166 research outputs found

    Ženski identitet u romanima o Harryju Potteru

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    The famous author of Harry Potter novels, J. K. Rowling, managed not only to invent an interesting, thrilling, and edifying plot but also to create a whole new magical world of characters that are loved all over the world. These characters are not perfect – they have many flaws and virtues which makes it easier for the reader to identify with them. Throughout the series, these witches, wizards, and muggles are spreading empowering messages of love, strength, and, most importantly, the significance of friendship which leads to tolerance. It can be said that these novels are equally appealing to adults and children regardless of their gender. Taking all of that into consideration, it was important to produce something that also reflects the world we live in. According to Heilman and Donaldson: “In the later books, Rowling depicts women in positions of leadership in which they often control the actions or even the thoughts of male characters, as the very many females develop beyond the stereotypical femininity in which they have previously been cast” (143). This paper will try to suggest that female characters in Harry Potter novels grew stronger, more independent, and were given more attention and influence in each sequel. It will trail the evolution of the main characters Hermione Granger, for whom even Mikulan says that her character develops from novel to novel (290) as well as the women of Weasley family, specifically Molly and Ginny Weasley

    Ženski identitet u romanima o Harryju Potteru

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    The famous author of Harry Potter novels, J. K. Rowling, managed not only to invent an interesting, thrilling, and edifying plot but also to create a whole new magical world of characters that are loved all over the world. These characters are not perfect – they have many flaws and virtues which makes it easier for the reader to identify with them. Throughout the series, these witches, wizards, and muggles are spreading empowering messages of love, strength, and, most importantly, the significance of friendship which leads to tolerance. It can be said that these novels are equally appealing to adults and children regardless of their gender. Taking all of that into consideration, it was important to produce something that also reflects the world we live in. According to Heilman and Donaldson: “In the later books, Rowling depicts women in positions of leadership in which they often control the actions or even the thoughts of male characters, as the very many females develop beyond the stereotypical femininity in which they have previously been cast” (143). This paper will try to suggest that female characters in Harry Potter novels grew stronger, more independent, and were given more attention and influence in each sequel. It will trail the evolution of the main characters Hermione Granger, for whom even Mikulan says that her character develops from novel to novel (290) as well as the women of Weasley family, specifically Molly and Ginny Weasley

    Upper Jurassic (Malm) Shallow-Water Carbonates in the Western Gorski Kotar Area: Facies and Depositional Environments (Western Croatia)

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    Shallow-water carbonates in the Upper Jurassic of the Gorski Kotar were deposited on a carbonate ramp, in beach-barrier island-lagoonal and peritidal environments. In the continuous sequence, more than 900 m thick, several facies have been found: (A) low-energy shallow-water wackestones/mudstones of the Lower Oxfordian, (B) high-energy shallow-water grainstones of the Middle Oxfordian, (C) low-energy, above the fair-weather wave-base packstones of the uppermost Oxfordian and transition to the Kimmeridgian, (D) shallowing-upward/coarsening-upward units formed through progradation of beach-tidal bars or barriers over the peritidal deposits of the Kimmeridgian and the beginning of the Tithonian and (E) peritidal shallowing-upward units capped by storm tidal deposits of the Tithonian and beginning of the Berriasian. Fossil assemblages adapted to the environmental changes: maximum of their abundance, in the number of the taxa, as well as in the number of individuals, corresponds to the high-energy facies B (Oxfordian), while their minimum corresponds to the peritidal shallowing-upward units of facies E (Tithonian)

