24 research outputs found

    Molecular evolutionary analyses and epidemiology of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Thailand

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    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a seafood-borne pathogenic bacterium which is a major cause of gastroenteritis worldwide. In the present study, the genetic relationships and population structure of isolates originating from clinical and seafood production sources in Thailand were investigated by multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Nucleotide sequence variation of virulence-related genes including haemolysin and TTSS1 genes among Thai and worldwide isolates was also analyzed. The outer membrane proteome of V. parahaemolyticus isolate RIMD2210633 was predicted using bioinformatic approaches, and the outer membrane proteomes of eight isolates from different sources and representing different MLST sequence type characterized using proteomics. The 101 Thai V. parahaemolyticus isolates examined were recovered from clinical samples (n=15), healthy human carriers (n=18), various fresh seafood (n=18), frozen shrimps (n=16), fresh-farmed shrimp tissue (n=18) and shrimp-farm water (n=16). Phylogenetic analysis revealed a high degree of genetic diversity within the V. parahaemolyticus population, although isolates recovered from clinical samples, farmed shrimp and water samples represented five distinct clusters. The majority of clinical isolates were resolved into two genetic clusters and none of these isolates were found to share sequence types (STs) with strains isolated from human carriers, seafood, or water. Similarly, STs representing human carrier isolates differed from those of clinical, seafood and water isolates. The limited genetic diversity of the clinical isolates suggested non-random selection for pathogenic strains, but the absence of such strains in local seafood raises questions about the likely source of infection. Extensive serotypic diversity occurred among isolates representing the same STs and recovered from the same source at the same time point. Furthermore, evidence of interspecies horizontal gene transfer and intragenic recombination was observed at the recA locus in a large proportion of isolates; this has a substantial effect on the apparent phylogenetic relationships of the isolates. Notably, the majority of these recombinational exchanges occurred among clinical and carrier isolates, suggesting that the human intestinal tract is serving as a reservoir that is driving evolutionary change and leading to the emergence of new, potentially pathogenic strains. MLST was also applied to study genetic relationships between V. parahaemolyticus isolates from Thailand (n=101) and those from European countries (n=9). With the exception of the pandemic ST3 which was resolved from two isolates from Thai human carriers, two clinical isolates from England and a clinical isolate from Norway, none of the other European isolates examined in this study shared the same ST with the Thai isolates. This study demonstrated that Thai human carrier isolates are capable of harbouring virulence-related genes including the haemolysin-encoding genes tdhA, tdhS, trh1 and trh2, and the TTSS1-related genes vcrD1, vscC2 and VP1680, that are present in clinical isolates. In particular, the Thai human carrier isolate VP132 shared identical TTSS1-related gene fragments with the pandemic V. parahaemolyticus serotype O3:K6 (RIMD2210633) and related strains (AQ3810, AQ4037, Peru466, AN5034 and K5030) of worldwide distribution. A total of 117 outer membrane proteins (OMPs) were predicted from the genome of V. parahaemolyticus isolate RIMD2210633. A total 73 OMPs proteins were identified from eight V. parahaemolyticus isolates recovered from clinical samples, human carriers, oyster, shrimp tissue and water in Thailand. Of the 117 predicted OMPS, 32 were identified in eight strains by proteomic analysis. OmpU, a non-specific porin protein, represents the most abundantly expressed protein in all eight isolates. OMPs involved in TTSSs (YscW, YscJ, YscC, PopN and VscC2) and iron uptake (IrgA, putative 83 Da decaheme outer membrane cytochrome C, PvuA1, PvuA2, LutA, FhuE, HutA and putative-regulated protein B) were predicted from the genome of V. parahaemolyticus isolate RIMD2210633, but were not recovered from any of the eight Thai isolates. The absence of TTSS and iron uptake related OMPs in the eight representative strains that were grown under in vitro conditions may suggest an important requirement for in vivo growth conditions to induce expression of important virulence factor-related OMPs in V. parahaemolyticus. There was no clear association between OMP profile and the source of isolation, ST or serotype. However, a high degree of variation of OMP profiles was observed in isolates from different sources as well as in the isolates representing the same ST. This study demonstrated the usefulness of a multidisciplinary approach that includes MLST, virulence-related gene DNA sequence analysis, bioinformatic prediction and gel-based proteomic analyses for the study of molecular evolutionary relationships and the epidemiology of V. parahaemolyticus isolates from clinical and seafood production sources. The outcomes of this study highlight the role of human carriers as a reservoir of potentially pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus and this should be considered as one of the possible contamination sources in the surveillance of seafood safety

