74 research outputs found

    Predicting The Disclosure of Personal Information on Social Networks: An Empirical Investigation

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    The present study considers factors that motivate users of social networks to publish different types of privacy-related information to friends or even the public. In contrast to prior research, we do not limit our research scope to an individual\u27s decision-making process (i.e., the formation of behavioral intentions) but also include actual behavior as observed among a group of real Facebook users. Our objective is to test to what extent existing theory is not only capable of explaining self-disclosure decisions but also to predict subsequent behavior. We test our model using a combination of structural equation modeling and logistic regression with questionnaire data and data collected from the Facebook platform. Our results indicate that the way self-disclosure was operationalized in prior research shows low predictive power, especially when compared to predictions based on simple questions regarding an individual\u27s sensitivity to the disclosure of personal information

    The Performance and Reliability of a RFID Cycle-Count – A Quantitative Approach from Fashion Retail

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    In recent years, several retailers gained experience with the implementation and use of radio-frequency identification (RFID). Although extensive benefits through the use of RFID have been discussed in academia and practice for many years, strategic approaches to reach the promised targets still are largely unexplored. To support practitioners with using RFID in retailing, the reliability of data generated by RFID in-store processes has to be investigated. As a starting point, we compare in the present study the quality of a RFID cycle-count to a physically conducted count. We collected data from a real-world implementation and completed parallel counts in 9 RFID pilot stores at a global fashion retailer. Our results based on an item-level error investigation show, that the error rate of a RFID cycle-count nearly is as low as the error rate of a physical conducted count. As a consequence for further research, more reliable data collected in a cycle-count lead to a better stock accuracy, more effective in-store replenishment processes and less stock-out situations

    Zum Potential von Event-Driven Architecture fĂŒr komplexe Unternehmensnetzwerke

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    Die KomplexitĂ€t globaler UnternehmensverbĂ€nde erzeugt eine hohe HeterogenitĂ€t hinsichtlich der beteiligten Informationssysteme. Damit verbunden nimmt die Anzahl verwobener und den GeschĂ€ftsablauf beeinflussender Ereignisse erheblich zu, die von zahlreichen Quellen produziert werden. Das in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Einsatzszenario einer Serviceorientierten Architektur (SOA) in Verbindung mit der Technologie der Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) bietet großes Potential, Struktur in die FĂŒlle an auftretenden Ereignissen zu bringen, diese effektiv zu verarbeiten und gewinnbringend in den GeschĂ€fts-ablauf zu integrieren. Intelligent verbunden und die Vorteile dieser Informationsarchitektur ausnutzend, kann ein derartiges Konzept Wettbewerbsvorteile fĂŒr die gesamte, globale Lieferkette und damit einhergehend fĂŒr jedes einzelne beteiligte Unternehmen schaffen

    Inter- and Intragranular Effects in Superconducting Compacted Platinum Powders

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    Compacted platinum powders exhibit a sharp onset of diamagnetic screening at T≃1.9T \simeq 1.9 mK in zero magnetic field in all samples investigated. This sharp onset is interpreted in terms of the intragranular transition into the superconducting state. At lower temperatures, the magnetic ac susceptibility strongly depends on the ac field amplitude and reflects the small intergranular critical current density jcj_{c}. This critical current density shows a strong dependence on the packing fraction f of the granular samples. Surprisingly, jcj_{c} increases significantly with decreasing f (jc(B=0,T=0)≃0.07j_{c}(B=0, T=0) \simeq 0.07 A/cm2^{2} for f = 0.67 and jc(B=0,T=0)≃0.8j_{c}(B=0, T=0) \simeq 0.8 A/cm2^{2} for f = 0.50). The temperature dependence of jcj_{c} shows strong positive curvature over a wide temperature range for both samples. The phase diagrams of inter- and intragranular superconductivity for different samples indicate that the granular structure might play the key role for an understanding of the origin of superconductivity in the platinum compacts.Comment: 11 pages including 9 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. B in Nov. 0

    Mathematical modelling of clostridial acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation

