182 research outputs found

    In vivo evaluation of cortical thickness with magnetic resonance imaging in patients with bipolar disorder

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    Changes in cortical thickness can be related to neuropsychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative processes. Previous studies have been conducted to characterize the pattern of changes in cortical thickness in several psychiatric diseases. The aim of the present study was to evaluate changes in cortical thickness with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with bipolar disorder. Twenty-seven patients with bipolar disorder (14 male, 36.0 ± 16.2 years old; 13 female, 41.6 ± 10.7 years old) and 40 healthy controls (16 male, 36.0 ± 10.5 years old; 24 female, 37.0 ± 4.7 years old) underwent 3T MRI. Sagittal T1-weighted magnetization prepared rapid acquisition gradient echo images were acquired (voxel size, 1.33 mm³; 128 slices; in-plane matrix resolution, 256 × 256; flip angle, 7º; repetition time, 2530 ms; echo time, 3.39 ms; inversion time, 1100 ms). Cortical segmentation was performed using FreeSurfer 4.0.5. The results indicated both thinning and thickening of the cerebral cortex in patients with bipolar disorder compared with controls, depending on gender. Significant (p < .01) thickening was observed in the right hemisphere superior-parietal cortex in female patients with bipolar disorder, and significant (p < .05) thinning was observed in the left hemisphere caudal-anterior cingulate in male patients with bipolar disorder. The other regions did not show significant differences. The results suggest that an analysis of cortical thickness with MRI in patients with bipolar disorder may allow identification of areas that may be morphologically changed compared with controls. Demonstration of these alterations will elucidate the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder and may contribute to better therapies for this disorder

    Inspiring Farmers For Healthy Farming

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    "The health and nutritional value of agricultural food products is strongly linked to, and inherently dependent on the production process and farm system. However, there are currently only limited options for transferring and measuring farm-health principles at farm level (Vieweger and Döring, 2015). In our previous work we have shown how organic farmers have developed their own strategies and philosophies for running healthy farming systems and increase the health of soils, plants, animals and humans. Such tacit farmer knowledge and awareness of a holistic systems-approach to health in food production can contribute crucial information and practical understanding for food system sustainability. The current project builds on these earlier findings, using participatory multi-actor approaches to collaborate with the established international network. The farmer groups in Germany, Austria and the UK aimed to 1) conceptualize health criteria on farms, such as ‘Is a nutrient or humus balance calculated?‘, ‘How much time is spent for observation and reflection?’, ‘Are regionally adapted breeds and varieties used?’; and 2) develop a concept for farmer-to-farmer learning, defining most appropriate conditions and methodologies for the multiplication of this knowledge. With a co-learning approach, we aim to allow a flexible integration of farmer knowledge and experience, thereby inspiring farmers to reflect on the potential ways they can improve health in their system, and further develop their individual methods over time; this approach also aims to help research identify general drivers of farm health.

    A Local Superlens

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    Superlenses enable near-field imaging beyond the optical diffraction limit. However, their widespread implementation in optical imaging technology so far has been limited by large-scale fabrication, fixed lens position, and specific object materials. Here we demonstrate that a dielectric lamella of subwavelength size in all three spatial dimensions behaves as a compact superlens that operates at infrared wavelengths and can be positioned to image any local microscopic area of interest on the sample. In particular, the lamella superlens may be placed in contact with any type of object and therefore enables examination of hard-to-scan samples, for example, with high topography or in liquids, without altering the specimen design. This lamella-based local superlens design is directly applicable to subwavelength light-based technology, such as integrated optics

    Photo- and Electron-Production of Mesons on Nucleons and Nuclei

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    In these lectures I will show some results obtained with the chiral unitary approach applied to the photo and electroproduction of mesons. The results for photoproduction of ηπ0p\eta \pi^0 p and K0π0Σ+K^0 \pi^0 \Sigma^+, together with related reactions will be shown, having with common denominator the excitation of the Δ(1700)\Delta(1700) resonance which is one of those dynamically generated in the chiral unitary approach. Then I will show results obtained for the e+e−→ϕf0(980)e^+ e^- \to \phi f_0(980) reaction which reproduce the bulk of the data except for a pronounced peak, giving support to a new mesonic resonance, X(2175). Results will also be shown for the electromagnetic form factors of the N∗(1535)N^*(1535) resonance, also dynamically generated in this approach. Finally, I will show some results on the photoproduction of the ω\omega in nuclei, showing that present experimental results claiming a shift of the ω\omega mass in the medium are tied to a particular choice of background and are not conclusive. One the other hand, the same experimental results show unambiguously a huge increase of the ω\omega width in the nuclear medium.Comment: Lecture at the "International School of Nuclear Physics", 29th Course Quarks in Hadrons and Nuclei, Erice, Italy, September 2007. Note added in Proofs concerning the mixed events technique and other comments on omega productio

    Weeds in organic fertility-building leys:aspects of species richness and weed management

