typically a pulse-width modulation (PWM) and a class-D power amplifier, for higher efficiency. We propose a technique to integrate the modulator of a transmitter and PW-modulator of a class-D amplifier to improve the overall efficiency of the system. This integrated set operates as an up-converter, phase modulator (PM), and binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) modulator under certain conditions. The theoretical concept is verified using Matlab and a model is designed and simulated in Simulink. For validation purposes, an electronic circuit is built and tested using Multisim. The results obtained by simulations and circuit implementation show that the proposed integrated system is an energy-efficient and cost-effective solution compared to conventional techniques

    Arrested phase separation in chiral fluids of colloidal spinners

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    We investigate phase separation in a chiral fluid, made of spinning ferromagnetic colloids that interact both via hydrodynamic and dipolar forces and collectively organize into separated circulating clusters. We show that, at high spinning frequency, hydrodynamics dominate over attractive magnetic interactions and impede coarsening, forcing the particles to assemble into a collection of finite rotating clusters of controllable size. We introduce a minimal particle-based model that unveils the fundamental role of hydrodynamics and the boundary plane in the self-organization process of the colloidal spinners. Our results shed light on the control of coarsening and dynamic self-assembly in chiral active systems and the key role played by fluid mediated long-range interactions

    Dynamics and interactions of magnetically driven colloidal microrotors

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    We study the pair interactions between magnetically driven colloidal microrotors with an anisotropic shape. An external precessing magnetic field induces a torque to these particles spinning them at a fixed angular frequency. When pair of rotors approach each other, the anisotropic particles interact via dipolar forces and hydrodynamic interactions (HIs) excited by their rotational motion. For applied field spinning close to the magic angle, #m ¼ 54:7 , dipolar interactions vanish and the dynamic assembly of the pair is driven only by HIs. Further, we provide a theoretical description based on the balance between dipolar forces and HIs that allow understanding the role of anisotropy on the collective dynamics. Investigating microscopic colloidal rotors and understanding their collective dynamics are important tasks for both fundamental reasons, but also to engineer similar fluid stirrers that can be readily used for precise microscale operations or as microrheological probes

    An Energy-Efficient Integration of a Digital Modulator and a Class-D Amplifier

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    Energy consumption is always a key feature in devices powered by electric accumulators. The power amplifier is the most energy-demanding module in mobile devices, portable appliances, static transceivers, and even nodes used in underwater acoustic networks. These devices incorporate a modulator, typically a pulse-width modulation (PWM) and a class-D power amplifier, for higher efficiency. We propose a technique to integrate the modulator of a transmitter and PW-modulator of a class-D amplifier to improve the overall efficiency of the system. This integrated set operates as an up-converter, phase modulator (PM), and binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) modulator under certain conditions. The theoretical concept is verified using Matlab and a model is designed and simulated in Simulink. For validation purposes, an electronic circuit is built and tested using Multisim. The results obtained by simulations and circuit implementation show that the proposed integrated system is an energy-efficient and cost-effective solution compared to conventional techniques

    Retos y oportunidades para la evaluación del estado ecológico en ríos temporales

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    Los ríos temporales (RTs) son ecosistemas fluviales en los que los efectos de las perturbaciones antrópicas se mezclan con los de la propia perturbación natural que impone la temporalidad del flujo. A pesar de los avances en el conocimiento de los RTs, todavía persisten muchas lagunas de conocimiento que limitan el desarrollo de metodologías adecuadas para la evaluación de su estado ecológico. En esta revisión identificamos los retos actuales para la correcta evaluación del estado ecológico de los RTs y analizamos las oportunidades existentes para hacerles frente. Estos retos se centran en: la diferenciación entre RTs naturales o hidrológicamente impactados, la diferenciación entre perturbaciones naturales y antrópicas, el desarrollo de índices biológicos para pozas desconectadas y cauces secos, la adaptación de los índices hidrogeomorfológicos, y la aplicación de la teoría de metacomunidades en RTs. Las oportunidades están relacionadas con: el uso de nuevas herramientas moleculares, la existencia de índices alternativos a los tradicionales, la disponibilidad de datos para poder hacer modelización, y la implicación social en la evaluación del estado hidrológico y ecológico. La revisión se centra mayoritariamente en el conocimiento científico y de gestión acumulado desde la implementación de la DMA en España, pero recoge experiencias en otros RTs del mundo para guiar acciones de conservación y gestión en estos ecosistemas únicos y altamente amenazados por el cambio global.Este estudio está financiado por el proyecto “DRY-Guadalmed: Herramientas avanzadas para la evaluación del estado ecológico de ríos temporales mediterráneos durante la fase seca” (PID2021-126143OB-C21 y PID2021-126143OB-C22) financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/) y por FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio