59 research outputs found

    미얀마 고등학생들의 운동능력 향상과 스포츠∙체육교육센터(ISPE)와의 연관성 연구

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    학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :사범대학 체육교육과,글로벌스포츠매니지먼트전공,2019. 8. 임충훈.In Myanmar, the standard of sports is gradually decrease and most of the national federations facing with two main problems. They are the lack talented athletes and athletes retired too early although they were young. To solve these problems, the Institutes of sports and physical education (ISPEs) are the main resources to emerge the talented athletes who can represent for the national teams. The main purpose of opening these ISPEs is to produce the talented players and the future administrators. Even though they opened ISPE since 1996, the rate of emerge athletes and winning medals were decrease year by year. This research is to examine the involvement of high school student athletes of the Institutes of sports and education toward sport and education. The research sample included 250 student athletes of ISPE, satisfaction and attitude in sports and education were examined by using sports involvement questionnaire developed by Chun Cheng Chuan (2012) With regards to the involvement of high school student athletes of ISPE toward sports and education, the results showed that most of the students want to involve in ISPE with good motivations for sports. after joining ISPE, they satisfied for the supports of ISPE and their attitude in sports is higher than attitude in education. For the students expectation for future career part, expectation for future career related with sports were absolutely higher than for education. The significant differences in the satisfaction for the supports of ISPE between gender and the students attitude in sports and education between the experiences were established by comparing the Means scores of the variables through independent t-test method. When analyzing the relationship between the motivational factors to involve in ISPE and students expectation for the future career toward sport and education, Linear Regression model was used.미얀마에서는 스포츠의 기준이 일반적으로 낮아지고 있다. 대부분의 국가 연맹은 두 가지 주요 문제에 직면해 있는데 하나는 재능 있는 운동 선수가 부족하다는 것과 다른 하나는 전문 운동 선수들의 이른 은퇴시점이다. 스포츠 및 체육 연구소(ISPE)는 이러한 문제를 해결하고 재능 있는 선수를 국가대표로 키우고 발굴하는 주요조직이다. ISPE의 주요 목적은 재능 있는 선수와 미래의 관련 행정가를 배출하는 것이다. 하지만 1996 년 ISPE가 창립되고 난 이후, 선수 숫자와 메달 획득율은 해마다 감소했다. 본 연구는 고등학교 운동 선수들의 ISPE참여동기를 탐색하고자 한다. 연구 표본으로 ISPE의 250 명의 학생 선수들에게 설문을 수집하였으며, ISPE에 대한 만족도 및 태도를 Chun Cheng Chuan(2012)이 개발한 스포츠 참여 설문지를 기반으로 조사하였다. 스포츠와 교육에 대한 ISPE 고등학생들의 참여와 관련하여, 대부분의 학생들은 ISPE에 스포츠에 대한 긍정적인 동기로 참여하게 되는 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한 ISPE에 합류 한 후 ISPE의 지원에 만족했으며, 스포츠에 대한 태도는 교육에 대한 태도보다 높은 것으로 나타났다. 학생들의 미래 진로 기대감 때문에 스포츠와 관련된 미래 진로에 대한 기대가 교육 관련보다 절대적으로 높은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 독립표본 t검정 방법을 통해 스포츠와 교육에서의 성별과 학생들의 태도 간의 ISPE 지원에 대한 만족에서 유의 한 차이가 확인되었다. 또한 회귀분석을 통하여 ISPE 참여 동기 요인이 스포츠와 교육 관련 미래 진로에 대한 학생들의 기대에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 키워드; 참여, 고등학생 운동 선수, 동기 부여 요인, 만족도, 태도, 기대치, 미래 경력, 스포츠 및 교육.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background . 3 1.2 ISPE in Myanmar . 7 1.3 The selection procedure of ISPE 8 1.4 The supporting system of ISPE. 11 1.5 Secondary education in Myanmar. 14 1.6 Sports in Myanmar . 16 1.7 Significance of thesis 17 1.8 The Purpose of the Thesis 18 1.9 Research Questions 19 1.10 Statement of problem . 19 Chapter 2. Literature reviews 21 2.1. Involvement in sports activities . 21 2.2. High School Student Athletes. 22 2.3. Physical Education. 23 2.4. Students Attitude toward sports and education 24 2.5. Students Satisfaction . 25 2.6. future Career of Student Athletes 27 Chapter 3. Methodology 29 3.1. Survey Research 29 3.2. Type of survey. 30 3.3. Selecting the Participants. 31 3.4. Instrumentation . 33 3.5. Procedure . 34 3.6. Data Analysis 38 3.7. Ethical Consideration 41 Chapter 4. Results 42 4.1. Sample Characteristics 42 4.2. Results of the Research Question 1. 45 4.2.1. Reliability Tests. 45 4.2.2. interpretation for the RQ1 46 4.2.3. general implication for RQ1 49 4.2.4. implication for Hypothesis 49 4.3. Results for Research Question 2. 50 4.3.1. reliability Test . 50 4.3.2. interpretation means different between experiences. 52 4.3.3. implication for the hypothesis 2 54 4.3.4. interpretation means different between experiences 55 4.3.5. implication for the hypothesis 3. 56 4.3.6. implication of the Research Question 2. 57 4.4 Regression between motivational factors and future career . 58 4.4.1. interpretation between factors and sports. 60 4.4.2. interpretation between factors and education61 4.4.3. implication for the Hypothesis 4. 62 Chapter 5. discussion 64 5.1. Relevance of sports and physical education 64 5.2. Discussion the Findings 65 5.2.1. satisfaction for supports of ISPE between gender 65 5.2.2. Students attitude in sports between experiences. 67 5.2.3. students attitude in education between experiences 68 5.2.4. the relationships between motivational factors and future career related with sports. 69 5.2.5. the relationships between motivational factors and future career related with education 70 5.2.6. Suggestions . 72 5.3. Limitations 74 5.4. Conclusion and recommendation for future research . 75 References . 77 Appendix 1. Survey Questionnaire 80 Appendix 2. Thesis Approval Letter. 86 Appendix 3. Permission letter form SPED. 87Maste

