393 research outputs found

    Cracking the code of oscillatory activity

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    Neural oscillations are ubiquitous measurements of cognitive processes and dynamic routing and gating of information. The fundamental and so far unresolved problem for neuroscience remains to understand how oscillatory activity in the brain codes information for human cognition. In a biologically relevant cognitive task, we instructed six human observers to categorize facial expressions of emotion while we measured the observers' EEG. We combined state-of-the-art stimulus control with statistical information theory analysis to quantify how the three parameters of oscillations (i.e., power, phase, and frequency) code the visual information relevant for behavior in a cognitive task. We make three points: First, we demonstrate that phase codes considerably more information (2.4 times) relating to the cognitive task than power. Second, we show that the conjunction of power and phase coding reflects detailed visual features relevant for behavioral response-that is, features of facial expressions predicted by behavior. Third, we demonstrate, in analogy to communication technology, that oscillatory frequencies in the brain multiplex the coding of visual features, increasing coding capacity. Together, our findings about the fundamental coding properties of neural oscillations will redirect the research agenda in neuroscience by establishing the differential role of frequency, phase, and amplitude in coding behaviorally relevant information in the brai

    Internally driven vs. externally cued movement selection: a study on the timing of brain activity

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    Brain imaging studies in man and single cell recordings in monkey have suggested that medial supplementary motor areas (SMA) and lateral pre-motor areas (PMA) are functionally dissociated concerning their involvement in internally driven and externally cued movements. This dichotomy, however, seems to be relative rather than absolute. Here, we searched for further evidence of relative differences and aimed to determine by what aspect of brain activity (duration, strength, or both) these might be accounted for. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded while healthy, right-handed subjects selected one of three possible right hand digit movements based either on 'internal' choice or 'external' cues. The results obtained from ERP mapping suggest that movement selection evokes the same electrical brain activity patterns in terms of surface potential configurations in the same order and at the same strength independent of the selection mode. These identical configurations, however, differed in their duration. Combined with the results of a distributed source localization procedure, our data are suggestive of longer lasting activity in SMA during the 'internal' and longer lasting activity in PMA during the 'external' condition. Our results confirm previous findings in showing that SMA and PMA are distinctively involved in the two tasks and that this functional dichotomy is relative rather than absolute but indicate that such a dissociation can result from differences in duration rather than pure strength of activation

    Visual activity in the human frontal eye field

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    Although visual information processing in the monkey frontal eye field (FEF) has been well demonstrated, the contribution of its human homologue to vision is still unknown. Here we report a study of intracranial visual evoked potentials (VEPs) recorded from the human FEF which was identified by electrical cortical stimulation. Electrical stimulations and EEG recordings were carried out via subdural grid electrodes placed over the frontal cortex in three epileptic patients. Evoked eye movements were mainly horizontal and always directed to the hemispace contralateral to the stimulation site. Intracranial VEPs showed responses predominately to stimuli in the contralateral visual field. Our findings demonstrate a close relationship between the direction of the electrically elicited eye movements and the visual stimulus location which predominantly leads to neural responses in the FEF. These findings provide evidence for the functional role of the human FEF in the analysis of visual stimuli from the contralateral visual field as well as in the generation of eye movements towards these conspicuous targets

    Location of the human frontal eye field as defined by electrical cortical stimulation: anatomical, functional and electrophysiological characteristics

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    Electrical cortical stimulation of the human frontal gyri and the precentral gyrus has been shown to induce eye movements and it has classically been assumed that these stimulation-induced eye movements result from electrical interference with the human homologue of the monkey frontal eye field (FEF). However, amplitude of electrical current and induced type of eye movement, which are essential for the determination of eye fields in the monkey, have not been investigated systematically in man. We applied electrical cortical stimulation in the lateral frontal cortex in six epileptic patients. Sites whose stimulation resulted in eye movements were determined with respect to gyral and sulcal patterns, Talairach coordinates and neighboring functions as found by electrical cortical stimulation. Based on this approach, a restricted location of the electrically defined FEF is proposed within a larger oculomotor region on the posterior part of the middle frontal gyrus

    Space-oriented segmentation and 3-dimensional source reconstruction of ictal EEG patterns

