431 research outputs found

    An Investigation of Cultural Aspect in New English File

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    The incorporation of cultural instruction into language classes has become more widespread. This study aims to explore the perspectives of both teachers and students concerning the teaching and learning of "culture" through English language coursebooks. To collect data, interviews were conducted with 12 English instructors and 95 students of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City (UMP). The insights gathered from both educators and learners are anticipated to play a crucial role in raising awareness about the significance of cultural education. Furthermore, it is expected that these perspectives will contribute to the enhancement of intercultural competence through the utilization of coursebooks. The study emphasizes the importance of understanding how culture is integrated into language education and how it can be a valuable component in fostering a deeper understanding of both language and cultural nuances among students. Keywords: culture, culture teaching, intercultural competence, English language coursebooks DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/101-01 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Testing of the effect of investor attention of stock market return and volatility: Evidence in Vietnam stock market.

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    This study investigates the relationship between investors’ attention, which is measured by Google search volume index, and the index performance (index return and volatility) in Vietnamese stock market. I will test the role of attention in predicting market performance. Moreover, past return will be considered when measuring the impact of investors’ attention on future return and volatility. The data is obtained weekly from December, 2006 to November, 2014. Stock indices are Vnindex and Hastc. Google Search Volume Index (SVI) is used as a measure for investors’ attention. Granger causality test, VAR estimations and OLS method are applied in this study in order to test whether investors’ attention is useful in predicting future stock performance and the sign of this effect as well as how the effect of investor attention is affected by changes in the past return. Results show that both index return and volatility of Vnindex are fairly quickly influenced by search volume. This impact is not influenced by the sign of past return as well as the past return. In case of Hastc, there exists a delay in the impact of past search volume on the index return. Moreover, this impact will increase conditional on a unit change in the past return of Hastc. In the opposite direction, the results also suggest that search volume index is also affected by index return and volatility.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Situation and solutions to implement social security policies in Nga Son district, Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam

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    Analyze the current situation and propose solutions in the implementation of social security policies in Nga Son district, Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam. 155 family support representatives who are enjoying social security policies in 3 sample units: Nga Thuy, Nga Thang and Nga Son town, the sample is taken based on general consultation and guidance of functional departments related to social security policy implementation in Nga Son district , Thanh Hoa province. Statistics and description of the actual situation of implementing social welfare policy in Nga Son district, Thanh Hoa province in terms of: job creation policy, income; social insurance policies, preferential policies and social allowances, basic social service policies. From there, propose solutions to improve the efficiency of organization and implementation of social security policies in Nga Son district, Thanh Hoa province. Conclusion: The study has successfully analyzed the actual situation of implementing social security policies in Nga Son district, Thanh Hoa province in the period of 2020-2022, specifically in the following contents: Employment, income, employment policy, social insurance, social incentives and allowances, basic social services. The policy implementation process still has a number of limitations, such as: The planning policies to organize the implementation still do not have the participation of the people in the implementation process, mainly from the top down. , there has not been much participation of policy beneficiaries. From those limitations, study the orientation of implementing social security policies in Nga Son district and propose 4 groups of possible solutions


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    This paper aims to quantify the amount of water surface evaporation with special regard to the EWM evaporation pan and to relate the direct measurements to the Penman and other empirical equations. Based on the available 10-minute interval data on the EWM pan evaporation and the data on precipitation for the same intervals, the net water surface evaporation was estimated for the period from July 2010 to October 2012 (excluding the time EWM pan did not function in winter). From the processing data, raingauge appeared to underestimate the actual precipitation on average 5:3 times, and malfunction when heavy rains occurred. Thus, the net evaporation was estimated only from the fluctuation of water level in EWM pan. Other available weather data, including the dry/wet bulb temperature, water surface temperature, air humidity, wind speed and short-wave solar radiation were also summarized and corrected. These data were then used as input for the Penman equations to obtain semi-empirical daily values of evaporation from water surface. A comparison between the evaporation rates directly measured and those calculated by different methods shows that different values of albedo would improve the performance of the Penman equations. The result of this study contributed to optimization of the EWM data processing methods and to the analysis of variation of water surface evaporation within the diurnal cycle, as well as over longer periods

    Conception et synthèse de macrocycles pouvant s'empiler en nanotubes supramoléculaires ou agir comme agonistes opioïde delta

