3,203 research outputs found

    Fuel-Supply-Limited Stellar Relaxation Oscillations: Application to Multiple Rings around AGB Stars and Planetary Nebulae

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    We describe a new mechanism for pulsations in evolved stars: relaxation oscillations driven by a coupling between the luminosity-dependent mass-loss rate and the H fuel abundance in a nuclear-burning shell. When mass loss is included, the outward flow of matter can modulate the flow of fuel into the shell when the stellar luminosity is close to the Eddington luminosity LEddL_{\rm Edd}. When the luminosity drops below LEddL_{\rm Edd}, the mass outflow declines and the shell is re-supplied with fuel. This process can be repetitive. We demonstrate the existence of such oscillations and discuss the dependence of the results on the stellar parameters. In particular, we show that the oscillation period scales specifically with the mass of the H-burning relaxation shell (HBRS), defined as the part of the H-burning shell above the minimum radius at which the luminosity from below first exceeds the Eddington threshold at the onset of the mass loss phase. For a stellar mass M_*\sim 0.7\Msun, luminosity L_*\sim 10^4\Lsun, and mass loss rate |\dot M|\sim 10^{-5}\Msun yr−1^{-1}, the oscillations have a recurrence time ∌1400\sim 1400 years ∌57τfsm\sim 57\tau_{\rm fsm}, where τfsm\tau_{\rm fsm} is the timescale for modulation of the fuel supply in the HBRS by the varying mass-loss rate. This period agrees with the ∌\sim 1400-year period inferred for the spacings between the shells surrounding some planetary nebulae, and the the predictied shell thickness, of order 0.4 times the spacing, also agrees reasonably well.Comment: 15 pages TeX, 1 ps figure submitted to Ap

    The Dearth of UV-Bright Stars in M32: Implications for Stellar Evolution Theory

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    Using the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope, we have obtained deep far-ultraviolet images of the compact elliptical galaxy M32. When combined with earlier near-ultraviolet images of the same field, these data enable the construction of an ultraviolet color-magnitude diagram of the hot horizontal branch (HB) population and other hot stars in late phases of stellar evolution. We find few post-asymptotic giant branch (PAGB) stars in the galaxy, implying that these stars either cross the HR diagram more rapidly than expected, and/or that they spend a significant fraction of their time enshrouded in circumstellar material. The predicted luminosity gap between the hot HB and its AGB-Manque (AGBM) progeny is less pronounced than expected, especially when compared to evolutionary tracks with enhanced helium abundances, implying that the presence of hot HB stars in this metal-rich population is not due to (Delta Y)/(Delta Z) > 4. Only a small fraction (~2%) of the HB population is hot enough to produce significant UV emission, yet most of the UV emission in this galaxy comes from the hot HB and AGBM stars, implying that PAGB stars are not a significant source of UV emission even in those elliptical galaxies with a weak UV excess.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. Latex, 18 pages, 18 black & white figures, in emulate-ApJ format. Figures 11 & 16 have been degraded due to size constraints; the high-quality version of the paper is at http://www.stsci.edu/~tbrown/research/m32fuv.pd

    Flash Mixing on the White Dwarf Cooling Curve: FUSE Observations of three He-rich sdB Stars

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    We present FUSE spectra of 3 He-rich sdB stars. Two of these stars, PG1544+488 and JL87, reveal extremely strong C III lines at 977 and 1176A, while the carbon lines are quite weak in the third star, LB1766. We have analyzed the FUSE data using TLUSTY NLTE line-blanketed model atmospheres, and find that PG1544+488 has a surface composition of 96% He, 2% C, and 1% N. JL87 shows a similar surface enrichment of carbon and nitrogen, but some significant fraction of hydrogen still remains in its atmosphere. LB1766 has a surface composition devoid of hydrogen and strongly depleted of carbon, indicating that its surface material has undergone CN-cycle processing. We interpret these observations with new evolutionary calculations which suggest that He-rich sdB stars with C-rich compositions are the progeny of stars which underwent a delayed He-core flash on the white-dwarf cooling curve. During such a flash the interior convection zone will penetrate into the H envelope, thereby mixing the envelope with the He- and C-rich core. Such `flash-mixed' stars will arrive on the extreme horizontal branch (EHB) with He- and C-rich surface compositions and will be hotter than the hottest canonical (i.e., unmixed) EHB stars. Two types of flash mixing are possible: `deep' and `shallow', depending on whether the H envelope is mixed deeply into the site of the He flash or only with the outer layers of the core. Based on both their stellar parameters and surface compositions, we suggest that PG1544+488 and JL87 are examples of `deep' and `shallow' flash mixing, respectively. Flash mixing may therefore represent a new evolutionary channel for producing the hottest EHB stars. However, flash mixing cannot explain the abundance pattern in LB1766, which remains a challenge to current evolutionary models.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures; minor additions; to appear in Astrophys. J., February 200