    The ornamental fruit species in landscaping of green paces in the city of Zagreb

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    Posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća dolazi do popularizacije uređenja javnih zelenih površina u Republici Hrvatskoj. Odabirom biljnih vrsta prema habitusu, boji i teksturi doprinosi se stvaranju održivih javnih zelenih površina. Sadnjom ukrasnih voćnih vrsta u gradu povećava se bioraznolikost, doprinosi se estetici, a ukrasne voćne vrste mogu imati funkcionalnu ulogu kao što je primjerice odjeljivanje prostora ili smanjenje buke i zagađenja od prometnica i okoline. Karakteristike ukrasnih voćnih vrsta su habitus, tekstura i boja kore, lista, cvijeta te boja ploda. Većina voćnih vrsta ima i utilitarna svojstva, međutim u ovom slučaju ona su sekundarna. Pregledom Katastra zelenila, inventarizirane su voćne vrste u trima zagrebačkim četvrtima. Utvrđeno je da Gradska četvrt Maksimir broji 896 stabala voćnih vrsta, Gornji grad-Medveščak 1105, a Donji grad 199 stabala. U svim četvrtima dominiraju vrste iz roda Prunus.In the last couple of decades designing of public green spaces has become increasingly popular in the Republic of Croatia. Selecting adequate plant species regarding the habitus, colour and texture, sustainable public green spaces are formed. Planting ornamental fruit species in cities increases biological diversity, aesthetic effect, and can also play functional roles. Ornamental fruits can divide space, reduce noise and pollution coming from the traffic and the environment. The characteristics of the ornamental fruit species are: habitus, texture and the colour of the bark, leaf and the flower as well as the colour of the fruit. The majority of fruit species are utilizable; here, however, these characteristics are secondary. By reviewing the Green Space Register, the inventory of fruit species in three Zagreb districts was established. It was established that there are 896 different fruit trees in the District of Maksimir, 1105 in the District of Upper Town – Medveščak, and 199 fruit trees in The Lower Town District. In all the districts, species from the Prunus genus are dominant

    Utjecaj pretvorbenog čimbenika rasta beta i endotelina-1 na tijek primarnog glomerulonefritisa [The influence of transforming growth factor beta and endothelin-1 in the course of primary glomerulonephritis]

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    OBJECTIVE: to investigate the level of immunoexpression and the tissue distribution of the TGF-β1 and the ET-1 in the kidney biopsy specimens of the patients with three the most common primary glomerulonephritides, and to examine the possible relationship between the immunoexpression of the cytokines and the course of glomerulonephritis. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: 91 patients who were diagnosed with the primary form of IgA nephropathy (IGAN), membranous nephropathy (MN) or focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) were followed prospectively for one year. Initial clinical, laboratory and pathohistological parameters at the time of the renal biopsy as well as the laboratory parameters at the end of follow up period were compared with level of the TGF-β1 and the ET-1 immunoexpression in biopsy specimens. RESULTS: TGF-β1 renal immunoexpression was not significantly higher in comparation to control group. In IGAN patients, glomerular TGF-β1 expression was negatively correlated with the tubulointerstitial fibrosis and with serum creatinine level after one year, in MN group positively correlated with estimated glomerular filtration rate at the end of the study. Opposite results were found with ET-1 expression, where glomerular expression of ET-1 was significantly higher in all three patient subgroups compared to the control group. In IgAN group significant positive correlation is found between glomerular ET-1 expression level and the serume LDL concentration as well as with the endocapillary proliferation. In MN lower baseline serum albumine level and higher 24h proteinuria were corrleated with a higher glomerular ET-1 expression. In FSGS group glomerular ET-1 expression was in positive correlation with the grade of an arteriolar hyalinosis. In patients who achieved partial or complete remmison, glomerular ET-1 expression appeared significantly lower compared to those patients who experienced stationar course or disease progression. CONCLUSION: glomerular ET-1 immunoexpression was significantly higher among patients with glomerulonephritides compared to the control group and influenced on the course of glomerulonephritis. This should be further investigated in future long-term prospective studies with larger number of patients