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    Clostridial acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation features a remarkable shift in the cellular metabolic activity from acid formation, acidogenesis, to the production of industrial-relevant solvents, solventogensis. In recent decades, mathematical models have been employed to elucidate the complex interlinked regulation and conditions that determine these two distinct metabolic states and govern the transition between them. In this review, we discuss these models with a focus on the mechanisms controlling intra- and extracellular changes between acidogenesis and solventogenesis. In particular, we critically evaluate underlying model assumptions and predictions in the light of current experimental knowledge. Towards this end, we briefly introduce key ideas and assumptions applied in the discussed modelling approaches, but waive a comprehensive mathematical presentation. We distinguish between structural and dynamical models, which will be discussed in their chronological order to illustrate how new biological information facilitates the ‘evolution’ of mathematical models. Mathematical models and their analysis have significantly contributed to our knowledge of ABE fermentation and the underlying regulatory network which spans all levels of biological organization. However, the ties between the different levels of cellular regulation are not well understood. Furthermore, contradictory experimental and theoretical results challenge our current notion of ABE metabolic network structure. Thus, clostridial ABE fermentation still poses theoretical as well as experimental challenges which are best approached in close collaboration between modellers and experimentalists

    Improvement and monitoring of RFID infrastructures in retail – a novel action research based approach

