1,224 research outputs found

    In vitro activity of gentamicin-loaded bioabsorbable beads against different microorganisms

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    GrĂące Ă  la prophylaxie antibiotique per-opĂ©ratoire, Ă  l'amĂ©lioration des techniques chirurgicales et au flux laminaire dans les blocs opĂ©ratoires le taux d'infections postopĂ©ratoires a pu ĂȘtre diminuĂ© dans les interventions chirurgicales orthopĂ©diques. Il stagne nĂ©anmoins Ă  environ 0,5- 2% dans les fractures fermĂ©es ainsi que dans les interventions orthopĂ©diques Ă©lectives, et peut monter jusqu'Ă  30% dans les fractures ouvertes stade III. L'ostĂ©omyelite et la pseudarthrose infectĂ©e, qui peuvent en dĂ©couler, sont responsables de sĂ©jours hospitaliers prolongĂ©s, engendrent des coĂ»ts de traitement Ă©levĂ©s, et conduisent souvent Ă  une morbiditĂ© substantielle. Le traitement de l'ostĂ©omyelite combine le dĂ©bridement chirurgical et l'administration d'antibiotiques. Cependant l'administration systĂ©mique d'antibiotiques Ă  hautes doses est problĂ©matique en raison de leur toxicitĂ© systĂ©mique et de leur faible pĂ©nĂ©tration dans les tissus ischĂ©miques et nĂ©crotiques, souvent prĂ©sents dans l'ostĂ©omyelite. Pour ces raisons, le traitement standard actuel consiste, aprĂšs dĂ©bridement chirurgical, en la mise en place de billes de PolyrnĂ©thylmĂ©tacrylate (PMMA) imprĂ©gnĂ©es d'antibiotique, qui fournissent des concentrations locales Ă©levĂ©es mais systĂ©miques basses. Malheureusement, ces billes doivent ĂȘtre enlevĂ©es une fois l'infection guĂ©rie, ce qui nĂ©cessite une nouvelle intervention chirurgicale. Des systĂšmes de libĂ©ration antibiotique alternatifs devraient non seulement guĂ©rir l'infection osseuse, mais Ă©galement encourager activement la consolidation osseuse et ne pas nĂ©cessiter de nouvelle chirurgie pour leur ablation. Nous avons investiguĂ© l'activitĂ© de billes rĂ©sorbables chargĂ©es en gentamicine contre diffĂ©rents microorganismes (Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Candida albicans), des germes communĂ©ment responsables d'infections osseuses, par microcalorimĂ©trie, une mĂ©thode novice basĂ©e sur la mesure de la chaleur produite par des microorganismes qui se rĂ©pliquent dans une culture. Des billes composĂ©es essentiellement de sulfate de calcium et chargĂ©es en gentamicine ont Ă©tĂ© incubĂ©es dans des ampoules microcalorimĂ©triques contenant diffĂ©rentes concentrations du germe correspondant. Les bouillons de culture avec chaque germe et billes non-chargĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s comme contrĂŽle positif, le bouillon de culture avec bille chargĂ©e mais sans germe comme contrĂŽle nĂ©gatif. La production de chaleur provenant de la croissance bactĂ©rienne Ă  37°C a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©e pendant 24 heures. Les cultures ne contenant pas de billes chargĂ©es en gentamicine ont. produit des pics de chaleur Ă©quivalents Ă  la croissance exponentielle du microorganisme correspondant en milieu riche. Par contre, les germes susceptibles Ă  la gentamicine incubĂ©s avec les billes chargĂ©es ont complĂštement supprimĂ© leur production de chaleur pendant 24 heures, dĂ©montrant ainsi l'activitĂ© antibiotique des billes chargĂ©es en gentamicine contre ces germes. Les billes rĂ©sorbables chargĂ©es en gentamicine inhibent donc de façon effective la croissance des germes susceptibles sous les conditions in vitro dĂ©crites. Des Ă©tudes sur animaux sont maintenant nĂ©cessaires pour dĂ©terminer la cinĂ©tique d'Ă©lution et l'effet antimicrobien de la gentamicine sous conditions in vivo. Finalement des Ă©tudes cliniques devront dĂ©montrer que l'utilisation de ces billes est effectivement une bonne option thĂ©rapeutique dans le traitement des infections osseuses

