2,120 research outputs found

    The RTC and the escalating costs of the thrift insurance mess

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    An examination of the structure of the Resolution Trust Corporation and of its performance in resolving the savings and loan insurance crisis, defining the obstacles that may be impeding the RTC's effectiveness in closing insolvent thrifts and returning their assets to the private sector.Resolution Trust Corporation (U.S.) ; Savings and loan associations

    FDICIA's prompt corrective action provisions

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    A review of the origins of FDICIA's early intervention policy and the political economy arguments for supporting it, with emphasis on the specific sections of the law that pertain to this policy and the ways in which the new guidelines will impact the future of the nation's depositories.Deposit insurance ; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991

    Bilingual, digital, audio-visual training modules improve technical knowledge of feedlot and dairy workers

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    Two studies were conducted to determine the effectiveness of digital multimedia modules as training tools for animal care workers. Employees at a commercial feedlot (n = 17) and a commercial dairy (n = 10) were asked to independently complete a 10-question quiz prior to and following viewing of training modules. Module topics in the feedlot were proper handling of non-ambulatory animals and humane methods of euthanasia; modules were administered to the workers, as a group, in either English (n = 7) or Spanish (N = 10), depending on previously indicated worker preference. Modules addressing dairy cattle health practices and dairy cattle handling were presented to the dairy care workers who had a preference for learning in either English (n = 7) or Spanish (n = 3). For feedlot workers, post-test scores were improved by 28% after viewing the modules compared to pre-test scores (74% vs. 58%; P 0.30) between language, topic, and between-test variation, indicating that the modules were equally effective at information delivery to both audiences in both languages. For the dairy workers, test scores improved by 27% from pre-viewing to post-viewing (73% vs. 92%; P < 0.01); there was an interaction between the effect of module and language preference (P < 0.01) indicating that although scores increased for both of the topic areas for the English-speaking workers, only the score for the animal health topic increased for the Spanish-speaking workers. Regardless of nationality, level of formal education, topic, or preferred language, digital media are effective at improving knowledge transfer to animal care professionals

    Do Individual Differences And Aging Effects In The Estimation Of Geographical Slant Reflect Cognitive Or Perceptual Effects?

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    Several individual differences including age have been suggested to affect the perception of slant. A cross-sectional study of outdoor hill estimation (N = 106) was analyzed using individual difference measures of age, experiential knowledge, fitness, personality traits, and sex. Of particular note, it was found that for participants who reported any experiential knowledge about slant, estimates decreased (i.e., became more accurate) as conscientiousness increased, suggesting that more conscientious individuals were more deliberate about taking their experiential knowledge (rather than perception) into account. Effects of fitness were limited to those without experiential knowledge, suggesting that they, too, may be cognitive rather than perceptual. The observed effects of age, which tended to produce lower, more accurate estimates of hill slant, provide more evidence that older adults do not see hills as steeper. The main effect of age was to lower slant estimates; such effects may be due to implicit experiential knowledge acquired over a lifetime. The results indicate the impact of cognitive, rather than perceptual factors on individual differences in slant estimation

    Antibiotic susceptibilities of Haemophilus influenzae in central Scotland

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    ObjectiveTo ascertain the incidence of antibiotic resistance in Haemophilus influenzae in central Scotland and the β-lactamases produced by these isolates.MethodsA total of 213 H. influenzae isolates from four medical lefts in Scotland [Aberdeen (n = 58), Edinburgh (n = 55), Glasgow (n = 64) and Dundee (n = 36)] were tested for susceptibility to a range of antimicrobials including β-lactams, β-lactam/β-lactamase-inhibitor combinations, and a representative 4-quinolone, antifolate and macrolide. Susceptibility testing of the β-lactam/β-lactamase-inhibitor combination amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid was conducted at both 2:1 and 4:1 ratios and with clavulanic acid fixed at a concentration of 2 mg/L. Each strain was further investigated for the presence of β-lactamase activity.ResultsAlthough the incidence of resistance to amoxicillin was 15%, in the presence of clavulanic acid, this resistance was reduced to 4.2%, 5.6% and 4.2% with the 2:1 ratio, 4:1 ratio and 2 mg/L fixed concentration, respectively. Sixteen percent of the isolates demonstrated immediate β-lactamase production. Isoelectric focusing showed that 77.4%, 16.1% and 6.5% of the β-lactamase-positive strains were found to contain TEM-1, VAT-1 and both TEM-1 and VAT-1 β-lactamases, respectively. A further 29% of the strains were recognized as being β-lactamase-positive after prolonged incubation with nitrocephin.ConclusionsThis study suggests that current testing for β-lactamases may underestimate the prevalence of β-lactamase production in H. influenzae

