2,817 research outputs found

    The Schwarzian Theory - Origins

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    In this paper we further study the 1d Schwarzian theory, the universal low-energy limit of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models, using the link with 2d Liouville theory. We provide a path-integral derivation of the structural link between both theories, and study the relation between 3d gravity, 2d Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity, 2d Liouville and the 1d Schwarzian. We then generalize the Schwarzian double-scaling limit to rational models, relevant for SYK-type models with internal symmetries. We identify the holographic gauge theory as a 2d BF theory and compute correlators of the holographically dual 1d particle-on-a-group action, decomposing these into diagrammatic building blocks, in a manner very similar to the Schwarzian theory.Comment: 40 pages + appendices, v3: corrected several equations in section 5, added discussion on particle on a group, typos corrected and references added, matches published versio

    Holographic estimate of heavy quark diffusion in a magnetic field

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    We study the influence of a background magnetic field on the J/ψJ/\psi vector meson in a DBI-extension of the soft wall model, building upon our earlier work Phys. Rev. D91, 086002 (2015). In this specific holographic QCD model, we discuss the heavy quark number susceptibility and diffusion constants of charm quarks and their dependence on the magnetic field by either a hydrodynamic expansion or by numerically solving the differential equation. This allows us to determine the response of these transport coefficients to the magnetic field. The effects of the latter are considered both from a direct as indirect (medium) viewpoint. As expected, we find a magnetic field induced anisotropic diffusion, with a stronger diffusion in the longitudinal direction compared to the transversal one. We backup, at least qualitatively, our findings with a hanging string analysis of heavy quark diffusion in a magnetic field. From the quark number susceptibility we can extract an estimate for the effective deconfinement temperature in the heavy quark sector, reporting consistency with the phenomenon of inverse magnetic catalysis.Comment: 27 pages. v2: extra discussions and references, compatible with version accepted by Phys.Rev.

    Radiation Gauge in AdS/QCD: inadmissibility and implications on spectral functions in the deconfined phase

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    We point out a subtlety in choosing the radiation gauge (A_z=0 combined with the Lorenz gauge) for gauge fields in AdS/QCD for black hole backgrounds. We then demonstrate the effect of this on the momentum-dependence of the spectral functions of the J/psi vector meson, showing a spreading with momentum and a breaking of isotropy, in contrast to previous results in the literature. We also discuss the dependence on a background magnetic field, following our earlier proposed model.Comment: 10 pages, v2: added reference, version accepted for publicatio

    Defects in Jackiw-Teitelboim Quantum Gravity

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    We classify and study defects in 2d Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity. We show these are holographically described by a deformation of the Schwarzian theory where the reparametrization mode is integrated over different coadjoint orbits of the Virasoro group. We show that the quantization of each coadjoint orbit is connected to 2d Liouville CFT between branes with insertions of Verlinde loop operators. We also propose an interpretation for the exceptional orbits. We use this perspective to solve these deformations of the Schwarzian theory, computing their partition function and correlators. In the process, we define two geometric observables: the horizon area operator Φh\Phi_h and the geodesic length operator L(γ)L(\gamma). We show this procedure is structurally related to the deformation of the particle-on-a-group quantum mechanics by the addition of a chemical potential. As an example, we solve the low-energy theory of complex SYK with a U(1) symmetry and generalize to the non-abelian case.Comment: 66 pages, v4: clarifications added, typos corrected, matches published versio

    The Schwarzian Theory - A Wilson Line Perspective

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    We provide a holographic perspective on correlation functions in Schwarzian quantum mechanics, as boundary-anchored Wilson line correlators in Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity. We first study compact groups and identify the diagrammatic representation of bilocal correlators of the particle-on-a-group model as Wilson line correlators in its 2d holographic BF description. We generalize to the Hamiltonian reduction of SL(2,R) and derive the Schwarzian correlation functions. Out-of-time ordered correlators are determined by crossing Wilson lines, giving a 6j-symbol, in agreement with 2d CFT results.Comment: 28 pages + appendices, v3: corrected discussion on representation theory and improved discussion on higher-point functions in appendices, references added, typos corrected, matches published versio

    Clocks and Rods in Jackiw-Teitelboim Quantum Gravity

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    We specify bulk coordinates in Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity using a boundary-intrinsic radar definition. This allows us to study and calculate exactly diff-invariant bulk correlation functions of matter-coupled JT gravity, which are found to satisfy microcausality. We observe that quantum gravity effects dominate near-horizon matter correlation functions. This shows that quantum matter in classical curved spacetime is not a sensible model for near-horizon matter-coupled JT gravity. This is how JT gravity, given our choice of bulk frame, evades an information paradox. This echoes into the quantum expectation value of the near-horizon metric, whose analysis is extended from the disk model to the recently proposed topological completion of JT gravity. Due to quantum effects, at distances of order the Planck length to the horizon, a dramatic breakdown of Rindler geometry is observed.Comment: 37 pages + appendices, v4: improved discussion on conformal anomaly and choice of bulk observable, added appendix on massive bulk correlators and global conformal blocks, corrected several equations in section 5 and appendix E, typos corrected, matches published versio

    An Investigation of AdS2_2 Backreaction and Holography

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    We investigate a dilaton gravity model in AdS2_2 proposed by Almheiri and Polchinski and develop a 1d effective description in terms of a dynamical boundary time with a Schwarzian derivative action. We show that the effective model is equivalent to a 1d version of Liouville theory, and investigate its dynamics and symmetries via a standard canonical framework. We include the coupling to arbitrary conformal matter and analyze the effective action in the presence of possible sources. We compute commutators of local operators at large time separation, and match the result with the time shift due to a gravitational shockwave interaction. We study a black hole evaporation process and comment on the role of entropy in this model.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, v3: typos corrected and references added, matches published versio

    Unruh detectors and quantum chaos in JT gravity

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    We identify the spectral properties of Hawking-Unruh radiation in the eternal black hole at ultra low energies as a probe for the chaotic level statistics of quantum black holes. Level repulsion implies that there are barely Hawking particles with an energy smaller than the level separation. This effect is experimentally accessible by probing the Unruh heat bath with a linear detector. We provide evidence for this effect via explicit and exact calculations in JT gravity building on a radar definition of bulk observables in the model. Similar results are observed for the bath energy density. This universal feature of eternal Hawking radiation should resonate into the evaporating setup.Comment: 41 pages, v2: added references, fixed some typo

    Edge Dynamics from the Path Integral: Maxwell and Yang-Mills

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    We derive an action describing edge dynamics on interfaces for gauge theories (Maxwell and Yang-Mills) using the path integral. The canonical structure of the edge theory is deduced and the thermal partition function calculated. We test the edge action in several applications. For Maxwell in Rindler space, we recover earlier results, now embedded in a dynamical canonical framework. A second application is 2d Yang-Mills theory where the boundary action becomes just the particle-on-a-group action. Correlators of boundary-anchored Wilson lines in 2d Yang-Mills are matched with, and identified as correlators of bilocal operators in the particle-on-a-group edge model.Comment: 50 pages, v2: typos corrected and references added, matches published versio
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