    Determination of regional bone blood flow by means of fluorescent microspheres using an automated sample-processing procedure

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    The determination of regional blood flow utilizing fluorescent microspheres (FMs) is an established method for numerous organs. Recent progress, in particular the automation of sample processing, has further improved this method. However, the FM method (reference sample technique), which allows repetitive measurement of regional organ blood flow, has so far not been used for the determination of blood flow in bone. The aim of the present study was to establish FM for the quantification of regional bone blood flow (RBBF). Female, anesthetized New Zealand rabbits (n = 6) received left ventricular injections of different amounts of FM at six subsequent time points. In order to examine the precision of RBBF determination, two different FM species were injected simultaneously at the sixth injection. At the end of the experiments the femoral and tibial condyles of each hind limb were removed and the fluorescence intensity in the tissue samples was measured by an automated procedure. In an in vitro study we have shown that acid digestion of the crystalline matrix has no effect on the fluorescence characteristics of FM. The determination of the number of spheres per tissue sample revealed that depending on the tissue sample size up to 3 x 10(6) spheres/injection were necessary to obtain about 400 microspheres in the individual bone samples. RBBF values of the tibial and femoral condyles did not differ at various injection intervals. The tibial blood flow values varied between 6.6 +/- 1.1 and 8.5 +/- 1.4 ml/min/100 g and were significantly higher than those of the femur (4.3 +/- 1.1 to 6.0 +/- 1.8 ml/min/100 g). The bone blood flow values obtained by simultaneous injection of two FM species correlated significantly (r = 0.96, slope = 1.06, intercept = 0.05), the mean difference was 0.39 +/- 1.11 ml/min/100 g. Our data demonstrate that the measurement of RBBF by means of FM allows a valid determination of RBBF. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Comparison of regional blood flow values measured by radioactive and fluorescent microspheres

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    Fluorescent microspheres (FM) have become an attractive alternative to radioactive microspheres (RM) for the measurement of regional blood flow (RBF). The aim of the present study was to investigate the comparability of both methods by measuring RBF with FM and RM. Eight anaesthetised pigs received simultaneous, left atrial injections of FM and RM with a diameter of 15 mum at six different time points. Blood reference samples were collected from the descending aorta. RBF was determined in tissue samples of the myocardium, spleen and kidneys of all 8 animals. After radioactivity of the tissue samples was determined, the samples were processed automatically for measuring fluorescence using a recently developed filter device (SPU). RBF was calculated with both the isotope and spectrometric data of both methods for each sample resulting in a total of 10,512 blood flow values. The comparison of the RBF values yielded high linear correlation (mean r(2) = 0.95 +/- 0.03 to 0.97 +/- 0.02) and excellent agreement (bias 5.4-6.7%, precision 9.9-16.5%) of both methods. Our results indicate the validity of MS and of the automated tissue processing technique by means of the SPU. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel

    New discovery of a large-sized Tetraconodon (Artiodactyla, Suidae) from the lower part of the Irrawaddy Formation, Myanmar

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    New fossil dentitions of a large-sized Tetraconodon (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Suidae) were discovered from the lower part of the Irrawaddy Formation, Migyaungye Township, Magway Division, central Myanmar. These specimens are the largest among the Tetraconodon specimens ever found in Myanmar. The molar dimensions of these specimens are similar with those of Tetraconodon magnus but are smaller in the dimensions of last two premolars than T. magnus. Therefore, we assigned these specimens as Tetraconodon sp. cf. T. magnus. The occurrence of a large Tetraconodon confirms an Upper Miocene age for the lower part of the Irrawaddy Formation

    Respiratory Muscle Paralysis Associated With Colistin, Polymyxin B, and Muscle Relaxants Drugs: A Case Report

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    Polymyxins B and E (colistin) exert a bactericidal effect on the gram-negative bacterial cell wall, causing permeability changes in the cytoplasmic membrane, leading to cell death. Their use was substantially decreased in clinical practice from the 1970s to 2000s due to their significant nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity compared to the newly introduced antibiotics. The increasing prevalence of multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria infections in this century has led to an upsurge in the use of these “older” drugs. Respiratory paralysis caused by neuromuscular blockage associated with the use of polymyxin B and E was reported mostly in literature published in the 1960s to 1970s with a few reports after 2000. In addition, such a reaction might be enhanced by the presence of other classes of drugs. We report a case of polymyxin B and E–induced apnea in a patient receiving “muscle relaxants.

