30 research outputs found

    Weed Management in Sprinkler-Irrigated Rice: Experiences from Southern Brazil

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    Sprinkler rice saves water compared to paddy rice. However, in paddy fields, the water table is efficient for weed suppression. In sprinkler rice, there is no water table on soil; thus, weed management used in paddy rice may not be suitable for sprinkler rice, since herbicides and water table are expected to interact. Weed pressure in sprinkler rice is higher than in paddy rice; annual grasses are the main weeds in both paddy and sprinkler rice. Barnyardgrass, goosegrass, crabgrass and Alexandergrass show vigorous growth in sprinkler rice. A 3-year study shows that weeds in sprinkler rice reduce grain yield between 11 and 95%. Herbicides used in conventional and Clearfield® rice (clomazone, imazethapyr + imazapic, imazapyr + imazapic, pendimethalin and penoxsulam) were tested, contrasting paddy and sprinkler rice. Additionally, the technique locally called “needle-point” (glyphosate applied over the first-day emerging rice) was combined with pre- and postemergence herbicides. When using only pre- or postemergence, weeds reduced rice grain yield; a combination of products was the best option for sprinkler-irrigated rice. The Clearfield technology was efficient in controlling most weeds. However, using it combined to the needle-point promoted the best results. The main approaches for weed management in sprinkler-irrigated rice were summarized


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    A área cultivada com soja aumentou no Brasil nos últimos anos, assim como sua produção total. No Rio Grande do Sul (RS) o cultivo da leguminosa também mostra crescimento, sendo utilizado na sucessão à pecuária de corte no período frio, modelo de produção que contribui para melhor utilização das áreas durante os 12 meses do ano, contribuindo assim para o incremento da renda do produtor, bem como, quando bem manejado, colaborar no manejo integrado de plantas daninhas. Apesar disso, a presença de plantas daninhas dicotiledôneas de difícil controle como Amaranthus hybridus em lavouras de soja do RS vêm aumentando. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência de herbicidas pré- e pós-emergentes, e de diferentes programas de manejo para controle de populações de Amaranthus hybridus. O estudo foi composto por quatro experimentos, dois sob condições controladas em casa de vegetação e dois a campo, em uma propriedade rural no município de Cerrito, RS, que integra a produção de soja com pecuária de corte. Os experimentos evidenciaram que alguns biótipos são tolerantes ao glyphosate e aos herbicidas inibidores de ALS (imazethapyr e chlorimuron-ethyl), e que a utilização dos herbicidas pré-emergentes imazethapyr + flumioxazin, metribuzin, s-metolachlor e sulfentrazone + diuron contribui para o manejo destes biótipos. Verificou-se também que a dessecação do azevém e sua complementação com herbicidas de contato e o uso de pré-emergentes são fatores determinantes para o controle de A. hybridus. Ainda, os resultados apontam que em condições de déficit hídrico, a presença de palha prejudica a eficiência de alguns herbicidas pré-emergentes.Recently, soybean cultivated area has risen in Brazil and so had total production. In the Rio Grande do Sul state (RS), soybean production is also increasing and its grown after beef production during the cold season, a production model that contributes to improve land usage during the twelve months of the year, increasing farmers’ income and, when well handled, it can also contribute to integrated weed management. Despite that, the presence of hard-to-control broadleaved weeds like Amaranthus hybridus in RS soybean fields its on the rise. Therefore, this study objective was to evaluate the efficiency of pre- and post-emergency herbicides, and different management programs on Amaranthus hybridus populations. The study was composed by four experiments, two under controlled conditions in a greenhouse and two on a farm in Cerrito, RS, that integrates soybean production with cattle livestock. The experiments show that some biotypes are tolerant to glyphosate and ALS inhibitors (imazethapyr and chlorimuron-ethyl), and that the use of the pre-emergence herbicides imazethapyr + flumioxazin, metribuzin, s-metolachlor e sulfentrazone + diuron contributes to the biotypes management. It was also verified that the ryegrass burndown and its complementation with contact and pre-emergence herbicides are determinant factors to control A. hybridus. Yet, the results point that under water deficit situations, straw presence can reduce the efficiency of some pre-emergence herbicides

    A comprehensive assessment of agriculture in lowlands of south Brazil: characterization and comparison of current and alternative concepts

