3,944 research outputs found

    The number of terms in the permanent and the determinant of a generic circulant matrix

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    Let A=(a_(ij)) be the generic n by n circulant matrix given by a_(ij)=x_(i+j), with subscripts on x interpreted mod n. Define d(n) (resp. p(n)) to be the number of terms in the determinant (resp. permanent) of A. The function p(n) is well-known and has several combinatorial interpretations. The function d(n), on the other hand, has not been studied previously. We show that when n is a prime power, d(n)=p(n). The proof uses symmetric functions.Comment: 6 pages; 1 figur

    An analogue of distributivity for ungraded lattices

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    In this paper, we define a property, trimness, for lattices. Trimness is a not-necessarily-graded generalization of distributivity; in particular, if a lattice is trim and graded, it is distributive. Trimness is preserved under taking intervals and suitable sublattices. Trim lattices satisfy a weakened form of modularity. The order complex of a trim lattice is contractible or homotopic to a sphere; the latter holds exactly if the maximum element of the lattice is a join of atoms. Other than distributive lattices, the main examples of trim lattices are the Tamari lattices and various generalizations of them. We show that the Cambrian lattices in types A and B defined by Reading are trim, and we conjecture that all Cambrian lattices are trim.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures. Version 2 includes small improvements to exposition, corrections of typos, and a new section showing that if a group G acts on a trim lattice by lattice automorphisms, then the sublattice of L consisting of elements fixed by G is tri

    Cycle-level intersection theory for toric varieties

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    This paper addresses the problem of constructing a cycle-level intersection theory for toric varieties. We show that by making one global choice, we can determine a cycle representative for the intersection of an equivariant Cartier divisor with an invariant cycle on a toric variety. For a toric variety defined by a fan in N, the choice consists of giving an inner product or a complete flag for M_Q=Hom(N,Q), or more generally giving for each cone sigma in the fan a linear subspace of M_Q complementary to the subspace of M_Q perpendicular to sigma, satisfying certain compatibility conditions. We show that these intersection cycles have properties analogous to the usual intersections modulo rational equivalence. If X is simplicial (for instance, if X is non-singular), we obtain a commutative ring structure on the invariant cycles of X with rational coefficients. This ring structure determines cycles representing certain characteristic classes of the toric variety. We also discuss how to define intersection cycles that require no choices, at the expense of increasing the size of the coefficient field.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Defining an m-cluster category

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    We show that a certain orbit category considerd by Keller encodes the combinatorics of the mm-clusters of Fomin and Reading in a fashion similar to the way the cluster category of Buan, Marsh, Reineke, Reiten, and Todorov encodes the combinatorics of the clusters of Fomin and Zelevinsky. This allows us to give type-uniform proofs of certain results of Fomin and Reading in the simply laced cases.Comment: Version 2 is substantially shorter, more focussed, and uses less machinery. Version 3 has minor revisions following referee's suggestions, and some sign corrections. To appear in J. Alg. 10 page

    Graded left modular lattices are supersolvable

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    We provide a direct proof that a finite graded lattice with a maximal chain of left modular elements is supersolvable. This result was first established via a detour through EL-labellings in [McNamara-Thomas] by combining results of McNamara and Liu. As part of our proof, we show that the maximum graded quotient of the free product of a chain and a single-element lattice is finite and distributive.Comment: 7 pages; 2 figures. Version 2: typos and a small error corrected; diagrams prettier; exposition improved following referee's suggestions; version to appear in Algebra Universali

    Bounding the degrees of generators of a homogeneous dimension 2 toric ideal

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    Let I be the toric ideal defined by a 2 x n matrix of integers, A = ((1 1 ... 1)(a_1 a_2 ... a_n)) with a_1<a_2<...<a_n. We give a combinatorial proof that I is generated by elements of degree at most the sum of the two largest differences a_i - a_(i-1). The novelty is in the method of proof: the result has already been shown by L'vovsky using cohomological arguments.Comment: 8 pages. To appear in Collectanea Mathematic
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