319 research outputs found

    Economic Analysis of Strategies to Combat HLB in Florida Citrus

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    citrus greening, huanglongbing, asian citrus psyllid, Crop Production/Industries, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Reduction of Murine Cutaneous UVB-Induced Tumor-Infiltrating T Lymphocytes by Dietary Canthaxanthin

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    The effect of dietary canthaxanthin, retinyl palmitate, or their combination on the tumor-infiltrating T-lymphocyte response (T-TIL) in de novo murine ultraviolet type B irradiation-induced tumors was investigated to elucidate potential mechanisms of action of these compounds. We found that dietary canthaxanthin greatly reduced the number of tumor-infiltrating helper/inducer, suppressor/cytotoxic, and interleukin-2 receptor-positive T lymphocytes and also observed a concomitant statistically significant increase in tumour incidence in canthaxanthin-fed animals. The addition of retinyl palmitate to the canthaxanthin diet ameliorated this negative effect on TIL and the development of skin tumors. We conclude that dietary retinyl palmitate and canthaxanthin can modulate the host T-cell immune response within a growing tumor and may affect tumorigenicity

    Weak gravitational lensing in the standard Cold Dark Matter model, using an algorithm for three-dimensional shear

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    We investigate the effects of weak gravitational lensing in the standard Cold Dark Matter cosmology, using an algorithm which evaluates the shear in three dimensions. The algorithm has the advantage of variable softening for the particles, and our method allows the appropriate angular diameter distances to be applied to every evaluation location within each three-dimensional simulation box. We investigate the importance of shear in the distance-redshift relation, and find it to be very small. We also establish clearly defined values for the smoothness parameter in the relation, finding its value to be at least 0.88 at all redshifts in our simulations. From our results, obtained by linking the simulation boxes back to source redshifts of 4, we are able to observe the formation of structure in terms of the computed shear, and also note that the major contributions to the shear come from a very broad range of redshifts. We show the probability distributions for the magnification, source ellipticity and convergence, and also describe the relationships amongst these quantities for a range of source redshifts. We find a broad range of magnifications and ellipticities; for sources at a redshift of 4, 97{1/2}% of all lines of sight show magnifications up to 1.3 and ellipticities up to 0.195. There is clear evidence that the magnification is not linear in the convergence, as might be expected for weak lensing, but contains contributions from higher order terms in both the convergence and the shear.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 15 figures include

    Immunoarchitecture of the Regenerating Rat Spleen: Effects of Partial Splenectomy and Heterotopic Autotransplantation

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    To investigate the microstructure of in situ (eutopic) and autotransplanted (ectopic) splenic remnants, adult Sprague-Dawley rats were studied 60 days after 1) subtotal (~80%) splenectomy, 2) total splenectomy followed by single or multiple remnant intraperitoneal autotransplantation, or 3) sham operation. Total nucleated cell counts were determined in excised splenic remnants, and immunohistochemical staining using monoclonal antibodies to rat B-and T-cell antigens was performed in serial tissue sections. Immunoarchitecture of eutopic remnants was indistinguishable from that of intact spleens and total nucleated cell counts remained proportional to weight. In contrast, ectopic remnants showed sparsity and abnormal mixing of B and T lymphocyte subpopulations with widespread loss of follicles and periarteriolar lymphoid sheaths in addition to lower density and marked reduction of total nucleated cells. These findings provide immunohistologic evidence that preservation of intact vasculature is critical to splenic architecture, which may account in part for the demonstrable functional inferiority of ectopic remnants

    The Importance of Tree Size and Fecundity for Wind Dispersal of Big-Leaf Mahogany

