1,739 research outputs found

    Opsin expression predicts male nuptial color in threespine stickleback.

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    Theoretical models of sexual selection suggest that male courtship signals can evolve through the build-up of genetic correlations between the male signal and female preference. When preference is mediated via increased sensitivity of the signal characteristics, correlations between male signal and perception/sensitivity are expected. When signal expression is limited to males, we would expect to find signal-sensitivity correlations in males. Here, we document such a correlation within a breeding population of threespine stickleback mediated by differences in opsin expression. Males with redder nuptial coloration express more long-wavelength-sensitive (LWS) opsin, making them more sensitive to orange and red. This correlation is not an artifact of shared tuning to the optical microhabitat. Such correlations are an essential feature of many models of sexual selection, and our results highlight the potential importance of opsin expression variation as a substrate for signal-preference evolution. Finally, these results suggest a potential sensory mechanism that could drive negative frequency-dependent selection via male-male competition and thus maintain variation in male nuptial color

    Metformin Activity against Breast Cancer: Mechanistic Differences by Molecular Subtype and Metabolic Conditions

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    Obesity and type 2 diabetes increase the risk of and reduce survival in breast cancer (BC) patients. Metformin is the only anti-diabetic drug that alters this risk, with a reduction in BC incidence and improved outcomes. Metformin has AMP-kinase (AMPK) dependent and independent mechanisms of action, most notably affecting the liver and skeletal muscle. We and others have shown that metformin also downregulates protein and lipid synthesis; deactivates various receptor tyrosine kinases; alters cell cycle transcription/translation; modulates mitochondrial respiration and miRNA activation; targets key metabolic molecules; induces stem cell death and may induce apoptosis or autophagy in BC cells. Many of these anti-cancer effects are molecular subtype-specific. Metformin is most potent against triple negative (basal), followed by luminal BCs. The efficacy of metformin, as well as dose needed for the activity, is also modulated by the extracellular glucose concentration, cellular expression of the glucose transporter protein 1 (GLUT1), and the organic cation transporter protein 1 (OCT1, which transports metformin into cells). This chapter summarizes the diverse clinical and preclinical data related to the anti-cancer effects of metformin, focused against breast cancer

    Two Mothers, One Grandmother: Intergenerational Ambivalence in Heterosexual Mother‑LBQ Daughter Relationships

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    Using the theoretical framing of structural ambivalence, which points to how competing cultural norms can cause conflict in family relationships, this paper asks: how does the transition to parenthood affect the intergenerational family relationship between LBQ adult women and their heterosexual mothers? Analyzing qualitative data from interviews with three adult child-parent dyads, we discuss how two cultural norms manifest in these relationships: pronatalism, or the privileging of procreation and heteronormativity, or the privileging of heterosexuality. In some ways, the intergenerational family relationship is strengthened as both LGB daughters and their heterosexual mothers express that the grandchild resulted in their becoming closer and developing a better understanding of one another. Yet the intergenerational family relationship is also strained as both members express that new conflicts arose within their relationship over issues such as how to refer to the donor or how to explain the LBQ-parent family to other family members. Mothers often felt put in an intermediary role between family members who did not approve of the LBQ parent’s sexuality and families. We discuss the implications of these findings in relation to sexuality and family scholarship and changing LGBTQ family dynamics

    Trace elements in reindeer from Rybatsjij Ostrov, north western Russia

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    Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) grazing the Rybatsjij Ostrov peninsula, north western Russia, northeast of the industrial towns of Nikel and Zapoljarnij, were analysed for hepatic concentrations of trace elements [arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn)] by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The median (range) concentrations (jig/g wet weight) deter¬mined in liver samples from 40 reindeer with even sex ratio and representation from different age classes were As 0.035 (0.017-0.048), Cd 0.34 (0.15-1.2), Cr 0.008 (<0.002-0.022), Co 0.09 (0.06-0.12), Cu 98 (29-220), Pb 0.56 (0.23-1.0), Hg 0.16 (0.08-0.31), Ni 0.027 (<0.020-0.13), Se 0.88 (0.56-1.3) and Zn 37 (24-105). The concentrations of Cd increased and Ni decreased with age. The measured liver concentrations were below levels of toxicological sig¬nificance to the animals. It can be inferred that there is no risk with the measured trace elements to human health associated with the consumption of meat from these reindeer

