6 research outputs found

    Úton egy fenntartható gazdasági paradigma felé – A komplexitás befogadása a hálózati elméleteken keresztül (Towards a sustainable economic paradigm – Acceptance of the complexity through network theories)

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    Mára elkerülhetetlennek tűnik a gondolati váltás a gazdaságtudományok területén annak érdekében, hogy közelebb kerüljünk a hármas (gazdasági, társadalmi, környezeti) válságot előidéző problémák megoldásaihoz. A szerzők cikkükben amellett érvelnek, hogy a komplexitás befogadása kezdeti törekvésként értelmezhető azon az úton, amely a mindennapokban érzékelhető társadalmi és ökológiai problémák megoldásához vezet. Már léteznek olyan gazdaság- és vállalatelméletek, amelyek kezdik megkérdőjelezni az eddigi főáramú koncepciókat, és készek arra, hogy elveiket, elméleteiket a működési környezet bonyolultságát elfogadva alakítsák ki, és így találjanak mindennapos megoldásokat a gazdasági működésben. Ilyen például – a cikkben szereplő – IMP (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing) csoport hálózatelmélete. A szerzők azt kívánják bemutatni, hogy az ilyen hálózatelméletek alkalmasak arra, hogy a vállalatközi szférán túl is befolyásolják azt, ahogyan a vállalatok döntéseiket meghozzák és kapcsolataikat kezelik. ______ Today, it seems inevitable change of thought in the field of economics in order to get closer to solutions of problems which induced the triple (economic, social, environmental) crisis. In their article, the authors argue that the reception of complexity can be interpreted as an initial effort on the path that leads to the solutions of the everyday perceived social and ecological problems. The authors aim to present that the IMP (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing) group network theory is able to influence beyond the sphere of inter-company, that companies take their decisions and their relationships are treated

    Analiza otkaza napuknutog cilindra trostupanjskog velikog kompresora u tvornici amonijaka

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    Failure analysis of a giant compressor cracked cylinder has been performed using complex numerical and experimental methods. Further operating parameters for expected lifetime (with regard to the crack propagation) at reduced pressure are given based on the results of the investigations.Analiza otkaza napuknutog cilindra velikog kompresora napravljena je pomoću složenih numeričkih i eksperimentalnih metoda. Temeljem rezultata istraživanja određeni su radni parametri za daljnji rad i vjerojatni radni vijek (s obzirom na širenje pukotine) pod smanjenim tlakom

    Does obstetric brachial plexus injury influence speech dominance?

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    Objective: Right-handedness and left-sided language lateralization is an unresolved mystery With unknown cause/effect relations. Most studies suggest that the language lateralization is related to a fundamental brain asymmetry: right-handedness may be secondary. We analyzed the possibility of an opposite cause/effect relation: whether asymmetric hand usage (as a cause) call influence language lateralization (as a consequence). Methods: We determined language lateralization by functional magnetic resonance imaging in 15 subjects whose upper limb (UL) had been injured at birth because of unilateral damage of the brachial plexus. These subjects were able to use only one (the noninjured) UL perfectly. Results: We found correlation between the severity of right-sided UL injuries and hand usage dysfunction and the degree of left-to-right shift of language lateralization. There was, however, not a complete switch of language lateralization. Interpretation: Right-sided UL injury can induce a left-to-right shift in language lateralization, suggesting that hand usage can influence language lateralization. These findings may contradict the broadly accepted theory that right-handedness is a secondary phenomenon caused by left-sided hemispheric language lateralization. However, the cause/effect problem between asymmetric hand usage and language lateralization is not resolved in this study. Our Findings may support the theory that gestures had a crucial role in human language evolution and is a part of the language system even today