119 research outputs found

    Tubulin tyrosination is a major factor affecting the recruitment of CAP-Gly proteins at microtubule plus ends

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    Tubulin-tyrosine ligase (TTL), the enzyme that catalyzes the addition of a C-terminal tyrosine residue to α-tubulin in the tubulin tyrosination cycle, is involved in tumor progression and has a vital role in neuronal organization. We show that in mammalian fibroblasts, cytoplasmic linker protein (CLIP) 170 and other microtubule plus-end tracking proteins comprising a cytoskeleton-associated protein glycine-rich (CAP-Gly) microtubule binding domain such as CLIP-115 and p150 Glued, localize to the ends of tyrosinated microtubules but not to the ends of detyrosinated microtubules. In vitro, the head domains of CLIP-170 and of p150 Glued bind more efficiently to tyrosinated microtubules than to detyrosinated polymers. In TTL-null fibroblasts, tubulin detyrosination and CAP-Gly protein mislocalization correlate with defects in both spindle positioning during mitosis and cell morphology during interphase. These results indicate that tubulin tyrosination regulates microtubule interactions with CAP-Gly microtubule plus-end tracking proteins and provide explanations for the involvement of TTL in tumor progression and in neuronal organization

    Local actin nucleation tunes centrosomal microtubule nucleation during passage through mitosis

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    Cells going through mitosis undergo precisely timed changes in cell shape and organisation, which serve to ensure the fair partitioning of cellular components into the two daughter cells. These structural changes are driven by changes in actin filament and microtubule dynamics and organisation. While most evidence suggests that the two cytoskeletal systems are remodelled in parallel during mitosis, recent work in interphase cells has implicated the centrosome in both microtubule and actin nucleation, suggesting the potential for regulatory crosstalk between the two systems. Here, by using both in vitro and in vivo assays to study centrosomal actin nucleation as cells pass through mitosis, we show that mitotic exit is accompanied by a burst in cytoplasmic actin filament formation that depends on WASH and the Arp2/3 complex. This leads to the accumulation of actin around centrosomes as cells enter anaphase and to a corresponding reduction in the density of centrosomal microtubules. Taken together, these data suggest that the mitotic regulation of centrosomal WASH and the Arp2/3 complex controls local actin nucleation, which may function to tune the levels of centrosomal microtubules during passage through mitosis

    Microtubule sliding activity of a kinesin-8 promotes spindle assembly and spindle length control

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    Molecular motors play critical roles in the formation of mitotic spindles, either through controlling the stability of individual microtubules, or by cross-linking and sliding microtubule arrays. Kinesin-8 motors are best known for their regulatory roles in controlling microtubule dynamics. They contain microtubule-destabilizing activities, and restrict spindle length in a wide variety of cell types and organisms. Here, we report for the first time on an anti-parallel microtubule-sliding activity of the budding yeast kinesin-8, Kip3. The in vivo importance of this sliding activity was established through the identification of complementary Kip3 mutants that separate the sliding activity and microtubule destabilizing activity. In conjunction with kinesin-5/Cin8, the sliding activity of Kip3 promotes bipolar spindle assembly and the maintenance of genome stability. We propose a “slide-disassemble” model where Kip3’s sliding and destabilizing activity balance during pre-anaphase. This facilitates normal spindle assembly. However, Kip3’s destabilizing activity dominates in late anaphase, inhibiting spindle elongation and ultimately promoting spindle disassembly

    Working in the real and the imaginary

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    International audienceThe science we practice is shaped by our interactions with people; the enthusiastic teachers, the fascinating mentors, the inspiring colleagues, and the inquisitive students. The science we enjoy takes us into areas we couldn't have anticipated. From time to time, we come back to reality and try to find ways to share our new explorations with our friends and relatives and to convert our insights into collective progress. What could be a better job

    Spatial segregation between cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions.

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    International audienceCell-cell adhesion (CCA) and cell-matrix adhesion (CMA) play determinant roles in the architecture and function of epithelial cells. CCA and CMA are supported by transmembrane molecular complexes that dynamically interact with the extracellular environment and the cell cytoskeleton. Although those complexes have distinct functions, they are involved in a continuous crosstalk. In epithelia, CCA and CMA segregate in distinct regions of the cell surface and thereby take part in cell polarity. Recent results have shown that the two adhesion systems exert negative feedback on each other and appear to regulate actin network dynamics and mechanical force production in different ways. In light of this, we argue that the interplay between these regulatory mechanisms plays an important role in the spatial separation of cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions components in distinct regions of the cell surface

    Cell adhesion geometry regulates non-random DNA segregation and asymmetric cell fates in mouse skeletal muscle stem cells

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    Cells of several metazoan species have been shown to non-randomly segregate their DNA such that older template DNA strands segregate to one daughter cell. The mechanisms that regulate this asymmetry remain undefined. Determinants of cell fate are polarized during mitosis and partitioned asymmetrically as the spindle pole orients during cell division. Chromatids align along the pole axis; therefore, it is unclear whether extrinsic cues that determine spindle pole position also promote non-random DNA segregation. To mimic the asymmetric divisions seen in the mouse skeletal stem cell niche, we used micropatterns coated with extracellular matrix in asymmetric and symmetric motifs. We show that the frequency of non-random DNA segregation and transcription factor asymmetry correlates with the shape of the motif and that these events can be uncoupled. Furthermore, regulation of DNA segregation by cell adhesion occurs within a defined time interval. Thus, cell adhesion cues have a major impact on determining both DNA segregation patterns and cell fates
