79 research outputs found

    Occupational health and safety in Norwegian aquaculture - National profile for a FAO report on global aquaculture OHS

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    The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) are gathering an overview of the global, regional and national terrain of aquaculture/fish farming occupational health and safety and related social and welfare impacts. This report is Norway's national profile and presents the status of occupational health, safety management and challenges in the Norwegian aquaculture industry. Farmed Atlantic salmon and trout amount to 99.6 percent of the total aquaculture production. Being a fish farmer is the 2nd most risk exposed occupation in Norway. Occupational injuries as well as musculoskeletal problems are the most common reasons for both sick leave and worry amongst employees. Working life in the Norwegian aquaculture industry is regulated by the Working Environment Act. The "Norwegian model" is based on the idea that we can unite value creation and competitive power with social equality and welfare. Safety work has improved considerably since the 1990's. Future research may include a thorough evaluation of preventive measures for the improvements of OHS in the Norwegian aquaculture sector.publishedVersio

    Work strain and thermophysiological responses in Norwegian fish farming — a field study

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    Fish farming is considered as a physical demanding occupation, including work operations with high workloads and awkward work positions for prolonged periods of time. Combined with potential challenging environmental conditions, these factors may negatively affect work performance, comfort and health. This study aimed to explore work strain and thermophysiological responses in Norwegian fish farming. Fourteen workers (age 35 ± 15 yrs) from four fish farms participated in the field studies, and measurements of heart rate (HR), core- and skin temperatures were registered continuously during a work shift. Questions about subjective thermal sensation and comfort were answered. This study has shown that workers at fish farms are periodically exposed to high or low levels of work strain, where the high workloads are manifested as increased core temperature and HR when working. The results are expected to give a better understanding of work strain and environmental challenges during fish farm operations.publishedVersio

    Nye produksjonssystemer i havbruk - Utfordringer og muligheter

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    Havbruksnæringen preges av stor aktivitet knyttet til innovasjon, etablering og drift av nye produksjonssystemer for lakseoppdrett. Fremtredende nye produksjonssystemer er landbaserte anlegg, flytende lukket og semi-lukkete anlegg i sjø samt anlegg designet for lokaliteter som er mer eksponert for bølger, vind og strøm. I denne rapporten presenteres muligheter og utfordringer basert på intervjuer og arbeidsmøter med aktører som kjenner de ulike systemene gjennom drift og som utstyrsleverandører. Overordnet handler mulighetene om sirkulær økonomi, fiskehelse- og velferd, produksjon, biosikkerhet, ringvirkninger, marked og miljø. Utfordringene dreier seg om vannmiljø, teknologi, infrastruktur og energiforbruk, sirkulær økonomi, fiskehelse og -velferd, miljøbetingelser, organisatoriske faktorer, økonomi og miljø. Noen av utfordringene gjelder for flere av systemene, mens andre er særlig knyttet til et av systemene. Aktørene er også opptatt av kriterier for passende lokaliteter for sine system, samt en regulering som legger gode rammer for næringen fremover.Nye produksjonssystemer i havbruk - Utfordringer og muligheterpublishedVersio

    Innovation in the Norwegian aquaculture industry

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    Global aquaculture production has grown very rapidly in recent decades. This is largely due to a number of innovations that has increased the control with the production process and competitiveness. These innovations come in a number of forms from radical new concepts to knowledge adaption from the terrestrial food production system. While there exist a number of studies investigating the impact of specific innovations, there are few studies that take a larger perspective on how innovations over time impacts an aquaculture industry or the innovation system that support these innovations. In this paper we review the innovation process in Norwegian salmon aquaculture industry from its infancy in 1970 until present. Of particular interest is the increasing complexity of the industry, and how most innovations are conducted by suppliers and not the aquaculture producers themselves. The insights are also of general interest in global aquaculture as salmon is among the species with the most advanced production technologies, but also a species where innovations are adapted to other species also in very different production systems.publishedVersio

    Work environment and health in the fishing fleet: results from a survey amongst Norwegian fishers

