713 research outputs found

    Simulations of Flowing Supercritical n-Decane

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    The Air Force is interested in the research of supercritical jet and rocket fuels, as well as the effects of thermally induced fuel degradation. As future flight vehicles travel at ever increasing Mach numbers, greater heat loads will be imposed upon the fuel. The primary purpose of this study is to develop a computational model for predicting fuel decomposition and bulk fuel temperatures in a stimulated heated flow reactor. The System for Thermal Diagnostic Studies (STDS), located in the Air Force Research Laboratory\u27s Fuels Branch, is used to analyze fuels under supercritical temperatures and pressures. Computational simulations of the STDS reactor are performed to better understand the heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and chemistry associated with fuel flow through the STDS reactor. A simplified global chemistry model is incorporated into the computational simulation. Predictions of the current model are compared to the results of the STDS experiments, which employ flowing n-decane. The proposed computational model is validated using experimental data obtained at different flow rates after thermally stressing the n-decane fuel. The model predictions agree well with the experimentally measured results. The computational model serves as a tool to study how various physical and experimental parameters affect fuel degradation

    Recognizing normal reproductive biology: A comparative analysis of variability in menstrual cycle biomarkers in German and Bolivian women

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    The idealized “normal” menstrual cycle typically comprises a coordinated ebb and flow of hormones over a 28-day span with ovulation invariably shown at the midpoint. It's a pretty picture—but rare. Systematic studies have debunked the myth that cycles occur regularly about every 28 days. However, assumptions persist regarding the extent and normalcy of variation in other cycle biomarkers. The processes of judging which phenotypic variants are “normal” is context dependent. In everyday life, normal is that which is most commonly seen. In biomedicine normal is often defined as an arbitrarily bounded portion of the phenotype's distribution about its statistical mean. Standards thus defined in one population are problematic when applied to other populations; population specific standards may also be suspect. Rather, recognizing normal female reproductive biology in diverse human populations requires specific knowledge of proximate mechanisms and functional context. Such efforts should be grounded in an empirical assessment of phenotypic variability. We tested hypotheses regarding cycle biomarker variability in women from a wealthy industrialized population (Germany) and a resource-limited rural agropastoral population (Bolivia). Ovulatory cycles in both samples displayed marked but nonetheless comparable variability in all cycle biomarkers and similar means/medians for cycle and phase lengths. Notably, cycle and phase lengths are poor predictors of mid-luteal progesterone concentrations. These patterns suggest that global and local statistical criteria for “normal” cycles would be difficult to define. A more productive approach involves elucidating the causes of natural variation in ovarian cycling and its consequences for reproductive success and women's health

    Numerical relativity with characteristic evolution, using six angular patches

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    The characteristic approach to numerical relativity is a useful tool in evolving gravitational systems. In the past this has been implemented using two patches of stereographic angular coordinates. In other applications, a six-patch angular coordinate system has proved effective. Here we investigate the use of a six-patch system in characteristic numerical relativity, by comparing an existing two-patch implementation (using second-order finite differencing throughout) with a new six-patch implementation (using either second- or fourth-order finite differencing for the angular derivatives). We compare these different codes by monitoring the Einstein constraint equations, numerically evaluated independently from the evolution. We find that, compared to the (second-order) two-patch code at equivalent resolutions, the errors of the second-order six-patch code are smaller by a factor of about 2, and the errors of the fourth-order six-patch code are smaller by a factor of nearly 50.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, submitted to CQG (special NFNR issue

    Study of multi black hole and ring singularity apparent horizons

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    We study critical black hole separations for the formation of a common apparent horizon in systems of NN - black holes in a time symmetric configuration. We study in detail the aligned equal mass cases for N=2,3,4,5N=2,3,4,5, and relate them to the unequal mass binary black hole case. We then study the apparent horizon of the time symmetric initial geometry of a ring singularity of different radii. The apparent horizon is used as indicative of the location of the event horizon in an effort to predict a critical ring radius that would generate an event horizon of toroidal topology. We found that a good estimate for this ring critical radius is 20/(3Ď€)M20/(3\pi) M. We briefly discuss the connection of this two cases through a discrete black hole 'necklace' configuration.Comment: 31 pages, 21 figure

    Generic Tracking of Multiple Apparent Horizons with Level Flow

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    We report the development of the first apparent horizon locator capable of finding multiple apparent horizons in a ``generic'' numerical black hole spacetime. We use a level-flow method which, starting from a single arbitrary initial trial surface, can undergo topology changes as it flows towards disjoint apparent horizons if they are present. The level flow method has two advantages: 1) The solution is independent of changes in the initial guess and 2) The solution can have multiple components. We illustrate our method of locating apparent horizons by tracking horizon components in a short Kerr-Schild binary black hole grazing collision.Comment: 13 pages including figures, submitted to Phys Rev