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    OBJECTIVES: Characterization of the EEG pattern during the early phase of a seizure is crucial for identifying the epileptic focus. The purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate a method that divides ictal EEG activity into segments of relatively constant surface voltage distribution, and to provide a 3-dimensional localization of the activity during the different segments. METHODS: For each timepoint the electrical voltage distribution on the scalp (the voltage map) was determined from the digitized EEG recording. Through a spatial cluster analysis time sequences where the maps did not change much (segments) were identified, and a 3-dimensional source reconstruction of the activity corresponding to the different mean maps was performed using a distributed linear inverse solution algorithm. RESULTS: Segments dominating early in seizure development were identified, and source reconstruction of the EEG activity corresponding to the maps of these segments yielded results which were consistent with the results from invasive recordings. In some cases a sequence of consecutive segments was obtained, which might reflect ictal propagation. CONCLUSIONS: Segmentation of ictal EEG with subsequent 3-dimensional source reconstruction is a useful method to non-invasively determine the initiation and perhaps also the spread of epileptiform activity in patients with epileptic seizures

    Temporal and spatial determination of EEG-seizure onset in the frequency domain

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    OBJECTIVE: A quantitative analysis of scalp electric fields in patients suffering from pharmacoresistant temporal lobe epilepsy was performed in order to study the development of rhythmic ictal activities over time. METHODS: A method that calculates phase-corrected voltage maps in the frequency domain (FFT-approximation) was applied to ictal multichannel recordings in 10 epileptic patients. The onset of the ictally dominant frequency was determined and its temporal evolution over a time period of 46 s around the ictal EEG onset was studied. The analysis was completed by a linear inverse solution that estimated the sources of the dominant frequency. RESULTS: This method permitted the identification of an ictally dominant frequency which started on the average prior to the onset of initial EEG signs as determined by visual inspection. The frequency incremented during the evolution of the seizure in all patients. The linear inverse solution algorithm localized the source of this frequency to the brain region which was clinically determined as the site of seizure onset and whose resection rendered all patients seizure-free. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that the constant increase of the ictally dominant frequency is related to the amount of temporal lobe tissue generating the ictal discharges. Frequential analysis of ictal electric fields can be reliably used to detect focal pathological activity early during seizure onset arising in deep structures such as the mesial temporal lobe

    Temporal and spatial determination of EEG-seizure onset in the frequency domain

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    OBJECTIVE: A quantitative analysis of scalp electric fields in patients suffering from pharmacoresistant temporal lobe epilepsy was performed in order to study the development of rhythmic ictal activities over time. METHODS: A method that calculates phase-corrected voltage maps in the frequency domain (FFT-approximation) was applied to ictal multichannel recordings in 10 epileptic patients. The onset of the ictally dominant frequency was determined and its temporal evolution over a time period of 46 s around the ictal EEG onset was studied. The analysis was completed by a linear inverse solution that estimated the sources of the dominant frequency. RESULTS: This method permitted the identification of an ictally dominant frequency which started on the average prior to the onset of initial EEG signs as determined by visual inspection. The frequency incremented during the evolution of the seizure in all patients. The linear inverse solution algorithm localized the source of this frequency to the brain region which was clinically determined as the site of seizure onset and whose resection rendered all patients seizure-free. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that the constant increase of the ictally dominant frequency is related to the amount of temporal lobe tissue generating the ictal discharges. Frequential analysis of ictal electric fields can be reliably used to detect focal pathological activity early during seizure onset arising in deep structures such as the mesial temporal lobe

    Studying the Role of Human Parietal Cortex in Visuospatial Attention with Concurrent TMS–fMRI

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    Combining transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with concurrent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) allows study of how local brain stimulation may causally affect activity in remote brain regions. Here, we applied bursts of high- or low-intensity TMS over right posterior parietal cortex, during a task requiring sustained covert visuospatial attention to either the left or right hemifield, or in a neutral control condition, while recording blood oxygenation-level–dependent signal with a posterior MR surface coil. As expected, the active attention conditions activated components of the well-described “attention network,” as compared with the neutral baseline. Also as expected, when comparing left minus right attention, or vice versa, contralateral occipital visual cortex was activated. The critical new finding was that the impact of high- minus low-intensity parietal TMS upon these visual regions depended on the currently attended side. High- minus low-intensity parietal TMS increased the difference between contralateral versus ipsilateral attention in right extrastriate visual cortex. A related albeit less pronounced pattern was found for left extrastriate visual cortex. Our results confirm that right human parietal cortex can exert attention-dependent influences on occipital visual cortex and provide a proof of concept for the use of concurrent TMS–fMRI in studying how remote influences can vary in a purely top–down manner with attentional demands