363 research outputs found

    Multi-scale biodiversity drives temporal variability in macrosystems

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    High temporal variability in environmental conditions, populations, and ecological communities can result in species extinctions and outbreaks of agricultural pests and disease vectors, as well as impact industries dependent on reliable provisioning of ecosys- tem services. Yet few empirical studies have focused on testing hypotheses about the drivers of ecological temporal variability at large spatial and temporal scales. Using decadal datasets that span aquatic and terrestrial macrosystems and structural equation modeling, we show that local temporal variability and spatial synchrony increase temporal variability for entire macrosystems. These mechanisms are influenced by environmental heterogeneity, habitat-level species diversity, spatial scale, and the size of the regional species pool. This analysis is among the first to provide a quantitative argument for the value of regional species diversity. Moreover, our conceptual model is generalizable and may help guide management efforts to reduce temporal variability for con- servation or service provisioning in other macrosystems

    Size-dependent functional response of Xenopus laevis feeding on mosquito larvae

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    Predators can play an important role in regulating prey abundance and diversity, determining food web structure and function, and contributing to important ecosystem services, including the regulation of agricultural pests and disease vectors. Thus, the ability to predict predator impact on prey is an important goal in ecology. Often, predators of the same species are assumed to be functionally equivalent, despite considerable individual variation in predator traits known to be important for shaping predator–prey interactions, like body size. This assumption may greatly oversimplify our understanding of within-species functional diversity and undermine our ability to predict predator effects on prey. Here, we examine the degree to which predator–prey interactions are functionally homogenous across a natural range of predator body sizes. Specifically, we quantify the size-dependence of the functional response of African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) preying on mosquito larvae (Culex pipiens). Three size classes of predators, small (15–30 mm snout-vent length), medium (50–60 mm) and large (105–120 mm), were presented with five densities of prey to determine functional response type and to estimate search efficiency and handling time parameters generated from the models. The results of mesocosm experiments showed that type of functional response of X. laevis changed with size: small predators exhibited a Type II response, while medium and large predators exhibited Type III responses. Functional response data showed an inversely proportional relationship between predator attack rate and predator size. Small and medium predators had highest and lowest handling time, respectively. The change in functional response with the size of predator suggests that predators with overlapping cohorts may have a dynamic impact on prey populations. Therefore, predicting the functional response of a single size-matched predator in an experiment may misrepresent the predator’s potential impact on a prey population

    Evaluation of delivery options for second-stage events

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    Cesarean delivery in the second stage of labor is common, whereas the frequency of operative vaginal delivery has been declining. However, data comparing outcomes for attempted operative vaginal delivery in the second stage versus cesarean in the second stage are scant. Previous studies that examine operative vaginal delivery have compared it to a baseline risk of complications from a spontaneous vaginal delivery and cesarean delivery. However, when a woman has a need for intervention in the second stage, spontaneous vaginal delivery is not an option she or the provider can choose. Thus, the appropriate clinical comparison is cesarean versus operative vaginal delivery

    Pregnancy-Associated Hypertension in Glucose-Intolerant Pregnancy and Subsequent Metabolic Syndrome

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    To evaluate whether pregnancy-associated hypertension (preeclampsia or gestational hypertension), among women with varying degrees of glucose intolerance during pregnancy is associated with maternal metabolic syndrome 5-10 years later

    Prediction of Spontaneous Preterm Birth Among Nulliparous Women With a Short Cervix

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    To evaluate whether demographic and sonographic factors associated with spontaneous preterm birth (sPTB) among nulliparous women with a cervical length (CL) < 30 mm could be combined into an accurate prediction model for sPTB

    Association of Cervical Effacement With the Rate of Cervical Change in Labor Among Nulliparous Women

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the association of cervical effacement with the rate of intrapartum cervical change among nulliparous women. METHODS: We conducted a secondary analysis of a prospective trial of intrapartum fetal pulse oximetry. For women who had vaginal deliveries, interval-censored regression was used to estimate the time to dilate at 1-cm intervals. For each given centimeter of progressive cervical dilation, women were divided into those who had achieved 100% cervical effacement and those who had not. The analysis was performed separately for women in spontaneous labor and those who were given oxytocin. RESULTS: A total of 3,902 women were included in this analysis, 1,466 (38%) who underwent labor induction, 1,948 (50%) who underwent labor augmentation (combined for the analysis), and 488 (13%) who labored spontaneously. For women in spontaneous labor, the time to dilate 1 cm was shorter for those who were 100% effaced starting at 4 cm of cervical dilation (P=.01 to <.001). For women who received oxytocin, the time to dilate 1 cm was shorter for those who were 100% effaced throughout labor (P<.001). CONCLUSION: The rate of cervical dilation among nulliparous women is associated with not only the degree of cervical dilation, but also with cervical effacement. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov, www.clinicaltrials.gov, NCT00098709
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