219 research outputs found

    Participation to the People! Locating the Popular in Rimini Protokoll’s Home Visit Europe

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    Home Visit Europe by Rimini Protokoll is a performance without performers, only an audience taking part in a game in a private home. As such, it is one example of the partici­patory strategies that currently have a strong presence in contemporary theatre practices changing how we, as audience, engage with theatre. It is emblematic then that ‘participation’ is an emergent concept in theatre and performance studies with a rapidly growing body of work on the topic. This article sets out to explore how the idiom of the popular can shed light on some of the central issues in the discourse on participa­tion: that is to say, the relationship between the artist and the audience, author­ship, and the relationship between the aesthetic and the social dimension of partici­patory work. I will be using Home Visit Europe in the context of Bergen Interna­tional Festival of 2015 as a case study, drawing on an audience research approach com­bined with a critical reading of the work. The conceptually stringent and tightly ordered dramaturgy of Home Visit Europe, where the audience take turns responding to a set of questions and tasks, demonstrates how problematic the concept of participa­tion can be to describe theatre practices, as the term risks overstating the influence that the audience have over the aesthetic product. In this sense, contemporary participa­tory strategies resemble popular theatre’s conflict between established aesthet­ics, critical standards and popular grounding. A resemblance that brings the paper right to the core of the discourse on participation, which concerns the ideological ramifications of the ‘participatory turn’

    Boundaries of Participation

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    In this essay I explore three questions central in the current discourse on audience participation in theatre and performance. First, what do we mean when we talk about participation, and who is it really for? Second, are expectations that participation represents a democratization of the arts realistic, or is this an aspect of interactive and participatory theatre projects that is over-emphasized? And finally, how has critique against neoliberalist ideology come into the current discourse, and how relevant is this critique in the Norwegian context? I will not go into theoretical discussions on definitions and models of participation and interaction, or if theatre is always already participatory. Instead, I will focus on the ideals that are regularly attributed to participation, and the critique against participatory practices that have surfaced during the last decade

    Som far sÄ datter? Ideologisk fornyelse og retorikk i praksis i Front National

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    Frankrikes hÞyrepopulistiske parti, Front National, har befestet seg som et av landets stÞrste partier. Flere har pekt pÄ at det har skjedd en endring i partiet etter at datter, Marine Le Pen tok over ledervervet etter sin far, Jean-Marie etter nesten 40 Är som leder for det populistiske partiet. Samtidig mangler denne pÄstanden om endring en klargjÞring av hva og hvilke endringer som faktisk har skjedd. Med utgangspunktet i den antatte endringen undersÞker jeg i denne masteroppgaven i hvilken grad det har skjedd en ideologisk endring i Front National og hvor partiet ideologisk stÄr i dag. For Ä fÄ grep om dette utvikler jeg et idéanalyseskjema, hvor jeg skisserer opp tre ulike former for hÞyrepopulisme, ved hjelp av et omfattende historisk bakgrunnsmateriale. Dette skjemaet benyttes sÄ som verktÞy for Ä utgjÞre en idéanalyse av valgprogram med utgangspunkt i de to presidentvalgene av 2002 og 2012. Som et supplement til idéanalysen er det utfÞrt en analyse av de to ledernes retorikk for Ä gjÞre oppgaven fyldigere. Ut fra de to analysene tegner det seg et bilde av far og datter som til dels plasserer dem innenfor forskjellige tradisjoner av hÞyrepopulisme som ble skissert opp i mitt idéanalyseskjema. Det viser seg at Marine Le Pen i stÞrre grad enn sin far kan plasseres innenfor den moderne hÞyrepopulistiske tradisjonen. Den retoriske analysen tar for seg kongresstaler samt et kort tv-intervju i programmet les 4 vérites av far og datter. Ut fra det empiriske retoriske materialet viser det seg at Marine Le Pens visjoner for landet kommuniseres i et mer virkelighetsnÊrt sprÄk sammenlignet med hennes far, i form av klarere visjoner for Ä styre landet. Jean-Marie er dessuten mer direkte i sin innvandringspolitikk og bruker mye mer av sin taletid til Ä rakke ned pÄ tidligere ledere sammenlignet med hans datter. Oppgaven viser hvordan far og datter Le Pens politiske ideer skiller seg fra hverandre og hvilke ideer som fortsatt er relativt like mellom de to partilederne

    Participation and Creative Autonomy:

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    In this article I analyze the implications of different forms of participation on the role of artists and their creative autonomy. Through a conceptual clarification around core ideas that are commonly associated with the pairing of participation and art, I discuss recent development in artistic practices. The concepts artistic autonomy and creativity have been central to the development of the professional role and identity that artists in the performing arts field have today. With this as a backdrop, I map out the conceptual differences between creative participation, aesthetic participation, democratic participation and civic participation, and how they impact artists. The article mainly draws on recent theory in performance studies and applied theatre, as well as sociological perspectives. Finally, I discuss how contemporary artists often combine different roles, even within a single work

    Teatervitenskap etter vendingen mot deltagelse – disiplinére skillelinjer for fall?

