60,584 research outputs found

    Turbulence characteristics of an axisymmetric reacting flow

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    Turbulent sudden expansion flows are of significant theoretical and practical importance. Such flows have been the subject of extensive analytical and experimental study for decades, but many issues are still unresolved. Detailed information on reacting sudden expansion flows is very limited, since suitable measurement techniques have only been available in recent years. The present study of reacting flow in an axisymmetric sudden expansion was initiated under NASA support in December 1983. It is an extension of a reacting flow program which has been carried out with Air Force support under Contract F33615-81-K-2003. Since the present effort has just begun, results are not yet available. Therefore a brief overview of results from the Air Force program will be presented to indicate the basis for the work to be carried out

    Active controls for ride smoothing

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    Active controls technology offers great promise for significantly smoothing the ride, and thus improving public and air carrier acceptance, of certain types of transport aircraft. Recent findings which support this promise are presented in the following three pertinent areas: (1) Ride quality versus degree of traveler satisfaction; (2) significant findings from a feasibility study of a ride smoothing system; and (3) potential ride problems identified for several advanced transport concepts

    Structural ambiguity of the Chinese version of the hospital anxiety and depression scale in patients with coronary heart disease

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    Background The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) is a widely used screening tool designed as a case detector for clinically relevant anxiety and depression. Recent studies of the HADS in coronary heart disease (CHD) patients in European countries suggest it comprises three, rather than two, underlying sub-scale dimensions. The factor structure of the Chinese version of the HADS was evaluated in patients with CHD in mainland China. Methods Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted on self-report HADS forms from 154 Chinese CHD patients. Results Little difference was observed in model fit between best performing three-factor and two-factor models. Conclusion The current observations are inconsistent with recent studies highlighting a dominant underlying tri-dimensional structure to the HADS in CHD patients. The Chinese version of the HADS may perform differently to European language versions of the instrument in patients with CHD

    A Narrowband Imaging Survey for High Redshift Galaxies in the Near Infrared

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    A narrowband imaging survey of 276 square minutes of arc was carried out at near infrared wavelengths to search for emission line objects at high redshifts. Most of the fields contained a known quasar or radio galaxy at a redshift that placed one of the strong, restframe optical emission lines (H-alpha, [O III], H-beta, or [O II]) in the bandpass of the narrowband filter. The area weighted line flux limit over the entire survey was 3.4x10e-16 erg/cm2/s (3-sigma), while the most sensitive limits reached 1.4x10e-16 erg/cm2/s. Integrating the volume covered by all four optical emission lines in each image yields a total comoving volume surveyed of 1.4x10e5 cubic megaparsecs. Considering only H-alpha emission in the K band (2.05 < z < 2.65), where the survey is most sensitive, the survey covered a comoving volume of 3.0x10e4 cubic megaparsecs to a volume-weighted average star formation rate of 112 M-solar/yr (for Ho = 50 km/s/Mpc, Omega = 1). This is the most extensive near-infrared survey which is deep enough to have a reasonable chance at detecting strong line emission from an actively star-forming population of galaxies, when d against simple models of galaxy formation. One emission line candidate was identified in this survey, and subsequently confirmed spectroscopically.Comment: To appear in the Astronomical Journal, November 1996. 23 pages, including 2 tables and 7 figure

    Investigation if implantable multichannel biotelemetry systems Semiannual report, Sep. 1967 - Feb. 1968

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    Operation and maintenance of multichannel, physiologically implantable telemetering systems for biological measurement

    Study of critical defects in ablative heat shield systems for the space shuttle

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    Results are presented from an investigation to determine the effects of fabrication-induced defects on the performance of an ablative heat shield material in a simulated space shuttle reentry environment. Nondestructive methods for detecting the defects were investigated. The material considered is a fiber-filled, honeycomb-reinforced, low-density elastomer. Results were obtained for density variations, voids, fiber bundles, crushed honeycomb, undercut honeycomb, unbonded areas, face sheet delaminations, and cure variations. The data indicate that, within reasonable tolerances, the fabrication defects investigated are not critical in terms of reentry performance of the heat shield

    Towards Zeptosecond-Scale Pulses from X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers

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    The short wavelength and high peak power of the present generation of free-electron lasers (FELs) opens the possibility of ultra-short pulses even surpassing the present (tens to hundreds of attoseconds) capabilities of other light sources - but only if x-ray FELs can be made to generate pulses consisting of just a few optical cycles. For hard x-ray operation (~0.1nm), this corresponds to durations of approximately a single attosecond, and below into the zeptosecond scale. This talk will describe a novel method to generate trains of few-cycle pulses, at GW peak powers, from existing x-ray FEL facilities by using a relatively short 'afterburner'. Such pulses would enhance research opportunity in atomic dynamics and push capability towards the investigation of electronic-nuclear and nuclear dynamics. The corresponding multi-colour spectral output, with a bandwidth envelope increased by up to two orders of magnitudes over SASE, also has potential applications.Comment: Submitted to 35th International Free Electron Laser Conference, New York, 201