3,774 research outputs found

    Euler Characteristics of Categories and Homotopy Colimits

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    In a previous article, we introduced notions of finiteness obstruction, Euler characteristic, and L^2-Euler characteristic for wide classes of categories. In this sequel, we prove the compatibility of those notions with homotopy colimits of I-indexed categories where I is any small category admitting a finite I-CW-model for its I-classifying space. Special cases of our Homotopy Colimit Formula include formulas for products, homotopy pushouts, homotopy orbits, and transport groupoids. We also apply our formulas to Haefliger complexes of groups, which extend Bass--Serre graphs of groups to higher dimensions. In particular, we obtain necessary conditions for developability of a finite complex of groups from an action of a finite group on a finite category without loops.Comment: 44 pages. This final version will appear in Documenta Mathematica. Remark 8.23 has been improved, discussion of Grothendieck construction has been slightly expanded at the beginning of Section 3, and a few other minor improvements have been incoporate

    Data literacy in the smart university approach

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    Equipping classrooms with inexpensive sensors for data collection can provide students and teachers with the opportunity to interact with the classroom in a smart way. In this paper two approaches to acquiring contextual data from a classroom environment are presented. We further present our approach to analysing the collected room usage data on site, using low cost single board computer, such as a Raspberry Pi and Arduino units, performing a significant part of the data analysis on-site. We demonstrate how the usage data was used to model specifcic room usage situation as cases in a Case-based reasoning (CBR) system. The room usage data was then integrated in a room recommender system, reasoning on the formalised usage data, allowing for a convenient and intuitive end user experience based on the collected raw sensor data. Having implemented and tested our approaches we are currently investigating the possibility of using (XML)Schema-informed compression to enhance the security and efficiency of the transmission of a large number of sensor reports generated by interpreting the raw data on-site, to our central data sink. We are investigating this new approach to usage data transmission as we are aiming to integrate our on-going work into our vision of the Smart University to ensure and enhance the Smart University's data literacy

    Two-phased knowledge formalisation for hydrometallurgical gold ore process recommendation and validation

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    This paper describes an approach to externalising and formalising expert knowledge involved in the design and evaluation of hydrometallurgical process chains for gold ore treatment. The objective was to create a case-based reasoning application for recommending and validating a treatment process of gold ores. We describe a twofold approach. Formalising human expert knowledge about gold mining situations enables the retrieval of similar mining contexts and respective process chains, based on prospection data gathered from a potential gold mining site. Secondly, empirical knowledge on hydrometallurgical treatments is formalised. This enabled us to evaluate and, where needed, redesign the process chain that was recommended by the first aspect of our approach. The main problems with formalisation of knowledge in the domain of gold ore refinement are the diversity and the amount of parameters used in literature and by experts to describe a mining context. We demonstrate how similarity knowledge was used to formalise literature knowledge. The evaluation of data gathered from experiments with an initial prototype workflow recommender, Auric Adviser, provides promising results

    Finiteness obstructions and Euler characteristics of categories

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    We introduce notions of finiteness obstruction, Euler characteristic, L^2-Euler characteristic, and M\"obius inversion for wide classes of categories. The finiteness obstruction of a category Gamma of type (FP) is a class in the projective class group K_0(RGamma); the functorial Euler characteristic and functorial L^2-Euler characteristic are respectively its RGamma-rank and L^2-rank. We also extend the second author's K-theoretic M\"obius inversion from finite categories to quasi-finite categories. Our main example is the proper orbit category, for which these invariants are established notions in the geometry and topology of classifying spaces for proper group actions. Baez-Dolan's groupoid cardinality and Leinster's Euler characteristic are special cases of the L^2-Euler characteristic. Some of Leinster's results on M\"obius-Rota inversion are special cases of the K-theoretic M\"obius inversion.Comment: Final version, accepted for publication in the Advances in Mathematics. Notational change: what was called chi(Gamma) in version 1 is now called chi(BGamma), and chi(Gamma) now signifies the sum of the components of the functorial Euler characteristic chi_f(Gamma). Theorem 5.25 summarizes when all Euler characteristics are equal. Minor typos have been corrected. 88 page

    What are the facility design requirements to fit biologics pipeline demands?

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    Decisions to install new facilities are typically driven by pipeline or capacity demands. While extensions to existing capacity typically restrict the level of freedom to design, this is different for pipeline products. Due to numerous unknowns in the development of drug candidates in a pipeline, maintaining a large degree of flexibility in future facility design is the most widely accepted de-risking concept. Looking more closely into the development of a biologics pipeline, certain elements help to control and limit the design space while others just effectuate the opposite. Without question the key guiding principle for these future products is to develop them according to the targeted product profile (TPP) with a focus on the patient needs first. However, manufacturability and further industrialization aspects should also influence process development in a way that the newly developed processes match predefined criteria. For instance, the capability to rely on a well-developed technology platform will help to accelerate development times and guarantee the fit of the process to already known processing modules. Having said that, the facility design will still need to be flexible enough to accommodate the evolution of a technology platform. Criteria that drive process development can vary significantly and will have to be revisited several times during the development of a new product. Major drivers include the results of clinical trials that will narrow down the TPP step by step, the change of a targeted indication incorporating estimations of future market demands, and competition or price sensitivity of the product that translates into cost of goods challenges. Additionally the pipeline attrition risk has to be considered in proposing a future facility. Depending on the strength of the pipeline, a future facility may accommodate just one technology platform or the risk may be arbitrated by designing the facility in such a way as to host several technologies or at the least have the ability to switch between technologies easily as needed. Other pipeline driven aspects include the desired process integration from drug substance manufacturing to drug product manufacturing and device assembly, suitability of the plant for clinical and commercial manufacturing, technological limitations for the use of disposable technologies, etc. A careful analysis of all these drivers will define the main dimensions of flexibility that have to be considered for facility design: cost, volume, technology, and time. Finally, specific aspects of facility design are related to the processing mode. If the product leaves us the choice, are we going for fed-batch or continuous processing? Which of the above described drivers will help us to make the choice? What is the point in time during development to make a decision for one or the other mode? Is it reasonable to design a facility that it can host both? How flexible is a pure continuous plant with respect to late pipeline entries, e.g. though licensing and acquisitions

