79 research outputs found

    Interpreting motion and force for narrow-band intermodulation atomic force microscopy

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    Intermodulation atomic force microscopy (ImAFM) is a mode of dynamic atomic force microscopy that probes the nonlinear tip-surface force by measurement of the mixing of multiple tones in a frequency comb. A high QQ cantilever resonance and a suitable drive comb will result in tip motion described by a narrow-band frequency comb. We show by a separation of time scales, that such motion is equivalent to rapid oscillations at the cantilever resonance with a slow amplitude and phase or frequency modulation. With this time domain perspective we analyze single oscillation cycles in ImAFM to extract the Fourier components of the tip-surface force that are in-phase with tip motion (FIF_I) and quadrature to the motion (FQF_Q). Traditionally, these force components have been considered as a function of the static probe height only. Here we show that FIF_I and FQF_Q actually depend on both static probe height and oscillation amplitude. We demonstrate on simulated data how to reconstruct the amplitude dependence of FIF_I and FQF_Q from a single ImAFM measurement. Furthermore, we introduce ImAFM approach measurements with which we reconstruct the full amplitude and probe height dependence of the force components FIF_I and FQF_Q, providing deeper insight into the tip-surface interaction. We demonstrate the capabilities of ImAFM approach measurements on a polystyrene polymer surface.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Economic Evaluation of Supported-Employment Inspired Program for Pupils With Intellectual Disabilities

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    In this study, we investigate whether, or to what degree, a ‘business case’ could be made for implementation of a Supported-Employment (SE) inspired program for pupils with intellectual disabilities (IDs), starting during the final school years. For this aim, we do a quasi-experimental before-after intervention impact evaluation of such a project funded by the European Social Fund in the Swedish city of Örebro (135,000 inhabitants) during 2010–2013. From an estimate of the average treatment effect, we calculate the internal net present value and the payback period that would make this program break even from avoided expenditure for day-activity services, assuming that it had been funded entirely by the municipality

    Ergonomiskt anpassade kontorsmiljöer

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    Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka hur personer med olika fysiska besvär upplever effekten av den ergonomiska anpassningen av sin kontorsmiljö, samt om och hur det har påverkat arbetet men också aktiviteter utanför arbetet. Studien är en uppföljning av interventioner som tidigare genomförts av en arbetsterapeut. Åtta undersökningspersoner med arbete vid datorer har medverkat. Samtliga personer hade av olika anledningar fått anpassningar i sin kontorsmiljö. För att ta reda på personernas upplevelser av anpassningarna har intervjuer med halvstrukturerade frågor använts som metod för datainsamling. Resultatet visade att anpassningarna hade en positiv påverkan både på arbetet och övriga vardagen. Tack vare att miljön anpassades efter individens kapacitet upplevde flera av undersökningspersonerna att arbetet inte längre var belastande och blev enklare att utföra

    Characterization and benchmarking of a phase-sensitive two-qubit gate using direct digital synthesis

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    We implement an iSWAP gate with two transmon qubits using a flux-tunable coupler. Precise control of the relative phase of the qubit-control pulses and the parametric-coupler drive is achieved with a multi-channel instrument called Presto using direct digital synthesis (DDS), a promising technique for scaling up quantum systems. We describe the process of tuning and benchmarking the iSWAP gate, where the relative phase of the pulses is controlled via software. We perform the iSWAP gate in 290 ns, validate it with quantum-state tomography, and measure 2\% error with interleaved randomized benchmarking

    The Role of Nonlinear Dynamics in Quantitative Atomic Force Microscopy

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    Various methods of force measurement with the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) are compared for their ability to accurately determine the tip-surface force from analysis of the nonlinear cantilever motion. It is explained how intermodulation, or the frequency mixing of multiple drive tones by the nonlinear tip-surface force, can be used to concentrate the nonlinear motion in a narrow band of frequency near the cantilevers fundamental resonance, where accuracy and sensitivity of force measurement are greatest. Two different methods for reconstructing tip-surface forces from intermodulation spectra are explained. The reconstruction of both conservative and dissipative tip-surface interactions from intermodulation spectra are demonstrated on simulated data.Comment: 25 pages (preprint, double space) 7 figure

    Phase imaging with intermodulation atomic force microscopy

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    Intermodulation atomic force microscopy (IMAFM) is a dynamic mode of atomic force microscopy (AFM) with two-tone excitation. The oscillating AFM cantilever in close proximity to a surface experiences the nonlinear tip-sample force which mixes the drive tones and generates new frequency components in the cantilever response known as intermodulation products (IMPs). We present a procedure for extracting the phase at each IMP and demonstrate phase images made by recording this phase while scanning. Amplitude and phase images at intermodulation frequencies exhibit enhanced topographic and material contrast.Comment: 6 pages, 6 page

    Josephson junction transmission lines as tunable artificial crystals

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    We investigate one-dimensional Josephson junction arrays with generalized unit cells as a circuit approach to engineer microwave band gaps. An array described by a lattice with a basis can be designed to have a gap in the electromagnetic spectrum, in full analogy to electronic band gaps in diatomic or many-atomic crystals. We derive the dependence of this gap on the array parameters in the linear regime, and suggest experimentally feasible designs to bring the gap below the single junction plasma frequency. The gap can be tuned in a wide frequency range by applying external flux, and it persists in the presence of small imperfections.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Squeezing and multimode entanglement of surface acoustic wave phonons

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    Exploiting multiple modes in a quantum acoustic device could enable applications in quantum information in a hardware-efficient setup, including quantum simulation in a synthetic dimension and continuous-variable quantum computing with cluster states.We develop a multimode surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonator with a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) integrated in one of the Bragg reflectors. The interaction with the SQUID-shunted mirror gives rise to coupling between the more than 20 accessible resonator modes. We exploit this coupling to demonstrate two-mode squeezing of SAW phonons, as well as four-mode multipartite entanglement. Our results open avenues for continuous-variable quantum computing in a compact hybrid quantum system