50 research outputs found


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    In the midst of the development of science and technology in Indonesia in general is very influential on the existence and role of Islamic education in Indonesia, Islamic education is encouraged to continue to be able to provide answers to the development of the times. the formation of character is hampered because it is felt unable to compensate for moral changes that occur in society due to the negative influence of the development of science and technology, therefore the Islamic education of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah is present as an answer to compensate and anticipate it, although various efforts will continue to be made. The Islamic Education of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah which upholds the values of tawasut, tasamuh, tawazun and ta'dul is considered sufficient to answer the various challenges in this era. Cultivation of character through these values is characteristic for educational institutions under the auspices of the Nahdlatul Ulama, so the results can contribute to the community in shaping characters that are in accordance with these values

    Pendugaan Jenis Kelamin Menggunakan Ciri-ciri Morfologi Dan Perilaku Harian Pada Gelatik Jawa (Padda Oryzivora Linn, 1758) Di Penangkaran

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    Java sparrow is endemic species to Java, Bali and Bawean Island, but now introduced widely to Southeast Asia region and Srilangka. The species now scarce as a result of massive capture for the pet trade. A research on sex determination using morphological characteristics and daily behaviour of Java sparrow was carried out on May-July 2005 at Bogor. 12 unsexed individuals of Java sparrow were used in this observation. The birds put in two separate cages. The research resulted that sexing error of the sample sparrows using morphological characteristics was only 16.7%. Daily activity pattern of male and female birds was not much difference, but the male tends to be more active than female. Among its behaviour, twitter was the only characteristic which distinguish sex of the sparrows


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    In the process of character building is not enough with formal education only, but also need to be supported and cooperate with institutions outside the formal school, such as Pesantren. Pondok Pesantren is known as the oldest educational institution. Pondok Pesantren is also known with the characteristic in shaping the character of students into students who have the character Akhlakul Karimah. The same is also sought by Pondok Pesantren Sabilurrosyad Gasek Malang in shaping the character of students. This research was conducted to know the character of the planned, the process of character building students, and the results of the establishment of students at Pondok Pesantren Sabilurrosyad Gasek Malang. This research uses qualitative descriptive approaches using several data collection processes including observations, interviews, and documentation. Furthermore, researchers use qualitative analysis to study the results of research, data reduction, data display, and draw conclusions. The results of the research that has been done are students have discipline, religious, Tawadhu ', and nationalists using a variety of methods such as habituation, reward and punishment, discourse and motivation and supported by activities in boarding schools.Kata Kunci: Pembentukan Karakter, Santri, Pondok Pesantre


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    The task of Islamic Religious Education teachers is not only a matter of building the character of students, but also have the responsibility in improving student learning achievement. PAI teachers are required to be able to improve student achievement by using various methods, media, and evaluation techniques in learning. This study aims to describe the efforts of PAI teachers in the use of learning methods, instructional media and learning evaluation techniques as well as knowing the constraints of the learning process to improve student achievement in class VII. The study, which was conducted at Blitar State Middle School 8, is a type of qualitative research to produce in-depth descriptions. The data found will be analyzed through the stages of data reduction, data display and verification / conclusions accompanied by triangulation of data. The results revealed that the learning methods used were lecture, assignment, group discussion, question and answer, demonstration, uswatun hasanah, discovery and peer teaching. Learning media used are blackboards, books and LCD projectors. Learning evaluation techniques used are pre-test, preparation to choose the right evaluation form, multiple choice questions, essays, practice and remedies. Constraints in the learning process that occur due to factors within and outside students themselves


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    Character education must be instilled as early as possible when the child has begun to imitate the actions of the child's parents, starting to be directed to positive things that can be useful for him in society. A muslim is obliged to have the character of Islam as an identity to signify that he's a muslim. material character education in Islamic teaching by the family in Kampung Padas covers, religious character, the character of the moral, the character of the Al-Qur’an, and the character of the history of Islam. The implementation of character education has been started since young children with the use of print media such as books and electronics such as mobile phones and television, the methods used, among others, habituation, advice, motivation and punishment, the evaluation is also given by the family in Kampung Padas. The success of character education family teach rated quite well evidenced by children who are already able to carry out the duties and responsibilities of their own. This study uses a qualitative method in which data collection using the method of observation, interview and documentation as well as supported by an opinion from the experts


