3,292 research outputs found

    Positron Annihilation in the Milky Way and beyond

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    The electron-positron annihilation gamma-ray signal at 511 keV in the Milky Way is investigated towards a possible dark matter interpretation. If all bulge positrons were created by dark matter particle annihilation, the satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, apparently being dominated by dark matter, should also show measurable 511 keV signals. Using INTEGRAL/SPI, we test for emission in 39 neighbouring dwarf satellite galaxies, and found a consistent trend against a dark matter scenario. One galaxy, Reticulum II, shows up as a strong source of annihilation emission, which we interpret as the presence of a microquasar, ejecting pair-plasma into the galaxy's interstellar medium.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted contribution to the 11th INTEGRAL Conference, "Gamma-Ray Astrophysics in Multi-Wavelength Perspective", 10-14 October 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherland

    Gamma-ray lines from SN2014J

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    On 21 January 2014, SN2014J was discovered in M82 and found to be the closest type Ia supernova (SN Ia) in the last four decades. INTEGRAL observed SN2014J from the end of January until late June for a total exposure time of about 7 Ms. SNe Ia light curves are understood to be powered by the radioactive decay of iron peak elements of which 56^{56}Ni is dominantly synthesized during the thermonuclear disruption of a CO white dwarf (WD). The measurement of γ\gamma-ray lines from the decay chain 56^{56}Ni\rightarrow56^{56}Co\rightarrow56^{56}Fe provides unique information about the explosion in supernovae. Canonical models assume 56^{56}Ni buried deeply in the supernova cloud, absorbing most of the early γ\gamma-rays, and only the consecutive decay of 56^{56}Co should become directly observable through the overlaying material several weeks after the explosion when the supernova envelope dilutes as it expands. Surprisingly, with the spectrometer on INTEGRAL, SPI, we detected 56^{56}Ni γ\gamma-ray lines at 158 and 812 keV at early times with flux levels corresponding to roughly 10% of the total expected amount of 56^{56}Ni, and at relatively small velocities. This implies some mechanism to create a major amout of 56^{56}Ni at the outskirts, and at the same time to break the spherical symmetry of the supernova. One plausible explanation would be a belt accreted from a He companion star, exploding, and triggering the explosion of the white dwarf. The full set of observations of SN2014J show 56^{56}Co γ\gamma-ray lines at 847 and 1238 keV, and we determine for the first time a SN Ia γ\gamma-ray light curve. The irregular appearance of these γ\gamma-ray lines allows deeper insights about the explosion morphology from its temporal evolution and provides additional evidence for an asymmetric explosion, from our high-resolution spectroscopy and comparisons with recent models.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, 10th INTEGRAL Workshop: "A Synergistic View of the High Energy Sky" - Integral2014, 15-19 September 2014, Annapolis, MD, US

    The Positron Puzzle

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    The Positron Puzzle is a half-century old conundrum about the origin of the Galactic γ\gamma-ray emission line at photon energies of 511 keV, and the shape of its morphology, showing a bulge-to-disk luminosity ratio of 1\sim 1 - unlike any astrophysical source distribution. Positrons that have been cooled to the eV scale capture electrons and form the intermediate bound state of Positronium (Ps) which decays on a nano-second timescale into two or three photons. Assuming the emission to originate from the Galactic bulge, centre, and disk, a visible annihilation rate in the Milky Way of 5×1043e+s1\sim 5 \times 10^{43}\,\mathrm{e^+\,s^{-1}} has to be explained, either by a quasi-steady state of production and annihilation, or by possibly multiple burst-like events that flood the Galaxy with positrons, then fading away on a Myr timescale. In this paper, I will review what the real Positron Puzzle is, where data and simulations have been used inadequately which resulted in false claims and an apparent quandary, what we really know and absolutely not know about the topic, and how this epistemic problem might be advancing.Comment: Invited contribution, 27 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, accepted in Astrophysics and Space Science

    Numerical modelling and simulation in sheet metal forming

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    The application of numerical modelling and simulation in manufacturing technologies is looking back over about a 20–30 years history. In recent years, the role of modelling and simulation in engineering and in manufacturing industry has been continuously increasing. It is well known that during manufacturing processes simultaneous the effect of many different parameters can be observed. This is the reason why in former years, detailed analysis of manufacturing processes could have been done only by time-consuming and expensive trial-and-error methods. Due to the recent developments in the methods of modelling and simulation, as well as in computational facilities, modelling and simulation has become an everyday tool in engineering practice. Besides the aforementioned facts, the emerging role of modelling and simulation can also be explained by the growing globalisation and competition of the world market requiring shorter lead times and more cost effective solutions. In spite the enormous development of hardware and software facilities, the exclusive use of numerical modelling still seems to be very time- and cost consuming, and there is still often a high scepticism about the results among industrialists. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to overview the present situation of numerical modelling and simulation in sheet metal forming, mainly from the viewpoint of scientific research and industrial applications