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    Seed dispersal by wind is a critical yet poorly understood process in tropical forest trees. How tree size and fecundity affect this process at the population level remains largely unknown because of insufficient replication across adults. We measured seed dispersal by the endangered neotropical timber species big-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King, Meliaceae) in the Brazilian Amazon at 25 relatively isolated trees using multiple 1-m wide belt transects extended 100 m downwind. Tree diameter and fecundity correlated positively with increased seed shadow extent; but in combination large, high fecundity trees contributed disproportionately to longer-distance dispersal events (>60 m). Among three empirical models fitted to seed density vs. distance in one dimension, the Student-t (2Dt) generally fit best (compared to the negative exponential and inverse power). When seedfall downwind was modelled in two dimensions using a normalised sample, it peaked furthest downwind (c. 25 m) for large, high-fecundity trees; with the inverse Gaussian and Weibull functions providing comparable fits that were slightly better than the lognormal. Although most seeds fell within 30 m of parent trees, relatively few juveniles were found within this distance, resulting in juvenile-to-seed ratios peaking at c. 35–45 m. Using the 2Dt model fits to predict seed densities downwind, coupled with known fecundity data for 2000–2009, we evaluated potential Swietenia regeneration near adults (≤30 m dispersal) and beyond 30 m. Mean seed arrival into canopy gaps >30 m downwind was more than 3× greater for large, high fecundity trees than small, high-fecundity trees. Tree seed production did not necessarily scale up proportionately with diameter, and was not consistent across years, and this resulting intraspecific variation can have important consequences for local patterns of dispersal in forests. Our results have important implications for management and conservation of big-leaf mahogany populations, and may apply to other threatened wind-dispersed Meliaceae trees

    The left superior temporal gyrus is a shared substrate for auditory short-term memory and speech comprehension: evidence from 210 patients with stroke

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    Competing theories of short-term memory function make specific predictions about the functional anatomy of auditory short-term memory and its role in language comprehension. We analysed high-resolution structural magnetic resonance images from 210 stroke patients and employed a novel voxel based analysis to test the relationship between auditory short-term memory and speech comprehension. Using digit span as an index of auditory short-term memory capacity we found that the structural integrity of a posterior region of the superior temporal gyrus and sulcus predicted auditory short-term memory capacity, even when performance on a range of other measures was factored out. We show that the integrity of this region also predicts the ability to comprehend spoken sentences. Our results therefore support cognitive models that posit a shared substrate between auditory short-term memory capacity and speech comprehension ability. The method applied here will be particularly useful for modelling structure–function relationships within other complex cognitive domains

    Development of automated brightfield double In Situ hybridization (BDISH) application for HER2 gene and chromosome 17 centromere (CEN 17) for breast carcinomas and an assay performance comparison to manual dual color HER2 fluorescence In Situ hybridization (FISH)

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    BACKGROUND: Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a quantitative assay for selecting breast cancer patients for trastuzumab therapy. However, current HER2 FISH procedures are labor intensive, manual methods that require skilled technologists and specialized fluorescence microscopy. Furthermore, FISH slides cannot be archived for long term storage and review. Our objective was to develop an automated brightfield double in situ hybridization (BDISH) application for HER2 gene and chromosome 17 centromere (CEN 17) and test the assay performance with dual color HER2 FISH evaluated breast carcinomas. METHODS: The BDISH assay was developed with the nick translated dinitrophenyl (DNP)-labeled HER2 DNA probe and DNP-labeled CEN 17 oligoprobe on the Ventana BenchMark(® )XT slide processing system. Detection of HER2 and CEN 17 signals was accomplished with the silver acetate, hydroquinone, and H(2)O(2 )reaction with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and the fast red and naphthol phosphate reaction with alkaline phosphatise (AP), respectively. The BDISH specificity was optimized with formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded xenograft tumors, MCF7 (non-amplified HER2 gene) and BT-474 (amplified HER2 gene). Then, the BDISH performance was evaluated with 94 routinely processed breast cancer tissues. Interpretation of HER2 and CEN 17 BDISH slides was conducted by 4 observers using a conventional brightfield microscope without oil immersion objectives. RESULTS: Sequential hybridization and signal detection for HER2 and CEN 17 ISH demonstrated both DNA targets in the same cells. HER2 signals were visualized as discrete black metallic silver dots while CEN 17 signals were detected as slightly larger red dots. Our study demonstrated a high consensus concordance between HER2 FISH and BDISH results of clinical breast carcinoma cases based on the historical scoring method (98.9%, Simple Kappa = 0.9736, 95% CI = 0.9222 – 1.0000) and the ASCO/CAP scoring method with the FISH equivocal cases (95.7%, Simple Kappa = 0.8993%, 95% CI = 0.8068 – 0.9919) and without the FISH equivocal cases (100%, Simple Kappa = 1.0000%, 95% CI = 1.0000 – 1.0000). CONCLUSION: Automated BDISH applications for HER2 and CEN 17 targets were successfully developed and it might be able to replace manual two-color HER2 FISH methods. The application also has the potential to be used for other gene targets. The use of BDISH technology allows the simultaneous analyses of two DNA targets within the context of tissue morphological observation

