242 research outputs found

    For the Culture: The Importance of a Critical Social Theory within the Music Education Classroom

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    This paper will analyze the history of music education in the United States and discuss how the music classroom can contribute to and dismantle social inequalities including social class, gender, and race. Class effects music education by creating barriers to necessary resources and opportunities as a result of economic positions.[1] Gender is the second focus because music has historically been a male-dominated profession. As a result, many textbooks and curriculum highlight the achievements of men while erasing the contributions of women which has taught women to devalue their own work.[2] The last focus is race. While the arts once served as a catalyst for community empowerment, it has become a way to control free thought and exploration of culture.[3] Thus, the purpose of this paper is to raise awareness of the social justice issues affecting our youth as a guide for creating better pedagogies for music education

    The Effects of Divorce on Children

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    This paper will analyze the negative effects endured by children due to Divorce. This paper explores how this Adverse Childhood experience; divorce plays a role in the growth and development of the child

    Localization and delocalization in two-dimensional quantum percolation

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    Quantum percolation is one of several disorder-only models that address the question of whether conduction, or more generally, delocalization, is possible in two dimensional disordered systems. Whether quantum percolation exhibits a delocalization-localization phase transition in two dimensions is an ongoing debate, but many recent studies point toward there being a delocalized phase at non-zero disorder, in contradiction to the behavior of the Anderson model, another disorder-only model. In this dissertation, I present my research on quantum percolation that shows a delocalized state is possible, both on isotropic lattices and on highly anisotropic lattices, and shows that the essential characteristics of the quantum percolation model are maintained even when the model is modified to allow tunneling through diluted sites. In Chapter 1, I provide an overview of the scaling theory for the Anderson model, the history of the quantum percolation model, and the computational methods used to study the quantum percolation model in two dimensions. In Chapter 2, I study the two-dimensional quantum percolation model with site percolation on isotropic square lattices using numerical calculations of the transmission coefficient T on a much larger scale and over a much wider range of parameters than was done previously. I confirm the existence of delocalized, power-law localized, and exponentially localized phases, and determine a detailed, quantitative phase diagram for energies 0.001 ≤ E ≤ 1.6 and dilutions 2% ≤ q ≤ 38%. Additionally, I show that the delocalized phase is not merely a finite size effect. In Chapter 3, I examine the same 2D quantum percolation model on highly anisotropic strips of varying width, to investigate why the isotropic lattice results show a delocalized phase, unlike work by others on anisotropic strips, in particular that of Soukoulis and Grest [Phys. Rev. B 44, 4685 (1991)] using the transfer matrix method . The model is studied over a dilution range extending to lower dilutions than those studied by Soukoulis and Grest, and I find evidence of a delocalized phase at these low dilutions, with phase boundaries that agree with my previous work. In Chapter 4, I modify the 2D quantum percolation model to allow for tunneling through and between diluted sites by making the hopping integral for diluted sites be a non-zero fraction of the hopping integral for occupied sites, while yet maintaining a binary disorder. Using numerical calculations of the transmission coefficient T as in Chapter 1, I determine a complete, detailed three-parameter phase diagram showing the effects of energy E, dilution q, and hopping integral w. I find that the three phases characteristic of quantum percolation persist for a fairly large range of w before the entire system becomes delocalized at sufficiently large w. Additionally, I examine the inverse participation ratio (IPR) to gain a complementary picture of how the particle’s wave function changes with respect to q and w. Lastly, in Chapter 5 I present my analysis and conclusions

    Retrograde Nailing for Treating Femoral Shaft Fractures: A Review

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    Rigid intramedullary nailing is an effective procedure for treating fractures of the femoral shaft. Although antegrade nailing is the traditionally used technique, retrograde nailing offers various advantages. A companion article published in the seventh volume of The University of New Mexico Orthopaedics Research Journal addressed antegrade femoral nailing. This review will describe retrograde nailing of femoral shaft fractures, including a brief history, indications, detailed technique, outcomes, advice (or “pearls”), and common failures (or “pitfalls”). Retrograde nailing for treating femoral shaft fractures can provide successful results similar to those of antegrade nailing in general and advantages in particular situations such as more distal shaft, bilateral, and certain associated fractures

    Assessing Dietary Advancement for Dysphagia Patients at Risk for Aspiration

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    Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) evaluates oral intake safety by allowing direct observation of laryngeal function before and after swallowing. The purpose of this study was to delineate the impact of abnormal vocal fold mobility and altered laryngeal sensation on dietary management in hospitalized patients previously diagnosed with aspiration

    The Relationship Between Leaf Mechanical Strength and Photosynthetic Rates

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    Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert light energy to chemical energy, helping sustain life in the biosphere. There are many factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis such as atmospheric CO2 concentration, temperature, and sunlight. In this experiment, we attempt to determine what effect, if any, the mechanical strength of a plant has on its rate of photosynthesis. To perform this experiment we used both the LI-COR 6400 and the Instron Mechanical Testing Device. With the LI-COR we measured photosynthetic rate of our plant subjects in real time during the prime photosynthetic hours, 10-12am. The Instron allowed us to determine mechanical strength based on Young’s Modulus. We hypothesized that as mechanical strength increased the rate of photosynthesis. Our stress vs strain graphs and photosynthesis data actually showed no correlation. However, our results did corroborate previous research that proved that the order of mechanical strength of our species from strongest to weakest was: Rhamnus ilicifolia, Rhamnus californica, then Ceanothus Spinosu

    Experimental Building Demonstration Model with Viscous Dampers

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    At the end of spring quarter, 2016, we were able to meet most of the objectives and complete basic testing of the structure, as described in the proposal. However, we were unable to complete a few things. Firstly, we were unable to fabricate supplemental beams and columns to be ready in the case a member needed to be replaced. Drawings will be provided so that future students or faculty can fabricate the members. Secondly, we were unable to run earthquake ground motions through the structure due to time constraints with the students graduating. Future graduate students in the ARCE department will be testing the structure next year by running various ground motions through the shake table and analyzing the performance to confirm the adequacy of the structure. Those experimental results will be compared with the calculations performed to see how accurate the analysis was. We were able to shake the model at its first mode of vibration during the spring quarter of 2016 and we were able to determine that the structure was constructed adequately. A complete report detailing the design and calculations has been uploaded to the digital commons
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