14 research outputs found

    High yield neutron generator based on a high-current gasdynamic electron cyclotron resonance ion source

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    In present paper, an approach for high yield compact D-D neutron generator based on a high current gasdynamic electron cyclotron resonance ion source is suggested. Results on dense pulsed deuteron beam production with current up to 500 mA and current density up to 750 mA/cm2 are demonstrated. Neutron yield from D2O and TiD2 targets was measured in case of its bombardment by pulsed 300 mA Dþ beam with 45 keV energy. Neutron yield density at target surface of 109 s 1 cm2 was detected with a system of two 3 He proportional counters. Estimations based on obtained experimental results show that neutron yield from a high quality TiD2 target bombarded by Dþ beam demonstrated in present work accelerated to 100 keV could reach 6 1010 s 1 cm2 . It is discussed that compact neutron generator with such characteristics could be perspective for a number of applications like boron neutron capture therapy, security systems based on neutron scanning, and neutronography. VC 2peerReviewe