    Characterization and genetic variation of vibrio cholerae isolated from clinical and environmental sources in Thailand

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    Cholera is still an important public health problem in several countries, including Thailand. In this study, a collection of clinical and environmental V. cholerae serogroup O1, O139, and non-O1/non-O139 strains originating from Thailand (1983 to 2013) was characterized to determine phenotypic and genotypic traits and to investigate the genetic relatedness. Using a combination of conventional methods and whole genome sequencing (WGS), 78 V. cholerae strains were identified. WGS was used to determine the serogroup, biotype, virulence, mobile genetic elements, and antimicrobial resistance genes using online bioinformatics tools. In addition, phenotypic antimicrobial resistance was determined by the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) test. The 78 V. cholerae strains belonged to the following serogroups O1: (n = 44), O139 (n = 16) and non-O1/non-O139 (n = 18). Interestingly, we found that the typical El Tor O1 strains were the major cause of clinical cholera during 1983-2000 with two Classical O1 strains detected in 2000. In 2004-2010, the El Tor variant strains revealed genotypes of the Classical biotype possessing either only ctxB or both ctxB and rstR while they harbored tcpA of the El Tor biotype. Thirty O1 and eleven O139 clinical strains carried CTXÏ• (Cholera toxin) and tcpA as well four different pathogenic islands (PAIs). Beside non-O1/non-O139, the O1 environmental strains also presented chxA and Type Three Secretion System (TTSS). The in silico MultiLocus Sequence Typing (MLST) discriminated the O1 and O139 clinical strains from other serogroups and environmental strains. ST69 was dominant in the clinical strains belonging to the 7th pandemic clone. Non-O1/non-O139 and environmental strains showed various novel STs indicating genetic variation. Multidrug-resistant (MDR) strains were observed and conferred resistance to ampicillin, azithromycin, nalidixic acid, sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, and trimethoprim and harboured variants of the SXT elements. For the first time since 1986, the presence of V. cholerae O1 Classical was reported causing cholera outbreaks in Thailand. In addition, we found that V. cholerae O1 El Tor variant and O139 were pre-dominating the pathogenic strains in Thailand. Using WGS and bioinformatic tools to analyze both historical and contemporary V. cholerae circulating in Thailand provided a more detailed understanding of the V. cholerae epidemiology, which ultimately could be applied for control measures and management of cholera in Thailand

    Shelf life extension of whole Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus using modified atmosphere packaging

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    Once a nuisance by-catch, today the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) is a valuable UK fisheries commodity. Unfortunately, the species is very susceptible to quality deterioration post harvest as it quickly develops black spots and also spoils rapidly due to bacterial growth. Treatment with chemicals can stop the blackening and carefully monitored cold storage can result in a sensory shelf life of up to 6.5 days. The high susceptibility to spoilage greatly restricts the extent to which N. norvegicus can be distributed to retailers and displayed for sale. The application of modified atmosphere (MA) could be extremely beneficial, allowing the chilled product to stay fresh for a long period of time, thus ensuring higher sales. In the present study, we identified a gas mix for the MA packaging (MAP) of whole N. norvegicus lobster into 200 g retail packs. Our results show that a shelf life extension to 13 days can be achieved when retail packs are stored in MAP at 1 °C. Effectiveness of the MAP was evaluated by using a newly developed QIM for MA-packaged whole N. norvegicus and also by analyzing bacterial plate counts. Changes in the microflora and effects of different storage temperatures on the quality of the MA packs are also presented. The main specific spoilage organism (SSO) of modified atmosphere packaged Norway lobster is Photobacterium phosphoreum

    Genetic variation of SXT element in <i>Vibrio cholerae</i>.

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    <p>The SXT structures of among 43 <i>V</i>. <i>cholerae</i> strains from Thailand were compared. Reads were mapped to genes of ICE<i>Vc</i>Hai1 (accession no. JN648379) and <i>dfr</i>A18 gene in SXTMO10 element (accession no. AY034138).</p

    <i>In silico</i> MLST tree of <i>Vibrio cholerae</i> strains related with virulence gene profiles.

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    <p>The <i>V</i>. <i>cholerae</i> clinical (*) and environmental (•) strains in Thailand were related to pandemic and epidemic strains. Seven housekeeping genes were extracted from <i>V</i>. <i>cholerae</i> genomes. The phylogenetic tree was generated by FigTree.</p