    New Concepts for Shipboard Sea State Estimation

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    Improving mental health outcomes: achieving equity through quality improvement

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    Objective. To investigate equity of patient outcomes in a psychological therapy service, following increased access achieved by a quality improvement (QI) initiative. Design. Retrospective service evaluation of health outcomes; data analysed by ANOVA, chi-squared and Statistical Process Control. Setting. A psychological therapy service in Westminster, London, UK. Participants. People living in the Borough of Westminster, London, attending the service (from either healthcare professional or self-referral) between February 2009 and May 2012. Intervention(s). Social marketing interventions were used to increase referrals, including the promotion of the service through local media and through existing social networks. Main Outcome Measure(s). (i) Severity of depression on entry using Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ9). (ii) Changes to severity of depression following treatment (ΔPHQ9). (iii) Changes in attainment of a meaningful improvement in condition assessed by a key performance indicator. Results. Patients from areas of high deprivation entered the service with more severe depression (M = 15.47, SD = 6.75), com-pared with patients from areas of low (M = 13.20, SD = 6.75) and medium (M = 14.44, SD = 6.64) deprivation. Patients in low

    The consistency between the severity of dental caries among 12- and 15-year old children (DMFT/S) and caries in key teeth

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnTilgangur: Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að skoða staðsetningu og dreifingu tannátu og kanna hvort hægt sé að benda á lykiltennur eða fleti tanna við mat á tannátu hjá 12 og 15 ára börnum í gögnum MUNNÍS (VSN 03-140) 2005. Efniviður og aðferðir: Gögn um tannátu hjá 12 og 15 ára börnum sem skoðuð voru í MUNNÍS (VSN 03-140) 2005 voru greind til að meta dreifingu á tannátu og til að finna hvort hægt væri að benda á lykiltennur til greiningar á tannátu hjá börnum. Upplýsingar um 1.388 börn voru skoðaðar. Notuð var núll þanin Poisson aðhvarfsgreining, hlutfall rétt flokkað, Cohen´s Kappa og næmi og sértæki til að meta gögnin. Niðurstöður: Sex ára jaxlar höfðu oftast fyllingu eða tannátu sem náði inn í tannbein hjá bæði 12 og 15 ára börnum. Ef litið var til framtanna í efri gómi voru hliðarframtennur með mest af byrjandi tannátu í glerungi hjá báðum aldurshópum. Framtennur neðri góms voru með minnst af fyllingum og tannátu hjá þessum aldurshópum. Hjá bæði 12 og 15 ára börnunum voru 12 ára jaxlar næst á eftir sex ára jöxlum hvað varðar fjölda fyllinga og tannátu sem náði inn í tannbein. Þegar fjórir til átta jaxlar voru skoðaðir sjónrænt og bornir saman við bestu skoðun (samsett sjónræn skoðun og röntgenskoðun) var næmi þess 69-77, hlutfall rétt flokkað 0,737-0,839 og Kappa 0,53-0,63. Skimun á öllum tönnum gaf næmið 78,8, hlutfall rétt flokkað 0,841 og Kappa 0,65 samanborið við bestu skoðun í gögnum MUNNÍS en 38,7% þeirra sem voru greind án tannátu með sjónrænni skimun allra tanna voru í raun með tannátu við bestu skoðun. Ályktun: Gæði skimunar allra tanna með sjónrænni skoðun eru ekki góð og gefur ekki rétta mynd af tannheilsu einstaklingsins þannig að ekki er réttlætanlegt að benda á ákveðnar lykiltennur fyrir slíka skimun.Introduction: The objective of this research was to analyse the location and distribution of dental caries to determine ig it would be possible to find key teeth or tooth surfaces in the assessment of dental caries in 12- and 15-year old children from the MUNNIS data (VSN 03-140) in 2005. Materials and methods: Data on dental caries in 12- and 15-year old children surveyed in MUNNIS (VSN 03-140) in 2005 were analysed (N=1.388 children) to see the distribution of dental caries and to analyse if it would be possible to find key teeth for the diagnosis of dental caries in children. Zero Inflated Poisson Regression, Agreement, Cohen´s Kappa and Sensitivity and Specificity were used to analyse the data. Results: First molars were most often affected by dental caries in both 12- and 15-year old children. Looking at the front teeth in the upper jaw, lateral incisors were those most at risk for dental caries in both age groups. Canines and incisors in the lower jaw were the least affected teeth in these age groups. In both 12-year old and 15-year old children, second molars were next to first molars when scoring the teeth most affected by dental caries. When four to eight molars were examined visually and compared with combined visual and X-ray examination then the sensitivity was 69-77, Agreement 0.737-0.839 and Kappa 0.53-0.63. Screening all teeth gave sensitivity of 78.8, Agreement of 0.841 and Kappa of 0.65 compared with combined visual and X-ray examination in MUNNIS data and 38.7% of those diagnosed without caries did in fact have caries. Conclusion: The quality of screening all teeth by visual examination is not good enough to allow one to point out certain key teeth for such screening and the screening do not give an accurate picture of the individuals dental health

