21,424 research outputs found


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    The effects of rail deregulation on feed transportation in the Northeast are examined through construction of a spatial equilibrium model of the Northeastern feed industry. Short-run and long-run effects of deregulation are analyzed through incorporation of rail rate structures for 1981 and 1984, respectively, into model simulations and comparison with pre-deregulation base year results (1980). The results show that the Northeast feed economy has generally benefited from rail deregulation which has led to lower transportation costs, lower feed costs and an enhanced competitive position relative to the Southeastern U.S.Public Economics,

    The Use of Multi-beam Sonars to Image Bubbly Ship Wakes

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    During the past five years, researchers at Penn State University (PSU) have used upward-looking multi-beam (MB) sonar to image the bubbly wakes of surface ships. In 2000, a 19-beam, 5° beam width, 120° sector, 250 kHz MB sonar integrated into an autonomous vehicle was used to obtain a first-of-a-kind look at the three-dimensional variability of bubbles in a large ship wake. In 2001 we acquired a Reson 8101 MB sonar, which operates at 240 kHz and features 101-1.5º beams spanning a 150º sector. In July 2002, the Reson sonar was deployed looking upward from a 1.4 m diameter buoy moored at 29.5 m depth in 550 m of water using three anchor lines. A fiber optic cable connected the sonar to a support ship 500 m away. Images of the wake of a small research vessel provided new information about the persistence of bubble clouds in the ocean. An important goal is to use the MB sonar to estimate wake bubble distributions, as has been done with single beam sonar. Here we show that multipath interference and strong, specular reflections from the sea surface adversely affect the use of MB sonars to unambiguously estimate wake bubble distributio

    Regression Discontinuity Designs in Economics

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    This paper provides an introduction and "user guide" to Regression Discontinuity (RD) designs for empirical researchers. It presents the basic theory behind the research design, details when RD is likely to be valid or invalid given economic incentives, explains why it is considered a "quasi-experimental" design, and summarizes different ways (with their advantages and disadvantages) of estimating RD designs and the limitations of interpreting these estimates. Concepts are discussed using examples drawn from the growing body of empirical research using RD.

    Quartification with T' Flavor

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    In the simplest (non-quiver) unified theories, fermion families are often treated sequentially and a flavor symmetry may act similarly. As an alternative with non-sequential flavor symmetry, we consider a model based on the group (T'*Z_2)_global * [SU(3)^4]_local which combines the predictions of T' flavor symmetry with the features of a unified quiver gauge theory. The model accommodates the relationships between mixing angles separately for neutrinos, and for quarks, which have been previously predicted with T'. This quiver unification theory makes predictions of several additional gauge bosons and bifundamental fermions at the TeV scale.Comment: 8 pages, LaTex; added references and clarifie

    A content-based retrieval system for UAV-like video and associated metadata

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    In this paper we provide an overview of a content-based retrieval (CBR) system that has been specifically designed for handling UAV video and associated meta-data. Our emphasis in designing this system is on managing large quantities of such information and providing intuitive and efficient access mechanisms to this content, rather than on analysis of the video content. The retrieval unit in our system is termed a "trip". At capture time, each trip consists of an MPEG-1 video stream and a set of time stamped GPS locations. An analysis process automatically selects and associates GPS locations with the video timeline. The indexed trip is then stored in a shared trip repository. The repository forms the backend of a MPEG-211 compliant Web 2.0 application for subsequent querying, browsing, annotation and video playback. The system interface allows users to search/browse across the entire archive of trips and, depending on their access rights, to annotate other users' trips with additional information. Interaction with the CBR system is via a novel interactive map-based interface. This interface supports content access by time, date, region of interest on the map, previously annotated specific locations of interest and combinations of these. To develop such a system and investigate its practical usefulness in real world scenarios, clearly a significant amount of appropriate data is required. In the absence of a large volume of UAV data with which to work, we have simulated UAV-like data using GPS tagged video content captured from moving vehicles

    Incorporating Road User Costs into Integrated Life-Cycle Cost Analyses for Infrastructure Sustainability: A Case Study on Sr-91 Corridor Improvement Project (Ca)

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    Life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) is a decision-making tool that allows governing agencies the ability to assess several long-term alternative investment options. This paper presents a LCCA analysis process which integrates the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) program, RealCost (a road user cost calculation program), the FHWA-endorsed Construction Analysis for Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies (CA4PRS) and Caltrans specific design tools (CalFP and CalAC), into the existing Caltrans LCCA process (a modified version of the FHWA LCCA process). In using tools backed by the FHWA and validated through previous agency use, the presented process has a potential to be replicated on urban corridor improvement projects across the US while aiding agencies in achieving economical sustainability throughout the infrastructure maintenance phases. This paper also fills the gap identified by Ozbay et al. in 2004, incorporating road user cost calculations into the LCCA process. Validation was achieved through the execution of the recently completed 1.4BUSCaliforniaSR91CorridorImprovementProject.TheSR91teamusedthepresentedtooltochooseoneofthetwoalternatives(maintainHOVSR91laneandaddI15HOVlaneusinglonglifePortlandCementConcretePavementoraddExpressLanetoSR91andI15usinglonglifeContinuouslyReinforcedConcretePavementandAsphaltConcretePavement),equatingtoanestimatedlifecostsavingsof1.4 B US California SR-91 Corridor Improvement Project. The SR-91 team used the presented tool to choose one of the two alternatives (maintain HOV SR-91 lane and add I-15 HOV lane using long-life Portland Cement Concrete Pavement or add Express Lane to SR-91 and I-15 using long-life Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement and Asphalt Concrete Pavement), equating to an estimated life-cost savings of 32 M.112Nsciessciscopu

    A letter concerning Leonetti's paper `Continuous Projections onto Ideal Convergent Sequences'

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    Leonetti proved that whenever I\mathcal I is an ideal on N\mathbb N such that there exists an~uncountable family of sets that are not in I\mathcal I with the property that the intersection of any two distinct members of that family is in I\mathcal I, then the space c0,Ic_{0,\mathcal I} of sequences in \ell_\infty that converge to 0 along I\mathcal I is not complemented. We provide a shorter proof of a more general fact that the quotient space /c0,I\ell_\infty / c_{0,\mathcal I} does not even embed into \ell_\infty