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    Cet ouvrage porte sur les macrocycles organiques. Une introduction générale sur les propriétés des macrocycles et leurs rôles dans la chimie des matériaux et le développment des médicaments est présentée en premier lieu pour expliquer notre intérêt particulier sur cette classe de molécules. Le premier chapitre parle d’une nouvelle conception des nanotubes supramoléculaires par auto-assemblage des macrocycles de forme persistante. Nous avons exploité la capacité d’auto-assembler des différents types de cyclopeptides de squelette rigidifié en structures nanotubulaires. Cette approche a aussi été bien étudiée par plusieurs groupes de recherche de la littérature. Une caractéristique commune dans toutes ces conceptions est le besoin des fonctions amides qui sont disposées à l’intérieur du macrocycle et responsables des ponts Hydrogènes intermoléculaires pour diriger l’auto-organisation en nanotubes. Cette approche fonctionnait bien mais trouve limitée dans le cas où la structure cyclique manque des motifs (en particulier les amides) responsables de l’auto-assemblage par exemple les structures π-conjuguées. Pour ce genre de molécules, l’incorporation des longues chaînes latérales alkyles en périphérie du cycle représente la méthode habituelle pour obtenir l’empilement efficace entre les molécules. Par contre, le matériau formé présente souvent un désordre moléculaire et une faible cristallinité. Nous proposons une meilleure conception pour stimuler la croissance unidimensionnelle en ajoutant les fonctions amides susceptibles des liaisons Hydrogène intermoléculaire en périphérie du cycle. La tribenzocyclyne (TBC) est choisie comme échafaudage pour examiner cette stratégie qui n’a jamais été appliquée et rapportée sur un système cyclique pour le même objectif. L’intensité et la directionnalité des interactions Hydrogène supporteraient l’auto-organisation efficace de ces dérivés de TBC en nanotubes comme manifestée par quelques calculs semi-empiriques. De différentes générations de TBC portant des amides latéraux ont été conçues, synthétisées et discutées pour améliorer la synthèse et pouvoir obtenir l’arrangement désiré des molécules. Afin de favoriser la compréhension sur les nanotubes supramoléculaires, une introduction sur la chimie supramoléculaire, les interactions non-covalentes et les différentes approches vers les nanotubes supramoléculaires est résumée en détail. Toujours concernant les marcocycles, le deuxième chapitre aborde la conception des nouveaux agonistes cycliques ciblant le récepteur opioïde δ (DOPr). Les résultats préliminaires obtenus par notre groupe ont permi de proposer une conformation de Leu-enképhaline (LENK), le ligand endogène activant le DOPr, qui est très probablement celle trouvée dans le site actif de DOPr. En basant sur ce modèle, nous voulons concevoir des macrocycles dont le squelette est fixé plus ou moins vers cette conformation active hypothétique en incorporant les espaceurs appropriés entre les pharmacophores. Les nouvelles molécules sont considérées comme candidats-agonistes sélectifs δ car la conception fixerait la conformation spécifique pour la liaison avec le DOPr au lieu des autres récepteurs opioïdes surtout le μ (MOPr). L’objectif à long terme de ce projet, qui est en collaboration avec le laboratoire du Professeur Louis Gendron, est d’obtenir les agonistes sélectifs δ puissants pour soulager les douleurs sévères et/ou chroniques avec les effets secondaires réduits ou éliminés. Ces effets indésirables constituent le problème majeur qui limite l’efficacité ou suspend la médication des agonistes opioïdes telles que la morphine dans le traitement de la douleur. Pour comprendre mieux l’arrivée des nouveaux macrocycles synthétisés et discutés dans ce chapitre, une introduction générale sur la douleur et les traitements actuels, les récepteurs opioïdes et leur rôle dans la modulation de la douleur est présentée en premier lieu. Les résultats préliminaires par notre groupe et les collaborations sont aussi résumées. Finalement, une concise annexe sur l’exploration d’une nouvelle conception de nanosphères supramoléculaires est ajoutée en dernier lieu. Ces nanocapsules résulteraient de l’auto-assemblage des dérivés de corannulène portant des amides latéraux, ce qui imitent la structure de la capside sphérique chez plusieurs virus

    Updated molecular phylogenetic data for Opisthorchis spp. (Trematoda: Opisthorchioidea) from ducks in Vietnam