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    Agriculture in the lowlands of south Brazil is of strategic importance at the national level, since it supplies around 80% of the rice consumed by the Brazilian population. In Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state in Brazil, three million hectares of lowlands are ready for grain-based agriculture. Of this area, about half is fallow, partly used for cattle grazing, and irrigated rice is the predominant crop, cultivated annually on 1.1 million ha. The remaining area is used for soybean and other crops. The predominant cropping system is a combination of irrigated rice and cattle. Over the last decades, rice yields have steadily increased, but this rise in yield level has to a large extent been obtained at the expense of a continuously higher use of external inputs. The recent introduction of soybean in rotation with rice has partially improved the system, but in most areas the situation is becoming incompatible with the modern demands for sustainability. This thesis presents a long-term study (2006-2015) of five cropping systems for lowlands. Next to monocrop rice and two rice-soybean rotations conducted in either conventional or minimum tillage, the experiment contained two novel systems based on large ridges, on which soybean and maize were combined with either cover crops or crop-livestock integration in winter. In these last systems, 8-m-wide ridges were built to avoid flooding, thus allowing for diversification of cash crops and the cultivation of cover crops or pastures in winter time, as well as the use of no-tillage. All systems were evaluated at process-level, including soil preparation, seeding, plant nutrition, pest management, irrigation, harvesting, transport and cattle management, as well as regarding their performance for the different dimensions of sustainability, particularly environment, land productivity, economics, energy-use and labour. Next to system assessment, two additional experiments were conducted for the evaluation of two specific technologies for soil management in these areas. Crop livestock integration on the ridge-based system offered the best balance between food production, environmental impact and economics. This system is well suited to be used in fields that are kept fallow, thereby enlarging the agricultural productivity of the lowlands. The additional experiments revealed that a knife-roller can successfully substitute plough-and-harrow for soil preparation after rice harvest, and that germination of weed seeds can be reduced if crop seeding is conducted at a lower speed or using a no-tillage seeder equipped with an improved cutting mechanism. Overall the results show that by using alternative cropping systems that allow for diversification and new methods of field management it is possible to simultaneously attain a larger agricultural production and improved sustainability in the lowlands.</p

    Low disturbance seeding suppresses weeds in no-tillage soyabean

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    Germination is a key process in the dynamics of weed populations. In no-tillage systems, crop seeding is often found to induce seed germination in the seeding strip. In this research, experiments to investigate options for reducing weed seedling establishment were conducted in no-till soyabean fields located in two sites in south Brazil. A first experiment revealed that a reduction in emergence of some important weed species can be achieved by lowering seeding speed. Further experiments showed the ability of a modified seeder to contribute to an additional reduction in weed establishment. On the modified seeder, coulter discs were equipped with lateral blades, to diminish soil disturbance and to maintain a uniform soil cover by properly cutting the mulch layer. In a field with a high level of residues, the modified seeder, in contrast to the standard seeder, prevented the increase of soil exposure when seeding at high speed. The predominant weeds were annual species. Averaged over all seeding rates, the new equipment led to a 56% reduction in within-row weed density, compared with the standard seeder. Regardless of seeder type, overall weed density increased with seeding speed, but with the modified seeder, this increase was only half that of the standard seeder. The modified seeder reduced weed biomass by 30% and increased soyabean grain yield by 42%. The research demonstrated that relatively simple changes, like a minor modification to a seeder and a lower seeding speed, can contribute to more diverse and sustainable alternatives to predominantly chemical-oriented weed management strategies

