105 research outputs found

    The Development of Modern Arabic in Syntactic and Semantic Perspectives in Alarabiya Magazine

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the modern Arabic language used by Alarabiya online. The focus of this research is on the analysis of the development of meaning and language structure, with the object of research being the online magazine Alarabiya. This study employs lexical, grammatical, and contextual analysis of meaning, as well as syntactic research by analyzing phrases, clauses, and verbs. The theory used in this research is al-Nazhariyyah al-Siyaqiyyah or contextual theory developed by J.R Firth. The research method used is a literature review with two approaches, namely sociolinguistics and lexical statistics. The primary data source in this research is the online magazine Alarabiya. The results of this research indicate that the modern Arabic language used by Alarabiya magazine has undergone many developments in meaning and structure, and has been influenced by the development of science and technology in various fields such as politics, economy, science, and technology

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    The difficulties in learning maharah kalam at the level of suprsegmental phonemes are found when students learn Arabic. Intonation errors, stress, and pausing. Therefore, this research was conducted to find out these mistakes and the solutions  given by teacher in SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surabaya. This research is a qualitative descriptive with the population of 8th grade student and the sampling is 8th grade C. Data collection techniques used in this research are using the method of observation, interview and questionnaire. Data analysis techniques used aredata reduction, data display, and data verification. The results showed: 1) errors in word stress were 49 errors; 2) errors in intonation were  30 errors; 3) errors at pauses were 55 errors. The solutions given by teacher with these mistakes were: 1) instructing students to repeat the dialogue to use the right intonation, stress, dan pause; 2) translating the text of theconversation and students writing the translation in their books, then the students will better understand the difference in meaning from the differences in intonation, stress, dan pause; 3) the teacher gives examples of the correct pronounciation of words according to the right intonation, stress, and pause

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    Learning materials are all materials used to help teacher in their learning process in the classroom, and istima’ (listening skill) is one of the four language skills that are basis for mastering other language skills such as  speaking, reading and writing. The book of Silsilah Al-Daurah Al-Mukathafah fi Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah is a book whose teaching material is sourched from several books written by learning experts in the Middle East, such as ‘Arabiyah Bayna Yadayk and Durûs Al-Lughah Al-‘Arabiyah and others. Researchers want to know about how to fill and apply the material istima’ in the book Silsilah Al-Daurah Al-Mukathafah fi Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah in order to provide the right solution to the problems in the book using Richards theory. This study uses qualitative descriptive method to analyze the content of the book and the application of istima’ material according to the book of Silsilah Al-Daurah Al-Mukathafah fi Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah in the Al-Fathimiyah Islamic Boarding School in Tambakberas Jombang. This study also uses descriptive analysis methods in its applied research. According to Richards in the preparation of the material istima’ uses four approaches, Bottom-Up Processing, Top-Down Processing, Transactional and Interactional. The results of this study indicate that the istima’ material in the book Silsilah Al-Daurah Al-Mukathafah fi Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah and the application using the Bottom-up Processing and Transactional, because the material and the application are more inclined giving a detailed meaning

    Evaluation of Arabic Learning Outcomes Using Google Form During School Quarantine Due to Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Covid 19 is an extraordinary disease. The impact of this pandemic has paralyzed many sectors; one of them is education. Schools are closed and replaced with online learning. Facilities needed during the process of online are the availability of gadgets, internet quota, as well as online media that are compatible. One of these is Google Form. This study aims to know and explain the procedures on the use of learning outcome evaluation by the students of class X in SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Surabaya using google form during school quarantine due to covid 19 pandemic. This study uses descriptive qualitative method with data collection technique of questionnaires and interview. Study subjects were students of class X SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Surabaya.The results of this study showed that the requirements in using Google Form is only to have gadget, google account and internet quota. In the front menu of google form there are two parts namely Question and Responses. Switch from the Questions tab to the Responses tab in your form editor to see current responses to your form and link it to a spreadsheet. Then click on the three dots next to “+” then select download responses. From the spreadsheet, it can obtain complete information about timestamp, email address, name, class, score, and answers to questions by students orderly and automatically. Keywords: Google Form, Student Learning Outcome, Arabic

    The Implementation of Sharf Learning Using KH. Muhammad Yusuf's Method at Terbuka Junior High School Wanar Lamongan / Penerapan Pembelajaran Sharf dengan Menggunakan Metode KH Muhammad Yusuf di SMP Terbuka Wanar Lamongan

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    A lot of sentence changes in Arabic make it difficult for students to interpret Arabic texts, students lack understanding about the meaning of words that have changed from the original form to another form. The purpose of this study is to find out in depth about the sharf learning process at The Open Junior High School by using the KH Muhammad Yusuf sharf method, and also to find out the supporting factors and inhibiting factors in this method. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with data sources, namely direct interviews with teachers at SMP located in the village of Wanar, Lamongan Regency. The results of this study are the students required to memorize a wazan along with examples in one day. The focus of the material on the four bina’ which are most often found in Arabic texts. The supporting factors in this study are sharf books, teachers, and boarding schools. While the inhibiting factors in this study are student motivation and student background at the previous level of education. Keywords: Learning Arabic, Sharf,  KH Muhammad Yusuf Method   Abstrak Perubahan kalimat yang banyak dalam bahasa Arab membuat siswa kesulitan dalam mengartikan teks yang berbahasa Arab, siswa kurang memahami tentang arti kata yang telah berubah dari bentuk asal ke bentuk lain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui secara mendalam tentang proses pembelajaran sharf di SMP Terbuka dengan menggunakan metode sharf KH Muhammad Yusuf, dan ingin mengetahu faktor-faktor pendukung serta factor penghambat dalam metode ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif desrkriptif dengan sumber data yaitu wawancara langsung terhadap guru di SMP Terbuka yang terletak di desa Wanar Kabupaten Lamongan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah siswa di wajibkan menghafalkan satu wazan beserta contohnya dalam waktu satu hari. Serta fokus materi pada empat bina’ yang paling sering di temukan di tek-teks berbahasa Arab. Adapun faktor pendukung dalam pembelajaran ini adalah kitab sharf, guru, dan asrama pesantren. Sedangkan faktor penghambat dalam pembelajaran ini adalah motivasi siswa serta latar belakang siswa pada jenjang sebelumnya. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab, Sharf, Metode KH Muhammad Yusu