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    Die Grundlage fĂŒr eine hohe Bestandsgenauigkeit ist die unternehmensĂŒbergreifende Identifikation und Nachverfolgung von Waren, die mit automatisierten Identifizierungstechnologien (Auto-ID-Technologien) ermöglicht wird. Die EinfĂŒhrung der Auto-ID-Technologie des Barcodes hat die Industrie vor mehr als 30 Jahren fundamental verĂ€ndert. Darauf aufbauend versprechen neuere Auto-ID-Technologien wie die „Radio Frequency Identification“ (RFID) Probleme wie die NichtverfĂŒgbarkeit von Waren, eine intransparente Diebstahlrate oder Warenschwund durch eine bessere Nachverfolgung aller Waren und eine höhere Bestandsgenauigkeit zu lösen. Die Vorteile von RFID gegenĂŒber dem Barcode sind unter anderem die höhere Datendichte, die grĂ¶ĂŸere Robustheit gegenĂŒber UmwelteinflĂŒssen sowie die schnellere und mehrfache Erfassung von GegenstĂ€nden. Viele Unternehmen sehen sich jedoch vor allem nach der Implementierung einer RFID-Infrastruktur mit einer Vielzahl von Problemen konfrontiert. Aspekte wie wenig UnterstĂŒtzung durch das Management, interner Widerstand durch Mitarbeiter, Probleme bei der Integration von Hardware und Software und vor allem eine mangelnde DatenqualitĂ€t verhindern, dass die prognostizierten positiven Effekte erreicht werden können. Derartige PhĂ€nomene werden passend unter dem Begriff „Credibility Gap“ zusammengefasst. Dieser beschreibt die Problematik, dass es insgesamt an Verfahren, Methoden und gezielter UnterstĂŒtzung mangelt, um die in der Literatur umfangreich versprochenen positiven Effekte tatsĂ€chlich und nachhaltig zu realisieren. Passend werden die erwarteten Einsparungen und Verbesserungen durch den RFID-Einsatz oftmals als ExpertenschĂ€tzungen und sogar als grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils rein spekulativ bezeichnet. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, Praktikern das Erreichen der positiven RFID-Effekte zu ermöglichen. Hierzu wurden vielfĂ€ltige Untersuchungen auf Basis einer langfristigen Kooperation mit einem der weltweit grĂ¶ĂŸten BekleidungshĂ€ndler durchgefĂŒhrt, indem ein RFID-Implementierungsprojekt begleitet und intensiv mitgestaltet wurde. ZunĂ€chst wird bestĂ€tigt, dass die prognostizierten Vorteile der RFID-Technologie tatsĂ€chlich nicht allein durch die Implementierung der benötigten Infrastruktur erreicht werden können. Als Grund werden hohe Bestandsungenauigkeiten der verwendeten Bestandssysteme identifiziert, die sowohl auf technische als auch auf menschlich verursachte Fehler zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren sind. Als Folge ist die RFID-DatenqualitĂ€t nicht verlĂ€sslich. Die Dissertation setzt an den Problemen des Credibility Gap an und diagnostiziert bei einer bereits implementierten RFID-Infrastruktur zunĂ€chst die Fehler und Ursachen der mangelnden DatenqualitĂ€t. Darauf aufbauend werden Maßnahmen und Handlungsanweisungen vorgestellt, mit deren Hilfe die Fehler behoben und die Infrastruktur schließlich verbessert und ĂŒberwacht werden kann. Um insgesamt die Anforderungen der Praxis und der Wissenschaft erfolgreich miteinander zu verknĂŒpfen, wird als Forschungsmethode eine neuartige Kombination zweier AusprĂ€gungen der Aktionsforschung verwendet. Als Ergebnis werden einerseits fĂŒr Praktiker hilfreiche Frameworks und Tests zur Fehlerbehebung, Überwachungskennzahlen sowie Regeln des effektiven RFID-Systemmanagements beschrieben. Alle durchgefĂŒhrten und in der Dissertation vorgestellten Maßnahmen fĂŒhren nachweislich zu einer erhöhten DatenqualitĂ€t eines implementierten RFID-Systems und stellen Möglichkeiten zur kennzahlenbasierten Visualisierung der RFID-Prozessperformance bereit. Andererseits wird ein Modell fĂŒr die Verwendung der Aktionsforschung vorgeschlagen sowie eine umfangreiche Validierung der Methodik durchgefĂŒhrt. Auf diese Weise wird neben der Praxisrelevanz der Ergebnisse auch die PrĂ€zision der Forschungsergebnisse sichergestellt. SĂ€mtliche Ergebnisse dienen als Basis fĂŒr vielfĂ€ltige ForschungsansĂ€tze. So ermöglichen eine höhere VerlĂ€sslichkeit und DatenqualitĂ€t der RFID-Informationen aussagekrĂ€ftigere Analysen. Weiter sind durch fehlerkorrigierte Prozessdaten neuartige Methoden des RFID-Data-Mining denkbar. Dieser Forschungsbereich ist nach wie vor grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils unberĂŒhrt und bietet enormes Potential, weitere durch RFID in Aussicht gestellte Vorteile zu realisieren.The automatic identification, tracking and tracing of goods is a prerequisite for stock accuracy. In the 1980s, the barcode as an automatic identification technology substantially changed retail operations. On this basis, the rise of radio-frequency identification (RFID) in the past years was meant to solve problems such as unavailability of products, theft and shrinkage through a higher product transparency along the supply chain. Benefits of using RFID instead of using the barcode are an increased data density, a higher degree of resistance to environmental effects as well as a bulk identification of items, among others. However, companies still face a series of problems after implementing a RFID infrastructure. Issues like low management support, internal resistance among the staff, complex soft-/hardware integration issues as well as low data quality prevent companies from gaining the expected benefits. These phenomena properly are described as a „credibility gap“. This term refers to the lack of methods and procedures, to achieve the effects discussed in literature. Consequently, the expected benefits and improvements through using RFID technology are declared as expert estimates or even purely speculative assumptions. The aim of this dissertation is to facilitate practitioners in gaining the positive effects of RFID. For this purpose, an investigation in the scope of an RFID implementation project conducted by one of the world’s largest fashion retailers has been accomplished. It can be initially confirmed that a RFID implementation alone does not necessarily result in (expected) benefits. Reasons identified are various inconsistencies between the RFID and the existing inventory system caused by both technical and human issues. As a result, the RFID stock information is not reliable. Given the objective to solve the described problems associated with the credibility gap, reasons for poor data quality are identified in a first step. Subsequently, systematic procedures are introduced aiming to solve these issues in order to improve and to monitor the RFID infrastructure. To expand scientific knowledge and simultaneously assist in practical problem-solving, a novel combination of two action research types is used. On the one hand, several error-handling procedures, monitoring options and specific rules for an effective RFID system management for practitioners are described. All introduced measures demonstrably increase data quality of the implemented RFID system and provide indicator-based tools to review the RFID process performance. On the other hand, an application model for action research including a validation of the specific research method is proposed. This approach contributes to both dimensions of the rigor and relevance framework. These findings may serve as a basis for further research in various directions. An increased reliability of RFID information enables more meaningful analyses, accordingly. In addition, error-corrected processes and data lead to new methods of RFID data mining, which still poses a widely untapped area of research