    Assessment of Value Chain Management of Sesame in Pwint Phyu Township, Magway Region, Myanmar

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    Sesame is economically important for producing edible oil and export crops in Myanmar. Empirical research on the sesame value chain is becoming necessary. This study investigated the market performance of 100 sesame stakeholders along the value chain in Myanmar. Interviews with 100 sesame stakeholders along the chain were performed. The results indicated that most of the farmers grew the black sesame (Sahmon Nat) variety because of the higher price and the higher market demand from stakeholders, which increase the marketing margin. Most sesame products flowed to wholesalers and Chinese commission agents in Mandalay, who traded them directly to cross-border exporters to China. Exporters in Yangon traded raw products to Japan and Taiwan and roasted sesame powder to Korea via the Yangon port as normal trade. However, the sesame value chain was very weak in Myanmar because of the unequal marking margin among actors, which was caused by the farmers’ lack of negotiation power with other actors along the chain. Among the discovered constraints, the low quality of product and the lack of advanced facilities and technologies were ranked as the major constraints. Therefore, public and private investments should be raised in this sector not only to overcome the major constraints but also to produce international standard-quality seed. Keywords: key words, Value Chain, sesame, cost, profit and margin, constraints DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-12-13 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Prevention of postpartum haemorrhage by community-based auxiliary midwives in hard-to-reach areas of Myanmar: a qualitative inquiry into acceptability and feasibility of task shifting

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    Background: In Myanmar, postpartum haemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal mortality and contributes to around 30% of all maternal deaths. The World Health Organization recommends training and supporting auxiliary midwives to administer oral misoprostol for prevention of postpartum haemorrhage in resource-limited settings. However, use of misoprostol by auxiliary midwives has not formally been approved in Myanmar. Our study aimed to explore community and provider perspectives on the roles of auxiliary midwives and community-level provision of oral misoprostol by auxiliary midwives. Methods: A qualitative inquiry was conducted in Ngape Township, Myanmar. A total of 15 focus group discussions with midwives, auxiliary midwives, community members and mothers with children under the age of three were conducted. Ten key informant interviews were performed with national, district and township level health planners and implementers of maternal and child health services. All audio recordings were transcribed verbatim in Myanmar language. Transcripts of focus group discussions were fully translated into English before coding, while key informants’ data were coded in Myanmar language. Thematic analysis was done using ATLAS.ti software. Results: Home births are common and auxiliary midwives were perceived as an essential care provider during childbirth in hard-to-reach areas. Main reasons provided were that auxiliary midwives are more accessible than midwives, live in the hard-to-reach areas, and are integrated in the community and well connected with midwives. Auxiliary midwives generally reported that their training involved instruction on active management of the third stage of labour, including use of misoprostol, but not all auxiliary midwives reported using misoprostol in practice. Supportive reasons for taskshifting administration of oral misoprostol to auxiliary midwives included discussions around the good relationship and trust between auxiliary midwives and midwives, whereby midwives felt confident distributing misoprostol to auxiliary midwives. However, the lack of clear government-level written permission to distribute the drug was perceived as a barrier to task shifting. Conclusion: This study highlights the acceptability of misoprostol use by auxiliary midwives to prevent postpartum haemorrhage, and findings suggest that it should be considered as a promising intervention for task shifting in Myanma

