1,180 research outputs found

    Effect of gyro verticality error on lateral autoland tracking performance for an inertially smoothed control law

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    The results of a simulation study performed to determine the effects of gyro verticality error on lateral autoland tracking and landing performance are presented. A first order vertical gyro error model was used to generate the measurement of the roll attitude feedback signal normally supplied by an inertial navigation system. The lateral autoland law used was an inertially smoothed control design. The effect of initial angular gyro tilt errors (2 deg, 3 deg, 4 deg, and 5 deg), introduced prior to localizer capture, were investigated by use of a small perturbation aircraft simulation. These errors represent the deviations which could occur in the conventional attitude sensor as a result of the maneuver-induced spin-axis misalinement and drift. Results showed that for a 1.05 deg per minute erection rate and a 5 deg initial tilt error, ON COURSE autoland control logic was not satisfied. Failure to attain the ON COURSE mode precluded high control loop gains and localizer beam path integration and resulted in unacceptable beam standoff at touchdown

    Student Perceptions of Enhancing the Internship Experience for Online Principal Preparation Programs

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    Principal preparation programs understand the need for relevant internship activities that bridge the gap between theory and practice (Anast-May, Buckner, & Geer, 2011; Darling-Hammond, LaPointe, Meyerson, Orr, & Cohen (2007). Principal preparation programs utilizing distance technology are also charged with meeting this expectation and the electronic learning technologies have changed learning from restrictive to flexible, accessible, and innovative (Tseng & Gardner, 2016). The internship is a widely accepted program component of principal preparation that provides the student with actual administrative experience during the certification process; however, despite the mandates from national accreditation organizations and state certification agencies, the literature is replete with criticisms concerning the effectiveness of the internship experience (Cheney & Davis, 2011; Darling-Hammond et al., 2007; Fry, Bottoms, & O’Neill, 2005; Perez et al., 2011). Limited data in the form of student feedback, especially as it pertains to learner perceptions of the internship experience, have been collected (Gordon, Oliver, & Solis, 2016). According to Thiede (2012), it is important for faculty to seek out and study what students are thinking and saying about online education as most higher education institutions’ future enrollments may be predicated upon quality online courses

    Development and validation of a hybrid-computer simulator for a transonic cryogenic wind tunnel

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    A study was undertaken to model the cryogenic wind tunnel process, to validate the model by the use of experimental data from the Langley 0.3 Meter Transonic Cryogenic Tunnel, and to construct an interactive simulator of the cryogenic tunnel using the validated model. Additionally, this model was used for designing closed loop feedback control laws for regulation of temperature and pressure in the 0.3 meter cryogenic tunnel. The global mathematical model of the cryogenic tunnel that were developed consists of coupled, nonlinear differential governing equations based on an energy state concept of the physical cryogenic phenomena. Process equations and comparisons between actual tunnel responses and computer simulation predictions were examined. Also included are the control laws and simulator responses obtained using the feedback schemes for closed loop control of temperature and pressure were also included

    City specific ‘racial threat’ can push neighborhood resources,like supermarkets, away from African Americans

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    Neighborhood resources – and areas with limited access to fresh produce (‘food deserts’) in particular – are important forms of inequality associated with the health outcomes of neighborhood residents. Applying ‘minority competition’ theory to neighborhood resource disparities, Jarrett Thibodeaux finds that the percentage of African Americans in a U.S. city predicts the placement of supermarkets near African Americans within the city. Other neighborhood resource disparities suffered by racial minorities may be caused by the ‘perceived threat to resources’ that a growing racial minority can provoke in the racial majority

    The Search for Consistent Achievement: Scheduling Methods and Their Effects on the At-Risk Rural High School

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    At Varnado High School in Washington Parish, Louisiana, the 4x4 block has been in place for three years. In order to compare the two schedules, I obtained the Louisiana Department of Education\u27s District Composite Report for Washington Parish. This report contains data concerning dropout rates and ACT scores from two traditionally scheduled school years (1995-1997), the year of 4x4-block implementation (1997-1998), and two years of the block (1998-2000). More districts are relying on standardized test scores in order to determine a school\u27s success; therefore, I also analyzed pass ing rates from the state-mandated Graduate Exit Examination (GEE) for the same time period. Using perspectives gathered from literature regarding the 4x4 block and traditional schedules, I developed a qualitative survey for the 12th grade class of Varnado High School. Only seniors were surveyed to maximize test/retake opportunity validity and exposure to the traditional and block schedules. This survey was approved by The University of Southern Mississippi\u27s Human Subjects Protection Review Committee. After receiving written permission from the participants and their parents, the survey was administered during class: 38 out of 53 surveys were completed, netting a return percentage of 71.6

    A Eutrophication Model of the White River Basin Above Beaver Reservoir in Northwest Arkansas

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    With national interest focused on man’s ever increasing degradation of the waters in this nation, it is clearly evident that an accurate assessment of all parameters influencing water quality needs to be made. Moreover, nutrient levels and budgets reflecting eutrophication trends are important parameters in the overall factors effecting water quality in lakes and reservoirs. The ability to predict future eutrophication levels will greatly enhance the retardation of the eutrophication process. Through mathematical simulation of this process, eutrophication can be analyzed and intelligent decisions regarding water quality management can be made

    Letter, n.d., from James Thibodeaux to Eva Jessye [presumably]

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    1 page, this is a Christmas card
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