    Alexandergrass life-cycle is affected by black oat residues on the soil surface

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    Conduziu-se um experimento na Estação Experimental Agronômica da UFRGS, em Eldorado do Sul, RS, em 1996/97, com o objetivo de caracterizar as etapas do ciclo de vida de papuã (Brachiaria plantaginea), desenvolvendo-se sob solo com níveis de 0 a 10,5 t/ha de resíduos de aveia preta (Avena strigosa). Maior concentração de sementes de papuã foi observada nas camadas superficiais do solo. A cobertura vegetal influenciou a emergência de papuã, constatando-se 4,5 e 0,08% de germinação do banco de sementes para níveis de resíduos 0 e 10,5 t/ha, respectivamente. Verificou-se elevada mortalidade de plântulas em qualquer nível de cobertura sobre o solo. O aumento da cobertura do solo diminuiu o número de plantas adultas, aumentando a matéria seca por indivíduo, mas, mantendo a biomassa por área. Estes resultados indicam que as etapas do ciclo de vida de Brachiaria plantaginea são afetadas pela presença de resíduos vegetais na superfície do solo, sendo a germinação de sementes e emergência de plântulas as fases mais sensível aos tratamentos testados.One experiment was conducted at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, in Eldorado do Sul, RS, Brazil, during 1996/97, to characterize the life-cycle of alexandergrass (Brachiaria plantaginea) when developed under several levels (0 to 10,5 t/ha) of black oat (Avena strigosa) residues on the soil surface. Weed seeds were more frequent at the upper layers of the soil profile. The crop residues affected alexandergrass seedling emergence, with 4,5 and 0,08% seed germination from the seedbank, for residue levels of 0 and 10,5 t/ha, respectively. High seedling mortality was observed at all crop residue levels. Increasing the levels of residues reduced the density of adult plants and increased plant dry weight, but maintained biomass per area. The results demonstrate that the phases of alexandergrass life-cycle are affected by the level of crop residues on the soil surface, and that the seed germination and seedling emergence are the phases most sensitive to the treatments tested

    Straw on the soil surface affects the seed mortality of alexandergrass placed at two depths

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    Conduziu-se um experimento na Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, em Eldorado do Sul, RS, no ano agrícola 1996/97, para avaliar a mortalidade de sementes de capim-marmelada (Brachiaria plantaginea) colocadas sob cinco níveis (0 a 10 t/ha) de resíduo de aveia-preta (Avena strigosa) sobre o solo, duas profundidades das sementes (2 e 10 cm) e cinco períodos de enterrio (de 40 a 300 dias). Níveis de palha na superfície do solo inferiores a 5,2 t/ha aceleram a mortalidade de sementes. Sementes de capim-marmelada posicionadas a 2 cm da superfície do solo apresentaram maior mortalidade do que aquelas posicionadas a 10 cm, exceto em solo desnudo, onde a mortalidade foi similar para sementes em ambas profundidades. O período de tempo necessário para se obter 50% de mortalidade das sementes de capim-marmelada foi 5 e 72 dias, quando a superfície do solo se encontrava sem palha ou com 10,5 t/ha de palha, respectivamente. Os resultados sugerem que técnicas de manejo da cultura que mantenham as sementes de B. plantaginea próximas à superfície do solo aumentam a mortalidade das sementes tendo maior potencial de reduzir novas infestações do que técnicas que acumulem palha na superfície do solo.A field experiment was conducted at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, in Eldorado do Sul, RS, Brazil, during 1996/97, to assess alexandergrass (Brachiaria plantaginea) seed mortality placed under five levels (0 to 10,5 t/ha) of black oat residues, two seed depths (0 and 2 cm), and five burial periods (40 to 300 days after straw management). Straw levels below 5,2 t/ha increase seed mortality. Seeds placed at 2 cm had higher mortality than at 10 cm, except at bare soil, when the seed mortality was similar at both seed depths. The time necessary to get 50% seed mortality was 5 and 72 days after straw placement, for straw levels of 0 and 10,5 t/ha, respectively. The results suggest crop management techniques that keep weed seeds unburried have more potential to reduce the weed infestation than techniques that accumulate high levels of residues at the soil surface, because of increased weed seed mortality

    Straw on the soil surface affects the seed mortality of alexandergrass placed at two depths

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    Conduziu-se um experimento na Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, em Eldorado do Sul, RS, no ano agrícola 1996/97, para avaliar a mortalidade de sementes de capim-marmelada (Brachiaria plantaginea) colocadas sob cinco níveis (0 a 10 t/ha) de resíduo de aveia-preta (Avena strigosa) sobre o solo, duas profundidades das sementes (2 e 10 cm) e cinco períodos de enterrio (de 40 a 300 dias). Níveis de palha na superfície do solo inferiores a 5,2 t/ha aceleram a mortalidade de sementes. Sementes de capim-marmelada posicionadas a 2 cm da superfície do solo apresentaram maior mortalidade do que aquelas posicionadas a 10 cm, exceto em solo desnudo, onde a mortalidade foi similar para sementes em ambas profundidades. O período de tempo necessário para se obter 50% de mortalidade das sementes de capim-marmelada foi 5 e 72 dias, quando a superfície do solo se encontrava sem palha ou com 10,5 t/ha de palha, respectivamente. Os resultados sugerem que técnicas de manejo da cultura que mantenham as sementes de B. plantaginea próximas à superfície do solo aumentam a mortalidade das sementes tendo maior potencial de reduzir novas infestações do que técnicas que acumulem palha na superfície do solo.A field experiment was conducted at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, in Eldorado do Sul, RS, Brazil, during 1996/97, to assess alexandergrass (Brachiaria plantaginea) seed mortality placed under five levels (0 to 10,5 t/ha) of black oat residues, two seed depths (0 and 2 cm), and five burial periods (40 to 300 days after straw management). Straw levels below 5,2 t/ha increase seed mortality. Seeds placed at 2 cm had higher mortality than at 10 cm, except at bare soil, when the seed mortality was similar at both seed depths. The time necessary to get 50% seed mortality was 5 and 72 days after straw placement, for straw levels of 0 and 10,5 t/ha, respectively. The results suggest crop management techniques that keep weed seeds unburried have more potential to reduce the weed infestation than techniques that accumulate high levels of residues at the soil surface, because of increased weed seed mortality