    The potential of task shifting selected maternal interventions to auxiliary midwives in Myanmar: a mixed-method study

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    Background: An estimated 282 women die for every 100,000 live births in Myanmar, most due to preventable causes. Auxiliary Midwives (AMWs) in Myanmar are responsible for providing a package of care during pregnancy and childbirth to women in rural hard to reach areas where skilled birth attendants (Midwives) are not accessible. This study aims to examine the role of AMWs in Myanmar and to assess the current practices of three proposed essential maternal interventions (oral supplement distribution to pregnant women; administration of misoprostol to prevent postpartum haemorrhage; management of puerperal sepsis with oral antibiotics) in order to facilitate a formal integration of these tasks to AMWs in Myanmar. Methods: A mixed methods study was conducted in Magwe Region, Myanmar involving a survey of 262 AMWs, complemented by 15 focus group discussions with midwives (MWs), AMWs, mothers and community members, and 10 key informant interviews with health care providers at different levels within the health care system. Results: According to current government policy, AMWs are responsible for identifying pregnant women, screening for danger signs and facilitating early referral, provision of counselling on nutrition and birth preparedness for women in hard-to-reach areas. AMWs also assist at normal deliveries and help MWs provide immunization services. In practice, they also provide oral supplements to pregnant women (84%), provide antibiotics to mothers during the puerperium (43%), and provide misoprostol to prevent postpartum haemorrhage (41%). The current practices of AMWs demonstrate the potential for task shifting on selected essential maternal interventions. However, to integrate these interventions into formal practice they must be complemented with appropriate training, clear guidelines on drug use, systematic recording and reporting, supportive monitoring and supervision and a clear political commitment towards task shifting. Conclusion: With the current national government’s commitment towards one AMW in one village, this study highlights the potential for shifting specific maternal lifesaving tasks to AMWs


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    Market Integration and Price Causality in the Myanmar Rice Market

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    In Myanmar, rice is an invaluable commodity both as a staple food and a source of high foreign exchange earnings through export. The country’s agricultural economy has been transitioning from a planned economy to a market system since the late 1980s; however, the government has yet to engage in full-scale rice export deregulation. Therefore, Myanmar’s rice marketing system works within the boundaries and limitations of a halfway-liberalized economy, inevitably eliciting questions about its performance. Using the Engle and Granger two-step co-integration method and the restructured Ravallion model of unrestricted vector auto-regression (VAR) error correction form, three surplus markets, three deficit markets, and Thai rice price series were tested to determine market integration and price causality. All price series were monthly data in both nominal and real values from 2001 to 2004. Results revealed that in the domestic market, integration was weak in real value of rice price, and the supply side eventually depended on the demand side. Price co-integration did not exist between Myanmar and Thai rice prices in real value, reflecting market segmentation. Consequently, accurate price information from international rice market price over time was unavailable for Myanmar rice price movement. Looking at the direction of rice price causality, deficit market prices were driving the consumer price index (CPI), and the CPI was forcing the surplus rice market price. Hence, deficit markets are the prime movers in rice price changes in Myanmar. Market integration suggests that the government should focus on managing inflationary pressure instead of being directly involved in the rice marketing sector in order to control the domestic rice price stability in the long run. Government monopoly in rice export has caused segmentation between domestic and international markets. If private rice export was permitted via trade policies, the marketing system would be able to transfer correct price signals from the world market to the producers, consumers, market participants, and finally, the government. Only then will Myanmar’s rice market not be isolated from the international market and get the right price co-integration that may push the efficient market-oriented economy to move faster