220 research outputs found

    Impaired tRNA Nuclear Export Links DNA Damage and Cell-Cycle Checkpoint

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    SummaryIn response to genotoxic stress, cells evoke a plethora of physiological responses collectively aimed at enhancing viability and maintaining the integrity of the genome. Here, we report that unspliced tRNA rapidly accumulates in the nuclei of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae after DNA damage. This response requires an intact MEC1- and RAD53-dependent signaling pathway that impedes the nuclear export of intron-containing tRNA via differential relocalization of the karyopherin Los1 to the cytoplasm. The accumulation of unspliced tRNA in the nucleus signals the activation of Gcn4 transcription factor, which, in turn, contributes to cell-cycle arrest in G1 in part by delaying accumulation of the cyclin Cln2. The regulated nucleocytoplasmic tRNA trafficking thus constitutes an integral physiological adaptation to DNA damage. These data further illustrate how signal-mediated crosstalk between distinct functional modules, namely, tRNA nucleocytoplasmic trafficking, protein synthesis, and checkpoint execution, allows for functional coupling of tRNA biogenesis and cell-cycle progression

    ATUM-FIB microscopy for targeting and multiscale imaging of rare events in mouse cortex

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    Here, we describe a detailed workflow for ATUM-FIB microscopy, a hybrid method that combines serial-sectioning scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with focused ion beam SEM (FIB-SEM). This detailed protocol is optimized for mouse cortex samples. The main processing steps include the generation of semi-thick sections from sequentially cured resin blocks using a heated microtomy approach. We demonstrate the different imaging modalities, including serial light and electron microscopy for target recognition and FIB-SEM for isotropic imaging of regions of interest.For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Kislinger et al. (2020)

    MicroRNA Networks in Mouse Lung Organogenesis

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    BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are known to be important regulators of both organ development and tumorigenesis. MiRNA networks and their regulation of messenger RNA (mRNA) translation and protein expression in specific biological processes are poorly understood. METHODS: We explored the dynamic regulation of miRNAs in mouse lung organogenesis. Comprehensive miRNA and mRNA profiling was performed encompassing all recognized stages of lung development beginning at embryonic day 12 and continuing to adulthood. We analyzed the expression patterns of dynamically regulated miRNAs and mRNAs using a number of statistical and computational approaches, and in an integrated manner with protein levels from an existing mass-spectrometry derived protein database for lung development. RESULTS: In total, 117 statistically significant miRNAs were dynamically regulated during mouse lung organogenesis and clustered into distinct temporal expression patterns. 11,220 mRNA probes were also shown to be dynamically regulated and clustered into distinct temporal expression patterns, with 3 major patterns accounting for 75% of all probes. 3,067 direct miRNA-mRNA correlation pairs were identified involving 37 miRNAs. Two defined correlation patterns were observed upon integration with protein data: 1) increased levels of specific miRNAs directly correlating with downregulation of predicted mRNA targets; and 2) increased levels of specific miRNAs directly correlating with downregulation of translated target proteins without detectable changes in mRNA levels. Of 1345 proteins analyzed, 55% appeared to be regulated in this manner with a direct correlation between miRNA and protein level, but without detectable change in mRNA levels. CONCLUSION: Systematic analysis of microRNA, mRNA, and protein levels over the time course of lung organogenesis demonstrates dynamic regulation and reveals 2 distinct patterns of miRNA-mRNA interaction. The translation of target proteins affected by miRNAs independent of changes in mRNA level appears to be a prominent mechanism of developmental regulation in lung organogenesis

    A Live Zebrafish-Based Screening System for Human Nuclear Receptor Ligand and Cofactor Discovery

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    Nuclear receptors (NRs) belong to a superfamily of transcription factors that regulate numerous homeostatic, metabolic and reproductive processes. Taken together with their modulation by small lipophilic molecules, they also represent an important and successful class of drug targets. Although many NRs have been targeted successfully, the majority have not, and one third are still orphans. Here we report the development of an in vivo GFP-based reporter system suitable for monitoring NR activities in all cells and tissues using live zebrafish (Danio rerio). The human NR fusion proteins used also contain a new affinity tag cassette allowing the purification of receptors with bound molecules from responsive tissues. We show that these constructs 1) respond as expected to endogenous zebrafish hormones and cofactors, 2) facilitate efficient receptor and cofactor purification, 3) respond robustly to NR hormones and drugs and 4) yield readily quantifiable signals. Transgenic lines representing the majority of human NRs have been established and are available for the investigation of tissue- and isoform-specific ligands and cofactors

    Genome-wide analysis of the maternal-to-zygotic transition in Drosophila primordial germ cells