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    The Lower Cretaceous limestones from the Lakovići quarry belong to the basal part of the Aptian limestones. These limestones are the beginning of the second transgressive-regrcssive megasequence in Istria which followed a general Upper Aptian emersion event. Within the approximately 50 m thick limestone sequence that is quarried, four facies units were defined according to their petrographic and sedimen-tological features. The following facies units were devided: A- Micritic limestones, which were deposited as shallowing-upward cycles and which begin with breccias containing clay matrix or terminate with dark-gray clays sporadically accompanied by deposition and redeposi-lion of black terrestrial and swamp clays, as well as sediments from bogs and pools that were developed in isolated bays and/or laggons; B -Grain supported limestone deposited as fine-grained to coarse-grained carbonate sands in a predominantly high-energy shallows, bars and sandy beaches; C - Micritic limestones deposited in restricted low-energy shallow subtidal environments; D - Drain supported limestones deposited as fine grained carbonate sands in high-energy shallows and bars. The results of petrological, sedimentological and technological investigations show that the limestones from each individual facies unit have different technical properties, notably porosity, bulk density and water absorption, i.e. the wide range of technical quality of the limestones quarried is a direct consequence of their facies characteristics. The outlined facies units enable separation of rock mass in the quarry not only by their petrological characteristics but also according to the technical quality of the rock.Donjokredni vapnenci kamenoloma Lakovići pripadaju bazalnom dijelu aplskih vapnenaca kojima, nakon opće gornjoaptske emerzije, počinje druga transgresivno-regresivna megasekvencija u Istri. Unutar 50-ak metara debljine vapnenaca koji se eksploatiraju u kamenolomu Lakovići izdvojene su na osnovu petrografsko-sedimentoloških karakteristika četiri facijesne jedinice. To su: A- Mikritom bogati vapnenci taloženi kao ciklusi oplićavanja naviše koji počinju brečama s glinovitim matriksom ili završavaju tamnosivim glinama; B - Zrnasti vapnenci taloženi kao sitnozrnati do krupnozrnati vapnenački pijesci u plićacima s pretežito visokom energijom vode i na pješčanim plažama; C -Mikritom bogati vapnenci taloženi u zaštićenim potplimnim plićacima s niskom energijom vode i D-Zrnasti vapnenci taloženi kao sitnozrnati vapnenački pijesci u plićacima i plažama s pretežito visokom energijom vode. Rezultati petroloških, sedimentoloških i tehničko-tehnoloških istraživanja pokazuju da vapnenci svake pojedine facijesne jedinice imaju različita tehnička svojstva, posebice ona vezana uz poniznost, prostornu masu i upijanje vode, tj. da je velika varijabilnost tehničke kvalitete kamena u kamenolomu izravna posljedica njihovih facijesnih karakteristika. Izdvojenim facijesnim jedinicama određena je i selektivnost stijenske mase u kamenolomu u odnosu na, kako petrološka svojstva, tako i tehničko-tehnološku kvalitetu kamena

    Prosumer with generation from photovoltaic power plant real time simulation

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    Cilj ovog rada je pomoću programskog paketa Typhoon Hil simulirati stvarne promjene potrošnje i proizvodnje kupca s vlastitom proizvodnjom iz fotonaponske elektrane u stvarnom vremenu. Simulacije se izvodi za dva slučaja, kućanstvo i zgrada fakulteta, uz trajanje simulacije od tjedan dana. Prvi promatrani slučaj je simulacija kućanstva kao kupca s vlastitom proizvodnjom. Potrošnju kućanstva karakteriziraju nagle promjene potrošnje, te samim tim naglo se mijenjaju i tokovi snaga iz elektroenergetskog sustava ili u elektroenergetski sustav. Detaljnija analiza je izvršena za tri karakteristična dana, sunčani, promjenjiv i oblačan dan. Drugi slučaj je simulacija potrošnje zgrade fakulteta uz veću snagu fotonaponskog sustava nego u prvom slučaju. Zgradu karakterizira predvidljiva potrošnja, te snaga fotonaponskog sustava nije dovoljno velika da pokrije potrošnju. Zbog toga ne dolazi do promjene tokova snaga.The aim of this paper is to simulate real-time changes of prosumer consumption and production of electricity from photovoltaic power plant using the Typhoon Hil software package. The simulation time is one week and simulation has two cases. The first observed case is single family house as prosumer. Household electricity consumption is characterized by sudden changes in consumption, and consequently sudden changes in power flows from the distribution network or into the distribution network. A more detailed analysis was performed for three characteristic days, a sunny, variable and cloudy day. In the second case, municipal building (faculty building) is a prosumer. The building is characterized by predictable electricity consumption, and the power of the photovoltaic system is not large enough to cover the consumption. Therefore, there are no changes in power flows

    Ethanol production from carob pod

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    Glavni način za dobivanje energije je sagorijevanje fosilnih goriva što ima štetan učinak na okoliš. Stoga je potrebno pronaći nove i alternativne izvore energije. U ovom radu se prikazuje mogućnost proizvodnje bioetanola iz rogača alkoholnom fermentacijom. Uspoređuju se različiti tipovi fermentacija te učinak provođenja fermentacije pomoću kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiase i bakterije Zymomonas mobilis.Fossil fuels are the main source of energy, which has damaging effect on the environment and is not a renewable source of energy. Therefore, it is necessary to find new and alternative energy sources. This paper describes bioethanol production by alcohol fermentation of carob. Various types of fermentation with yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and bacteria Zymomonas mobilis are being compared


