8 research outputs found

    Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in follicular fluids and their association with assisted reproduction

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    Introduction: Every second woman suffering from infertility asks for medical help. There is public concern that vaccination-induced antibodies (Ab) are negatively associated with fertility. A recent study has demonstrated an association between SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and a lower pregnancy rate in the subsequent 60 days. Consequently, Ab could affect fertility success in assisted reproduction. Methods: To address this question, we compared fertilization outcomes of vaccinated (n=35) and nonvaccinated (n=34) women. Paired serum samples and multiple follicular fluids (FF) (up to 10 from the same donor) were collected during the course of assisted reproduction and characterized for oocyte quality, the presence of Ab and trace element concentrations. Results: The results showed a positive correlation of vaccination-induced neutralizing activity of SARS-CoV-2-Ab in serum and FF. On average, Ab concentrations in serum were higher than in the corresponding FF. However, wide variations in SARS-CoV-2 Ab titers were observed between different FF, correlating to trace element levels, even when retrieved from the same donor. Discussion: Overall, FF contents are highly variable, but no negative association was observed between Ab in serum or FF and fertilization success and oocyte development, supporting the safety of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination during assisted reproduction

    Comparative investigation of selenium-enriched Pleurotus ostreatus and Ganoderma lucidum as natural sources of selenium supplementation

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    Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element for human health, but its nutritional supply is insufficient in large parts of the world. Mushrooms can be enriched in selenium and can serve as alternative and natural source of selenium supplementation. In the present study, two common mushroom species (Pleurotus ostreatus and Ganoderma lucidum), were enriched with two selenium compounds (selenite and selenate) to test their suitability as natural sources of selenium supplementation. Sharp differences in the the metabolic patterns of the fortified selenium were observed. Selenium was effectively metabolized in P. ostreatus but remained in inorganic form in G. lucidum. However, mushrooms extracts were effective in enhancing selenoprotein expression in cell lines. The present study highlights the importance of employing selenium speciation analysis with an element-selective technique to examine the metabolic products following mushroom fortification for nutritional purposes due to the different toxicological profile and bioavailability of different selenium biotransformation products

    Sex-specific associations of serum selenium and selenoprotein P with type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension in the Berlin Aging Study II

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    Background: Selenium is essential for expression and proper function of a set of redox active selenoproteins implicated in aging-relevant diseases, e.g. type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) and hypertension. However, data in cohorts of older adults, particularly with respect to different Se biomarkers and sex-specific analyses are sparse. Objective: To assess associations of serum Se and selenoprotein P (SELENOP) concentrations with T2D and hypertension in a cohort of older females and males. Methods: This study included 1500 participants from the Berlin Aging Study II. Diagnosis of T2D was made in case of antidiabetic medication, self-reported T2D, or laboratory parameters. Diagnosis of hypertension was based on self-report, blood pressure measurement, or anti-hypertensive medication. Se was measured by spectroscopy, and SELENOP by ELISA. Multiple adjusted regression models quantified dose-dependent associations. Results: Participants had a median(IQR) age of 68 (65,71) years, and 767 (51%) were women. 191 (13%) participants had T2D and 1126 (75%) had hypertension. Se and SELENOP correlated significantly (r = 0.59, p < 0.001), and were elevated in those with self-reported Se supplementation. Serum Se and SELENOP were not associated with T2D in the whole cohort. In men, SELENOP was positively associated with T2D, OR (95%CI) for one mg/L increase in SELENOP was 1.22 (1.00,1.48). Se was non-linearly associated with hypertension, comparing to the lowest quartile (Q1), and participants with higher Se levels (Q3) had a lower OR (95%CI) of 0.66 (0.45,0.96), which was specific for men. SELENOP positively associated with hypertension, and OR (95%CI) per one mg/L increase was 1.15 (1.01,1.32). Conclusions: The data suggest a sex-specific interrelationship of Se status with T2D and hypertension, with apparent biomarker-specific associations

    Are Twin Pregnancies at Higher Risk for Iron and Calcium Deficiency than Singleton Pregnancies?