    Effect of shade on animal welfare, growth performance, and carcass characteristics in large pens of beef cattle fed a beta agonist in a commercial feedlot

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    Citation: Hagenmaier, J. A., Reinhardt, C. D., Bartle, S. J., & Thomson, D. U. (2016). Effect of shade on animal welfare, growth performance, and carcass characteristics in large pens of beef cattle fed a beta agonist in a commercial feedlot. Journal of Animal Science, 94(12), 5064-5076. doi:10.2527/jas2016-0935Feedlot cattle (n = 1,395; BW = 568 +/- 43 kg) were used to evaluate the effects of shade on animal welfare, growth performance, and carcass quality during the summer of 2013 in a Kansas commercial feedlot. Seven lots of predominately black steers and heifers (4 and 3, respectively) visually determined to be approaching the final mo on feed were identified, randomly gate-sorted, and allocated to pens located across the feed alley from each other to receive 1 of 2 treatments: 1) Shade (mean shade area = 1.5 m(2)/animal) or 2) No shade. Shade was provided using a 13-ounce polyethylene fabric and pens were oriented northwest to southeast. The mean starting date was June 13 and the mean days on feed for lots while on the study was 38 d. Cattle were fed a 77.67% DM steam-flaked corn-based diet and had ad libitum access to water throughout the duration of the trial. Zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZIL) was included in the finishing ration at an inclusion rate of 8.3 mg/kg of DM for the last 20 d on feed with a 3 d withdrawal period. Pen floor temperatures (PFT) were measured using an infrared thermometer and prevalence of cattle open-mouth breathing (OMB) was recorded on a pen basis. In addition to shade treatment, the effect of temperature humidity index (THI) on PFT and OMB was analyzed by classifying days as either "Alert" (THI 79). On the day of slaughter, pens within a replicate were kept separate through all stages of the marketing channel from loading at the feedlot until stunning at the plant. Pen served as the experimental unit for all measurements. There was a THI x shade treatment interaction for PFT and OMB (P 0.05). Heat stress, a significant animal welfare concern and cause of reduced performance in feedlot cattle during the final phase of the feeding period, was alleviated in shaded cattle and illustrates the importance of shade provision as 1 tool to protect the welfare and increase feed consumption in large pens of feedlot cattle during hot summer months

    Pathologies of acute interstitial pneumonia in feedlot cattle

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    Citation: Valles, J. A., Apley, M. D., Reinhardt, C. D., Bartle, S. J., & Thomson, D. U. (2016). Pathologies of acute interstitial pneumonia in feedlot cattle. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 11(1), 1-7. doi:10.3844/ajavsp.2016.1.7Acute Interstitial Pneumonia (AIP) is a costly issue that affects feedlot cattle. Research has yet to elucidate the etiology of AIP; therefore a case-control study was conducted to evaluate possible management and physiological factors that contribute to AIP in feedlot cattle. The experiment was conducted during the summer of 2011 in a commercial feedyard in Kansas. Animals exhibiting clinical signs of AIP and a control animal from the same pen were selected for ante-mortem examination. Post-mortem AIP cases were also selected for additional examination. Ante-mortem measurements included rumen gas cap hydrogen sulfide and pH, rectal temperature and body weight. Post-mortem examination added histological examination of lung tissue. Rectal temperature was greater in the AIP cattle (40.6±0.16°C) than controls (39.7±0.16°C; p0.10). Post-mortem rumen pH values were 6.3±0.4 and 5.7±0.6 for AIP and control cattle, respectively. Histological evaluation of lung samples showed that bronchiolitis was present in about 90% of the cattle affected with AIP. About 75% of the cattle with AIP also had bronchopneumonia. No relationships between feed intake patterns, or serum amylase or lipase levels were noted between treatments (p>0.20). This study generally confirms that AIP tends to occur more in heifers relative to steers, occurs in cattle at heavier weights or later in the feeding period and tends to be associated pathologically with bronchio’ litis and bronchopneumonia. The lack of differences in rumen measures and the feed intake data between AIP and control cattle suggest that feed intake patterns and rumen fermentation may not impact AIP in feedlot cattle and that it may be more directly related to bronchiolitis/bronchopneumonia due to chronic irritation or infection. © 2016 Jose A. Valles, Michael D. Apley, Chris D. Reinhardt, Steven J. Bartle and Daniel U. Thomson
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