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    Legume-based leys (perennial sod crops) are an important component of fertility management in organic rotations in many parts of Europe. Despite their importance, however, relatively little is known about how these leys affect weed communities or how the specific composition of leys may contribute to weed management. To determine whether the choice of plant species in the ley affects weeds, we conducted replicated field trials at six locations in the UK over 24 months, measuring weed cover and biomass in plots sown with monocultures of 12 legume and 4 grass species and in plots sown with a mixture of 10 legume species and 4 grass species. Additionally, we monitored weed communities in leys on 21 organic farms across the UK either sown with a mixture of the project species or the farmers? own species mix. In total, 63 weed species were found on the farms, with the annuals Stellaria media, Sonchus arvensis, and Veronica persica being the most frequent species in the first year after establishment of the ley, while Stellaria media and the two perennials Ranunculus repens and Taraxacum officinale dominated the weed spectrum in the second year. Our study shows that organic leys constitute an important element of farm biodiversity. In both replicated and on-farm trials, weed cover and species richness were significantly lower in the second than in the first year, owing to lower presence of annual weeds in year two. In monocultures, meadow pea (Lathyrus pratensis) was a poor competitor against weeds, and a significant increase in the proportion of weed biomass was observed over time, due to poor recovery of meadow pea after mowing. For red clover (Trifolium pratense), we observed the lowest proportion of weed biomass in total biomass among the tested legume species. Crop biomass and weed biomass were negatively correlated across species. Residuals from the linear regression between crop biomass and weed biomass indicated that at similar levels of crop biomass, grasses had lower weed levels than legumes. We conclude that choice of crop species is an important tool for weed management in leys.authorsversionPeer reviewe

    Ten lessons on the resilience of the EU common fisheries policy towards climate change and fuel efficiency - A call for adaptive, flexible and wellinformed fisheries management

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    To effectively future-proof the management of the European Union fishing fleets we have explored a suite of case studies encompassing the northeast and tropical Atlantic, the Mediterranean, Baltic and Black Seas. This study shows that European Union (EU) fisheries are likely resilient to climate-driven short-term stresses, but may be negatively impacted by long-term trends in climate change. However, fisheries’ long-term stock resilience can be improved (and therefore be more resilient to increasing changes in climate) by adopting robust and adaptive fisheries management, provided such measures are based on sound scientific advice which includes uncertainty. Such management requires regular updates of biological reference points. Such updates will delineate safe biological limits for exploitation, providing both high long-term yields with reduced risk of stock collapse when affected by short-term stresses, and enhanced compliance with advice to avoid higher than intended fishing mortality. However, high resilience of the exploited ecosystem does not necessarily lead to the resilience of the economy of EU fisheries from suffering shocks associated with reduced yields, neither to a reduced carbon footprint if fuel use increases from lower stock abundances. Fuel consumption is impacted by stock development, but also by changes in vessel and gear technologies, as well as fishing techniques. In this respect, energy-efficient fishing technologies already exist within the EU, though implementing them would require improving the uptake of innovations and demonstrating to stakeholders the potential for both reduced fuel costs and increased catch rates. A transition towards reducing fuel consumption and costs would need to be supported by the setup of EU regulatory instruments. Overall, to effectively manage EU fisheries within a changing climate, flexible, adaptive, well-informed and well-enforced management is needed, with incentives provided for innovations and ocean literacy to cope with the changing conditions, while also reducing the dependency of the capture fishing industry on fossil fuels. To support such management, we provide 10 lessons to characterize ‘win-win’ fishing strategies for the European Union, which develop leverages in which fishing effort deployed corresponds to Maximum Sustainable Yield targets and Common Fisheries Policy minimal effects objectives. In these strategies, higher catch is obtained in the long run, less fuel is spent to attain the catch, and the fisheries have a higher resistance and resilience to shock and long-term factors to face climate-induced stressesEn prens

    Resonances in chiral unitary approaches

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    The extension of chiral theories to the description of resonances, via the incorporation of unitarity in coupled channels, has provided us with a new theoretical perspective on the nature of some of the observed excited hadrons. In this contribution some of the early achievements in the field of baryonic resonances are reviewed, the recent evidence of the two-pole nature of the Lambda(1405) is discussed and results on charmed baryon resonances are presented.Comment: 6 pages, contribution to the Workshop on the Physics of excited nucleons (NSTAR 2007), Bonn (Germany) 5-8 September 200

    What can we learn from facilitator and student perceptions of facilitation skills and roles in the first year of a problem-based learning curriculum?

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    BACKGROUND: The small group tutorial is a cornerstone of problem-based learning. By implication, the role of the facilitator is of pivotal importance. The present investigation canvassed perceptions of facilitators with differing levels of experience regarding their roles and duties in the tutorial. METHODS: In January 2002, one year after problem-based learning implementation at the Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine, facilitators with the following experience were canvassed: trained and about to facilitate, facilitated once only and facilitated more than one six-week theme. Student comments regarding facilitator skills were obtained from a 2001 course survey. RESULTS: While facilitators generally agreed that the three-day training workshop provided sufficient insight into the facilitation process, they become more comfortable with increasing experience. Many facilitators experienced difficulty not providing content expertise. Again, this improved with increasing experience. Most facilitators saw students as colleagues. They agreed that they should be role models, but were less enthusiastic about being mentors. Students were critical of facilitators who were not up to date with curriculum implementation or who appeared disinterested. While facilitator responses suggest that there was considerable intrinsic motivation, this might in fact not be the case. CONCLUSIONS: Even if they had facilitated on all six themes, facilitators could still be considered as novices. Faculty support is therefore critical for the first few years of problem-based learning, particularly for those who had facilitated once only. Since student and facilitator expectations in the small group tutorial may differ, roles and duties of facilitators must be explicit for both parties from the outset
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