9 research outputs found

    Remodeling of organelle-bound actin is required for yeast vacuole fusion

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    Actin participates in several intracellular trafficking pathways. We now find that actin, bound to the surface of purified yeast vacuoles in the absence of cytosol or cytoskeleton, regulates the last compartment mixing stage of homotypic vacuole fusion. The Cdc42p GTPase is known to be required for vacuole fusion. We now show that proteins of the Cdc42p-regulated actin remodeling cascade (Cdc42p → Cla4p → Las17p/Vrp1p → Arp2/3 complex → actin) are enriched on isolated vacuoles. Vacuole fusion is dramatically altered by perturbation of the vacuole-bound actin, either by mutation of the ACT1 gene, addition of specific actin ligands such as latrunculin B or jasplakinolide, antibody to the actin regulatory proteins Las17p (yeast Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein) or Arp2/3, or deletion of actin regulatory genes. On docked vacuoles, actin is enriched at the “vertex ring” membrane microdomain where fusion occurs and is required for the terminal steps leading to membrane fusion. This role for actin may extend to other trafficking systems

    High level secretion of cellobiohydrolases by Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The main technological impediment to widespread utilization of lignocellulose for the production of fuels and chemicals is the lack of low-cost technologies to overcome its recalcitrance. Organisms that hydrolyze lignocellulose and produce a valuable product such as ethanol at a high rate and titer could significantly reduce the costs of biomass conversion technologies, and will allow separate conversion steps to be combined in a consolidated bioprocess (CBP). Development of <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </it>for CBP requires the high level secretion of cellulases, particularly cellobiohydrolases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We expressed various cellobiohydrolases to identify enzymes that were efficiently secreted by <it>S. cerevisiae</it>. For enhanced cellulose hydrolysis, we engineered bimodular derivatives of a well secreted enzyme that naturally lacks the carbohydrate-binding module, and constructed strains expressing combinations of <it>cbh1 </it>and <it>cbh2 </it>genes. Though there was significant variability in the enzyme levels produced, up to approximately 0.3 g/L CBH1 and approximately 1 g/L CBH2 could be produced in high cell density fermentations. Furthermore, we could show activation of the unfolded protein response as a result of cellobiohydrolase production. Finally, we report fermentation of microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel™) to ethanol by CBH-producing <it>S. cerevisiae </it>strains with the addition of beta-glucosidase.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Gene or protein specific features and compatibility with the host are important for efficient cellobiohydrolase secretion in yeast. The present work demonstrated that production of both CBH1 and CBH2 could be improved to levels where the barrier to CBH sufficiency in the hydrolysis of cellulose was overcome.</p

    Rho1p and Cdc42p act after Ypt7p to regulate vacuole docking

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    Rho GTPases, which control polarized cell growth through cytoskeletal reorganization, have recently been implicated in the control of endo- and exocytosis. We now report that both Rho1p and Cdc42p have a direct role in mediating the docking stage of homotypic vacuole fusion. Vacuoles prepared from strains with temperature-sensitive alleles of either Rho1p or Cdc42p are thermolabile for fusion. RhoGDI (Rdi1p), which extracts Rho1p and Cdc42p from the vacuole membrane, blocks vacuole fusion. The Rho GTPases can not fulfill their function as long as priming and Ypt7p-dependent tethering are inhibited. However, reactions that are reversibly blocked after docking by the calcium chelator BAPTA have passed the point of sensitivity to Rdi1p. Extraction and removal of Ypt7p, Rho1p and Cdc42p from docked vacuoles (by Gdi1p, Gyp7p and Rdi1p) does not impede subsequent membrane fusion, which is still sensitive to GTPÎłS. Thus, multiple GTPases act in a defined sequence to regulate the docking steps of vacuole fusion

    Sec17p and HOPS, in distinct SNARE complexes, mediate SNARE complex disruption or assembly for fusion

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    SNARE functions during membrane docking and fusion are regulated by Sec1/Munc18 (SM) chaperones and Rab/Ypt GTPase effectors. These functions for yeast vacuole fusion are combined in the six-subunit HOPS complex. HOPS facilitates Ypt7p nucleotide exchange, is a Ypt7p effector, and contains an SM protein. We have dissected the associations and requirements for HOPS, Ypt7p, and Sec17/18p during SNARE complex assembly. Vacuole SNARE complexes bind either Sec17p or the HOPS complex, but not both. Sec17p and its co-chaperone Sec18p disassemble SNARE complexes. Ypt7p regulates the reassembly of unpaired SNAREs with each other and with HOPS, forming HOPS·SNARE complexes prior to fusion. After HOPS·SNARE assembly, lipid rearrangements are still required for vacuole content mixing. Thus, Sec17p and HOPS have mutually exclusive interactions with vacuole SNAREs to mediate disruption of SNARE complexes or their assembly for docking and fusion. Sec17p may displace HOPS from SNAREs to permit subsequent rounds of fusion

    Reversible, cooperative reactions of yeast vacuole docking

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    Homotypic yeast vacuole fusion occurs in three stages: (i) priming reactions, which are independent of vacuole clustering, (ii) docking, in which vacuoles cluster and accumulate fusion proteins and fusion regulatory lipids at a ring-shaped microdomain surrounding the apposed membranes of each docked vacuole, where fusion will occur, and (iii) bilayer fusion/compartment mixing. These stages require vacuolar SNAREs, SNARE-chaperones, GTPases, effector complexes, and chemically minor but functionally important lipids. For each, we have developed specific ligands that block fusion and conditions that reverse each block. Using them, we test whether docking entails a linearly ordered series of catalytic events, marked by sequential acquisition of resistance to inhibitors, or whether docking subreactions are cooperative and/or reversible. We find that each fusion protein and regulatory lipid is needed throughout docking, indicative of a reversible or highly cooperative assembly of the fusion-competent vertex ring. In accord with this cooperativity, vertices enriched in one fusion catalyst are enriched in others. Docked vacuoles finally assemble SNARE complexes, yet still require physiological temperature and lipid rearrangements to complete fusion

    Sec18p and Vam7p remodel trans-SNARE complexes to permit a lipid-anchored R-SNARE to support yeast vacuole fusion

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    Intracellular membrane fusion requires SNARE proteins in a trans-complex, anchored to apposed membranes. Proteoliposome studies have suggested that SNAREs drive fusion by stressing the lipid bilayer via their transmembrane domains (TMDs), and that SNARE complexes require a TMD in each docked membrane to promote fusion. Yeast vacuole fusion is believed to require three Q-SNAREs from one vacuole and the R-SNARE Nyv1p from its fusion partner. In accord with this model, we find that fusion is abolished when the TMD of Nyv1p is replaced by lipid anchors, even though lipid-anchored Nyv1p assembles into trans-SNARE complexes. However, normal fusion is restored by the addition of both Sec18p and the soluble SNARE Vam7p. In restoring fusion, Sec18p promotes the disassembly of trans-SNARE complexes, and Vam7p enhances their assembly. Thus, either the TMD of this R-SNARE is not essential for fusion, and TMD-mediated membrane stress is not the only mode of trans-SNARE complex action, or these SNAREs have more flexibility than heretofore appreciated to form alternate functional complexes that violate the 3Q:1R rule