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    Background: During the maternal-to-zygotic transition (MZT) vast changes in the embryonic transcriptome are produced by a combination of two processes: elimination of maternally provided mRNAs and synthesis of new transcripts from the zygotic genome. Previous genome-wide analyses of the MZT have been restricted to whole embryos. Here we report the first such analysis for primordial germ cells (PGCs), the progenitors of the germ-line stem cells. Results: We purified PGCs from Drosophila embryos, defined their proteome and transcriptome, and assessed the content, scale and dynamics of their MZT. Transcripts encoding proteins that implement particular types of biological functions group into nine distinct expression profiles, reflecting coordinate control at the transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels. mRNAs encoding germ-plasm components and cell-cell signaling molecules are rapidly degraded while new transcription produces mRNAs encoding the core transcriptional and protein synthetic machineries. The RNA-binding protein Smaug is essential for the PGC MZT, clearing transcripts encoding proteins that regulate stem cell behavior, transcriptional and posttranscriptional processes. Computational analyses suggest that Smaug and AU-rich element binding proteins function independently to control transcript elimination. Conclusions: The scale of the MZT is similar in the soma and PGCs. However, the timing and content of their MZTs differ, reflecting the distinct developmental imperatives of these cell types. The PGC MZT is delayed relative to that in the soma, likely because relief of PGC-specific transcriptional silencing is required for zygotic genome activation as well as for efficient maternal transcript clearance.http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000305391700004&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=8e1609b174ce4e31116a60747a720701Biotechnology & Applied MicrobiologyGenetics & HereditySCI(E)20ARTICLE2null1

    Comparative systems biology of human and mouse as a tool to guide the modeling of human placental pathology

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    Placental abnormalities are associated with two of the most common and serious complications of human pregnancy, maternal preeclampsia (PE) and fetal intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), each disorder affecting ∼5% of all pregnancies. An important question for the use of the mouse as a model for studying human disease is the degree of functional conservation of genetic control pathways from human to mouse. The human and mouse placenta show structural similarities, but there have been no systematic attempts to assess their molecular similarities or differences. We collected protein and mRNA expression data through shot-gun proteomics and microarray expression analysis of the highly vascular exchange region, microdissected from the human and mouse near-term placenta. Over 7000 ortholog genes were detected with 70% co-expressed in both species. Close to 90% agreement was found between our human proteomic results and 1649 genes assayed by immunohistochemistry for expression in the human placenta in the Human Protein Atlas. Interestingly, over 80% of genes known to cause placental phenotypes in mouse are co-expressed in human. Several of these phenotype-associated proteins form a tight protein–protein interaction network involving 15 known and 34 novel candidate proteins also likely important in placental structure and/or function. The entire data are available as a web-accessible database to guide the informed development of mouse models to study human disease

    Global Survey of Organ and Organelle Protein Expression in Mouse: Combined Proteomic and Transcriptomic Profiling

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    SummaryOrgans and organelles represent core biological systems in mammals, but the diversity in protein composition remains unclear. Here, we combine subcellular fractionation with exhaustive tandem mass spectrometry-based shotgun sequencing to examine the protein content of four major organellar compartments (cytosol, membranes [microsomes], mitochondria, and nuclei) in six organs (brain, heart, kidney, liver, lung, and placenta) of the laboratory mouse, Mus musculus. Using rigorous statistical filtering and machine-learning methods, the subcellular localization of 3274 of the 4768 proteins identified was determined with high confidence, including 1503 previously uncharacterized factors, while tissue selectivity was evaluated by comparison to previously reported mRNA expression patterns. This molecular compendium, fully accessible via a searchable web-browser interface, serves as a reliable reference of the expressed tissue and organelle proteomes of a leading model mammal

    Mammary molecular portraits reveal lineage-specific features and progenitor cell vulnerabilities.

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    The mammary epithelium depends on specific lineages and their stem and progenitor function to accommodate hormone-triggered physiological demands in the adult female. Perturbations of these lineages underpin breast cancer risk, yet our understanding of normal mammary cell composition is incomplete. Here, we build a multimodal resource for the adult gland through comprehensive profiling of primary cell epigenomes, transcriptomes, and proteomes. We define systems-level relationships between chromatin-DNA-RNA-protein states, identify lineage-specific DNA methylation of transcription factor binding sites, and pinpoint proteins underlying progesterone responsiveness. Comparative proteomics of estrogen and progesterone receptor-positive and -negative cell populations, extensive target validation, and drug testing lead to discovery of stem and progenitor cell vulnerabilities. Top epigenetic drugs exert cytostatic effects; prevent adult mammary cell expansion, clonogenicity, and mammopoiesis; and deplete stem cell frequency. Select drugs also abrogate human breast progenitor cell activity in normal and high-risk patient samples. This integrative computational and functional study provides fundamental insight into mammary lineage and stem cell biology