1,314 research outputs found

    Saturated Critical Heat Flux in a Multi-Microchannel Heat Sink Fed by a Split Flow System

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    An extensive experimental campaign has been carried out for the measurement of saturated critical heat flux in a multi-microchannel copper heat sink. The heat sink was formed by 29 parallel channels that were 199 μm wide and 756 μm deep. In order to increase the critical heat flux and reduce the two-phase pressure drop, a split flow system was implemented with one central inlet at the middle of the channels and two outlets at either end. The base critical heat flux was measured using three HFC Refrigerants (R134a, R236fa and R245fa) for mass fluxes ranging from 250 to 1500 kg/m2 s, inlet subcoolings from −25 to −5 K and saturation temperatures from 20 to 50 °C. The parametric effects of mass velocity, saturation temperature and inlet subcooling were investigated. The analysis showed that significantly higher CHF was obtainable with the split flow system (one inlet–two outlets) compared to the single inlet–single outlet system, providing also a much lower pressure drop. Notably several existing predictive methods matched the experimental data quite well and quantitatively predicted the benefit of higher CHF of the split flow

    Advanced superconducting magnets investigation

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    Mathematical models for steady state behavior of composite superconductors and experimental verification using magnet coi

    Influencing factors on flow boiling of carbon dioxide in enhanced tubes and comparison with correlations

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    Carbon dioxide two-phase flow characteristics are different from those of conventional refrigerants, due to the CO2 particular thermodynamic and transport properties obtained by working at high reduced pressures. Moreover, the use of peculiar heat transfer surfaces such as grooves and internal fins are often preferred to enhance the boiling heat transfer performance. This paper collects CO2 flow boiling heat transfer coefficient data from different independent databases available in scientific literature, regarding both smooth and enhanced geometries and a wide range of operative conditions, that are typical of refrigeration systems and heat pumps. The database for enhanced tubes covers internal diameters from 0.8 to 8.92 mm, saturation temperatures from -30 to +20 °C, imposed heat fluxes from 1.67 to 60 kW/m2 and mass velocities from 75 to 800 kg/m2s, collecting more than 800 points. Heat transfer data for smooth and enhanced surfaces under the same conditions are collected, in order to measure the enhancement and to correlate it to the geometry augmentation. The assessment of quoted prediction methods explicitly developed for carbon dioxide is finally carried out, with a proposal for a correction factor

    Equine herpesvirus-2 E10 gene product, but not its cellular homologue, activates NF-kappaB transcription factor and c-Jun N-terminal kinase.

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    We have previously reported on the death effector domain containing E8 gene product from equine herpesvirus-2, designated FLICE inhibitory protein (v-FLIP), and on its cellular homologue, c-FLIP, which inhibit the activation of caspase-8 by death receptors. Here we report on the structure and function of the E10 gene product of equine herpesvirus-2, designated v-CARMEN, and on its cellular homologue, c-CARMEN, which contain a caspase-recruiting domain (CARD) motif. c-CARMEN is highly homologous to the viral protein in its N-terminal CARD motif but differs in its C-terminal extension. v-CARMEN and c-CARMEN interact directly in a CARD-dependent manner yet reveal different binding specificities toward members of the tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF) family. v-CARMEN binds to TRAF6 and weakly to TRAF3 and, upon overexpression, potently induces the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), p38, and nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB transcriptional pathways. c-CARMEN or truncated versions thereof do not appear to induce JNK and NF-kappaB activation by themselves, nor do they affect the JNK and NF-kappaB activating potential of v-CARMEN. Thus, in contrast to the cellular homologue, v-CARMEN may have additional properties in its unique C terminus that allow for an autonomous activator effect on NF-kappaB and JNK. Through activation of NF-kappaB, v-CARMEN may regulate the expression of the cellular and viral genes important for viral replication

    Opportunities to Intercalibrate Radiometric Sensors From International Space Station

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    Highly accurate measurements of Earth's thermal infrared and reflected solar radiation are required for detecting and predicting long-term climate change. We consider the concept of using the International Space Station to test instruments and techniques that would eventually be used on a dedicated mission such as the Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory. In particular, a quantitative investigation is performed to determine whether it is possible to use measurements obtained with a highly accurate reflected solar radiation spectrometer to calibrate similar, less accurate instruments in other low Earth orbits. Estimates of numbers of samples useful for intercalibration are made with the aid of year-long simulations of orbital motion. We conclude that the International Space Station orbit is ideally suited for the purpose of intercalibration

    MALT1 auto-proteolysis is essential for NF-κB-dependent gene transcription in activated lymphocytes.