    RFID Data Analytics in Retail Logistics: A Case Example

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    The growing interest in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in recent years has sparked an intensive debate on the benefits to be expected. With the growth of RFID implementations in size and scope comes a shift away from infrastructural aspects to the question of how to draw value from the large amounts of collected data. However, the necessary procedures for the handling of massive RFID data sets are still an under-researched issue. Against this background, the study presents results from a real-world trial conducted by a large apparel retailer. The objective of the trial was to explore the opportunities for generating novel performance indicators and reports on the reality of store processes and customer behavior on the sales floor. We give an overview of the algorithms used for RFID data processing and the interpretation of the resulting insights from a practitioner’s point of view. The case example thus provides an overview of the potential of RFID as a powerful tool for assortment optimization, customer research, store layout design, and other management tasks in retail

    RFID-Enabled Business Process Intelligence in Retail Stores: A Case Report

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    The growing interest in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in recent years has sparked an intensive debate on the benefits to be expected. With the growth of RFID implementations in size and scope comes a shift away from infrastructural aspects to the question of how to draw value from the large amounts of collected data. However, the necessary procedures for the handling of massive RFID data sets are still an under-researched issue. Against this background, the study presents results from a real-world trial conducted by a large apparel retailer. The objective of the trial was to explore the opportunities for generating novel performance indicators and reports on the reality of store processes and customer behavior on the sales floor. We give an overview of the algorithms used for RFID data processing and the interpretation of the resulting insights from a practitioner’s point of view. The case example thus provides an overview of the potential of RFID as a powerful tool for assortment optimization, customer research, store layout design, and other management tasks in retail

    Overwintering ability of young-of-the-year bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix: effect of ration and cohort of origin on survival

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    Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix have experienced declines in recruitment and adult abundance along the US East Coast since the mid-1980s. At the onset of winter, young-of-the-year (YOY) bluefish exhibit a multimodal size distribution including larger, spring-spawned fish (spring cohort) and smaller, summer-spawned fish (summer cohort). Declines in the adult stock appear to coincide with declines in recruitment success of the summer cohort. We investigated the hypothesis that poor recruitment success of the summer cohort results from size-selective winter mortality. Winter mesocosm experiments were conducted to examine the effects of cohort of origin (spring vs. summer) and food availability (fed vs. unfed) on winter survival of YOY bluefish. Spring fish entered winter with significantly greater lipid reserves than summer fish. When fed, both cohorts stored lipids during late fall, depleted lipid reserves during winter, and experienced high overwinter survival. When starved, both cohorts mobilized lipids from multiple depots (liver, viscera, white muscle, red muscle, skin) and summer fish experienced starvation mortality similar to 6 wk prior to spring fish. Although summer fish were more susceptible to winter starvation than spring fish, their starvation endurance (> 90 % survival probability after 120 d) appeared more than adequate to survive natural winter conditions. Interestingly, spring fish suffered a brief mortality event during January when water temperatures dropped briefly below 6 degrees C, suggesting that larger individuals are less tolerant of acute cold stress. The remarkable starvation endurance of summer-spawned bluefish, coupled with their capacity for rapid lipid storage during fall and reduced rates of lipid depletion at low temperatures, implies that members of this cohort are physiologically well-equipped to survive their first winter of life. Our findings are inconsistent with the hypothesis that winter starvation accounts for decreased recruitment of the summer cohort to the western Atlantic stock


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