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    Background: Fishery is an important industry in Norway. Compared to other industries the number of occupational accidents is high. Fishers are exposed to a range of unfavourable working conditions, but there is limited research-based knowledge about the interaction between working conditions and health. The aim of the article is to study fishers’ 1) work-related exposures and health complaints, 2) sickness absence, 3) subjective perception of health status and 3) level of job satisfaction. Materials and methods: Data was gathered through a telephone survey. The survey included questions about exposure, health complaints, health status and job satisfaction. Methods for analysis were descriptive statistics and relative risk (RR). Results: A total of 830 full-time fishers were interviewed. Coastal fishers are more exposed to factors such as climatic (RR = 1.546, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.311–1.823), ergonomic (RR = 1.539, 95% CI 1.293–1.833) and processing (RR = 2.119, 95% CI 1.847–2.431), compared to other groups of fishers. Coastal fishers are also more likely to experience musculoskeletal problems (RR = 1.623, 95% CI 1.139–2.314), sickness absence (RR = 1.337, 95% CI 1.081–1.655) and to perceive their own health as poor (RR = 2.155, 95% CI 1.119–4.152). Purse sein fishers are less exposed to climatic (RR = 0.777, 95% CI 0.633–0.953), ergonomic (RR = 0.617, 95% CI 0.487–0.783) and processing (RR = 0.292, 95% CI 0.221–0.385) factors and are less likely to experience sickness absence (RR = 0.635, 95% CI 0.479–0.840). In terms of job satisfaction, 99% if our respondents enjoy their work. Conclusions: Norwegian fishers have a high degree of job satisfaction and overall good health. Challenges regarding health complaints and exposures in the working environment were identified. This may be helpful for the industry, showing where measures should be implemented to prevent exposure, illness and sickness absence. Findings may also serve as a basis for future intervention studies aimed at promoting healthy working environments for fishers, especially how to improve vessels and develop user-friendly technology to reduce risk of injuries and strain

    Lusetellingsmetoder i lakseoppdrett - en beskrivelse av dagens status

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    Denne rapporten inngår i prosjektet "Utvikling av standardisert tellemetodikk og beregning av luseforekomst". Beskrivelser av dagens lusetellingsmetoder i lakseoppdrett er basert på intervju med ansatte som jobber på oppdrettsanlegg og etablerte prosedyrer. Dette materialet diskuteres mot relevant litteratur. Dokumentasjonen av dagens metoder for lusetelling er gjort med mål om å identifisere variasjon, styrker og utfordringer knyttet til ulike faser av lusetellingsprosessen, både med hensyn til tekniske aspekter og menneskelige faktorer. Rapporten viser blant annet at det er variasjon både mellom og internt i selskap når det gjelder valg av utstyr og fremgangsmåte. Flere ansatte oppgir at det kan være utfordrende å skille mellom ulike arter og stadier under lusetellingen. Prosjekt 901411 er finansiert av Fiskeri- og havbruksnæringens forskningsfond i perioden høst 2017 til sommer 2018. Det ledes av Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning (NINA), og utføres i samarbeid med SINTEF Ocean og Veterinærinstituttet (VI).Fiskeri- og havbruksnæringens forskningsfondpublishedVersio

    Musculoskeletal symptoms among workers in the commercial fishing fleet of Norway

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    Background: Fishers exposed to unfavourable environmental conditions may suffer negative health ef- fects. This study aimed to identify musculoskeletal symptoms in professional fishers in Norway using data from several sources; register data, telephone survey and questionnaire. Materials and methods: Professional fishers (n = 25,971) registered in the period 2008–2013 were selected by Statistics Norway (SSB). An age- and gender-matched control population (n = 77,913) was also selected. Outpatient consultation and hospitalisation data were received from the Norwegian Patient Registry (NPR). To obtain information about self-reported symptoms, 832 registered fishers on board Norwegian fishing vessels were interviewed by telephone, and a questionnaire was distributed to the crews of 5 trawlers (n = 153).  Results: Data from NPR showed that fishers, compared to the control population, suffered significantly more acute incidents related to musculoskeletal disorders (5.4% vs. 4.8%, respectively), injuries to arms (11.3% vs. 9.8%), feet (8.4% vs. 8%), and back (0.9% vs. 0.7%). In the telephone survey, 61% and 43% reported that they performed monotonous work operations and heavy lifting often or very often, respec- tively. Thirty-three per cent had experienced pain in neck/shoulders/arms often or very often during the previous 12 months, and 93% believed this was fully or partly due to their work situation. The questionnaire among trawler crew members showed that 57% and 60% had experienced stiffness and/or pain in neck/ /shoulders and lower back/small of the back respectively during the previous 12 months.  Conclusions: Data from the register study, telephone survey and questionnaire all confirmed that musculo- skeletal problems are common among fishers and related to their work situation. However, 77% of the fishers in all vessel groups and on board the 5 trawlers reported their own health as being very good or good.