    Alexandergrass life-cycle is affected by black oat residues on the soil surface

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    Conduziu-se um experimento na Estação Experimental Agronômica da UFRGS, em Eldorado do Sul, RS, em 1996/97, com o objetivo de caracterizar as etapas do ciclo de vida de papuã (Brachiaria plantaginea), desenvolvendo-se sob solo com níveis de 0 a 10,5 t/ha de resíduos de aveia preta (Avena strigosa). Maior concentração de sementes de papuã foi observada nas camadas superficiais do solo. A cobertura vegetal influenciou a emergência de papuã, constatando-se 4,5 e 0,08% de germinação do banco de sementes para níveis de resíduos 0 e 10,5 t/ha, respectivamente. Verificou-se elevada mortalidade de plântulas em qualquer nível de cobertura sobre o solo. O aumento da cobertura do solo diminuiu o número de plantas adultas, aumentando a matéria seca por indivíduo, mas, mantendo a biomassa por área. Estes resultados indicam que as etapas do ciclo de vida de Brachiaria plantaginea são afetadas pela presença de resíduos vegetais na superfície do solo, sendo a germinação de sementes e emergência de plântulas as fases mais sensível aos tratamentos testados.One experiment was conducted at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, in Eldorado do Sul, RS, Brazil, during 1996/97, to characterize the life-cycle of alexandergrass (Brachiaria plantaginea) when developed under several levels (0 to 10,5 t/ha) of black oat (Avena strigosa) residues on the soil surface. Weed seeds were more frequent at the upper layers of the soil profile. The crop residues affected alexandergrass seedling emergence, with 4,5 and 0,08% seed germination from the seedbank, for residue levels of 0 and 10,5 t/ha, respectively. High seedling mortality was observed at all crop residue levels. Increasing the levels of residues reduced the density of adult plants and increased plant dry weight, but maintained biomass per area. The results demonstrate that the phases of alexandergrass life-cycle are affected by the level of crop residues on the soil surface, and that the seed germination and seedling emergence are the phases most sensitive to the treatments tested

    Viabilidade de sementes de papuã (Brachiaria plantaginea) e a cobertura do solo com palha

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito de palha de aveia preta (Avena strigosa) sobre o solo, na dormência e quiescência de sementes de papuã (Brachiaria plantaginea). Os tratamentos testados foram cobertura do solo (0; 2,6; 5,2; 7,8 e 10,5t/ha), o tempo de permanência das sementes submetidas à ação da cobertura do solo (40, 70, 100, 200 e 300 dias) e o posicionamento das sementes (2 e 10cm). Elevados níveis de cobertura sobre o solo aumentaram o percentual de sementes de papuã viáveis. Sementes próximas da superfície do solo apresentaram menor dormência e quiescência do que aquelas posicionadas a 10cm de profundidade. A dormência e a quiescência das sementes de papuã se reduziram com o decorrer do tempo.The objective of this work was to determine the effect of black oat (Avena strigosa) residues on the viability of alexandergrass (Brachiaria plantaginea) seeds. The factors studied were the level of residues on the soil (0, 2.6, 5.2, 7.8 and 10.5t/ha), the time of permanence of seeds in soil submitted to action of residues (40, 70, 100, 200 and 300 days) and the seed placement (2 and 10cm). High levels of crop residues on the soil surface increased the seed viability. Seeds placed at 2.0cm presented smaller dormancy and quiescence than those at 10cm depth. Seed dormancy and quiescence were reduced with time