838 research outputs found

    Eckehard Simon, Die Anfänge des weltlichen deutschen Schauspiels 1370-1530. Untersuchung und Dokumentation. 2003

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    Das Ziel der Untersuchung und der Dokumentation ist die Rekonstruktion der Geschichte des weltlichen deutschen Schauspiels von den Anfängen im 14. Jahrhundert bis zur Reformation. Spätere Spiele werden nur erfaßt, wenn sie (wie zum Beispiel die Neidhartspiele) mittelalterlichen Spieltypen entsprechen. Weil die Begriffe spil und ludus oft in einem weiteren Sinn gebraucht werden, ist die Abgrenzung dramatischer Aufführungen von festlichen Gelagen, Schauturnieren, Umzügen, Moriskentänzen, Schembartläufen etc. schwierig. In den Untersuchungsteil bezieht Simon auch diese Schaustellungen ein, nicht jedoch in die Dokumentation (abgesehen von einigen Sonderfällen wie vor allem Nürnberg). Entscheidende Anregungen erhielt er durch die Arbeiten und das methodische Vorgehen Bernd Neumanns, vor allem durch dessen monumentales Werk zur Geschichte des geistlichen Schauspiels im deutschen Sprachrau

    Incipient Separation of a Turbulent Boundary Layer at High Reynolds Number in Two-Dimensional Supersonic Flow over a Compression Corner

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    An experimental study was made of the conditions necessary to promote incipient separation of a turbulent boundary layer in two-dimensional supersonic flow over a compression corner. The aim was to extend Kuehn's earlier results to higher Reynolds numbers. Measurements were obtained for Mach numbers in the range 2 to 5 and at Reynolds numbers , based on the boundary-layer thickness, in the range 10^6 to 10^7, nearly two orders of magnitude greater than those reported earlier. The main result was that the trend with Reynolds number established by Kuehn for the pressure rise for incipient separation does not continue to the high Reynolds number values of the present experiments; in fact, it is reversed. Pressure distributions were also obtained for conditions with and without separation. For the latter case, the upstream influence was considerably less than one boundary-layer thickness end the initial part of the pressure rise was practically a jump, suggesting that the oblique shock has its origin deep in the boundary layer

    Effect of a shoulder modification on turbulent supersonic base flow

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    It has been observed experimentally by Hama and discussed theoretically by Weinbaum that effects of the fast expansion and consequent lip shock at the shoulder of a supersonic base or downstream-facing step can be quite appreciable at high Mach number. Hama found that the lip shock can be much stronger than has been assumed. He also drew attention to characteristic humps or peaks in the pressure distribution on the reattachment surface; these, he showed, could be attributed to secondary waves directed toward the surface from the point of interaction of the lip shock with the main recompression shock. Scherberg and Smith have also drawn attention to the possible strong effects connected with a lip shock. In this note, we report some further observations of the occurrence of this phenomenon, and its elimination by a small modification at the shoulder to alleviate the fast expansion there

    Flare-Induced Interaction Lengths in Supersonic, Turbulent Boundary Layers

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    Experimental results are presented for the effects of Mach number, Reynolds number, and corner angle on flare-induced separation of a supersonic, turbulent boundary layer. Measurements were obtained for upstream interaction distance ℓ_0 from the flare to the beginning of the interaction for Mach numbers 2≤M≤4.5, boundary-layer thickness Reynolds numbers 10^5 < R_δ < 10^6, and adiabatic wall conditions. Flares of angle α≤40° were attached to a hollow-cylinder model of 12 in. diam at either x_c= 14 or 18 in. downstream from the sharp leading edge. It was found that ℓ_0/δ_0 decreases with increasing Mach number and Reynolds number and increases with flare angle. For constant α, when ℓ_0/δ_0 is plotted vs the local skin-friction coefficient, C_(f0), the Mach number dependence disappears. From this observation, a simple correlation formula was obtained and used to compare results from other investigations, and also to correlate incipient separation data

    The impact of crash simulation on productivity and problem-solving in automotive R&D

