59 research outputs found

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    Pulse-width modulation direct torque control induction motor drive with Kalman filter

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    The paper deals with application of Kalman filter in induction motor drive using pulse-width modulation direct torque control (PWM-DTC). In the first part, the conventional PWM-DTC drive is described and Kalman filter is utilized to filter components of stator current vector those are assumed to be disturbed by white noise. The second part contains simulation results that are obtained in different cases of load torque, process and measurement noise covariances. The integral time absolute error (ITAE) performance index, undershoot, ripple of important quantities are used to compare the conventional drive structure and proposed drive structure with Kalman filter. The simulation results confirm the expected dynamic response of the proposed structure

    Lean to Fly: Leaning-Based Embodied Flying can Improve Performance and User Experience in 3D Navigation

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    When users in virtual reality cannot physically walk and self-motions are instead only visually simulated, spatial updating is often impaired. In this paper, we report on a study that investigated if HeadJoystick, an embodied leaning-based flying interface, could improve performance in a 3D navigational search task that relies on maintaining situational awareness and spatial updating in VR. We compared it to Gamepad, a standard flying interface. For both interfaces, participants were seated on a swivel chair and controlled simulated rotations by physically rotating. They either leaned (forward/backward, right/left, up/down) or used the Gamepad thumbsticks for simulated translation. In a gamified 3D navigational search task, participants had to find eight balls within 5 min. Those balls were hidden amongst 16 randomly positioned boxes in a dark environment devoid of any landmarks. Compared to the Gamepad, participants collected more balls using the HeadJoystick. It also minimized the distance travelled, motion sickness, and mental task demand. Moreover, the HeadJoystick was rated better in terms of ease of use, controllability, learnability, overall usability, and self-motion perception. However, participants rated HeadJoystick could be more physically fatiguing after a long use. Overall, participants felt more engaged with HeadJoystick, enjoyed it more, and preferred it. Together, this provides evidence that leaning-based interfaces like HeadJoystick can provide an affordable and effective alternative for flying in VR and potentially telepresence drones

    Torsion of Ileum Due To Giant Meckel's Diverticulum – A Case Report

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    Background: Meckel’s diverticulum (MD) is detected in approximately 2% of all individuals and only 2-4% MD patients may develop symptoms. Small intestinal obstruction is a frequent complication in adults. Case report: A 48-year-old male was admitted to emergency department for high intestinal obstruction symptoms. The imaging examinations were failed to detect the underlying causes. A median laparotomy revealed small bowel obstruction (SBO) due to a segment of ileum twisted around a giant MD axis. Conclusion: Thus, a giant MD generating torsion of ileum is an unusual complication. Preoperative diagnosis is challenging. Emergency surgery is preferred to make an accurate diagnosis and for treatment.    &nbsp


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    Highly dispersed BaTiO3 nanospheres with a uniform particle size were synthesized with the hydrothermal method. The influence of Ba/Ti molar ratios on the formation of BaTiO3 nanospheres was studied by analyzing the XRD and SEM data. The TiO2·H2O synthesized with the sulfuric acid method assisted by ultrasonication was used as a starting material. Highly dispersed BaTiO3 nanospheres with an average size of about 100 nm were obtained at 200 °C in 12 hours with a Ba/Ti ratio of 1.5. The Ba/Ti ratios have a strong influence on the formation of nano BaTiO3 and the phase transition. The particle size increases with the Ba/Ti ratio, while the uniformity decreases.Vật liệu BaTiO3 nano hình cầu phân tán cao với kích thước đồng đều được tổng hợp bằng phương pháp thủy nhiệt. Ảnh hưởng của tỉ lệ mol Ba/Ti lên sự hình thành vật liệu được nghiên cứu bằng cách phân tích dữ liệu XRD và SEM. TiO2·nH2O tổng hợp bằng phương pháp axit sunfuric với sự hỗ trợ sóng siêu âm được sử dụng làm nguyên liệu ban đầu. Vật liệu nano BaTiO3 hình cầu với độ phân tán cao và kích thước trung bình khoảng 100 nm đã thu được tại 200 °C trong 12 giờ với tỉ lệ Ba/Ti = 1,5. Tỷ lệ Ba/Ti ảnh hưởng mạnh đến sự hình thành BaTiO3 nano hình cầu với quá trình chuyển pha. Khi tăng tỉ lệ Ba/Ti, kích thước hạt tăng và tính đồng nhất giảm