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    Investigation results of morphological and geological potential bauxite deposit indicators in the Mesihovina-Rakitno bauxitebearing sedimentary basin in Western Herzegovina are presented. Region with carbonate and clastic hangingwalls as well as those without overlying sediments have been studied. It was established that the expression and number of the indicators depend size as well as on character and thickness of hangingwall sediments. The morphological indicators are expressed as a particular relief forms situated right above the deposits or nearby and are a consequence of geological relations and exodynamic processes. Ihe numerous geological indicators resulted from complex geological events. The most important are: preore structural relations, the formation of paleorelief, peculiar way of hangingwall rocks sedimentation, lithification processes and the formation of the recent structural pattern. It has been observed that particular indicators should be recognized within a relatively thick succession of the overlying sediments which is of the great importance in the exploration of bauxite deposits.U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja morfoloških i geoloških pokazatelja mogućih ležišta boksita u boksitonosnom sedimentacijskom bazenu Mesihovina-Rakitno Proučavana su područja s karbonatom i klastičnom krovinom, te predjeli bez krovinskih naslaga. Ustanovljeno je da izraz i brojnost pokazatelja ovisi o veličini ležišta, te debljini i karakteru krovinskih sedimenta. Morfološki pokazatelji očituju se kao specifični oblici iznad ležišta boksita ili u njihovoj blizini. Uočeno je da su oni rezultat geoloških odnosa i egzodinamskih procesa. Brojni geološki pokazatelji su rezultat kompleksnih geoloških zbivanja. Najvažniji su: predrudni strukturni odnosi, formiranje paleoreljefa, specifičan način sedimentacije krovinskih naslga, procesi litifikacije i formiranje recentnog strukturnog sklopa Uočeno je da je pojedine od pokazatelja moguće prepoznati u relativno debelom slijedu krovine što im daje i veliko praktično značenje

    The ornamental fruit species in landscaping of green paces in the city of Zagreb

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    Posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća dolazi do popularizacije uređenja javnih zelenih površina u Republici Hrvatskoj. Odabirom biljnih vrsta prema habitusu, boji i teksturi doprinosi se stvaranju održivih javnih zelenih površina. Sadnjom ukrasnih voćnih vrsta u gradu povećava se bioraznolikost, doprinosi se estetici, a ukrasne voćne vrste mogu imati funkcionalnu ulogu kao što je primjerice odjeljivanje prostora ili smanjenje buke i zagađenja od prometnica i okoline. Karakteristike ukrasnih voćnih vrsta su habitus, tekstura i boja kore, lista, cvijeta te boja ploda. Većina voćnih vrsta ima i utilitarna svojstva, međutim u ovom slučaju ona su sekundarna. Pregledom Katastra zelenila, inventarizirane su voćne vrste u trima zagrebačkim četvrtima. Utvrđeno je da Gradska četvrt Maksimir broji 896 stabala voćnih vrsta, Gornji grad-Medveščak 1105, a Donji grad 199 stabala. U svim četvrtima dominiraju vrste iz roda Prunus.In the last couple of decades designing of public green spaces has become increasingly popular in the Republic of Croatia. Selecting adequate plant species regarding the habitus, colour and texture, sustainable public green spaces are formed. Planting ornamental fruit species in cities increases biological diversity, aesthetic effect, and can also play functional roles. Ornamental fruits can divide space, reduce noise and pollution coming from the traffic and the environment. The characteristics of the ornamental fruit species are: habitus, texture and the colour of the bark, leaf and the flower as well as the colour of the fruit. The majority of fruit species are utilizable; here, however, these characteristics are secondary. By reviewing the Green Space Register, the inventory of fruit species in three Zagreb districts was established. It was established that there are 896 different fruit trees in the District of Maksimir, 1105 in the District of Upper Town – Medveščak, and 199 fruit trees in The Lower Town District. In all the districts, species from the Prunus genus are dominant