65 research outputs found

    On Features of Legal Terms Applied in the Criminal Case News: Based on Xinran Ji Reports

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    The legal terms stand as an essential part of legal language representing specialized concepts in laws, acts and regulations, whose distinguishing features remains, even with the applications in other non-legal instruments, and keep affecting the writing style of legal instruments, explicitly, the case news. Criminal cases are the main staples reported in case news, because people’s preferences, social controversies and public policies are able to be indicated in criminal cases. Furthermore, criminal cases can also inspect senses of social justice and morality in a more profound perspective, therefore the criminal case news is more valuable than the civil case news. But relatively speaking there are numerous legal terms being involved in criminal news reports, which requires reporters or editors should posses the corresponding attainment of legal knowledge, master the features of legal language and precisely understand the relation between the legal terms and the news story so that the news events could be represented in the presence of readers objectively and veritably, at the same time the communication effects made by news media could be actually exerted. This paper selects news reports of the case of Chinese graduate Xinran Ji studying in America murdered from media as research texts, which combine with features of the legal terms and criminal case news to add up and analyze the legal terms utilized in news reports on the case. In the end, it is hoped that the summary on features of the legal term applied in criminal case news would be drew out to contribute some inspirations and reflections

    Development and Application Based on MTS Hybrid Test System

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    It is meaningful to further explore the hardware and software functions of MTS loading system widely used in building structure test at home and abroad. This paper proposes a kind of seismic pseudo-dynamic test method based on internal command control of software. Three programs including monitor station, sincycle test and rampcontrol test were developed by VB, and the connection with NetSLab platform was completed via master-slaver network, then the test system was established. A single degree of freedom hybrid test of single span bridge was carried out, and a short column of CFRP reinforced was used to be an experimental element. Secondary load for the partial damaged model was implemented to research the mechanics performance of the specimen. The result confirms that the established system is capable of conducting the pseudo-dynamic hybrid test. The hybrid test demonstrates that the proposed internal command control method is feasible and effective, which can provide reference for the system development and seismic research

    The isolation and characterization of twelve novel microsatellite loci from Haliotis ovina

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    Twelve (12) microsatellite loci were developed from Haliotis ovina by magnetic bead hybridization method. Genetic variability was assessed using 30 individuals from three wild populations. The number of alleles per locus was from 2 to 5 and polymorphism information content was from 0.1228 to 0.6542. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.0000 to 0.7778 and 0.1288 to 0.6310, respectively. These loci should provide useful information for genetic studies such as genetic diversity, pedigree analysis, construction of genetic linkage maps and marker-assisted selection breeding in H. ovina.Key words: Genetic markers, Haliotis ovina, microsatellites

    Effect of Nitrate on Root Development and Nitrogen Uptake of Suaeda physophora Under NaCl Salinity

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    The effects of NaCl salinity and NO3- on growth, root morphology, and nitrogen uptake of a halophyte Suaeda physophora were evaluated in a factorial experiment with four concentrations of NaCl (1, 150, 300, and 450 mmol L-1) and three NO3- levels (0.05, 5, and 10 mmol L-1) in solution culture for 30 d. Addition of NO3- at 10 mmol L-1 significantly improved the shoot (P < 0.001) and root (P < 0.001) growth and the promotive effect of NO3- was more pronounced on root dry weight despite the high NaCl concentration in the culture solution, leading to a significant increase in the root:shoot ratio (P < 0.01). Lateral root length, but not primary root length, considerably increased with increasing NaCl salinity and NO3- levels (P < 0.001), implying that Na+ and NO3- in the culture solution simultaneously stimulated lateral root growth. Concentrations of Na+ in plant tissues were also significantly increased by higher NaCl treatments (P < 0.001). At 10 mmol L-1 NO3-, the concentrations of NO3- and total nitrogen and nitrate reductase activities in the roots were remarkably reduced by increasing salinity (P < 0.001), but were unaffected in the shoots. The results indicated that the fine lateral root development and effective nitrogen uptake of the shoots might contribute to high salt tolerance of S. physophora under adequate NO3- supply

    Theoretical analysis of the limiting rate of phreatic evaporation for aeolian sandy soil in Taklimakan Desert

