10 research outputs found

    The use of diffuse reflectance mid-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of the concentration of chemical elements estimated by X-ray fluorescence in agricultural and grazing European soils

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    The aim of this study was to develop partial least-squares (PLS) regression models using diffuse reflectance Fourier transform mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy for the prediction of the concentration of elements in soil determined by X-ray fluorescence (XRF). A total of 4130 soils from the GEMAS European soil sampling program (geochemical mapping of agricultural soils and grazing land of Europe) were used for the development of models to predict concentrations of Al, As, Ba, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hf, K, La, Mg, Mn, Na, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Sc, Si, Sr, Th, Ti, V, Y, Zn and Zr in soil using MIR spectroscopy. The results were compared with those obtained where MIR models were developed with the same soils but using the concentration of elements extracted with aqua regia (AR). The PLS models were cross-validated against the experimental log-transformed XRF values of all the elements. The calibration models were derived from a set of 1000 randomly selected calibration samples. The rest of the samples (3130) were used as an independent validation set. According to the residual predictive deviation (RPD), predictions were classified as follows: “Good quality”, Ca (2.9), Mg (2.5), Al (2.3), Fe (2.2), Ga (2.2), Si (2.1), Na (2.0); “Indicator quality”, V (1.9), Ni (1.9), Sc (1.9), K (1.8), Ti (1.8), Rb (1.8), Zn (1.7), Co (1.7), Zr (1.6), Cr (1.6), Sr (1.6), Y (1.6), Nb (1.6), Ba (1.5), Mn (1.5), As (1.5), Ce (1.5); “Poor quality”, Cs (1.4), Th (1.4), P (1.4), Cu (1.4), Pb (1.3), La (1.2), Hf (1.1). Good agreement was observed between the RPD values obtained for the elements analysed in this study and those from the AR study. Despite the different elemental concentrations determined by the XRF method compared to the AR method, MIR spectroscopy was still capable of predicting elemental concentrations

    Prediction of the concentration of chemical elements extracted by aqua regia in agricultural and grazing European soils using diffuse reflectance mid-infrared spectroscopy

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    Prediction of the concentration of chemical elements extracted by aqua regia in agricultural and grazing European soils using diffuse reflectance mid-infrared spectroscopy / J. M. Soriano-Disla... [et al.]. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2013. - il., 2 figuras e 3 tabelas ; 30 cm The aim of this study was to develop partial least squares (PLS) models to predict the concentrations of 45 elements in soils extracted by the aqua regia (AR) method using diffuse reflectance Fourier Transform mid-infrared (MIR; 4000–500 cm-1) spectroscopy. A total of 4130 soils from the GEMAS European soil sampling program (geochemical mapping of agricultural soils and grazing land of Europe) were selected. From the full soil set, 1000 samples were randomly selected to develop PLS models. Cross-validation was used for model training and the remaining 3130 samples used for model testing. According to the ratio of standard deviation to root mean square error (RPD) of the predictions, the elements were allocated into two main groups; Group 1 (successful calibrations, 30 elements), including those elements with RPD ? 1.5 (the coefficient of determination, R2, also provided): Ca (3.3, 0.91), Mg (2.5, 0.84), Al (2.4, 0.83), Fe (2.2, 0.79), Ga (2.1, 0.78), Co (2.1, 0.77), Ni (2.0, 0.77), Sc (2.1, 0.76), Ti (2.0, 0.75), Li (1.9, 0.73), Sr (1.9, 0.72), K (1.8, 0.70), Cr (1.8, 0.70), Th (1.8, 0.69), Be (1.7, 0.66), S (1.7, 0.66), B (1.6, 0.63), Rb (1.6, 0.62), V (1.6, 0.62), Y (1.6, 0.61), Zn (1.6, 0.60), Zr (1.6, 0.59), Nb (1.5, 0.58), Ce (1.5, 0.58), Cs (1.5, 0.58), Na (1.5, 0.57), In (1.5, 0.57), Bi (1.5, 0.56), Cu (1.5, 0.55), and Mn (1.5, 0.54); and Group 2 for 15 elements with RPD values lower than 1.5: As (1.4, 0.52), Ba (1.4, 0.52), La (1.4, 0.52), Tl (1.4, 0.51), P (1.4, 0.46), U (1.4, 0.45), Sb (1.3, 0.46), Mo (1.3, 0.43), Pb (1.3, 0.42), Se (1.3, 0.40), Cd (1.3, 0.40), Sn (1.3, 0.38), Hg (1.2, 0.33), Ag (1.2, 0.32) and W (1.1, 0.19). The success of the PLS models was found to be dependent on their relationships (directly or indirectly) with MIR-active soil components

    GEMAS: prediction of solid-solution partitioning coefficients (Kd ) for cationic metals in soils using mid-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy.