    Next wave of microbially expressed Biologics – a step towards synthetic biology

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    Approaches to the use of sensor data to improve classroom experience

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    quipping classrooms with inexpensive sensors can enable students and teachers with the opportunity to interact with the classroom in a smart way. In this paper an approach to acquiring contextual data from a classroom environment, using inexpensive sensors, is presented. We present our approach to formalising the usage data. Further we demonstrate how the data was used to model specific room usage situation as cases in a Case-based reasoning (CBR) system. The room usage data was than integrated in a room recommendations system, reasoning on the formalised usage data. We also detail on our on-going work to integrating the systems presented in this paper into our Smart University vision

    Forms and regional distribution of knowledge transfer by German universities

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    For the first time the transfer activities of two different German university types - the Friedrich Schiller University (FSU) and the University of Applied Sciences Jena (FH Jena) - were documented in parallel over all departments and channels of technology transfers with regard to their regional significance. Five groups of transfer activities are distinguished in the study: (1) those oriented on human capital, (2) those oriented on classic research and development, (3) those oriented on enterprises, (4) those oriented on direct transfers and (5) informal knowledge transfer channels. The results show that the traditional R&D-activities of the universities for the region are embedded into important supplemental transfer channels. In addition the radii of the external relations of the two universities are complementary: FH Jena has a stronger regional bearing, while FSU is more strongly active supra-regionally and internationally. It is possible that stronger support of the university faculty's activities establishing knowledge transfer could increase the regional economic impact of such activity. --innovation systems,technology transfer,regional development,Universities,know-how-transfer

    Spatial localization of knowledge-transfer channels and face-to-face contacts: A survey of the Jena university-industry linkages

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    In this paper we examine the knowledge-Transfer Channels of the universities and public research institutes in Jena. The empirical study is based on a survey of 297 personal interviews with researchers of both types of organisations. Our study focuses on three questions: (a) The importance and multitude of existing transfer channels, (b) their geographic distribution and (c) the importance of face-to-face contacts. With regard to the first question the analysis reveals some shortcomings of the usual channels considered in many empirical studies. Above all, informal transfer channels play an important role and in addition the multitude of transfer channels at hand turns out to be large. These outcomes suggest a very cautious interpretation of the claimed influences of transfer mechanisms like patents, joint publications and so on. As to the regional distribution of the linkages our results confirm the relevance of geographical proximity. A substantial part of the relevant transfer co-operations concentrate on the city and region. Finally, we examine the idea that 'distance matters' is due to the necessity of face-to-face contacts. By means of asking the researchers directly we found the puzzling result, that knowledge-transfer rests significantly upon personal contacts, but that this does not imply a bias towards geographical proximity. --

    Endocrinological effects of high-dose Hypericum perforatum extract WS 5570 in healthy subjects

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    In this single-blind study, the effects of acute oral administration of high-dose Hypericum perforatum extract WS 5570 on the cortisol ( COR), adrenocorticotropic hormone ( ACTH), growth hormone (GH), and prolactin (PRL) secretions were examined in 12 healthy male volunteers. In a randomized order, the subjects received placebo or WS 5570 at several dosages (600, 900, and 1,200 mg) at 08.00 h on 4 different days. After insertion of an intravenous catheter, blood samples were drawn 1 h prior to administration of placebo or WS 5570 ( 600, 900, or 1,200 mg), at the time of administration, and during 5 h thereafter at intervals of 30 min. The serum concentrations of COR, GH, and PRL as well as the plasma levels of ACTH were determined in each blood sample by means of double antibody radioimmunoassay, fluoroimmunoassay, and chemiluminescence immunometric assay methods. The area under the curve value was used as parameter for COR, ACTH, GH, and PRL responses. Repeated-measures Anova revealed a significant stimulatory effect of WS 5570 on the ACTH secretion, whereas COR and PRL secretions were not significantly influenced. Moreover, there was a stimulatory peak of GH release 240 min after challenge with WS 5570 in some but not all volunteers, without reaching statistical significance in comparison with placebo. Mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate remained unchanged after administration of WS 5570. Apparently, WS 5570 at the dosages given in this study inconsistently causes endocrinological effects in healthy subjects by influencing central neurotransmitters. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel
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