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    This paper analyzes the impact of the virtual tool 'crash simulation' on automotive R&D over the last 35 years. The research carried out in this context identifies and investigates distinct phases respectively stages of the potential of crash simulations based on the Finite Element Method and the stages' impact on automotive R&D in-depth. In a study of German Original Equipment Manufacturers' (OEM) utilization of crash simulations, the evolution of this tool is explored and its impact on productivity and problem-solving investigated. We draw upon literature about crash simulations in car development projects, the utilization of crash simulations in related tasks, and recent literature about the overall impact of crash simulations on automotive R&D. The significance of the tool 'crash simulation' for the OEMs is emphasized by means of corresponding landmark projects. Our study is based on qualitative research based on 29 in-depth interviews with experts from all of the major German OEMs and experts from the US-American academia. Our analysis results in partitioning the tool's evolution into five phases. Each phase is characterized by its impact on automotive R&D. The phases induced profound changes either in productivity or in the ability of problem-solving. Understanding these profound changes and its triggers holds the key to better understanding the potential of virtual simulation tools and the requirements necessary to unlock this potential

    Observations of turbulent reattachment behind an axisymmetric downstream-facing step in supersonic flow

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    Supersonic flow over a downstream-facing step on the circumference of a large, ducted, axisymmetric body was used to study flow reattachment. Step heights h were 0.25, 1.00, and 1.68 in., compared to a body radius of 6 in. Freestream Mach numbers were in the range 2 to 4.5. Theturbulent boundary-layer thickness just ahead of the step varied from 0.14 to 0.19 in. (momentum thicknesses of about 0.01 in.). Surface pressure distributions throughout the region of separation and reattachment were measured, and points of reattachment were determined. Comparison of the shapes of the pressure distributions for various step heights shows that the initial (steepest) parts of the reattachment pressure rise, up to the point of reattachment, tend to become superimposed when plotted against x/h. Downstream reattachment the curves branch out, exhibiting a dependence on geometry and probably on initial shear layer profile. In the region of the initial pressure rise (near the end of the "dead air" region) dynamic pressures are low; the pressure rise there apparently is balanced by turbulent shear stress

    “Pulling Telescoped Phantoms Out of the Stump”: Manipulating the Perceived Position of Phantom Limbs Using a Full-Body Illusion

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    Most amputees experience phantom limbs, or the sensation that their amputated limb is still attached to the body. Phantom limbs can be perceived in the location previously occupied by the intact limb, or they can gradually retract inside the stump, a phenomenon referred to as “telescoping”.  Telescoping is relevant from a clinical point of view, as it tends to be related to increased levels of phantom pain. In the current study we demonstrate how a full-body illusion can be used to temporarily revoke telescoping sensations in upper limb amputees. During this illusion participants view the body of a mannequin from a first person perspective while being subjected to synchronized visuo-tactile stimulation through stroking, which makes them experience the mannequin’s body as their own. In Experiment 1 we used an intact mannequin, and showed that amputees can experience ownership of an intact body as well as referral of touch from both hands of the mannequin. In Experiment 2 and 3 we used an amputated mannequin, and demonstrated that depending on the spatial location of the strokes applied to the mannequin, participants experienced their phantom hand to either remain telescoped, or to actually be located below the stump. The effects were supported by subjective data from questionnaires, as well as verbal reports of the perceived location of the phantom hand in a visual judgment task. These findings are of particular interest, as they show that the temporary revoking of telescoping sensations does not necessarily have to involve the visualization of an intact hand or illusory movement of the phantom (as in the rubber hand illusion or mirror visual feedback therapy), but that it can also be obtained through mere referral of touch from the stump to the spatial location corresponding to that previously occupied by the intact hand. Moreover, our study also provides preliminary evidence for the fact that these manipulations can have an effect on phantom pain sensations

    Testing in the incremental design and development of complex products

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    Testing is an important aspect of design and development which consumes significant time and resource in many companies. However, it has received less research attention than many other activities in product development, and especially, very few publications report empirical studies of engineering testing. Such studies are needed to establish the importance of testing and inform the development of pragmatic support methods. This paper combines insights from literature study with findings from three empirical studies of testing. The case studies concern incrementally developed complex products in the automotive domain. A description of testing practice as observed in these studies is provided, confirming that testing activities are used for multiple purposes depending on the context, and are intertwined with design from start to finish of the development process, not done after it as many models depict. Descriptive process models are developed to indicate some of the key insights, and opportunities for further research are suggested