942 research outputs found

    Early warning signs for saddle-escape transitions in complex networks

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    Many real world systems are at risk of undergoing critical transitions, leading to sudden qualitative and sometimes irreversible regime shifts. The development of early warning signals is recognized as a major challenge. Recent progress builds on a mathematical framework in which a real-world system is described by a low-dimensional equation system with a small number of key variables, where the critical transition often corresponds to a bifurcation. Here we show that in high-dimensional systems, containing many variables, we frequently encounter an additional non-bifurcative saddle-type mechanism leading to critical transitions. This generic class of transitions has been missed in the search for early-warnings up to now. In fact, the saddle-type mechanism also applies to low-dimensional systems with saddle-dynamics. Near a saddle a system moves slowly and the state may be perceived as stable over substantial time periods. We develop an early warning sign for the saddle-type transition. We illustrate our results in two network models and epidemiological data. This work thus establishes a connection from critical transitions to networks and an early warning sign for a new type of critical transition. In complex models and big data we anticipate that saddle-transitions will be encountered frequently in the future.Comment: revised versio

    On the relevance of the atomic-scale contact potential difference by Amplitude modulation- and Frequency modulation-Kelvin probe force microscopy

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    International audienceThe influence of short-range electrostatic forces on the measured local Contact Potential Difference (CPD) by means of Amplitude Modulation- and Frequency Modulation-Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (AM- and FM-KPFM) is discussed on the base of numeric and analytic descriptions of both methods. The goal of this work is to help interpreting recent experimental results reporting atomically-resolved CPD images, in particular on bulk insulating samples. The discussion is carried out on the base of spectroscopic curves. The expression of the bias-dependent electrostatic force derives from a previous work and is estimated between a tip with simple geometry and the (001) facet of a perfect alkali halide single crystal. The force, with a short-range character, scales as a second-order polynomial function of the bias voltage. It is stated that the linear term is responsible for the occurrence of the atomic-scale CPD contrast, while the quadratic one, involving the sample polarisation, accounts for the detected signal by the KPFM methods. Nevertheless, analytic and numeric approaches stress the influence of the linear term on the measured CPD which intrinsically hinders the possibility to perform quantitative CPD measurements, but also makes the measured ``pseudo-CPD" strongly deviating from the surface potential. Hence, in the short-range regime, AM- or FM-KPFM measurements neither reflect the CPD nor the local surface potential, but rather an effective value which is convoluted by the geometric parameters of the tip, the so-called local CPD. At last, the influence of long-range, capacitive, electrostatic forces is discussed in conjunction with the short-range ones. This allows us to draw conclusions regarding the distance dependence of the local CPD which then exhibits a resonant behavior as a function of the tip-surface separation. This phenomenon is expected to play a role in the KPFM imaging process

    Регулирование длины подъемных канатов

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    Das Familienrealsplitting als Reformoption der Familienbesteuerung

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    Die Auseinandersetzung um die Weiterentwicklung des Ehegattensplittings in Richtung einer stärkeren steuerlichen Berücksichtigung von Kindern hält in der Regierungskoalition an. Wie kann ein Familiensplitting ausgestaltet werden? Welche Wirkungen ergeben sich auf das Steueraufkommen? Welche Be- und Entlastungen erfahren die verschiedenen Gruppen an Steuerzahlern? Welche Effekte sind auf das Arbeitsangebot zu erwarten

    Biofilm formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa: role of the C4-HSL cell-to-cell signal and inhibition by azithromycin

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    Objectives: In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, biofilm formation is controlled by a cell-to-cell signalling circuit relying on the secretion of 3-oxo-C12-HSL and C4-HSL. Previous studies suggested that C4-HSL plays no significant role in biofilm formation. However the wild-type PAO1 strain PAO-BI, used as a control in these studies is itself impaired in the production of C4-HSL. We wondered therefore whether the role of C4-HSL in biofilm formation might have been underestimated, and whether azithromycin inhibits biofilm formation by interfering with cell-to-cell signalling. Methods: We used isogenic mutants of wild-type PAO1 strains PAO-BI and PT5 in a static biofilm model. Biofilm formation was quantified using Crystal Violet staining and exopolysaccharide measurements. Results: Wild-type strain PAO-BI, as a result of its reduced C4-HSL secretion, produced 40% less biofilm compared with the wild-type PAO1 strain PT5. Using isogenic mutants of strain PT5 we have shown that whereas a lasI mutant (deficient in 3-oxo-C12-HSL) produced similar amounts of biofilm to the wild-type, a rhlI mutant (deficient in C4-HSL) produced 70% less biofilm. In the latter strain, biofilm formation could be restored by addition of exogenous C4-HSL. Azithromycin, known to reduce the production of both 3-oxo-C12-HSL and C4-HSL, inhibited biofilm formation of wild-type PT5 by 45%. This inhibition could be reversed by the addition of both cell-to-cell signals. Conclusions: Our results indicate that C4-HSL also plays a significant role in biofilm formation. Furthermore, we demonstrate the potential of using cell-to-cell signalling blocking agents such as azithromycin to interfere with biofilm formatio

    Reformoptionen der Familienbesteuerung - Aufkommens-, Verteilungs- und Arbeitsangebotseffekte

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    Angesichts der dramatischen demographischen Entwicklung in Deutschland hat das Interesse der Politik an der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Situation von Haushalten mit Kindern in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen. Das gilt nicht zuletzt auch für den Bereich der Steuerpolitik. Im vorliegenden Beitrag soll im Rahmen einer Mikrosimulationsstudie empirisch untersucht werden, wie sich die Einführung verschiedener familienpolitischer Reformmaßnahmen im Steuerrecht auf die finanzielle Situation von Familien mit Kindern im Vergleich zu Kinderlosen auswirken würden, wie unterschiedliche Einkommensschichten betroffen wären und welche Folgen sich für das gesamtstaatliche Steueraufkommen ergeben würden. Darüber hinaus befassen wir uns mit den Auswirkungen dieser Reformvorschläge auf das Arbeitsangebot. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei Realsplittingvarianten, deren Umsetzung bislang in der Literatur nicht systematisch diskutiert wurde. Unsere Analyse zeigt, dass Realsplittingmodelle verglichen mit Tarifsplittingmodellen insgesamt sowohl moderatere vertikale Umverteilungswirkungen als auch positivere Arbeitsangebotseffekte mit sich bringen. Darüber hinaus sprechen auch die fiskalischen Auswirkungen dafür, bei einer Reform der Familienbesteuerung das Familienrealsplitting gegenüber dem Tarifsplitting zu favorisieren