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    In this paper, silver nanowires were prepared with the polyol method under ultrasonication. The optimal concentration of polyvinyl pyrrolidone in the reaction mixture was also determined. These nanowires were characterized with the XRD, SEM, and UV-Vis techniques. The conductive solution possesses a low resistance, good adhesion, high flexibility, and thermal stability. The solution was utilized to fabricate a conductive film, which might open up new technology applications.Trong bài báo này, sợi nano bạc đã được tổng hợp bằng phương pháp polyol dưới tác động của siêu âm. Đã xác định được nồng độ tối ưu của polyvinyl pyrrolidone cho quá trình chế tạo dung dịch. Sản phẩm sợi nano được khảo sát bằng kỹ thuật XRD, SEM và UV-Vis. Dung dịch dẫn điện có điện trở thấp, bám dính tốt, tính linh hoạt cao và ổn định nhiệt. Dung dịch này đã được sử dụng để chế tạo màng dẫn điện. Sản phẩm có thể mở ra một hướng mới cho các ứng dụng công nghệ sau này


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    The wild grouper fingerling have provided the important seed source for the development of commercial fish farming. Among the wild grouper fingerling collected in the Thi Nai lagoon, Quy Nhon bay (Binh Dinh) and Cu Mong lagoon (Phu Yen), 7 species of grouper have been identified as Banded grouper (Epinephelus amblycephalus), Yellow grouper (E. awoara), Longtooth grouper (E. bruneus), Malabar grouper (E. malabaricus), Sixbar grouper (E. sexfasciatus), Orange-spotted grouper (E. coioides) and grouper (Epinephelus sp.); in which three species of Longtooth grouper, Malabar grouper and Orange-spotted grouper were endangered in Red List Categories Criteria of IUCN as VU and NT. The Malabar grouper seed makes up a high proportion of over 30%. The total length of the juveniles is different between species, ranging from an average of 25.0 mm to 116.82 mm; Orange-spotted grouper is 112.48 mm in total length; four grouper species Banded grouper, Yellow grouper, Longtooth grouper and Malabar grouper are longer than 30 mm in total length with 31.96, 32.23, 33.78 and 33.86 mm respectively. The Sixbar grouper and grouper (Epinephelus sp.) are smaller than 30 mm. The catching of grouper fingerling is distributed in wide area, along the bank, mangroves in the lagoon, along the western shore of the Quy Nhon bay, from Ghenh Rang to the southern part of the coast and along the Cu Mong lagoon (from south to southwest). The production of grouper seed fluctuates irregularly, 3 - 4 million seeds per year for highest yields, alternating with very low yields. The protection of nursing grounds is necessary with the solution of selective catching and limiting artisanal fishing.Cá mú giống khai thác tự nhiên đã cung cấp nguồn giống quan trọng cho việc phát triển nuôi cá thương phẩm. Nguồn cá mú giống khai thác tự nhiên ở vùng đầm Thị Nại, vịnh Quy Nhơn (Bình Định) và đầm Cù Mông (Phú Yên) đã xác định được 7 loài là cá mú chấm vạch (Epinephelus amblycephalus), cá song gio (E. awoara), cá song nâu (E. bruneus), cá mú điểm gai (E. malabaricus), cá mú sau sọc (E. sexfasciatus), cá mú mè (E. coioides) và cá song (Epinephelus sp); trong đó có ba loài là cá song nâu (E. bruneus), cá mú điểm gai (E. malabaricus) và cá mú mè (E. coioides) là những loài được IUCN xếp ở mức nguy cấp bậc VU và NT. Con giống cá mú điểm gai chiếm tỉ lệ khá cao trên 30%. Chiều dài toàn thân trung bình cá giống của các loài khác nhau, từ 25,0 - 116,82 mm; cá mú mè  có chiều dài toàn thân lớn nhất đếm 112,48 mm, ba loài cá mú chấm vạch, cá song gio và cá mú điểm gai có chiều dài lớn hơn 30 mm tưong ứng là 31,96; 32,23; 33,78 và 33,86 mm. Hai loài còn lại là cá mú sáu sọc và cá song đều có kích thước nhỏ hơn 30 mm. Vùng khai thác cá mú giống khá rộng; dọc theo các cồn, dãi cây ngập mặn trong đầm Thị Nại, ven bờ phía bắc lên phía tây của vịnh Quy Nhơn; nơi tập trung khai thác ở ven gần bờ phía tây vịnh, từ Ghềnh Ráng kéo dài vào đến khu vực phía nam và vùng dọc bờ của đầm Cù Mông (từ phía nam đến tây nam). Sản lượng khai thác các mú giống biến động khá thất thường, năm có sản lượng cao lên đến 3 - 4 triệu con/năm, xen kẽ có năm sản lượng rất thấp. Việc bảo vệ bãi giống là cần thiết với các giải pháp khai thác có chọn lọc và hạn chế khai thác tận thu