    Femtosecond visible transient absorption spectroscopy of Chlorophyll f-containing Photosystem I

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    Photosystem I (PSI) from Chroococcidiopsis thermalis PCC 7203 grown under far-red light (FRL; >725 nm) contains both chlorophyll a and a small proportion of chlorophyll f. Here, we investigated excitation energy transfer and charge separation using this FRL-grown form of PSI (FRL-PSI). We compared femtosecond transient visible absorption changes of normal, white-light (WL)-grown PSI (WL-PSI) with those of FRL-PSI using excitation at 670 nm, 700 nm, and (in the case of FRL-PSI) 740 nm. The possibility that chlorophyll f participates in energy transfer or charge separation is discussed on the basis of spectral assignments. With selective pumping of chlorophyll f at 740 nm, we observe a final ∼150 ps decay assigned to trapping by charge separation, and the amplitude of the resulting P700+•A1−• charge-separated state indicates that the yield is directly comparable to that of WL-PSI. The kinetics shows a rapid 2 ps time constant for almost complete transfer to chlorophyll f if chlorophyll a is pumped with a wavelength of 670 nm or 700 nm. Although the physical role of chlorophyll f is best supported as a low-energy radiative trap, the physical location should be close to or potentially within the charge-separating pigments to allow efficient transfer for charge separation on the 150 ps timescale. Target models can be developed that include a branching in the formation of the charge separation for either WL-PSI or FRL-PSI

    Development of Accessory Cells in B-Cell Compartments Is Retarted in B-Cell-Depleted Fetal Sheep

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    Accessory-cell populations in the lymphoid tissues of fetal sheep were investigated following depletion of B cells. An intraperitoneal injection of an anti-IgM antibody early in gestation resulted in a marked depletion of IgM+ cells in lymphoid tissues. Immune and enzyme histochemical techniques were used to identify accessory-cell populations in the ileal Peyer's patch, spleen, and lymph nodes of B-cell-depleted fetal sheep. The rudimentary follicles in the ileal Peyer's patch showed strong enzyme reactivity for 5′ nucleotidase, indicating the presence of follicular dendritic cells (FDCs). Enzyme reactivities for FDCs in primary follicles of the spleen and lymph nodes were absent, as were reactivities for metallophilic macrophages in the marginal zone of the spleen. MgATPase reactivity associated with dendritic-cell populations in the gut-associated lymphoid tissues was detected. A monoclonal antibody against complement receptor-2 (CD21) reacted with FDCs in the rudimentary follicles of the ileal Peyer's patch and immature FDCs in lymph nodes. The results suggest that the development of accessory-cell populations in B-cell compartments of peripheral but not central lymphoid tissues is dependent on the presence of B cells