    Sikkerhet og risikostyring i eksponerte havbruksoperasjoner - Resultater fra SFI EXPOSED 2015-2023

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    Denne rapporten er en oppsummering av arbeidet i forskningsområdet "Sikkerhet og risikostyring" i SFI EXPOSED. Risikobildet som er beskrevet, viser at mer kan gjøres for å bedre sikkerheten i havbruk. Sikkerhetsutfordringer på lokaliteter som brukes i dag, må håndteres i driften av nye anleggskonsepter lenger fra land, eller på lokaliteter som er spesielt eksponert for vind, bølger og strøm. Sikkerheten i havbruksoperasjoner kan forbedres ved å innføre forebyggende strategier og tiltak. Dette er tiltak som reduserer belastningen og bedrer arbeidsmiljøet for den enkelte arbeidstaker, kontrollerer risiko i operasjonene ved å fjerne farer eller redusere konsekvensen av uønskede hendelser, sikrer forsvarlig opplæring og robust organisering av arbeidet, velfungerende beredskap og sikkerhetsbarrierer som en del av designprosessen. Rapporten peker videre på behovet for en helhetlig tilnærming til risiko, og presenterer en forbedret metode for risikovurderinger, diskuterer operasjonsgrenser, avbruddskriterier og sikkerhetsindikatorer som beslutningsstøtte for eksponert oppdrett og havbruk til havs.Sikkerhet og risikostyring i eksponerte havbruksoperasjoner - Resultater fra SFI EXPOSED 2015-2023publishedVersio

    Kunnskapsgrunnlag for utvikling av løsninger som reduserer faren for rømming fra lakseoppdrettsanlegg

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    Rapporten presenterer et kunnskapsgrunnlag for utvikling av løsninger som kan bidra til redusere faren for rømming fra oppdrettsanlegg som følge av menneskelig feilhandling: • Avviksrapporteringssystem • Piktogram • Malinger og beslutningsstfl}tte • Notinnfesting Løsningsforslagene er blant annet basert på analyser av årsaker til tidligere rømmingshendelser, og identifisering av operasjoner som er særlig kritiske med tanke på rømming. Forslagene kan legges til grunn for næringens videre arbeid med å forebygge rømminger.Fiskeri - og havbruksnæringens forskningsfondpublishedVersio

    Innovation policy in the Norwegian aquaculture industry: Reshaping aquaculture production innovation networks

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    While aquaculture production in a number of countries has been highly successful in terms of production growth, there is also a number of instances where the rapid growth has been curtailed due to sustainability challenges. In response, fostering sustainable aquaculture production has become a key policy and research agenda. The point of departure for this paper is the radical technological innovations based sustainable restructuring dynamics of the Norwegian salmon farming industry, which despite becoming one of the most profitable aquaculture industries in the world, has in recent years seen its growth curtailed due to sustainability challenges. To address these challenges and to enable the use of new areas currently inaccessible by the incumbent aquaculture technology, the Norwegian authorities launched in 2015 a new type of innovation policy instrument, known as development licences. Based on a mapping of the aquaculture production technology development projects as well as in-depth interviews, this paper elucidates how the targeted innovation policy instrument has instigated the sustainable restructuring process of the Norwegian aquaculture industry. Our findings indicate that in the short term, the innovation policy appears to have succeeded in the reconfiguration, and more precisely, the ’renewal’ process of the aquaculture production technology innovation networks (ecosystems) thanks to the entry of the new capable actors into the segment. However, we emphasise that the overall success of the innovation policy instrument will ultimately hinge upon sufficiently addressing certain aspects of the institutional failures in the sector.Innovation policy in the Norwegian aquaculture industry: Reshaping aquaculture production innovation networkspublishedVersio