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    Phreatic evaporation is a great lose for shallow groundwater in the Taklimakan Desert. Given soil type and groundwater table, the limiting rate of phreatic evaporation is defined as the maximum of water transferred from groundwater to soil surface per unit time, which is a key parameter and control condition for phreatic evaporation model developing. The soil water characteristic curve for the aeolian sandy soil in the Taklimakan Desert was fitted with the least square method based on the formula of soil moisture characteristics curve proposed by Van Genuchten, using observed soil moisture and soil water suction data. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity was determined by the instantaneous profile method in situ and the calculation formula for unsaturated hydraulic conductivity was established. According to the steady flow theory, the quasi-analytical solution of limiting rate of phreatic evaporation was derived on the basis of generalization of the formula of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. The results show that the soil moisture characteristics in the Taklimakan Desert can be well described by Van Genuchten's formula, and the limiting rate of phreatic evaporation declines by power function with the descending of groundwater table

    Numerical analysis of evaporator frosting in automotive air-conditioning system with a variable-displacement compressor

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    A steady-state mathematical model of the automotive air conditioning system with a variable-displacement compressor (VDC) is developed to find out the reasons causing evaporator frosting. To validate the system model, a test system is established and the simulated results are compared with experimental data: the predicted results agree well with the experimental data. After analyzing the influence of different factors with the system model, three reasons causing evaporator frosting have been found and corresponding countermeasures have been proposed: (1) the system performance band caused by the frictional forces among the moving components of the VDC can contribute to evaporator frosting, which may be avoided by decreasing the frictional forces between the moving components while designing, manufacturing and operating the VDC; (2) the mismatch between the parameters of the control valve and the resistance pressure of suction pipe or the condenser size can also contribute to evaporator frosting and the control valve with a proper initial compressive force should be selected for a given suction pipe and condenser; and (3) a higher air temperature at the condenser's inlet may cause evaporator frosting one needs to consider the influence of the air temperature at the condenser inlet while designing the new control valve.Frosting Evaporator Automotive Air conditioning Variable displacement compressor Control valve

    Evolutionary Game of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises’ Accounts-Receivable Pledge Financing in the Supply Chain

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    Due to limited guarantees, it is difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to obtain loans from banks. Supply chain accounts-receivable pledge financing (SCARPF) can help in overcoming those financing difficulties. This study developed an evolutionary game model of banks, core enterprises and SMEs in SCARPF, analyzed the evolution path and evolution rules of the model, and performed a numerical simulation. The results indicated that the result of the evolutionary game depends on the initial values of the variables. When certain conditions are met, the system will evolve to (lending, keep the contract). The higher the return rate during either normal production of SMEs, the loan interest rate or supply chain punishment, the more likely it is that banks will lend money and SMEs will keep the contract. However, the bank will only be likely to lend money, enabling SMEs to keep the contract, when the probability of core enterprises and SMEs engaging in joint loan fraud—or the proportion of the benefits that SMEs share when engaging in joint loan fraud—is reduced. The results of this study provide insights for banks, core enterprises, and SMEs in supply chain financing decisions, which is conducive to solving the financing difficulties of SMEs

    GraphMS: Drug Target Prediction Using Graph Representation Learning with Substructures

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    The prediction of drug–target interactions is always a key task in the field of drug redirection. However, traditional methods of predicting drug–target interactions are either mediocre or rely heavily on data stacking. In this work, we proposed our model named GraphMS. We merged heterogeneous graph information and obtained effective node information and substructure information based on mutual information in graph embeddings. We then learned high quality representations for downstream tasks, and proposed an end–to–end auto–encoder model to complete the task of link prediction. Experimental results show that our method outperforms several state–of–the–art models. The model can achieve the area under the receiver operating characteristics (AUROC) curve of 0.959 and area under the precise recall curve (AUPR) of 0.847. We found that the mutual information between the substructure and graph–level representations contributes most to the mutual information index in a relatively sparse network. And the mutual information between the node–level and graph–level representations contributes most in a relatively dense network

    Characteristics and dynamics of the soil seed bank at the north edge of Taklimakan Desert

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    In order to understand the potential of revegetation of halophytic community at the north edge of Taklimakan Desert, the species structure, storage capacity, the vertical distribution pattern and seasonal dynamics of soil seed bank and their interrelationship with community structure of above-ground plants were investigated. The results show that (i) 9 species were identified from seed bank in different seasons indicating that plant composition in this area was simple. (ii) The seed density in soil was 222 +/- 10.79 grain/m(2) on average, and showed a seasonal variation range from 132 +/- 8.16 grain/m(2) In summer to 303 +/- 12.70 grain/m(2) in autumn. (iii) The similarity coefficient between soil seed bank and above-ground vegetation was 0.778. (iv) Vertically, seed densities declined with soil depth. 82.4% of total seeds were found in the top 3 cm of soil profile. No active seeds were found in soil profile below 6 cm. It is concluded that the seed bank at the north edge of Taklimakan Desert contains active seeds of all plant species observed on above ground, and is able to supply potential contribution to reconstruction of vegetation
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