    The Blue Hook Populations of Massive Globular Clusters

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    We present new HST ultraviolet color-magnitude diagrams of 5 massive Galactic globular clusters: NGC 2419, NGC 6273, NGC 6715, NGC 6388, and NGC 6441. These observations were obtained to investigate the "blue hook" phenomenon previously observed in UV images of the globular clusters omega Cen and NGC 2808. Blue hook stars are a class of hot (approximately 35,000 K) subluminous horizontal branch stars that occupy a region of the HR diagram that is unexplained by canonical stellar evolution theory. By coupling new stellar evolution models to appropriate non-LTE synthetic spectra, we investigate various theoretical explanations for these stars. Specifically, we compare our photometry to canonical models at standard cluster abundances, canonical models with enhanced helium (consistent with cluster self-enrichment at early times), and flash-mixed models formed via a late helium-core flash on the white dwarf cooling curve. We find that flash-mixed models are required to explain the faint luminosity of the blue hook stars, although neither the canonical models nor the flash-mixed models can explain the range of color observed in such stars, especially those in the most metal-rich clusters. Aside from the variation in the color range, no clear trends emerge in the morphology of the blue hook population with respect to metallicity.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. Latex, 14 pages, 1 B&W and 6 color figure

    Blood glucose-lowering nuclear receptor agonists only partially normalize hepatic gene expression in db/db mice

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    ABSTRACT Agonists of the nuclear receptors peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) ␄, PPAR␣, and liver X receptors (LXRs) reduce blood glucose in type 2 diabetic patients and comparable mouse models. Since the capacity of these drugs to normalize hepatic gene expression is not known, we compared groups of obese diabetic db/db mice treated with agonists for PPAR␄ [rosiglitazone (Rosi); 10 mg/kg/day], PPAR␣ [Wy 14643 (Wy; 4-chloro-6 -(2,3-xylidino)-2-pyrimidinyl)thioacetic acid); 30 mg/kg/day], and LXR [T0901317 (T09; N-(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl)-N-[4-[2,2,2-trifluoro-1-hydroxy-1(trifluoromethyl)-ethyl]phenyl]-benzenesulfonamide) ; 40 mg/kg/day] and from untreated nondiabetic litter mates (db/Ï©) by oligonucleotide microarrays and quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. The 10-day treatment period of db/db mice with Rosi, Wy, and T09 altered expression of 300, 620, and 735 genes including agonist-specific target genes, respectively. However, from the 337 genes differentially regulated in untreated db/Ï© versus db/db animals, only 34 (10%), 51 (15%), and 82 (24%) were regulated in the direction of the db/Ï© group by Rosi, Wy, and T09, respectively. Gene expression normalization by drug treatment involved glucose homeostasis, lipid homeostasis, and local glucocorticoid activation. In addition, our data pointed to hitherto unknown interference of these nuclear receptors with growth hormone receptor gene expression and endoplasmic reticulum stress. However, many diabetes-associated gene alterations remained unaffected or were even aggravated by nuclear receptor agonist treatment. These results suggest that diabetes-induced gene expression is minimally reversed by potent blood glucose-lowering nuclear receptor agonists

    Two Rare Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables with Extreme Cyclotron Features Identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    Two newly identified magnetic cataclysmic variables discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), SDSSJ155331.12+551614.5 and SDSSJ132411.57+032050.5, have spectra showing highly prominent, narrow, strongly polarized cyclotron humps with amplitudes that vary on orbital periods of 4.39 and 2.6 hrs, respectively. In the former, the spacing of the humps indicates the 3rd and 4th harmonics in a magnetic field of ~60 MG. The narrowness of the cyclotron features and the lack of strong emission lines imply very low temperature plasmas and very low accretion rates, so that the accreting area is heated by particle collisions rather than accretion shocks. The detection of rare systems like these exemplifies the ability of the SDSS to find the lowest accretion rate close binaries.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, vol. 583, February 1, 2003; slight revisions and additions in response to referee's comments; 17 pages, 6 figures, AASTeX v4.