    New Methods for ALK Status Diagnosis in Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer: An Improved ALK Immunohistochemical Assay and a New, Brightfield, Dual ALK IHC–In Situ Hybridization Assay

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    Introduction:The demonstration of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) positivity in non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has been hindered by the technical complexity and interpretative challenges of fluorescence in situ hybridization methods for detection of ALK gene rearrangement and by the inadequate sensitivity of existing immunohistochemistry (IHC) methods for ALK protein detection. In this study, we sought to increase the sensitivity of ALK IHC detection and to develop a brightfield assay for concurrent detection of ALK protein expression and ALK gene rearrangement.Methods:We developed a horseradish peroxidase–based IHC detection system using the novel, nonendogenous hapten 3-hydroxy-2-quinoxaline (HQ) and tyramide. We also developed a dual gene protein ALK assay combining a brightfield break-apart in situ hybridization ALK assay with another sensitive IHC method using the novel, nonendogenous hapten 5-nitro-3-pyrazole. We examined the sensitivity and accuracy of these methods using surgically resected NSCLC cases examined with ALK fluorescence in situ hybridization.Results:The new HQ-tyramide IHC detection system offered readily interpretable staining with substantially greater sensitivity than conventional ALK IHC, and produced heterogeneous and homogeneous patterns of ALK protein staining among ALK-positive NSCLC surgical cases. The new 5-nitro-3-pyrazole–based IHC detection system was similar in ALK detection sensitivity to the HQ-tyramide IHC system and was compatible with the brightfield in situ hybridization assay.Conclusion:The new HQ-tyramide IHC reagent system allows more sensitive assessment of ALK protein status in NSCLC cases. The new ALK gene-protein assay allows the concurrent visualization of ALK gene and ALK protein status in single cells, allowing more accurate ALK status determination even in heterogeneous specimens

    Island Invasion by a Threatened Tree Species: Evidence for Natural Enemy Release of Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) on Dominica, Lesser Antilles

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    Despite its appeal to explain plant invasions, the enemy release hypothesis (ERH) remains largely unexplored for tropical forest trees. Even scarcer are ERH studies conducted on the same host species at both the community and biogeographical scale, irrespective of the system or plant life form. In Cabrits National Park, Dominica, we observed patterns consistent with enemy release of two introduced, congeneric mahogany species, Swietenia macrophylla and S. mahagoni, planted almost 50 years ago. Swietenia populations at Cabrits have reproduced, with S. macrophylla juveniles established in and out of plantation areas at densities much higher than observed in its native range. Swietenia macrophylla juveniles also experienced significantly lower leaf-level herbivory (∼3.0%) than nine co-occurring species native to Dominica (8.4–21.8%), and far lower than conspecific herbivory observed in its native range (11%–43%, on average). These complimentary findings at multiple scales support ERH, and confirm that Swietenia has naturalized at Cabrits. However, Swietenia abundance was positively correlated with native plant diversity at the seedling stage, and only marginally negatively correlated with native plant abundance for stems ≥1-cm dbh. Taken together, these descriptive patterns point to relaxed enemy pressure from specialized enemies, specifically the defoliator Steniscadia poliophaea and the shoot-borer Hypsipyla grandella, as a leading explanation for the enhanced recruitment of Swietenia trees documented at Cabrits
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