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    Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue 1 (MALT1) controls antigen receptor-mediated signalling to nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) through both its adaptor and protease function. Upon antigen stimulation, MALT1 forms a complex with BCL10 and CARMA1, which is essential for initial IκBα phosphorylation and NF-κB nuclear translocation. Parallel induction of MALT1 protease activity serves to inactivate negative regulators of NF-κB signalling, such as A20 and RELB. Here we demonstrate a key role for auto-proteolytic MALT1 cleavage in B- and T-cell receptor signalling. MALT1 cleavage occurred after Arginine 149, between the N-terminal death domain and the first immunoglobulin-like region, and did not affect its proteolytic activity. Jurkat T cells expressing an un-cleavable MALT1-R149A mutant showed unaltered initial IκBα phosphorylation and normal nuclear accumulation of NF-κB subunits. Nevertheless, MALT1 cleavage was required for optimal activation of NF-κB reporter genes and expression of the NF-κB targets IL-2 and CSF2. Transcriptome analysis confirmed that MALT1 cleavage after R149 was required to induce NF-κB transcriptional activity in Jurkat T cells. Collectively, these data demonstrate that auto-proteolytic MALT1 cleavage controls antigen receptor-induced expression of NF-κB target genes downstream of nuclear NF-κB accumulation

    The EOS Prototype Validation Exercise (PROVE) at Jornada: Overview and Lessons Learned

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    The Earth Observing System (EOS) instrument teams must validate the operational products they produce from the Terra spacecraft data. As a pilot for future validation activities, four EOS teams (MODIS, MISR, ASTER, and Landsat-7) and community experts conducted an 11-day field campaign in May 1997 near Las Cruces, NM. The goals of the Prototype Validation Exercise (PROVE) included (1) gaining experience in the collection and use of field data for EOS product validation; (2) developing coordination, measurement, and data-archiving protocols; and (3) compiling a synoptic land and atmospheric data set for testing algorithms. PROVE was held at the USDA-Agricultural Research Service’s (ARS) Jornada Experimental Range, an expansive desert plateau hosting a complex mosaic of grasses and shrubs. Most macroscopic variables affecting the radiation environment were measured with ground, air-borne (including AVIRIS and laser altimeter), and space-borne sensors (including AVHRR, Landsat TM, SPOT, POLDER, and GOES). The Oak Ridge Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) then used campaign data sets to prototype Mercury, its Internet-based data harvesting and distribution system. This article provides general information about PROVE and assesses the progress made toward the campaign goals. Primary successes included the rapid campaign formulation and execution, measurement protocol development, and the significant collection, reduction, and sharing of data among participants. However, the PROVE data were used primarily for arid-land research and model validation rather than for validating satellite products, and the data were slow to reach the DAAC and hence public domain. The lessons learned included: (1) validation campaigns can be rapidly organized and implemented if there are focused objectives and on-site facilities and expertise; (2) data needs, organization, storage, and access issues must be addressed at the onset of campaign planning; and (3) the end-to-end data collection, release, and publication environment may need to be readdressed by program managers , funding agencies, and journal editors if rapid and comprehensive validation of operational satellite products is to occur

    Studies of multiplicity in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    In this talk I'll review the present status of charged particle multiplicity measurements from heavy-ion collisions. The characteristic features of multiplicity distributions obtained in Au+Au collisions will be discussed in terms of collision centrality and energy and compared to those of p+p collisions. Multiplicity measurements of d+Au collisions at 200 GeV nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy will also be discussed. The results will be compared to various theoretical models and simple scaling properties of the data will be identified.Comment: "Focus on Multiplicity" Internationsl Workshop on Particle Multiplicity in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, Bari, Italy, June 17-19, 2003, 16 pages, 15 figure

    Equations of Motion of Spinning Relativistic Particle in Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields

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    We consider the motion of a spinning relativistic particle in external electromagnetic and gravitational fields, to first order in the external field, but to an arbitrary order in spin. The noncovariant spin formalism is crucial for the correct description of the influence of the spin on the particle trajectory. We show that the true coordinate of a relativistic spinning particle is its naive, common coordinate \r. Concrete calculations are performed up to second order in spin included. A simple derivation is presented for the gravitational spin-orbit and spin-spin interactions of a relativistic particle. We discuss the gravimagnetic moment (GM), a specific spin effect in general relativity. It is shown that for the Kerr black hole the gravimagnetic ratio, i.e., the coefficient at the GM, equals unity (just as for the charged Kerr hole the gyromagnetic ratio equals two). The equations of motion obtained for relativistic spinning particle in external gravitational field differ essentially from the Papapetrou equations.Comment: 32 pages, latex, Plenary talk at the Fairbank Meeting on the Lense--Thirring Effect, Rome-Pescara, 29/6-4/7 199

    Inhibition of death receptor signals by cellular FLIP.

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    The widely expressed protein Fas is a member of the tumour necrosis factor receptor family which can trigger apoptosis. However, Fas surface expression does not necessarily render cells susceptible to Fas ligand-induced death signals, indicating that inhibitors of the apoptosis-signalling pathway must exist. Here we report the characterization of an inhibitor of apoptosis, designated FLIP (for FLICE-inhibitory protein), which is predominantly expressed in muscle and lymphoid tissues. The short form, FLIPs, contains two death effector domains and is structurally related to the viral FLIP inhibitors of apoptosis, whereas the long form, FLIP(L), contains in addition a caspase-like domain in which the active-centre cysteine residue is substituted by a tyrosine residue. FLIPs and FLIP(L) interact with the adaptor protein FADD and the protease FLICE, and potently inhibit apoptosis induced by all known human death receptors. FLIP(L) is expressed during the early stage of T-cell activation, but disappears when T cells become susceptible to Fas ligand-mediated apoptosis. High levels of FLIP(L) protein are also detectable in melanoma cell lines and malignant melanoma tumours. Thus FLIP may be implicated in tissue homeostasis as an important regulator of apoptosis