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    The Covid-19 pandemic, also known as Corona, is a plague that is contagious everywhere, covering large geographical areas. This virus is very fast transmission and has spread to various countries throughout the world, including Indonesia. And because the corona virus is very dangerous, the government requires people to be social distancing or keep a safe distance of at least two meters from others and avoid the crowd to prevent transmission of disease. This pandemic period also has an impact on the world of education, which is to avoid being exposed to the school virus held online (online learning). The existence of this article is to explain about school policies. the use of PAI learning technology, supporting and inhibiting factors and the results of the use of PAI learning technology in SMKN 5 Malang. This research uses descriptive qualitative method in which the researcher collects data through observation, interviews and documentation which will later be juxtaposed with the theories and ideas of experts. The conclusion from the results of this study is that schools implement online learning and provide Web-based learning facilities. But freeing each teacher to use other applications that are felt to be easier in the process of Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM). Utilization of PAI learning technology at Malang State Vocational School 5 uses Web-based learning technology, google classroom, edmodo, whatsapp which then centers on the homeroom teacher as an intermediary between the PAI teacher, students and guardians of students. The problem is that there are still teachers who have not mastered technology, while the biggest problem is inadequate student internet facilities due to limited economics and limited study time. The solution is Training with colleagues. Borrow friend facilities.Communicate with the teacher through WhatsApp. More intense in monitoring learning. Extend the learning period. The results of the use of PAI learning technology amid the social distancing-based Covid-19 pandemic at SMKN 5 Malang vary. The quantity can be said to be good, but in quality it is still taboo

    Preferensi Dan Pendugaan Produktivitas Pakan Alami Populasi Gajah Sumatera (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus Temmick, 1847) Di Hutan Produksi Khusus (Hpkh) Pusat Latihan Gajah (Plg) Sebelat, Bengkulu Utara

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    The isolation of habitat, shrinking of natural habitat and diminishing of habitat quality have increased conflicts between man and elephant to utilize space and abundance of food. This research was carried out from April to June 2007 in Seblat Training Centre for Elephants. The objectives of this research were to recognize the potential of food plants for the elephants, the productivity of food plants, types and parts of food plants favoured by the elephants, and preferential of specific food plants and feeding behaviour. The analysis was conducted by means of vegetation analysis, through cutting and pruning parts of feeding plants, studying them and running statistical procedures to acquire conclusions about the food plant species. The analysis was followed by observing the feeding behaviour of the elephants on foot. Ground plant species which were potential as elephants\u27 feed comprised of 36 species, 29 spesies at seedling level, 26 species at sapling level, 24 species at pole level and 29 species at tree level. The highest productivity for sapling and pole levels are Leea indica and for seedling level is Gigantochloa cf. atroviolacea. The feeding plants of elephants comprises of 245 species from which 11 parts of the plants preferred by the elephants. Gigantochloa cf. atroviolacea and Stachyphrynium sp were the most favored plant species, indicated by the highest preferential index. The feeding behaviour of elephants could be categoried into 8 categories

    Manajemen mutu satuan pendidikan Islam kerjasama: studi kasus MI Ma’arif NU Pucang Sidoarjo

