160 research outputs found

    Integrin-dependence of Lymphocyte Entry into the Splenic White Pulp

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    The steps involved in lymphocyte homing to the white pulp cords of the spleen are poorly understood. We demonstrate here that the integrins lymphocyte function associated (LFA)-1 and ι4β1 make essential and mostly overlapping contributions necessary for B cell migration into white pulp cords. T cell entry to the white pulp is also reduced by blockade of LFA-1 and ι4β1. The LFA-1 ligand, intercellular adhesion molecule 1 is critical for lymphocyte entry and both hematopoietic cells and radiation-resistant cells contribute to this requirement. Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 contributes to the ι4β1 ligand requirement and a second ligand, possibly fibronectin, also plays a role. By contrast with the entry requirements, antigen-induced movement of B cells from follicles to the outer T zone is not prevented by integrin blocking antibodies. Comparison of the distribution of integrin-blocked B cells and B cells treated with the Gιi inhibitor, pertussis toxin, early after transfer reveals in both cases reduced accumulation in the inner marginal zone. These observations suggest that chemokine receptor signaling and the integrins LFA-1 and ι4β1 function together to promote lymphocyte transit from the marginal zone into white pulp cords

    Lymphatic Function in Autoimmune Diseases

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    Lymphatic vessels are critical for clearing fluid and inflammatory cells from inflamed tissues and also have roles in immune tolerance. Given the functional association of the lymphatics with the immune system, lymphatic dysfunction may contribute to the pathophysiology of rheumatic autoimmune diseases. Here we review the current understanding of the role of lymphatics in the autoimmune diseases rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, lupus, and dermatomyositis and consider the possibility that manual therapies such as massage and acupuncture may be useful in improving lymphatic function in autoimmune diseases

    Immunopathogenesis of Pediatric Localized Scleroderma

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    Localized scleroderma (LS) is a complex disease characterized by a mixture of inflammation and fibrosis of the skin that, especially in the pediatric population, also affects extracutaneous tissues ranging from muscle to the central nervous system. Although developmental origins have been hypothesized, evidence points to LS as a systemic autoimmune disorder, as there is a strong correlation to family history of autoimmune disease, the presence of shared HLA types with rheumatoid arthritis, high frequency of auto-antibodies, and elevated circulating chemokines and cytokines associated with T-helper cell, IFNÎł, and other inflammatory pathways. This inflammatory phenotype of the peripheral blood is reflected in the skin via microarray, RNA Sequencing and tissue staining. Research is underway to identify the key players in the pathogenesis of LS, but close approximation of inflammatory lymphocytic and macrophage infiltrate with collagen and fibroblasts deposition supports the notion that LS is a disease of inflammatory driven fibrosis. The immune system is dynamic and undergoes changes during childhood, and we speculate on how the unique features of the immune system in childhood could potentially contribute to some of the differences in LS between children and adults. Interestingly, the immune phenotype in pediatric LS resembles to some extent the healthy adult cellular phenotype, possibly supporting accelerated maturation of the immune system in LS. We discuss future directions in better understanding the pathophysiology of and how to better treat pediatric LS

    Regulation of lymph node vascular growth by dendritic cells

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    Lymph nodes grow rapidly and robustly at the initiation of an immune response, and this growth is accompanied by growth of the blood vessels. Although the vessels are critical for supplying nutrients and for controlling cell trafficking, the regulation of lymph node vascular growth is not well understood. We show that lymph node endothelial cells begin to proliferate within 2 d of immunization and undergo a corresponding expansion in cell numbers. Endothelial cell proliferation is dependent on CD11c+ dendritic cells (DCs), and the subcutaneous injection of DCs is sufficient to trigger endothelial cell proliferation and growth. Lymph node endothelial cell proliferation is dependent on vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and DCs are associated with increased lymph node VEGF levels. DC-induced endothelial cell proliferation and increased VEGF levels are mediated by DC-induced recruitment of blood-borne cells. Vascular growth in the draining lymph node includes the growth of high endothelial venule endothelial cells and is functionally associated with increased cell entry into the lymph node. Collectively, our results suggest a scenario whereby endothelial cell expansion in the draining lymph node is induced by DCs as part of a program that optimizes the microenvironment for the ensuing immune response

    Targeted truncation of the ADAM17 cytoplasmic domain in mice results in protein destabilization and a hypomorphic phenotype

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    A disintegrin and metalloprotease 17 (ADAM17) is a cellsurface metalloprotease that serves as the principle sheddase for tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha), interleukin-6 receptor (IL6R), and several ligands of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), regulating these crucial signaling pathways. ADAM17 activation requires its transmembrane domain, but not its cytoplasmic domain, and little is known about the role of this domain in vivo. To investigate, we used CRISPR-Cas9 to mutate the endogenous Adam17 locus in mice to produce a mutant ADAM17 lacking its cytoplasmic domain (Adam17 Delta cyto). Homozygous Adam17 Delta cyto animals were born at a Mendelian ratio and survived into adulthood with slightly wavy hair and curled whiskers, consistent with defects in ADAM17/EGFR signaling. At birth, Adam17 Delta cyto mice resembled Adam17-/- mice in that they had open eyes and enlarged semilunar heart valves, but they did not have bone growth plate defects. The deletion of the cytoplasmic domain resulted in strongly decreased ADAM17 protein levels in all tissues and cells examined, providing a likely cause for the hypomorphic phenotype. In functional assays, Adam17 Delta cyto mouse embryonic fibroblasts and bone-marrow-derived macrophages had strongly reduced ADAM17 activity, consistent with the reduced protein levels. Nevertheless, ADAM17 Delta cyto could be stimulated by PMA, a well-characterized posttranslational activator of ADAM17, corroborating that the cytoplasmic domain of endogenous ADAM17 is not required for its rapid response to PMA. Taken together, these results provide the first evidence that the cytoplasmic domain of ADAM17 plays a pivotal role in vivo in regulating ADAM17 levels and function