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    Abstract not availableLeslie J. Janik, Sean T. Forrester, José M. Soriano-Disla, Jason K. Kirby, Michael J. McLaughlin, Clemens Reimann and the GEMAS Project Tea

    Ce, La and Y concentrations in agricultural and grazing-land soils of Europe

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    Ce, La and Y from agricultural (Ap) and grazing land (Gr) soils of Europe have been investigated using new geochemical data produced by the GEMAS (Geochemical mapping of agricultural and grazing land soils) project. Interpolated maps showing Ce, La, and Y distributions in Ap and Gr were generated using ArcView and classified with the concentration — area (CA) fractal method. The median values of the investigated elements show similar concentrations in Ap and Gr soils, while the median values obtained by XRF-total analyses are generally higher than those obtained by aqua regia extraction, ICP-MS (aqua regia). In general, high pH alkaline soils have higher REE concentrations while specific anomalies can often be correlated with known phosphate and REE mineralizations. The GEMAS and the topsoils media from the FOREGS (Forum of European Geological Surveys) Project databases are compared. FOREGS geochemical data shows larger extended anomalies, such as the European wide north–south division, which are difficult to attribute to local processes, while the GEMAS anomalies are spatially more restricted, and can be related to a number of more local factors (e.g., climate, geology, pH, clay content and presence of till)

    Arsenic in agricultural and grazing land soils of Europe

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    Arsenic concentrations are reported for the <2 mm fraction of ca. 2200 soil samples each from agricultural (Ap horizon, 0\u201320 cm) and grazing land (Gr, 0\u201310 cm), covering western Europe at a sample density of 1 site/2500 km2. Median As concentrations in an aqua regia extraction determined by inductively coupled plasma emission mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) were 5.7 mg/kg for the Ap samples and 5.8 mg/kg for the Gr samples. The median for the total As concentration as determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) was 7 mg/kg in both soil materials. Maps of the As distribution for both land-use types (Ap and Gr) show a very similar geographical distribution. The dominant feature in both maps is the southern margin of the former glacial cover seen in the form of a sharp boundary between northern and southern European As concentrations. In fact, the median As concentration in the agricultural soils of southern Europe was found to be more than 3-fold higher than in those of northern Europe (Ap: aqua regia: 2.5 vs. 8.0 mg/kg; total: 3 vs. 10 mg/kg). Most of the As anomalies on the maps can be directly linked to geology (ore occurrences, As-rich rock types). However, some features have an anthropogenic origin. The new data define the geochemical background of As in agricultural soils at the European scale

    Ce, La and Y concentrations in agricultural and grazing-land soils of Europe

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    Ce, La and Y from agricultural (Ap) and grazing land (Gr) soils of Europe have been investigated using new geochemical data produced by the GEMAS (Geochemical mapping of agricultural and grazing land soils) project. Interpolated maps showing Ce, La, and Y distributions in Ap and Gr were generated using ArcView and classified with the concentration — area (CA) fractal method. The median values of the investigated elements show similar concentrations in Ap and Gr soils, while the median values obtained by XRF-total analyses are generally higher than those obtained by aqua regia extraction, ICP-MS (aqua regia). In general, high pH alkaline soils have higher REE concentrations while specific anomalies can often be correlated with known phosphate and REE mineralizations. The GEMAS and the topsoils media from the FOREGS (Forum of European Geological Surveys) Project databases are compared. FOREGS geochemical data shows larger extended anomalies, such as the European wide north–south division, which are difficult to attribute to local processes, while the GEMAS anomalies are spatially more restricted, and can be related to a number of more local factors (e.g., climate, geology, pH, clay content and presence of till)

    GEMAS: Prediction of solid-solution partitioning coefficients (Kd) for cationic metals in soils using mid-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy

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    Partial least squares regression (PLSR) models, using mid-infrared (MIR) diffuse reflectance Fourier-transformed (DRIFT) spectra,wereusedtopredictdistributioncoefficient(Kd)valuesforselectedaddedsolublemetalcations(Agþ,Co 2þ,Cu 2þ,Mn 2þ,Ni 2þ, Pb2þ, Sn 4þ, and Zn2þ) in 4813 soils of the Geochemical Mapping of Agricultural Soils (GEMAS) program. For the development of the PLSR models, approximately 500 representative soils were selected based on the spectra, and Kd values were determined using a singlepointsolublemetal orradioactiveisotopespike.Theoptimummodels, usingacombinationofMIR–DRIFTspectra andsoilpH,resulted ingoodpredictionsforlogKdþ1forCo,Mn,Ni,Pb,andZn(R20.83)butpoorpredictionsforAg,Cu,andSn(R2<0.50).Thesemodels wereappliedtothepredictionoflogKdþ1valuesintheremaining4313unknownsoils.ThePLSRmodelsprovidearapidandinexpensive tool to assess the mobility and potential availability of selected metallic cations in European soils. Further model development and validationwillbeneededtoenablethepredictionoflogKdþ1valuesinsoilsworldwidewithdifferentsoiltypesandpropertiesnotcovered in the existing mode

    Individual geographic mobility in a Viking-Age emporium—Burial practices and strontium isotope analyses of Ribe’s earliest inhabitants

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    Individual geographic mobility is a key social dynamic of early Viking-Age urbanization in Scandinavia. We present the first comprehensive geographic mobility study of Scandinavia’s earliest emporium, Ribe, which emerged around AD 700 in the North Sea region of Denmark. This article presents the results of strontium isotope analyses of 21 individuals buried at Ribe, combined with an in-depth study of the varied cultural affinities reflected by the burial practices. In order to investigate geographic mobility in early life/childhood, we sampled multiple teeth and/or petrous bone of individuals, which yielded a total of 43 strontium isotope analyses. Most individuals yielded strontium isotope values that fell within a relatively narrow range, between 87Sr/86Sr = 0.709 to 0.711. Only two individuals yielded values &gt;87Sr/86Sr = 0.711. This suggests that most of these individuals had local origins but some had cultural affinities beyond present-day Denmark. Our results raise new questions concerning our understanding of the social and cultural dynamics behind the urbanization of Scandinavia