720 research outputs found

    Chemical Impacts of the Microbiome Across Scales Reveal Novel Conjugated Bile Acids

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    A mosaic of cross-phyla chemical interactions occurs between all metazoans and their microbiomes. In humans, the gut harbors the heaviest microbial load, but many organs, particularly those with a mucosal surface, associate with highly adapted and evolved microbial consortia. The microbial residents within these organ systems are increasingly well characterized, yielding a good understanding of human microbiome composition, but we have yet to elucidate the full chemical impact the microbiome exerts on an animal and the breadth of the chemical diversity it contributes. A number of molecular families are known to be shaped by the microbiome including short-chain fatty acids, indoles, aromatic amino acid metabolites, complex polysaccharides, and host lipids; such as sphingolipids and bile acids. These metabolites profoundly affect host physiology and are being explored for their roles in both health and disease. Considering the diversity of the human microbiome, numbering over 40,000 operational taxonomic units, a plethora of molecular diversity remains to be discovered. Here, we use unique mass spectrometry informatics approaches and data mapping onto a murine 3D-model to provide an untargeted assessment of the chemical diversity between germ-free (GF) and colonized mice (specific-pathogen free, SPF), and report the finding of novel bile acids produced by the microbiome in both mice and humans that have evaded characterization despite 170 years of research on bile acid chemistry

    Математическое моделирование процессов тепломассопереноса в условиях микроволнового нагрева влажной древесины.

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    Объектом исследования является: влажная древесина; Цель работы – математическое моделирование процессов тепломассопереноса в условиях микроволнового нагрева влажной древесины; В результате исследования были получены времена сушки древесины при различных начальных параметров и характеристиках заготовки ; Степень внедрения: результаты внедрены в учебный процесс; Область применения: сушильные камеры.не

    Chemical Impacts of the Microbiome Across Scales Reveal Novel Conjugated Bile Acids

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    A mosaic of cross-phyla chemical interactions occurs between all metazoans and their microbiomes. In humans, the gut harbors the heaviest microbial load, but many organs, particularly those with a mucosal surface, associate with highly adapted and evolved microbial consortia. The microbial residents within these organ systems are increasingly well characterized, yielding a good understanding of human microbiome composition, but we have yet to elucidate the full chemical impact the microbiome exerts on an animal and the breadth of the chemical diversity it contributes. A number of molecular families are known to be shaped by the microbiome including short-chain fatty acids, indoles, aromatic amino acid metabolites, complex polysaccharides, and host lipids; such as sphingolipids and bile acids. These metabolites profoundly affect host physiology and are being explored for their roles in both health and disease. Considering the diversity of the human microbiome, numbering over 40,000 operational taxonomic units, a plethora of molecular diversity remains to be discovered. Here, we use unique mass spectrometry informatics approaches and data mapping onto a murine 3D-model to provide an untargeted assessment of the chemical diversity between germ-free (GF) and colonized mice (specific-pathogen free, SPF), and report the finding of novel bile acids produced by the microbiome in both mice and humans that have evaded characterization despite 170 years of research on bile acid chemistry

    Population ecology of the intertidal anemone Actinia tenebrosa Farquhar (Cnidaria: Anthozoa)

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    The population ecology of the intertidal anemone Actinia tenebrosa Farquhar, 1898, was studied at Kaikoura, New Zealand, from 1972 to 1976 inclusive. Chapters in this thesis discuss geographical distribution of the species, synonymy, reproduction, pedal locomotion, intraspecific aggression, population dynamics and longevity

    Mixed convection in a rotating porous cavity having local heater

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    Numerical simulation of convective heat transfer inside a rotating porous square cavity with local heater of constant temperature has been performed. Governing equations formulated on the basis of mass, momentum and energy conservation laws written using the dimensionless stream function, vorticity and temperature have been solved by the finite difference method. The effects of Rayleigh and Taylor numbers on periodic flow and heat transfer have been studied

    Study of the effect of thermo - and photosdate on the properties of cotton fabrics by vibrational spectroscopy

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    By IR and Raman spectroscopy we studied the influence of photo - and thermal impact on dyed cotton fabric. The possibility is shown how the identification of different dyes and to detect signs of different ways impacts on the fabric. Demonstrated that the combined use of IR and Raman spectroscopy extends the study of woven materials

    Інвестиційна політика як один з пріорітетних шляхів розвитку економіки регіонів

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    В сучасних умовах спаду економічного розвитку регіонів важливу роль відіграють пошуки нових напрямів в регіональній реформі. На сучасному етапі дуже мало приділяється уваги новаторським питанням. Таким чином, розвиток інноваційної діяльності суб’єктів господарювання регіону може бути використаний як дієвий чинник економічного оздоровлення