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    Problematika utama secara umum yang dihadapi satuan pendidikan khususnya madrasah adalah dalam hal manajemen mutu pendidikan yang meliputi delapan Standar Nasional Pendidikan antara lain: standar kompetensi lulusan, standar isi, standar proses, standar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, standar sarana dan prasarana, standar pembiayaan, standar pengelolaan, dan standar penilaian. Penerapan Total Quality Management in Education memiliki peranan penting dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu lulusan di level nasional maupun Internasional. MI Ma’arif NU Pucang Sidoarjo yang terbukti dapat mewujudkan satuan pendidikan Islam kerjasama dengan mengadopsi dan adaptipkan kurikulum Internasional bisa dijadikan rujukan peningkatan mutu bagi sekolah/madrasah lainnya. Dalam penelitian ini akan dikaji manajemen mutu di MI Ma’arif NU Pucang Sidoarjo sehingga dapat mewujudkan satuan pendidikan Islam kerjasama dari tiga aspek yaitu: latar belakang mengembangkan gagasan manajemen standar mutu, desain standar mutu dan implementasi manajemen standar mutu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji: 1) Apa yang melatarbelakangi MINU Pucang Sidoarjo dalam mengembangkan gagasan manajemen standar mutu sehingga dapat mewujudkan satuan pendidikan Islam kerjasama?, 2) Bagaimana desain standar mutu MINU Pucang Sidoarjo dalam mewujudkan satuan pendidikan Islam kerjasama?, 3) Bagaimana MINU Pucang Sidoarjo mengimplementasikan manajemen standar mutu satuan pendidikan Islam kerjasama?. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif-kualitatif dan pendekatan fenomenologis-naturalistik. Rancangan penelitian ini dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Untuk menguji keabsahan data dilakukan melalui kredibilitas, transferabilitas, dependabilitas dan confirmabilitas. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan analisis siklus Miles Huberman, proses dimulai dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi dan penarikan kesimpulan pada kasus tunggal (single case study).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Latar belakang mengembangkan gagasan manajemen standar mutu disebabkan keinginan mengulangi masa keemasan yang pernah dicapai, keinginan keluar dari zona nyaman, keinginan untuk menjadi madrasah favorit melalui program inovasi, (2) Desain standar mutu di MINU Pucang Sidoarjo dilakukan melalui pengembangan standar mutu isi dengan model adopsi dan adaptif kurikulum nasional, Internasional Cambridge, International Beccalaureate, pengembangan standar mutu proses, pengembangan standar mutu penilaian kurikulum nasional & Internasional, dan pengembangan standar mutu pendidik dan kependidikan melalui peningkatan kualitas & kualifikasi SDM, (3) Implementasi manajemen standar mutu dilakukan dengan menggunakan prinsip manajemen yakni, perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi pengembangan standar mutu isi pada pengembangan kurikulum, pengembangan standar mutu proses, pengembangan standar mutu penilaian dan pengembangan standar mutu pendidik dan kependidikan

    Preferensi Dan Pendugaan Produktivitas Pakan Alami Populasi Gajah Sumatera (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus Temmick, 1847) Di Hutan Produksi Khusus (Hpkh) Pusat Latihan Gajah (Plg) Sebelat, Bengkulu Utara

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    The isolation of habitat, shrinking of natural habitat and diminishing of habitat quality have increased conflicts between man and elephant to utilize space and abundance of food. This research was carried out from April to June 2007 in Seblat Training Centre for Elephants. The objectives of this research were to recognize the potential of food plants for the elephants, the productivity of food plants, types and parts of food plants favoured by the elephants, and preferential of specific food plants and feeding behaviour. The analysis was conducted by means of vegetation analysis, through cutting and pruning parts of feeding plants, studying them and running statistical procedures to acquire conclusions about the food plant species. The analysis was followed by observing the feeding behaviour of the elephants on foot. Ground plant species which were potential as elephants' feed comprised of 36 species, 29 spesies at seedling level, 26 species at sapling level, 24 species at pole level and 29 species at tree level. The highest productivity for sapling and pole levels are Leea indica and for seedling level is Gigantochloa cf. atroviolacea. The feeding plants of elephants comprises of 245 species from which 11 parts of the plants preferred by the elephants. Gigantochloa cf. atroviolacea and Stachyphrynium sp were the most favored plant species, indicated by the highest preferential index. The feeding behaviour of elephants could be categoried into 8 categories