    GALEX and Optical Light Curves of WX LMi, SDSSJ103100.5+202832.2 and SDSSJ121209.31+013627.7

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    {\it GALEX} near ultraviolet (NUV) and far-ultraviolet (FUV) light curves of three extremely low accretion rate polars show distinct modulations in their UV light curves. While these three systems have a range of magnetic fields from 13 to 70 MG, and of late type secondaries (including a likely brown dwarf in SDSSJ121209.31+013627.7), the accretion rates are similar, and the UV observations imply some mechanism is operating to create enhanced emission zones on the white dwarf. The UV variations match in phase to the two magnetic poles viewed in the optical in WX LMi and to the single poles evident in the optical in SDSSJ1212109.31+013627.7 and SDSSJ103100.55+202832.2. Simple spot models of the UV light curves show that if hot spots are responsible for the UV variations, the temperatures are on the order of 10,000-14,000K. For the single pole systems, the size of the FUV spot must be smaller than the NUV and in all cases, the geometry is likely more complicated than a simple circular spot.Comment: 29 pages, 4 tables, 10 figures, Astrophysical Journal, accepte

    Irregular Mass Transfer in the Polars VV Puppis and V393 Pavonis during the Low State

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    The polars VV Pup and V393 Pav were observed with XMM-Newton during states of low accretion rate with peak X-ray luminosities of ~1 x 10^30 and ~1 x 10^31 erg/s, respectively. In both polars, accretion onto the white dwarf was extremely irregular, and the accretion rate varied by more than 1 order of magnitude on timescales of ~1 hr. Our observations suggest that this type of irregular accretion is a common phenomenon in polars during the low state. The likely cause of the accretion rate fluctuations are coronal mass ejections or solar flares on the companion star that intermittently increase the mass transfer into the accretion stream. Our findings demonstrate that the companion stars in cataclysmic variables possess highly active atmospheres.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 16 pages, 3 figure

    The epochs of early-type galaxy formation as a function of environment

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    The aim of this paper is to set constraints of the epochs of early-type galaxy formation through the 'archaeology' of the stellar populations in local galaxies. Using our models of absorption line indices that account for variable abundance ratios, we derive the stellar population parameters of 124 early-type galaxies in high and low density environments. We find that all three parameters age, metallicity, and alpha/Fe ratio are correlated with velocity dispersion. We further find evidence for an influence of the environment on the stellar population properties. Massive early-type galaxies in low-density environments appear on average ~2 Gyrs younger and slightly more metal-rich than their counterparts in high density environments. No offsets in the alpha/Fe ratios, instead, are detected. We translate the derived ages and alpha/Fe ratios into star formation histories. We show that most star formation activity in early-type galaxies is expected to have happened between redshifts 3 and 5 in high density and between redshifts 1 and 2 in low density environments. We conclude that at least 50 per cent of the total stellar mass density must have already formed at z 1, in good agreement with observational estimates of the total stellar mass density as a function of redshift. Our results suggest that significant mass growth in the early-type galaxy population below z 1 must be restricted to less massive objects, and a significant increase of the stellar mass density between redshifts 1 and 2 should be present caused mainly by the field galaxy population. The results of this paper further imply vigorous star formation episodes in massive objects at z 2-5 and the presence of evolved ellipticals around z 1, both observationally identified as SCUBA galaxies and EROs.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, plus appendix, accepted by Ap

    A comprehensive approach to analyzing the XMM-Newton data of Seyfert 1 galaxies

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    Aims. We seek a comprehensive analysis of all the information provided by the XMM-Newton satellite of the four Seyfert 1 galaxies ESO 359-G19, HE 1143-1810, CTS A08.12, and Mrk 110, including the UV range, to characterize the different components that are emitting and absorbing radiation in the vicinity of the active nucleus. Methods. The continuum emission was studied through the EPIC spectra by taking advantage of the spectral range of these cameras. The high-resolution RGS spectra were analyzed to characterize the absorbing and emission line features that arise in the spectra of the sources. All these data, complemented by information in the UV, are analyzed jointly in order to achieve a consistent characterization of the observed features in each object. Results. The continuum emission of the sources can be characterized either by a combination of a power law and a black body for the weakest objects or by two power law components for the brightest ones. The continuum is not absorbed by neutral or ionized material in the line of sight to any of these sources. In all of them we have identified a narrow Fe-Kalpha line at 6.4 keV. In ESO 559-G19 we also find an FeXXVI line at about 7 keV. In the soft X-rays band, we identify only one OVII line in the spectra of HE 1143-1810 and CTS A08.12, and two OVII-He alpha triplets and a narrow OVIII-Ly alpha emission line in Mrk 110. Conclusions. Not detecting warm material in the line of sight to the low state objects is due to intrinsically weaker or absent absorption in the line of sight and not to a low signal-to-noise ratio in the data. Besides this, the absence of clear emission lines cannot be fully attributed to dilution of those lines by a strong continuum.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 9 tables, accepted by A&