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    Background: An opisthorchiid liver fluke was recently reported from ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) in Binh Dinh Province of Central Vietnam, and referred to as "Opisthorchis viverrini-like". This species uses common cyprinoid fishes as second intermediate hosts as does Opisthorchis viverrini, with which it is sympatric in this province. In this study, we refer to the liver fluke from ducks as "Opisthorchis sp. BD2013", and provide new sequence data from the mitochondrial (mt) genome and the nuclear ribosomal transcription unit. A phylogenetic analysis was conducted to clarify the basal taxonomic position of this species from ducks within the genus Opisthorchis (Digenea: Opisthorchiidae). Methods: Adults and eggs of liver flukes were collected from ducks, metacercariae from fishes (Puntius brevis, Rasbora aurotaenia, Esomus metallicus) and cercariae from snails (Bithynia funiculata) in different localities in Binh Dinh Province. From four developmental life stage samples (adults, eggs, metacercariae and cercariae), the complete cytochrome b (cob), nicotinamide dehydrogenase subunit 1 (nad1) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) genes, and near-complete 18S and partial 28S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences were obtained by PCR-coupled sequencing. The alignments of nucleotide sequences of concatenated cob + nad1 + cox1, and of concatenated 18S + 28S were separately subjected to phylogenetic analyses. Homologous sequences from other trematode species were included in each alignment. Results: Phylogenetic trees were inferred from concatenated (cob + nad1 + cox1) nucleotide sequences and combined 18S + 28S nucleotide sequences of five Opisthorchis sp. BD2013 samples and additional reference taxa. Both trees demonstrated the anticipated clustering of taxa within the superfamily Opisthorchioidea, the paraphyly of the genus Opisthorchis and the sister-species relationship of Opisthorchis sp. BD2013 with O. viverrini. Conclusions: While it is likely that Opisthorchis sp. BD2013 is distinct from O. viverrini, it is clearly a sister taxon of O. viverrini within the limited number of Opisthorchis species for which appropriate sequence data are available. The new sequences provided here will assist the diagnosis and the taxonomic clarification of the opisthorchiid species

    Perceptual Learning Style Preference for Medical Terminology: A Case Study of 20 ESP Students

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    Due to the globalization, there has been a great demand for learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in different fields. How to teach medical terminology effectively to pre-service medical professionals is one of the main challenges that ESP instructors encounter in their English in Medicine classrooms. A variety of factors, including but are not limited to student learning style preference, prior knowledge, classroom facilities should be considered. In this study, we conducted a case study of 20 students in an ESP class to explore their learning style preference. This study employed two data collection instruments: questionnaire and interview. Data analysis interestingly revealed that the location of students’ secondary education has an influence on their perceptual learning style preference of medical terminology at tertiary level. Drawing on the results, this study argues for a balance between student learning preference and teaching mythology. Keywords: ESP, perceptual learning style preference, medical terminology DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/66-06 Publication date:March 31st 202

    A Phenomenological Study of Writing Error Correction: Perspectives of an English Language Learner in Two Different Contexts

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    In second language writing, student errors in grammatical structure, word choice, or idea expression are a common phenomenon. How these errors should be treated poses a challenging question. In this qualitative study I attempt to explore the impacts of some current methods of error correction in second language writing through a phenomenological study of an English language learners who studied in Vietnam and the United States. The study participant was invited to reflect his learning experiences in an interview with the researcher. Theme-based analysis of the interview revealed that the manner in which teachers correct errors can have a considerable impact on student motivation to improve second language writing. The study participant indicated that over-correction of language errors inhibited his motivation to write in second language and that language teachers may consider providing an adequate amount of correction and feedback. Pedagogical recommendations are made to help teachers make appropriate corrections for their students’ writing papers. Keywords: second language writing, error correction, theme analysis DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/94-02 Publication date: December 31st 202


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    Purpose: To evaluate the Vietnamese electronics industry (EI) by analyzing its successes and shortcomings in recent years in comparison with other Southeast Asian countries, as well as the problems faced by the young industries in Vietnam in the course of its development and identify their abilities to participate in the global value chain. Methodology: Systems approach was used to analyze the status of Vietnam’s EI. The advantages and the results achieved by EI are assessed and described with the help of objective data from statistical and officially published sources. Main Findings: The position of Vietnam’s EI in the context of growing industry 4.0 was recognized. Its dependence on imports and other reasons that affect its efficiency and competitiveness were identified in the study. The Government should provide adequate support for the development of priority area including EI within the framework of national policies and encourage import substitution program of the industrial enterprises. Applications: Research results could be used for providing recommendations for making Vietnam's electronic industry development policy and import substitution program in the future. Novelty/ Originality: Study considered the effects of inconsistent structure, import dependence of production, lack of unified government control, quality of labor, etc. in gross output and export revenue

    Education and Economic Growth in Vietnam

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    The relationship between education and economic growth has always been considered a fundamental concern of many economists as well as governments. This research provides empirical evidence of the education true effects are not well understood, especially in Vietnam. This research provides empirical evidence of the influences of education in Vietnam’s economy, more specifically on Vietnam’s productivity, from the period 2000 to 2015. The paper find that the final findings are supportive to the hypothesis made: education is critical factor of economic enhancement. More specifically, primary and secondary schooling levels better the productivity of the economy estimated by the Total Factor Productivity and the GDP growth. Keywords: GPD growth, social return, TFP DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-6-02 Publication date: February 29th 202
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