    A nutrient method for cutivation of macroalgae Ulva papenfussii

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    Macroalgae species of the genus Ulva are widely distributed in the wild. Many species of this genus has been used as food as an attractive material for the study of materials, fuels, food etc.. In this paper, we are focusing on nutrient method for cultivation of Ulva papenfussii and A nutrient source for cultivation of U. papenfussii was also investigated with the perspective of utilizing the produced biomass for feed. U. papenfussii is fragmented into 1 × 1 cm size, then it keep in Ulva extract of 0.1 g/l concentrate for 7 days. Then continue to keep fragments in the following conditions: 20 ml/l of PES medium, 700 μmol photon/m2/s of light, 25oC of temperature, 3% of salinity, 28 days of time. Under this condition the productivity U. papenfussii was 17.8 g/l of weight and its growth rate was 4.3–6.5% day. Nutritional cultivation is successful for U. papenfussii speceies, which is of great importance to study the potential of producing seaweed varieties like blades for commercial application of seaweed species.

    Microscopic Observation Drug Susceptibility Assay (MODS) for Early Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Children

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    MODS is a novel liquid culture based technique that has been shown to be effective and rapid for early diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB). We evaluated the MODS assay for diagnosis of TB in children in Viet Nam. 217 consecutive samples including sputum (n = 132), gastric fluid (n = 50), CSF (n = 32) and pleural fluid (n = 3) collected from 96 children with suspected TB, were tested by smear, MODS and MGIT. When test results were aggregated by patient, the sensitivity and specificity of smear, MGIT and MODS against “clinical diagnosis” (confirmed and probable groups) as the gold standard were 28.2% and 100%, 42.3% and 100%, 39.7% and 94.4%, respectively. The sensitivity of MGIT and MODS was not significantly different in this analysis (P = 0.5), but MGIT was more sensitive than MODS when analysed on the sample level using a marginal model (P = 0.03). The median time to detection of MODS and MGIT were 8 days and 13 days, respectively, and the time to detection was significantly shorter for MODS in samples where both tests were positive (P<0.001). An analysis of time-dependent sensitivity showed that the detection rates were significantly higher for MODS than for MGIT by day 7 or day 14 (P<0.001 and P = 0.04), respectively. MODS is a rapid and sensitive alternative method for the isolation of M.tuberculosis from children