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    Publikumsdeltagelse gjĂžr at skillet mellom teater og sosial hendelse viskes ut, noe som utfordrer teaterbegrepet som baserer seg pĂ„ relasjonen mellom sal og scene. Med utgangspunkt i Erika Fischer-Lichte og Willmar Sauters performative og «event-orienterte» teaterbegrep ser denne artikkelen pĂ„ hvordan fenomenet publikumsdeltagelse pĂ„virker kunst- og teaterdiskursen i lys av vitenskapsteoretikeren Thomas F. Gieryns begrep «boundary-work». Audience participation erases the boundary between theatre and social event and this challenges a concept of theatre based on the relationship between audience and performer. With Erika Fischer-Licthe and Willmar Sauters performative and «event oriented» theatre concepts as starting points, this article uses Thomas F. Gieryn’s concept “boundary work” to look at how the phenomena audience participation influences the art and theatre discourse

    Den profesjonelle fĂžrskolelĂŠrer: mobbing i barnehagen

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    Denne rapporten er et resultat av en undersĂžkelse gjennomfĂžrt i forbindelse med min profesjonsoppgave med tittelen: ”Den profesjonelle fĂžrskolelĂŠrer”. Temaet i rapporten er: ”Mobbing i barnehagen”. FormĂ„let med undersĂžkelsen er Ă„ belyse hva som forstĂ„s som mobbing blant barn i barnehagealder, og hva barnehagepersonalet kan gjĂžre for Ă„ forhindre at mobbing oppstĂ„r. Problemstillingen som er utgangspunktet for undersĂžkelsen er: ”Hvordan forstĂ„r fĂžrskolelĂŠrere ”fenomenet mobbing”, og hvordan forebygge mobbing i barnehagen?”. Mobbing kan forstĂ„s som et sosialt fenomen (RĂžrnes, 2007), derfor ses forskningen og utsagnene fra informantene i lys av et sosiokulturelt, miljĂžorientert og humanĂžkologisk teoriperspektiv. Hovedfokuset i teoriperspektivet er pĂ„ mobbeforskning blant skolebarn og barnehagebarn: Olweus (2000), Roland (2007) og Midtsand mfl. (2004), samt teori om barns utvikling, og teori om lek i en miljĂžorientert og antropologisk tilnĂŠrming. Det gis en forklaring pĂ„ hva som ligger i begrepet sosial kompetanse, og ”humanĂžkologisk modell” ses i lys av ”Manifest mot mobbing 2011 – 2014”. Forskningsmetoden (Dalland, 2012) som er brukt i undersĂžkelse, er kvalitativ med intervju som redskap. Det er tre fĂžrskolelĂŠrere fra forskjellige barnehager i kommunen som er intervjuet. Gjennom analyse og tolkning av informantenes utsagn, har jeg fĂ„tt en forstĂ„else av det er i lek at mobbingen gjerne oppstĂ„r, og hvor viktig det er med voksnens intervensjon i leken (Lillemyr, 2002). Det er viktig Ă„ fĂ„ frem at det i rapporten brukes ulike begrep om ”fenomenet mobbing” eller mobbefenomenet. Begrepene som anvendes er mobbing, mobbebegrepet og ”mobbeviruset”. Mobbebegrepet eller mobbing brukes for Ă„ forklare innholdet i ”fenomenet mobbing”. Mens ”mobbeviruset” (RĂžrnes, 2007) viser til hvor vanskelig det er Ă„ bekjempe mobbingen pĂ„ bakgrunn av at det ikke er en konkret gjenstand, men et fenomen. Et fenomen (Dalland, 2012) er opplevelser eller hendelser som observeres gjennom bruk av sansene. Det er ikke en konkret gjenstand, men noe som viser seg for oss, og som vi tolker og erkjenner ut fra hvordan vi opplever hendelsen

    Petroleumsklyngen pÄ NordmÞre - mange koblinger og lite kunnskapsspredning?

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    Time trends of perfluoroalkyl substances in blood in 30-year old Norwegian men and women in the period 1986–2007

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    Biomonitoring studies are helpful tools and can increase our knowledge on time trends in human blood concentrations of PFASs: how they relate to emission trends and the potential prenatal exposure for future generations. In this study, serum was sampled in cross-sections of men and women who were 30 years old in each of the years 1986, 1994, 2001, and 2007 in Northern Norway and analyzed for 23 PFASs. Differences in serum concentrations across sampling years were investigated graphically and with significance testing and compared with those observed in our previous longitudinal study using repeated individual measurements in older men in the same years. The results demonstrate overall increasing blood burdens of PFASs in men and women in reproductively active ages during 1986–2001 and decreases until 2007. However, longer chained PFASs were still increasing in 2007 indicating divergent time trends between the different PFASs, underlining the importance of continued biomonitoring. Comparisons between 30-year-old men and older men within the same population demonstrated variation in time trends in the exact same years, underlining that biomonitoring studies must regard historic exposures and birth cohort effects

    Differentiation as a Consequence of Choice and Decentralization Reforms—Conditions for Teachers’ Competence Development

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    This paper examines the conditions for teacher competence development as they relate to the current restructured governance of the education sector in Sweden. In reviewing the literature, contextual factors in the workplace are often pointed out as central to conditions for competence development. However, we argue that a sector-level approach is useful in examining and explaining competence development conditions, especially in times of governance change. We describe how a workplace’s geographical location and budgetary situation, along with its size and age, relate to how teachers experience their working conditions. The findings indicate that the organization of work at a local workplace level impacts the conditions for competence development. Moreover, various regional and local characteristics seem to affect the conditions for competence development in that the organization and governance of the education sector create different conditions for competence development
