3,157 research outputs found

    Exploring Alternatives to use Master/Slave Full Duplex Switched Ethernet for Avionics Embedded Applications

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    The complexity of distributed real-time systems, including military embedded applications, is increasing due to an increasing number of nodes, their functionality and higher amounts of exchanged data. This higher complexity imposes major development challenges when nonfunctional properties must be enforced. On the other hand, the current military communication networks are a generation old and are no longer effective in facing such increasingly complex requirements. A new communication network, based on Full Duplex Switched Ethernet and Master/slave approach, has been proposed previously. However, this initial approach is not efficient in terms of network bandwidth utilization. In this paper we propose two new alternative approaches that can use the network bandwidth more efficiently. In addition we provide a preliminary qualitative assessment of the three approaches concerning different factors such as performance, scalability, complexity and flexibility

    Trauma-Informed Integrated Care in Practice - Panel Discussion

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    On the Convolution Efficiency for Probabilistic Analysis of Real-Time Systems (Artifact)

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    This artifact describes the process for validation and reproduction of the experiments given in the associated paper "On the Convolution Efficiency for Probabilistic Analysis of Real-Time Systems". This document contains the information on the scope of the presented artifact, i.e. what are the considered experiments, instructions for obtaining the source code of the experiments, tested platforms, and other relevant information

    Observation of defect-free surface modes in optical waveguide arrays

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    We report on the experimental observation of novel defect-free surface modes predicted theoretically for modulated photonic lattices [I. L. Garanovich et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 203904 (2008)]. We generate the linear surface modes in truncated arrays of periodically curved optical waveguides created in fused silica by a laser direct-writing technique. Our results demonstrate that the degree of surface wave localization can be controlled by selecting the waveguide bending amplitude

    MĂ€use mit humanisiertem Immunsystem als Modell fĂŒr Atopische Dermatitis

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    Die funktionelle Charakterisierung des Augenfleckproteins SOUL3 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    Die Familie der SOUL/HBPs sind HĂ€m-bindende Proteine, ĂŒber deren biologische Funktion relativ wenig bekannt ist. Sie kommen z. Bsp. in Cyanobakterien, Pflanzen und Wirbeltieren vor. In der GrĂŒnalge Chlamydomonas reinhardtii war im Proteom des Augenflecks, einem primitiven visuellen System, das Protein SOUL3 gefunden worden. SOUL3 besitzt, wie fĂŒr diese Proteinfamilie namensgebend, eine SOUL/HBP-DomĂ€ne am C-terminalen Ende. In dieser Arbeit gelang es, fĂŒr heterolog exprimiertes SOUL3 die spezifische Bindung von HĂ€min nachzuweisen. Außerdem zeigte SOUL3 ein fĂŒr HĂ€m-bindende Proteine charakteristisches Absorptionsverhalten, mit einem Maximum bei 408 nm nach Bindung von HĂ€min. In Lokalisierungsstudien konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass SOUL3 primĂ€r im Augenfleck und nicht im Chloroplasten lokalisiert ist, der den Augenfleck umgibt. Weitere Untersuchungen mit Immunofluoreszenz ergaben, dass SOUL3 in der Lipid-Globuli-Schicht im plastidĂ€ren Teil des Augenflecks vorkommt. SOUL3 lag in unterschiedlichen Komplexen vor und diese Komplexbildung stand unter dem Einfluss der circadianen Uhr. Mittels KoimmunoprĂ€zipitation konnte unter anderem Alpha Tubulin 2 als potentieller Interaktionspartner identifiziert werden, was fĂŒr die Augenfleckpositionierung von Bedeutung sein könnte. Unter Verwendung der artficial micro RNA-Technik wurden transgene C. reinhardtii-Zelllinien erzeugt, die ein reduziertes SOUL3 Proteinniveau aufwiesen und fĂŒr die funktionelle Charakterisierung verwendet wurden. Interessanterweise zeigten lichtmikroskopische Analysen von diesen Zelllinien einen verkleinerten Augenfleck im Vergleich zum Wildtyp. Weiterhin konnte in diesen Zelllininen eine Misslokalisierung des Augenflecks beobachtet werden. SOUL3 spielt daher eine Rolle bei der Positionierung und GrĂ¶ĂŸe des Augenflecks. Diese VerĂ€nderungen im Augenfleck spiegelten sich auch in einer verĂ€nderten circadianen Phototaxis der knock down-Zelllinien im Vergleich zum Wildtyp wieder

    The Rise of Certificate Transparency and Its Implications on the Internet Ecosystem

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    In this paper, we analyze the evolution of Certificate Transparency (CT) over time and explore the implications of exposing certificate DNS names from the perspective of security and privacy. We find that certificates in CT logs have seen exponential growth. Website support for CT has also constantly increased, with now 33% of established connections supporting CT. With the increasing deployment of CT, there are also concerns of information leakage due to all certificates being visible in CT logs. To understand this threat, we introduce a CT honeypot and show that data from CT logs is being used to identify targets for scanning campaigns only minutes after certificate issuance. We present and evaluate a methodology to learn and validate new subdomains from the vast number of domains extracted from CT logged certificates.Comment: To be published at ACM IMC 201


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    Lower extremities are the most affected areas of injuries in indoor team handball, especially for female youth player. The mechanics of such injuries are well-known, however little is known about the influence of fatigue injury on risk factors. This study addresses fatigue-induced changes of movements that are associated lower extremity injuries in female youth handball players. Kinematics and kinetic data of 15 elite youth female team handball players were recorded for double- and single-leg landings as well as sidecutting maneuvers before, in the middle of and after a simulated handball specific load protocol. The protocol consisted of exercises typical for handball match activity. RPE was used as measure of fatigability and showed values ranging from 13 to 18 at the end of the treatment. ANOVA revealed fatigue related changes in initial knee flexion angle of the non-dominant leg in all tasks. For the cutting task, significant changes of the initial knee angle of the dominant leg, the initial and maximum hip flexion angle as well as maximum knee flexion angle of the non-dominant leg were observed. Consequently, fatigue players exhibited more extended movement patterns. In summary, the fatiguing protocol caused changes in landing and cutting kinematics of the non-dominant leg predominantly, whereas movement kinetics where not affected