    Detection of (1,3)-ÎČ-d-Glucan in Cerebrospinal Fluid in Histoplasma Meningitis

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    The diagnosis of central nervous system (CNS) histoplasmosis is often difficult. Although cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (1,3)-ÎČ-d-glucan (BDG) is available as a biological marker for the diagnosis of fungal meningitis, there are limited data on its use for the diagnosis of Histoplasma meningitis. We evaluated CSF BDG detection, using the Fungitell assay, in patients with CNS histoplasmosis and controls. A total of 47 cases and 153 controls were identified. The control group included 13 patients with a CNS fungal infection other than histoplasmosis. Forty-nine percent of patients with CNS histoplasmosis and 43.8% of controls were immunocompromised. The median CSF BDG level was 85 pg/ml for cases, compared to <31 pg/ml for all controls (P < 0.05) and 82 pg/ml for controls with other causes of fungal meningitis (P = 0.27). The sensitivity for detection of BDG in CSF was 53.2%, whereas the specificity was 86.9% versus all controls and 46% versus other CNS fungal infections. CSF BDG levels of ≄80 pg/ml are neither sensitive nor specific to support a diagnosis of Histoplasma meningitis

    Simple guide to starting a research group

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    Conducting cutting-edge research and scholarship becomes more complicated with each passing year; forming a collaborative research group offers a way to navigate this increasing complexity. Yet many individuals whose work might benefit from the formation of a collaborative team may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of attempting to build and maintain a research group. We propose this simple guide for starting and maintaining such an enterprise

    Health-state utilities in a prisoner population : a cross-sectional survey

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    Background: Health-state utilities for prisoners have not been described. Methods: We used data from a 1996 cross-sectional survey of Australian prisoners (n = 734). Respondent-level SF-36 data was transformed into utility scores by both the SF-6D and Nichol's method. Socio-demographic and clinical predictors of SF-6D utility were assessed in univariate analyses and a multivariate general linear model. Results: The overall mean SF-6D utility was 0.725 (SD 0.119). When subdivided by various medical conditions, prisoner SF-6D utilities ranged from 0.620 for angina to 0.764 for those with none/mild depressive symptoms. Utilities derived by the Nichol's method were higher than SF-6D scores, often by more than 0.1. In multivariate analysis, significant independent predictors of worse utility included female gender, increasing age, increasing number of comorbidities and more severe depressive symptoms. Conclusion: The utilities presented may prove useful for future economic and decision models evaluating prison-based health programs

    Genetic Variation on Chromosome 6 Influences F Cell Levels in Healthy Individuals of African Descent and HbF Levels in Sickle Cell Patients

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    Fetal haemoglobin (HbF) is a major ameliorating factor in sickle cell disease. We investigated if a quantitative trait locus on chromosome 6q23 was significantly associated with HbF and F cell levels in individuals of African descent. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a 24-kb intergenic region, 33-kb upstream of the HBS1L gene and 80-kb upstream of the MYB gene, were typed in 177 healthy Afro-Caribbean subjects (AC) of approximately 7% European admixture, 631 healthy Afro-Germans (AG, a group of African and German descendents located in rural Jamaica with about 20% European admixture), 87 West African and Afro-Caribbean individuals with sickle cell anaemia (HbSS), as well as 75 Northern Europeans, which served as a contrasting population. Association with a tag SNP for the locus was detected in all four groups (AC, P = 0.005, AG, P = 0.002, HbSS patients, P = 0.019, Europeans, P = 1.5×10−7). The association signal varied across the interval in the African-descended groups, while it is more uniform in Europeans. The 6q QTL for HbF traits is present in populations of African origin and is also acting in sickle cell anaemia patients. We have started to distinguish effects originating from European and African ancestral populations in our admixed study populations