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    The aim of this study was to compare the iron and calcium status in singleton and twin pregnancies and to assess whether there is an increased risk for iron and calcium deficiency in twin gestation. The study included 105 singleton and 9 twin pregnancies at or above 35 weeks of gestation. Information on prenatal supplementation with iron or calcium was acquired, and adverse perinatal outcomes were recorded. Biosamples from all 114 mothers and 73 newborns (61 singleton and 12 twin newborns) were finally analyzed. Total iron and calcium concentrations in serum were measured through total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis. The results indicated no significant differences in maternal serum iron and calcium concentrations between singleton and twin pregnancies. Similarly, iron and calcium concentrations in newborn umbilical cord serum samples were not different between singleton and twin pregnancies. The comparison of total iron and calcium between mothers and umbilical cord serum indicated significantly lower concentrations in the mothers, with the differences being not homogenous but rather pair-specific. A significant positive correlation between maternal serum and umbilical cord serum calcium concentration was noticed. Prenatal iron supplementation was associated with higher iron concentrations in both mothers and newborns, supporting the efficiency of supplementation and the quality of the study methods. Collectively, the data indicate no significant differences in serum iron and calcium concentrations with regard to singleton or twin pregnancies and the efficiency of iron supplementation during pregnancy for increasing iron status

    Matched analysis of circulating selenium with the breast cancer selenotranscriptome: a multicentre prospective study

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    Abstract Introduction Low serum selenium and altered tumour RNA expression of certain selenoproteins are associated with a poor breast cancer prognosis. Selenoprotein expression stringently depends on selenium availability, hence circulating selenium may interact with tumour selenoprotein expression. However, there is no matched analysis to date. Methods This study included 1453 patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer from the multicentric prospective Sweden Cancerome Analysis Network – Breast study. Total serum selenium, selenoprotein P and glutathione peroxidase 3 were analysed at time of diagnosis. Bulk RNA-sequencing was conducted in matched tumour tissues. Fully adjusted Cox regression models with an interaction term were employed to detect dose-dependent interactions of circulating selenium with the associations of tumour selenoprotein mRNA expression and mortality. Results 237 deaths were recorded within ~ 9 years follow-up. All three serum selenium biomarkers correlated positively (p < 0.001). All selenoproteins except for GPX6 were expressed in tumour tissues. Single cell RNA-sequencing revealed a heterogeneous expression pattern in the tumour microenvironment. Circulating selenium correlated positively with tumour SELENOW and SELENON expression (p < 0.001). In fully adjusted models, the associations of DIO1, DIO3 and SELENOM with mortality were dose-dependently modified by serum selenium (p < 0.001, p = 0.020, p = 0.038, respectively). With increasing selenium, DIO1 and SELENOM associated with lower, whereas DIO3 expression associated with higher mortality. Association of DIO1 with lower mortality was only apparent in patients with high selenium [above median (70.36 µg/L)], and the HR (95%CI) for one-unit increase in log(FPKM + 1) was 0.70 (0.50–0.98). Conclusions This first unbiased analysis of serum selenium with the breast cancer selenotranscriptome identified an effect-modification of selenium on the associations of DIO1, SELENOM, and DIO3 with prognosis. Selenium substitution in patients with DIO1-expressing tumours merits consideration to improve survival

    Autoantibodies to selenoprotein P in chronic fatigue syndrome suggest selenium transport impairment and acquired resistance to thyroid hormone

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    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) presents with symptoms of hypothyroidism, including mental and physical fatigue, poor sleep, depression, and anxiety. However, thyroid hormone (TH) profiles of elevated thyrotropin and low thyroxine (T4) are not consistently observed. Recently, autoantibodies to the Se transporter SELENOP (SELENOP-aAb) have been identified in Hashimoto's thyroiditis and shown to impair selenoprotein expression. We hypothesized that SELENOP-aAb are prevalent in CFS, and associate with reduced selenoprotein expression and impaired TH deiodination.Se status and SELENOP-aAb prevalence was compared by combining European CFS patients (n = 167) and healthy controls (n = 545) from different sources. The biomarkers total Se, glutathione peroxidase (GPx3) and SELENOP showed linear correlations across the samples without reaching saturation, indicative of Se deficiency. SELENOP-aAb prevalence was 9.6–15.6% in CFS versus 0.9–2.0% in controls, depending on cut-off for positivity. The linear correlation between Se and GPx3 activity was absent in SELENOP-aAb positive patients, suggesting impaired Se supply of kidney. A subgroup of paired control (n = 119) and CSF (n = 111) patients had been characterized for TH and biochemical parameters before. Within this subgroup, SELENOP-aAb positive patients displayed particularly low deiodinase activity (SPINA-GD index), free T3 levels, total T3 to total T4 (TT3/TT4) and free T3 to free T4 (FT3/FT4) ratios. In 24 h urine, iodine concentrations were significantly lower in SELENOP-aAb positive than in SELENOP-aAb negative patients or controls (median (IQR); 43.2 (16.0) vs. 58.9 (45.2) vs. 89.0 (54.9) μg/L). The data indicate that SELENOP-aAb associate with low deiodination rate and reduced activation of TH to active T3.We conclude that a subset of CFS patients express SELENOP-aAb that disturb Se transport and reduce selenoprotein expression in target tissues. Hereby, TH activation decreases as an acquired condition not reflected by thyrotropin and T4 in blood. This hypothesis opens new diagnostic and therapeutic options for SELENOP-aAb positive CFS, but requires clinical evidence from intervention trials