    A Dendritic-Cell-Stromal Axis Maintains Immune Responses in Lymph Nodes

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    SummaryWithin secondary lymphoid tissues, stromal reticular cells support lymphocyte function, and targeting reticular cells is a potential strategy for controlling pathogenic lymphocytes in disease. However, the mechanisms that regulate reticular cell function are not well understood. Here we found that during an immune response in lymph nodes, dendritic cells (DCs) maintain reticular cell survival in multiple compartments. DC-derived lymphotoxin beta receptor (LTβR) ligands were critical mediators, and LTβR signaling on reticular cells mediated cell survival by modulating podoplanin (PDPN). PDPN modulated integrin-mediated cell adhesion, which maintained cell survival. This DC-stromal axis maintained lymphocyte survival and the ongoing immune response. Our findings provide insight into the functions of DCs, LTβR, and PDPN and delineate a DC-stromal axis that can potentially be targeted in autoimmune or lymphoproliferative diseases

    Seizure-Related Gene 6 (Sez-6) in Amacrine Cells of the Rodent Retina and the Consequence of Gene Deletion

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    Background: Seizure-related gene 6 (Sez-6) is expressed in neurons of the mouse brain, retina and spinal cord. In the cortex, Sez-6 plays a role in specifying dendritic branching patterns and excitatory synapse numbers during development. Methodology/Principal Findings: The distribution pattern of Sez-6 in the retina was studied using a polyclonal antibody that detects the multiple isoforms of Sez-6. Prominent immunostaining was detected in GABAergic, but not in All glycinergic, amacrine cell subpopulations of the rat and mouse retina. Amacrine cell somata displayed a distinct staining pattern with the Sez-6 antibody: a discrete, often roughly triangular-shaped bright spot positioned between the nucleus and the apical dendrite superimposed over weaker general cytoplasmic staining. Displaced amacrines in the ganglion cell layer were also positive for Sez-6 and weaker staining was occasionally observed in neurons with the morphology of alpha ganglion cells. Two distinct Sez-6 positive strata were present in the inner plexiform layer in addition to generalized punctate staining. Certain inner nuclear layer cells, including bipolar cells, stained more weakly and diffusely than amacrine cells, although some bipolar cells exhibited a perinuclear "bright spot" similar to amacrine cells. In order to assess the role of Sez-6 in the retina, we analyzed the morphology of the Sez-6 knockout mouse retina with immunohistochemical markers and compared ganglion cell dendritic arbor patterning in Sez-6 null retinae with controls. The functional importance of Sez-6 was assessed by dark-adapted paired-flash electroretinography (ERG). Conclusions: In summary, we have reported the detailed expression pattern of a novel retinal marker with broad cell specificity, useful for retinal characterization in rodent experimental models. Retinal morphology, ganglion cell dendritic branching and ERG waveforms appeared normal in the Sez-6 knockout mouse suggesting that, in spite of widespread expression of Sez-6, retinal function in the absence of Sez-6 is not affected

    Decreased Autocrine EGFR Signaling in Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells Inhibits Tumor Growth in Bone and Mammary Fat Pad

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    Breast cancer metastasis to bone triggers a vicious cycle of tumor growth linked to osteolysis. Breast cancer cells and osteoblasts express the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and produce ErbB family ligands, suggesting participation of these growth factors in autocrine and paracrine signaling within the bone microenvironment. EGFR ligand expression was profiled in the bone metastatic MDA-MB-231 cells (MDA-231), and agonist-induced signaling was examined in both breast cancer and osteoblast-like cells. Both paracrine and autocrine EGFR signaling were inhibited with a neutralizing amphiregulin antibody, PAR34, whereas shRNA to the EGFR was used to specifically block autocrine signaling in MDA-231 cells. The impact of these was evaluated with proliferation, migration and gene expression assays. Breast cancer metastasis to bone was modeled in female athymic nude mice with intratibial inoculation of MDA-231 cells, and cancer cell-bone marrow co-cultures. EGFR knockdown, but not PAR34 treatment, decreased osteoclasts formed in vitro (p<0.01), reduced osteolytic lesion tumor volume (p<0.01), increased survivorship in vivo (p<0.001), and resulted in decreased MDA-231 growth in the fat pad (p<0.01). Fat pad shEGFR-MDA-231 tumors produced in nude mice had increased necrotic areas and decreased CD31-positive vasculature. shEGFR-MDA-231 cells also produced decreased levels of the proangiogenic molecules macrophage colony stimulating factor-1 (MCSF-1) and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9), both of which were decreased by EGFR inhibitors in a panel of EGFR-positive breast cancer cells. Thus, inhibiting autocrine EGFR signaling in breast cancer cells may provide a means for reducing paracrine factor production that facilitates microenvironment support in the bone and mammary gland
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