    Carbonate Cementation of Granular and Fracture Porosity: Implications for the Cenozoic Hydrologic Development of the Peru Continental Margin

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    The evolution of pore fluids migrating through the forearc basins, continental massif, and accretionary prism of the Peru margin is recorded in the sequence of carbonate cements filling intergranular and fracture porosities. Petrographic, mineralogic, and isotopic analyses were obtained from cemented clastic sediments and tectonic breccias recovered during Leg 112 drilling. Microbial decomposition of the organic-rich upwelling facies occurs during early marine diagenesis, initially by sulfate-reduction mechanisms in the shallow subsurface, succeeded by carbonate reduction at depth. Microcrystalline, authigenic cements formed in the sulfate-reduction zone are 13C-depleted (to -20.1%c PDB), and those formed in the carbonate-reduction zone are 13C-enriched (to +19.0%c PDB). Calcium-rich dolomites and near-stoichiometric dolomites having uniformly heavy S180 values (+2.7 to +6.6%c PDB) are typical organic decomposition products. Quaternary marine dolomites from continental-shelf environments exhibit the strongest sulfate-reduction signatures, suggesting that Pleistocene sea-level fluctuations created a more oxygenated water column, caused periodic winnowing of the sediment floor, and expanded the subsurface penetration of marine sulfate. We have tentatively identified four exotic cement types precipitated from advected fluids and derived from the following diagenetic environments: (1) meteoric recharge, (2) basalt alteration, (3) seafloor venting and (4) hypersaline concentration. Coarsely crystalline, low-magnesium (Lo-Mg) calcite cements having pendant and blocky-spar morphologies, extremely negative S180 values (to -7.5%o PDB), and intermediate S13C values (-0.4%c to +4.6%c PDB) are found in shallow-marine Eocene strata. These cements are evidently products of meteoric diagenesis following subaerial emergence during late Eocene orogenic movements, although the strata have since subsided to greater than 4,000 m below sea level. Lo-Mg calcite cements filling scaly fabrics in the late Miocene accretionary prism sediments are apparently derived from fluids having lowered magnesium/calcium (Mg/Ca) and 18Q/16Q ratjos; such fluids may have reacted with the subducting oceanic crust and ascended through the forearc along shallow-dipping thrust faults. Micritic, high-magnesium (Hi-Mg) calcite cements having extremely depleted 513C values (to -37.3%c PDB), and a benthic fauna of giant clams (Calyptogena sp.) supported by a symbiotic, chemoautotrophic metabolism, provide evidence for venting of methane-charged waters at the seafloor. Enriched 5180 values (to +6.6%c PDB) in micritic dolomites from the continental shelf may be derived from hypersaline fluids that were concentrated in restricted lagoons behind an outer-shelf basement ridge, reactivated during late Miocene orogenesis

    Locating Boosted Kerr and Schwarzschild Apparent Horizons

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    We describe a finite-difference method for locating apparent horizons and illustrate its capabilities on boosted Kerr and Schwarzschild black holes. Our model spacetime is given by the Kerr-Schild metric. We apply a Lorentz boost to this spacetime metric and then carry out a 3+1 decomposition. The result is a slicing of Kerr/Schwarzschild in which the black hole is propagated and Lorentz contracted. We show that our method can locate distorted apparent horizons efficiently and accurately.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review D. 12 pages and 22 figure

    Green's Matrix for a Second Order Self-Adjoint Matrix Differential Operator

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    A systematic construction of the Green's matrix for a second order, self-adjoint matrix differential operator from the linearly independent solutions of the corresponding homogeneous differential equation set is carried out. We follow the general approach of extracting the Green's matrix from the Green's matrix of the corresponding first order system. This construction is required in the cases where the differential equation set cannot be turned to an algebraic equation set via transform techniques.Comment: 19 page

    Unequal Mass Binary Black Hole Plunges and Gravitational Recoil

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    We present results from fully nonlinear simulations of unequal mass binary black holes plunging from close separations well inside the innermost stable circular orbit with mass ratios q = M_1/M_2 = {1,0.85,0.78,0.55,0.32}, or equivalently, with reduced mass parameters η=M1M2/(M1+M2)2=0.25,0.248,0.246,0.229,0.183\eta=M_1M_2/(M_1+M_2)^2 = {0.25, 0.248, 0.246, 0.229, 0.183}. For each case, the initial binary orbital parameters are chosen from the Cook-Baumgarte equal-mass ISCO configuration. We show waveforms of the dominant l=2,3 modes and compute estimates of energy and angular momentum radiated. For the plunges from the close separations considered, we measure kick velocities from gravitational radiation recoil in the range 25-82 km/s. Due to the initial close separations our kick velocity estimates should be understood as a lower bound. The close configurations considered are also likely to contain significant eccentricities influencing the recoil velocity.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, to appear in "New Frontiers" special issue of CQ
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