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    The presence of 4.0 technological advancements and the transformative forms of globalization have significantly impacted various aspects of life for modern society. Changes in culture, mindset, activities, politics, economics, and even the field of education nowadays tend to diminish the spiritual values of individuals and groups, particularly among students. The existence of the digital Qur'an also contributes to their interest in exploring the depth and convenience of memorizing the Qur'an. This research aims to describe the perspectives of students in memorizing the Qur'an with the help of a digital Qur'an application. The research method employed is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The research subjects consisted of 68 individuals who joined a WhatsApp group. Data collection techniques involved observation, and in-depth interviews with the subjects, and the obtained data were analyzed descriptively. The study's findings recommend that the students' perspectives on the application for memorizing the Qur'an are highly positive, including a high interest in using the digital Qur'an, the beneficial features it provides, the impact of the digital Qur'an's existence, and the functions it encompasses


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    This study aims to know clearly about the values of character education in the novel Island Dream Child. The method used is descriptive method means that the data obtained, analyzed, and described using words or phrases not in the form of numbers or use calculations. Results of the data analysis resulted in the conclusion that the concept of character education in the novel Dream Child Island includes several values which are: the value of honest (honest in answering questions, be honest to yourself and God, honest to themselves and parents, honestly admit shortcomings, honest opinion, and honestly admit mistakes). The value of responsibility (family responsibilities, responsibilities towards God, and responsibility to the job). Value intelligent (smart in calculating, smart in answering questions, intelligent in thought, and intelligent have an idea). The value of care (social care)


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    Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran setiap guru dilembaga manapun pasti menginginkan hasil yang maksimal. Strategi pembelajaran dilakukan untuk mewujudkan hasil sesuai dengan tujuan yang telah ditentukan. Tidak terkecuali guru di SD Muhammadiyah Ponorogo dan MI Nurul Huda Grogol Sawoo Ponorogo. Di SD Muhammadiyah penenaman nilai-nilai agama Islam dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan menekankan diskusi kelompok untuk menanamkan jiwa kritis dan saling memberi informasi yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan agama Islam, disamping itu kegiatan praktik sebagai penunjang dengan megadakan tartil al-Qur‟an dan sholat Dhuha berjamaah sebelum kegiatan pembelajaran dimulai. Sedangkan di MI Nurul Huda Grogol Sawoo, strategi guru dilakukan dengan mengadakan evaluasi terstruktur yang berkaitan dengan praktik ibadah amaliyah, belum lulus praktik harus mengulang kembali. Adanya kegiatan tartil al-Qur‟an dan sholat Dhuha dilaksanakan untuk menunjang penanaman nilai-niai keislaman. Sedangkan program hafal tulis dilakukan untuk mendukung materi pelajaran al-Qur‟an dan Hadits. Berdasarkan fokus penelitian, maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan strategi pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam, mengetahhui aspek-aspek perbandingan tentang strategi pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam, serta mendeskripsikan tentang relevansi dan aplikasi dari implementasi strategi pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam terhadap peningkatan kualitas pendidikan agama Islam di SD Muhammadiyah dan MI Nurul Huda Grogol Sawoo Ponorogo. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian komparasi. Metode ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari informan yaitu guru PAI SD Muhammadiyah Ponorogo dan MI Nurul Huda Grogol Sawoo dan kegiatan pembelajaran, dengan mengarahkan pada latar dan individu secara holistik (utuh). Hasil dari analisis data tersebut ternyata dapat diketahui bahwa komponen strategi pembelajaran PAI baik di SD Muhammadiyah Ponorogo dan MI Nurul Huda Grogol Sawoo meliputi strategi kegiatan pra intruksional sebagai sarana motivasi untuk peserta didik, penyampaian materi dari pembuka, kegiantan inti dan penutup, pelibatan peserta didik, evaluasi/ tes dengan pemberian pertanyaan dan pekerjaan rumah (PR) dan tugas portofolio maupun les tambahan sebagai strategi tindak lanjut. Relevansi dari penggunaan strategi yang baik dan benar, mampu meningkatkan kualitas peserta didik dalam memahami, menghayati dan mengamalkan pengetahuan agama Islam serta mengaplikasikan nilai-nilai agama tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sedangkan bagi guru dapat memberikan stimulus untuk selalu meningkatkan kompetensi dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam, sehingga dapat menambah khazanah keilmuan untuk selalu termotivasi dalam pengembangan perilaku keagamaan. Kata kunci : Strategi, Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan Agama Islam