    Die Zukunft der Werbung im Ländervergleich

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    Welche Werbeformen und formate werden im internationalen Vergleich am häufigsten eingesetzt? Wie unterscheidet sich in ausgesuchten Ländern die Gesamtsituation der Werbung und wie wird sie sich entwickeln? Ist personalisierte Online-Werbung die Werbung der Zukunft oder werden die Werbegelder auch künftig noch in klassische Medien investiert? Das Buch untersucht die aktuelle Situation und die Entwicklung der Werbung in ausgewählten Ländern auf Basis der I/P-Matrix sowie anhand von Strukturdaten und explorativen Experteninterviews. Daraus entsteht ein Gesamteindruck davon, wie sich Werbung in Australien, China, Deutschland, Indien, Italien, Österreich, Russland, Schweden, der Schweiz, Thailand, den USA und UK aktuell präsentiert und welche Entwicklungslinien sich für die Werbung in diesen Ländern abzeichnen

    Comparing simulated 26^{26}Al maps to gamma-ray measurements

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    © ESO 2019.Context. The diffuse gamma-ray emission of 26Al^{26}{\rm Al} at 1.8 MeV reflects ongoing nucleosynthesis in the Milky Way, and traces massive-star feedback in the interstellar medium due to its 1 Myr radioactive lifetime. Interstellar-medium morphology and dynamics are investigated in astrophysics through 3D hydrodynamic simulations in fine detail, as only few suitable astronomical probes are available. Aims. We compare a galactic-scale hydrodynamic simulation of the Galaxy's interstellar medium, including feedback and nucleosynthesis, with gamma-ray data on 26Al^{26}{\rm Al} emission in the Milky Way extracting constraints that are only weakly dependent on the particular realisation of the simulation or Galaxy structure. Methods. Due to constraints and biases in both the simulations and the gamma-ray observations, such comparisons are not straightforward. For a direct comparison, we perform maximum likelihood fits of simulated sky maps as well as observation-based maximum entropy maps to measurements with INTEGRAL/SPI. To study general morphological properties, we compare the scale heights of 26Al^{26}{\rm Al} emission produced by the simulation to INTEGRAL/SPI measurements.} Results. The direct comparison shows that the simulation describes the observed inner Galaxy well, but differs significantly from the observed full-sky emission morphology. Comparing the scale height distribution, we see similarities for small scale height features and a mismatch at larger scale heights. We attribute this to the prominent foreground emission sites that are not captured by the simulation.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Investigation of methods to produce a uniform cloud of fuel particles in a flame tube

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    The combustion of a uniform, quiescent cloud of 30-micron fuel particles in a flame tube was proposed as a space-based, low-gravity experiment. The subject is the normal- and low-gravity testing of several methods to produce such a cloud, including telescoping propeller fans, air pumps, axial and quadrature acoustical speakers, and combinations of these devices. When operated in steady state, none of the methods produced an acceptably uniform cloud (+ or - 5 percent of the mean concentration), and voids in the cloud were clearly visible. In some cases, severe particle agglomeration was observed; however, these clusters could be broken apart by a short acoustic burst from an axially in-line speaker. Analyses and experiments reported elsewhere suggest that transient, acoustic mixing methods can enhance cloud uniformity while minimizing particle agglomeration

    Exploration of Aspherical Ejecta Properties in Type Ia Supernovae: Progenitor Dependence and Applications to Progenitor Classification

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    Several explosions of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) have been found to exhibit deviations from spherical symmetry upon closer inspection. Examples are the gamma-ray lines from SN 2014J as measured by INTEGRAL/SPI and morphology information from radioactive isotopes in older remnants such as Tycho. A systematic study of the effects of parameters such as ignition geometry and burning morphology in SNe Ia is still missing. We use a two-dimensional hydrodynamics code with postprocessing nucleosynthesis and simulate the double detonations in a sub-Chandrasekhar-mass carbon–oxygen white dwarf starting from the nuclear runaway in the accumulated He envelope toward disruption of the white dwarf. We explore potential variety through four triggering scenarios that sample main asymmetry drivers. We further investigate their global effects on the aspherical structure of the ejecta based on individual elements. We apply the results to the well-observed SN 2014J and other recently observed SN remnants in order to illustrate how these new observational data, together with other observed quantities, help to constrain the explosion and progenitors of SNe Ia

    Exploration of Aspherical Ejecta Properties in Type Ia Supernova: Progenitor Dependence and Applications to Progenitor Classification

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    Several explosions of thermonuclear supernovae (SNe Ia) have been found to exhibit deviations from spherical symmetry upon closer inspection. Examples are the gamma-ray lines from SN 2014J as measured by INTEGRAL/SPI, and morphology information from radioactive isotopes in older remnants such as Tycho. A systematic study on the effects of parameters such as ignition geometry and burning morphology in SNe Ia is still missing. We use a 2D hydrodynamics code with post-processing nucleosynthesis and simulate the double detonations in a sub-Chandrasekhar mass carbon-oxygen white dwarf starting from the nuclear runaway in the accumulated He envelope towards disruption of the white dwarf. We explore potential variety through four triggering scenarios that sample main asymmetry drivers. We further investigate their global effects on the aspherical structure of the ejecta based on individual elements. We apply the results to the well observed SN 2014J and other recently observed SN remnants in order to illustrate how these new observational data together with other observed quantities help to constrain the explosion and the progenitors of SNe Ia.Comment: 28 pages, 26 figures, published in Astrophysical Journal. Submitted at 23 September 2019, accepted at 10 November 2020, published at 12 March 202