79 research outputs found

    Analysis of CcDREB1D promoter region from drought-tolerant and susceptible clones of Coffea canephora by homologous genetic transformation of Coffea arabica

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    In several plant species, the DREB genes play a key role in responses to abiotic stress. Since the development of molecular markers is one of the major goals for accelerating breeding programs, a study was done to evaluate the sequence variability of the DREBID gene in several Coffee genotypes. The promoter and coding regions of DREBID gene were cloned and sequenced from 16 coffee plants (10 from C. arabica and 4 from C. canephora), most of them characterized by different phenotypes (tolerance vs. susceptibility) regarding to drought. This showed a high conservation of DREB1 D proteins among the homologous sequences due to the low level of diversity and the high number of synonymous mutations and neutral changes which represents the majority of sequence variations. However, several nucleic polymorphisms ("single nucleotide polymorphism" and insertion/deletion [InDels]) were found in the coffee DREBID promoters. A comparison of predicted cis-acting elements for all the promoter sequences signaled the loss of some regulatory DNA elements. The sequence variation and the loss of some regulatory DNA elements could explain the differences of DREBID gene expression previously observed in leaves of drought tolerant (clone 14) and susceptible (clone 22) clones of C. canephora. In fact, both clones 14 and 22, have one same CcDREBID allelic sequence (hp15), and diverge at a second allele. Thus, the CcDREBID allele in the tolerant 14 (hp16) was considered to be the favorable/tolerant allele and the allele in 22 (hp17) was inferior/sensitive. The capacity of CcDREBID promoter to control the expression of the uidA reporter gene is under evaluation in transgenic plants of Coffee arabica cv. caturra stably transformed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated gene transfer procedure. Caturra transgenic embryos were placed on a clean bench and subjected to dehydration tests. Preliminary results of bioassays checking GUS (/3-glucuronidase) activities indicate that the observed sequence variations have a direct role in the regulation of CcDREBID expression. The proximal promoter of CcDREBID for the three alleles tested (hp15, hp16 and hp17) equally induced the uidA gene expression, however, expression of uidA under control of the complete CcDREBID promoter was significantly induced in the tolerant allele (hp16) in response to the osmotic stress, whereas, it was not significantly upregulated for the common (hp15) and sensitive alleles (hp17). These results also evidence that the sequence variation present at the first -700 by of CcDREBID promoter do not interfere the regulation activity of the promoter, probably due to the non-overlapping of SNPs and cis-regulatory elements. Though, the higher sequence variation and co-occurrence of SNPs and cis-regulatory elements observed between -700 and -1500 by seems to affect the regulation of CcDREBID promoter in response to drought stress.Support: CAPES COFECUB, INCT-Café, CNPq and ConsOrcio Pesquisa Café. (Texte intégral

    Application du systÚme GenFam à la réponse au stress des plantes : intégration de l'identification d'éléments cis spécifiques

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    UMR AGAP - Ă©quipe ID - IntĂ©gration des donnĂ©esGenFam est un systĂšme intĂ©gratif d'analyse de familles de gĂšnes. Ce systĂšme permet (i) de crĂ©er des familles de gĂšnes de gĂ©nomes complets, (ii) d’exĂ©cuter une analyse phylogĂ©nĂ©tique de cette famille Ă  travers le gestionnaire de workflows Galaxy afin de dĂ©finir les relations d'homologie, (iii) d'Ă©tudier des Ă©vĂ©nements Ă©volutifs Ă  partir de blocs de syntĂ©nie prĂ©calculĂ©es avec le workflow SynMap de la plateforme de gĂ©nomique comparative (CoGe) et (iv) d’intĂ©grer ces rĂ©sultats dans l'interface de visualisation synthĂ©tique. La premiĂšre application de GenFam est d’identifier des gĂšnes candidats pour la tolĂ©rance aux stress environnementaux. Il nĂ©cessite de mettre en Ă©vidence la prĂ©sence de sĂ©quences rĂ©gulatrices cis spĂ©cifiques de la rĂ©ponse aux stress (de type ABRE, DRE). Dans ce contexte, nous avons besoin d’intĂ©grer de nouveaux outils afin de dĂ©couvrir et chercher des sites de fixation de facteurs de transcription (Transcription Factor Binding Sites, TFBS) dans les sĂ©quences promotrices des gĂšnes membre de la famille Ă©tudiĂ©e. Ce workflow Galaxy va, d'une part, sĂ©lectionner les rĂ©gions flanquantes en 5' ou en 3' des gĂšnes d'intĂ©rĂȘts selon le choix de l'utilisateur. D'autre part, les rĂ©gions flanquantes sont analysĂ©es afin de dĂ©couvrir et rechercher les motifs de sĂ©quences rĂ©gulatrices cis spĂ©cifiques de la rĂ©ponse aux stress avec des mĂ©thodes complĂ©mentaires comme MEME, STIF, PHYME. Ces rĂ©sultats ainsi que l’annotation fonctionnelle des gĂšnes Ă©tiquetĂ©s comme Ă©tant impliquĂ©s dans la rĂ©ponse au stress seront intĂ©grĂ©s dans l’interface de visualisation. Ce travail doit permettre une rĂ©flexion sur la notion d'orthologie fonctionnelle et effectuer une recherche translationnelle depuis les espĂšces modĂšles jusqu'aux espĂšces d'intĂ©rĂȘt agronomique (i.e identifier des gĂšnes candidats pour la rĂ©ponse au stress du cafĂ©ier Ă  partir d'informations fonctionnelles connues chez Arabidopsis)