    Additional file 1 of Matched analysis of circulating selenium with the breast cancer selenotranscriptome: a multicentre prospective study

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    Additional file 1: Figure S1. Missing values in variables used in Cox regression models. Figure S2. Study flow chart. Adapted from Demircan K, Bengtsson Y, Sun Q, Brange A, Vallon-Christersson J, Rijntjes E, Malmberg M, Saal LH, Rydén L, Borg Å, Manjer J, Schomburg L. Serum selenium, selenoprotein P and glutathione peroxidase 3 as predictors of mortality and recurrence following breast cancer diagnosis: A multicentre cohort study. Redox Biol. 2021 Nov;47:102145. Figure S3. Cox regression models in the whole cohort and in low and high SELENOP subgroups. Subgroups were divided according to median SELENOP concentration of the cohort, i.e. 4.05 mg/L. All models were adjusted for age, tumour size, histological grade, lymph node involvement, expression of HER2/ER/PGR-Receptor, laterality of the tumour, and histological type. P for interaction was tested by adding an interaction term between serum SELENOP and the gene of interest, marked by purple asterisk. Figure S4. Cox regression models in the whole cohort and in low and high GPx3 subgroups. Subgroups were divided according to median GPx3 concentration of the cohort, i.e. 205 U/L. All models were adjusted for age, tumour size, histological grade, lymph node involvement, expression of HER2/ER/PGR-Receptor, laterality of the tumour, and histological type. P for interaction was tested by adding an interaction term between serum GPx3 and the gene of interest, marked by purple asterisk. Figure S5. Kaplan Meier analyses of genes interacting with serum selenium in TCGA-BRCA data. Patients were compared according to mRNA expression for each candidate gene, based on being in the highest quartile (Q4) vs lowest (Q1). Log-rank test was applied to detect differences. GEPIA2 was used to plot survival, accessed on 25th August 2023, on http://gepia2.cancer-pku.cn/). Tang, Z. et al. (2019) GEPIA2: an enhanced web server for large-scale expression profiling and interactive analysis. Nucleic Acids Res, 10.1093/nar/gkz430. Table S1. P values for interaction between DIO1, DIO3, SELENOM and serum selenium, further adjusted for therapy regimens

    Association of COVID-19 mortality with serum selenium, zinc and copper: Six observational studies across Europe

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    Introduction: Certain trace elements are essential for life and affect immune system function, and their intake varies by region and population. Alterations in serum Se, Zn and Cu have been associated with COVID-19 mortality risk. We tested the hypothesis that a disease-specific decline occurs and correlates with mortality risk in different countries in Europe. Methods: Serum samples from 551 COVID-19 patients (including 87 nonsurvivors) who had participated in observational studies in Europe (Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, and Poland) were analyzed for trace elements by total reflection X-ray fluorescence. A subset (n=2069) of the European EPIC study served as reference. Analyses were performed blinded to clinical data in one analytical laboratory. Results: Median levels of Se and Zn were lower than in EPIC, except for Zn in Italy. Non-survivors consistently had lower Se and Zn concentrations than survivors and displayed an elevated Cu/Zn ratio. Restricted cubic spline regression models revealed an inverse nonlinear association between Se or Zn and death, and a positive association between Cu/Zn ratio and death. With respect to patient age and sex, Se showed the highest predictive value for death (AUC=0.816), compared with Zn (0.782) or Cu (0.769). Discussion: The data support the potential relevance of a decrease in serum Se and Zn for survival in COVID-19 across Europe. The observational study design cannot account for residual confounding and reverse causation, but supports the need for intervention trials in COVID-19 patients with severe Se and Zn deficiency to test the potential benefit of correcting their deficits for survival and convalescence