40 research outputs found

    D5.3 Overview of Online Tutorials and Instruction Manuals

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    UIDB/03213/2020 UIDP/03213/2020The ELEXIS Curriculum is an integrated set of training materials which contextualizes ELEXIS tools and services inside a broader, systematic pedagogic narrative. This means that the goal of the ELEXIS Curriculum is not simply to inform users about the functionalities of particular tools and services developed within the project, but to show how such tools and services are a) embedded in both lexicographic theory and practice; and b) representative of and contributing to the development of digital skills among lexicographers. The scope and rationale of the curriculum are described in more detail in the Deliverable D5.2 Guidelines for Producing ELEXIS Tutorials and Instruction Manuals. The goal of this deliverable, as stated in the project DOW, is to provide “a clear, structured overview of tutorials and instruction manuals developed within the project.”publishersversionpublishe

    Linking Lexicographic Resources to Language Proficiency-Level Applications

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    Purpose: We aim to enhance the development of vocabulary teaching and training materials by converging difficulty-graded word lists with lexicographic data. Grading word difficulty is prevalent in both native and additional language learning, in production and reception tasks, and for text readability analysis and vocabulary testing. Our objectives are to upgrade the usability of such resources for creators of vocabulary learning materials – by enriching them with semantic information such as definitions, examples of usage, and multiword expressions (and possibly more) from dictionaries – cross-lingualize the different language sets, and upload the by-products to the Linguistic Linked Open Data cloud

    The alignment of form and function

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    Towards Multilingual eLexicography by Means of Linked (Open) Data

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    Abstract. In this short paper, we document the current state of work consisting in mapping various lexicographic resources onto the OntoLex model, which is an OWL and RDF(s) based representation format. This model has been designed in the context of a W3C Community Group effort for supporting the publication of linguistic data in the Linked (Open) Data cloud. The deployment of OntoLex is currently being tested within the ISCH COST Action IS1305 European Network of e-Lexicography (ENeL), which is adapting to the field of digital lexicography guidelines that have been suggested by the LIDER FP7 Support Action

    A large-scale inheritance-based morphological lexicon for Russian

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    In this paper we describe the mapping of Zaliznjak’s (1977) morphological classes into the lexical representation language DATR (Evans and Gazdar 1996). On the basis of the resulting DATR theory a set of fully inflected forms together with their as-sociated morphosyntax can automatically be generated from the electronic version of Zaliznjak’s dictionary (Ilola and Mustajoki 1989). From this data we plan to develop a wide-coverage morphosyntactic lemma-tizer and tagger for Russian

    D3.8 Lexical-semantic analytics for NLP

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    UIDB/03213/2020 UIDP/03213/2020The present document illustrates the work carried out in task 3.3 (work package 3) of ELEXIS project focused on lexical-semantic analytics for Natural Language Processing (NLP). This task aims at computing analytics for lexical-semantic information such as words, senses and domains in the available resources, investigating their role in NLP applications. Specifically, this task concentrates on three research directions, namely i) sense clustering, in which grouping senses based on their semantic similarity improves the performance of NLP tasks such as Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), ii) domain labeling of text, in which the lexicographic resources made available by the ELEXIS project for research purposes allow better performances to be achieved, and finally iii) analysing the diachronic distribution of senses, for which a software package is made available.publishersversionpublishe